public static Image DrawTStatisticSpectrogramsOfSingleIndex(string key, LDSpectrogramRGB cs1, LDSpectrogramRGB cs2, double tStatThreshold)
            var image1 = cs1.DrawGreyscaleSpectrogramOfIndex(key);
            var image2 = cs2.DrawGreyscaleSpectrogramOfIndex(key);

            if (image1 == null || image2 == null)
                Console.WriteLine("WARNING: From method ColourSpectrogram.DrawTStatisticGreyscaleSpectrogramOfIndex()");
                Console.WriteLine("         Null image returned with key: {0}", key);

            //frame image 1
            int nyquist      = cs1.SampleRate / 2;
            int herzInterval = 1000;

            string title    = $"{key} SPECTROGRAM for: {cs1.FileName}.      (scale:hours x kHz)";
            var    titleBar = LDSpectrogramRGB.DrawTitleBarOfGrayScaleSpectrogram(title, image1.Width);

            image1 = LDSpectrogramRGB.FrameLDSpectrogram(image1, titleBar, cs1, nyquist, herzInterval);

            //frame image 2
            title    = $"{key} SPECTROGRAM for: {cs2.FileName}.      (scale:hours x kHz)";
            titleBar = LDSpectrogramRGB.DrawTitleBarOfGrayScaleSpectrogram(title, image2.Width);
            image2   = LDSpectrogramRGB.FrameLDSpectrogram(image2, titleBar, cs1, nyquist, herzInterval);

            //get matrices required to calculate matrix of t-statistics
            double[,] avg1 = cs1.GetSpectrogramMatrix(key);
            if (key.Equals("ENT"))
                avg1 = MatrixTools.SubtractValuesFromOne(avg1);

            double[,] std1 = cs1.GetStandarDeviationMatrix(key);
            double[,] avg2 = cs2.GetSpectrogramMatrix(key);
            if (key.Equals("ENT"))
                avg2 = MatrixTools.SubtractValuesFromOne(avg2);

            double[,] std2 = cs2.GetStandarDeviationMatrix(key);

            //draw a spectrogram of t-statistic values
            //double[,] tStatMatrix = SpectrogramDifference.GetTStatisticMatrix(avg1, std1, cs1.SampleCount, avg2, std2, cs2.SampleCount);
            //Image image3 = SpectrogramDifference.DrawTStatisticSpectrogram(tStatMatrix);
            //titleBar = SpectrogramDifference.DrawTitleBarOfTStatisticSpectrogram(cs1.BaseName, cs2.BaseName, image1.Width, titleHt);
            //image3 = ColourSpectrogram.FrameSpectrogram(image3, titleBar, minOffset, cs2.X_interval, cs2.Y_interval);

            //draw a difference spectrogram derived from by thresholding a t-statistic matrix
            var image4 = DrawDifferenceSpectrogramDerivedFromSingleTStatistic(key, cs1, cs2, tStatThreshold, ColourGain);

            title    = string.Format("{0} DIFFERENCE SPECTROGRAM (thresholded by t-statistic={3}) for: {1} - {2}.      (scale:hours x kHz)", key, cs1.FileName, cs2.FileName, tStatThreshold);
            titleBar = LDSpectrogramRGB.DrawTitleBarOfGrayScaleSpectrogram(title, image2.Width);
            image4   = LDSpectrogramRGB.FrameLDSpectrogram(image4, titleBar, cs2, nyquist, herzInterval);

            var combinedImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(image1, image2, image4);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        } // method DrawRidgeSpectrograms()

        public static Image DrawRidgeSpectrograms(DirectoryInfo inputDirectory, FileInfo ipConfig, string fileStem, double scale, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> spectra = null)
            string analysisType = AcousticIndices.TowseyAcoustic;

            //double backgroundFilter = 0.0; // 0.0 means small values are removed.
            double backgroundFilter = 0.75;  // 0.75 means small values are accentuated.
            var    dataScale        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(scale);

            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(ipConfig);

            string[] keys = SpectralPeakTracks.GetDefaultRidgeKeys();

            // read the csv files of the indices in keys array
            if (spectra == null)
                spectra = IndexMatrices.ReadSpectralIndices(inputDirectory, fileStem, analysisType, keys);

            var cs1 = new LDSpectrogramRGB(minuteOffset: TimeSpan.Zero, xScale: dataScale, sampleRate: 22050, frameWidth: 512, colorMap: null)
                FileName                 = fileStem,
                BackgroundFilter         = backgroundFilter,
                IndexCalculationDuration = dataScale,

            // set the relevant dictionary of index properties
            cs1.SpectrogramMatrices = spectra;
            if (cs1.GetCountOfSpectrogramMatrices() == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("WARNING:  " + fileStem + ":   No spectrogram matrices in the dictionary. Spectrogram files do not exist?");
            else if (cs1.GetCountOfSpectrogramMatrices() < keys.Length)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("WARNING:  " + fileStem + ":   Missing indices in the dictionary. Some files do not exist?");

            var stringFont = Drawing.Tahoma8;

            // constants for labels
            Color[]       color       = { Color.Blue, Color.Green, Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Purple };
            int           labelYvalue = 3;
            int           labelIndex  = 0;
            Image <Rgb24> ridges      = null;

            foreach (string key in keys)
                Image <Rgb24> greyScaleImage = (Image <Rgb24>)cs1.DrawGreyscaleSpectrogramOfIndex(key);
                var           pixelWidth     = greyScaleImage.Width;

                int height = greyScaleImage.Height;
                ridges.Mutate(g2 =>
                    if (ridges == null)
                        ridges = new Image <Rgb24>(pixelWidth, height);

                    g2.DrawText(key, stringFont, color[labelIndex], new PointF(0, labelYvalue));
                labelYvalue += 10;

