Ejemplo n.º 1
        public LAMatch GetMatch(Match riotmatch)
            LAMatch match = new LAMatch(); // Renamed Match to LAMatch, not a perfect name but works

            match.MatchID         = riotmatch.GameId;
            match.RegionID        = (int)Region.Na;
            match.DatePlayed      = riotmatch.GameCreation;
            match.DurationSeconds = riotmatch.GameDuration.TotalSeconds;
            match.SeasonID        = riotmatch.SeasonId;
            match.GameVersion     = riotmatch.GameVersion;
            match.GameMode        = riotmatch.GameMode;
            match.GameType        = riotmatch.GameType;
            match.MapID           = riotmatch.MapId;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Summary:
        // Honestly I'm not 100% on inserting all of these huge objects properly, here we go!
        protected void btnTestInsertMatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string message   = "";
                var    riotMatch = api.Match.GetMatchAsync(Region.Na, 3223236153).Result;

                LAMatch newMatch = new LAMatch(riotMatch.GameId, (int)Region.Na, riotMatch.GameCreation, riotMatch.GameDuration.TotalSeconds,
                                               riotMatch.SeasonId, riotMatch.GameVersion, riotMatch.GameMode, riotMatch.GameType, riotMatch.MapId);
                message         = matchIO.InsertMatch(newMatch).ToString();
                lblMessage.Text = message;
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Summary:
        // If the summoner exists pull summoner data
        // If the summoner doesn't exist insert into db
        protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Summoner searchedSummoner;
            Summoner queriedSummoner;
            LAMatch  match;

                string search     = txtSearch.Text;
                string summonerID = "";
                string accountID  = "";
                string message    = "";

                // Just making sure the text box isn't blank, I will also add a validation later
                if (search != "")
                    var summoner = api.Summoner.GetSummonerByNameAsync(Region.Na, search).Result;
                    summonerID       = summoner.Id;
                    accountID        = summoner.AccountId;
                    searchedSummoner = new Summoner(summonerID, summoner.Name, summoner.AccountId, summoner.ProfileIconId);

                    // If exists, return info
                    if (summonerIO.SummonerExists(summonerID))
                        // TODO:
                        // Check each match if exists in the DB
                        // Check for participants and their stats
                        queriedSummoner = summonerIO.GetSummonerByID(summonerID);
                        var matches = api.Match.GetMatchListAsync(Region.Na, accountID).Result.Matches;
                        // To do this i believe i have to search each match via riot's api :( big oof
                        int matchlistlen = matches.Count;

                        //for (int x = 0; x < 1; x++) // 1 most recent matches?
                        for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) // 10 most recent matches
                            // If the match already exists in the DB
                            // Don't Search for it via the Riot API and
                            // Don't try inserting it in the DB
                            if (!matchIO.MatchExists(matches[x].GameId))
                                // I assume I am going to get rate limited by this
                                var riotmatch = api.Match.GetMatchAsync(Region.Na, matches[x].GameId).Result;
                                match                 = new LAMatch(); // I see why i'm having warnings now :( I should rename this
                                match.MatchID         = riotmatch.GameId;
                                match.RegionID        = (int)Region.Na;
                                match.DatePlayed      = riotmatch.GameCreation; // This might be in accurate
                                match.DurationSeconds = riotmatch.GameDuration.TotalSeconds;
                                match.SeasonID        = riotmatch.SeasonId;
                                match.GameVersion     = riotmatch.GameVersion;
                                match.GameMode        = riotmatch.GameMode;
                                match.GameType        = riotmatch.GameType;
                                match.MapID           = riotmatch.MapId;

                                // Need to make sure to pass in the RiotSharp match
                                // This will also insert the stats
                                var participants = participantManager.GetMatchParticipants(riotmatch);
                                message += match.MatchID + "<br />";
                                for (int y = 0; y < participants.Count; y++)
                                    message += participants[y].SummonerID + "<br />";
                    else   // If not exists, insert summoner and then output generic return code
                        // TODO: Since they do not exists their matches also 'should' not exist in the DB
                        // So we need to insert them
                        message += summonerIO.InsertSummoner(searchedSummoner).ToString();
                    message = "Please search a summoner!";

                lblMessage.Text = message;

            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: Proper Exception catching