                //g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 0, width, 0);//draw upper boundary
                //g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 1, width, 1);//draw upper boundary

                // transfer greyscale image to colour image
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < pixelWidth; x++)
                        var col = greyScaleImage[x, y];
                        if (col.G < 150)
                            ridges[x, y] = color[labelIndex];

                labelIndex += 1;
            } //foreach key

        } // method DrawRidgeSpectrograms()
Ejemplo n.º 3
        } // method DrawAggregatedSpectrograms()

        public static Image <Rgb24> DrawGrayScaleSpectrograms(Arguments arguments, string fileStem, TimeSpan dataScale, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> spectra = null)
            // default values
            int sampleRate = 22050;
            int frameWidth = 512;

            //double backgroundFilter = 0.0; // 0.0 means small values are removed.
            double backgroundFilter = 0.75;  // 0.75 means small values are accentuated.
            string analysisType     = AcousticIndices.TowseyAcoustic;

            string[] keys           = LDSpectrogramRGB.GetArrayOfAvailableKeys();
            var      inputDirectory = arguments.InputDataDirectory;
            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(arguments.IndexPropertiesConfig.ToFileInfo());

            if (spectra == null)
                spectra = IndexMatrices.ReadSpectralIndices(inputDirectory.ToDirectoryInfo(), fileStem, analysisType, keys);

            // note: the spectra are oriented as per visual orientation, i.e. xAxis = time frames
            //int frameCount = spectra[keys[0]].GetLength(1);
            var cs1 = new LDSpectrogramRGB(minuteOffset: TimeSpan.Zero, xScale: dataScale, sampleRate: sampleRate, frameWidth: frameWidth, colorMap: null)
                FileName                 = fileStem,
                BackgroundFilter         = backgroundFilter,
                IndexCalculationDuration = dataScale,

            cs1.SetSpectralIndexProperties(indexProperties); // set the relevant dictionary of index properties
            cs1.SpectrogramMatrices = spectra;
            if (cs1.GetCountOfSpectrogramMatrices() == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("WARNING:  " + fileStem + ":   No spectrogram matrices in the dictionary. Spectrogram files do not exist?");

            var list       = new List <Image <Rgb24> >();
            var stringFont = Drawing.Arial14;

            foreach (string key in keys)
                var image = cs1.DrawGreyscaleSpectrogramOfIndex(key);

                int width  = 70;
                int height = image.Height;
                var label  = new Image <Rgb24>(width, height);
                label.Mutate(g1 =>
                    g1.DrawText(key, stringFont, Color.Black, new PointF(4, 30));
                    g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 0, width, 0); //draw upper boundary
                    g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 1, width, 1); //draw upper boundary
                var imagearray    = new[] { label, image };
                var labelledImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(imagearray);
            } //foreach key

            var combinedImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(list);

        } // method DrawGrayScaleSpectrograms()
Ejemplo n.º 4
        } // method DrawAggregatedSpectrograms()

        public static Image DrawGrayScaleSpectrograms(Arguments arguments, string fileStem, TimeSpan dataScale, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> spectra = null)
            int sampleRate = 22050;
            int frameWidth = 512;

            //double backgroundFilter = 0.0; // 0.0 means small values are removed.
            double backgroundFilter = 0.75;  // 0.75 means small values are accentuated.
            string analysisType     = AcousticIndices.TowseyAcoustic;

            string[] keys = LDSpectrogramRGB.GetArrayOfAvailableKeys();

            //LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Spectrogram Config      file: " + arguments.SpectrogramConfigPath);
            //LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Index Properties Config file: " + arguments.IndexPropertiesConfig);
            var inputDirectory = arguments.InputDataDirectory;
            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(arguments.IndexPropertiesConfig.ToFileInfo());

            if (spectra == null)
                spectra = IndexMatrices.ReadSpectralIndices(inputDirectory.ToDirectoryInfo(), fileStem, analysisType, keys);

            // note: the spectra are oriented as per visual orientation, i.e. xAxis = time frames
            //int frameCount = spectra[keys[0]].GetLength(1);
            var cs1 = new LDSpectrogramRGB(minuteOffset: TimeSpan.Zero, xScale: dataScale, sampleRate: sampleRate, frameWidth: frameWidth, colourMap: null)
                FileName                 = fileStem,
                BackgroundFilter         = backgroundFilter,
                IndexCalculationDuration = dataScale,

            cs1.SetSpectralIndexProperties(indexProperties); // set the relevant dictionary of index properties
            cs1.SpectrogramMatrices = spectra;
            if (cs1.GetCountOfSpectrogramMatrices() == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("WARNING:  " + fileStem + ":   No spectrogram matrices in the dictionary. Spectrogram files do not exist?");

            List <Image> list       = new List <Image>();
            Font         stringFont = new Font("Arial", 14);

            foreach (string key in keys)
                var image = cs1.DrawGreyscaleSpectrogramOfIndex(key);

                int width  = 70;
                int height = image.Height;
                var label  = new Bitmap(width, height);
                var g1     = Graphics.FromImage(label);
                g1.DrawString(key, stringFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF(4, 30));
                g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), 0, 0, width, 0); //draw upper boundary
                g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), 0, 1, width, 1); //draw upper boundary

                Image[] imagearray    = { label, image };
                var     labelledImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(imagearray);
            } //foreach key

            var combinedImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(list.ToArray());

        } // method DrawGrayScaleSpectrograms()