Ejemplo n.º 1
 public ColorSegment(int col, int len, bool rev, L2LConf c)
     mColor   = col;
     mLen     = len / (c.vectorfilling ? c.fres : c.res);
     mReverse = rev;
     mConf    = c;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void LoadImageL2L(Bitmap bmp, string filename, L2LConf c)

            long start = Tools.HiResTimer.TotalMilliseconds;


            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G90"));
            //use travel speed
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("F{0}", c.travelSpeed)));
            //move fast to offset
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G0 X{0} Y{1}", formatnumber(c.oX), formatnumber(c.oY))));
            if (c.pwm)
                list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} S0", c.lOn)));                 //laser on and power to zero
                list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} S255", c.lOff)));                 //laser off and power to maxpower
            //set speed to markspeed
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G1 F{0}", c.markSpeed)));
            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G91"));

            ImageLine2Line(bmp, c);

            //laser off
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(c.lOff));
            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G90"));
            //move fast to origin
            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G0 X0 Y0"));

            long elapsed = Tools.HiResTimer.TotalMilliseconds - start;

            if (OnFileLoaded != null)
                OnFileLoaded(elapsed, filename);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ImageLine2Line(Bitmap bmp, L2LConf c)
            bool fast = false;
            List <ColorSegment> segments = GetSegments(bmp, c);
            List <GrblCommand>  temp     = new List <GrblCommand>();

            foreach (ColorSegment seg in segments)
                bool changespeed = (fast != seg.Fast);        //se veloce != dafareveloce

                if (seg.IsSeparator && !fast)                 //fast = previous segment contains S0 color
                    if (c.pwm)
                        temp.Add(new GrblCommand("S0"));
                        temp.Add(new GrblCommand(c.lOff));                         //laser off

                fast = seg.Fast;

                if (changespeed)
                    temp.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} F{1} {2}", fast ? "G0" : "G1", fast ? c.travelSpeed : c.markSpeed, seg.ToString())));
                    temp.Add(new GrblCommand(seg.ToString()));

                //if (seg.IsSeparator)
                //	list.Add(new GrblCommand(lOn));

            temp = OptimizeLine2Line(temp, c);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ExtractSegment(Bitmap image, int x, int y, bool reverse, ref int len, ref int prevCol, List <ColorSegment> rv, L2LConf c)
            int col = GetColor(image, x, y, c.minPower, c.maxPower, c.pwm);

            if (prevCol == -1)
                prevCol = col;

            if (prevCol != col)
                if (c.dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Horizontal)
                    rv.Add(new XSegment(prevCol, len, reverse, c));
                else if (c.dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Vertical)
                    rv.Add(new YSegment(prevCol, len, reverse, c));
                else if (c.dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Diagonal)
                    rv.Add(new DSegment(prevCol, len, reverse, c));

                len = 0;

            prevCol = col;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private List <ColorSegment> GetSegments(Bitmap bmp, L2LConf c)
            bool uni = SettingsManager.Shared.UniDirectionalEngraving;

            List <ColorSegment> rv = new List <ColorSegment>();

            if (c.dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Horizontal || c.dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Vertical)
                bool h = (c.dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Horizontal);                 //horizontal/vertical

                for (int i = 0; i < (h ? bmp.Height : bmp.Width); i++)
                    bool d       = uni || IsEven(i);               //direct/reverse
                    int  prevCol = -1;
                    int  len     = -1;

                    for (int j = d ? 0 : (h ? bmp.Width - 1 : bmp.Height - 1); d ? (j < (h ? bmp.Width : bmp.Height)) : (j >= 0); j = (d ? j + 1 : j - 1))
                        ExtractSegment(bmp, h ? j : i, h ? i : j, !d, ref len, ref prevCol, rv, c);                         //extract different segments
                    if (h)
                        rv.Add(new XSegment(prevCol, len + 1, !d, c));                         //close last segment
                        rv.Add(new YSegment(prevCol, len + 1, !d, c)); //close last segment
                    if (uni)                                           // add "go back"
                        if (h)
                            rv.Add(new XSegment(0, bmp.Width, true, c));
                            rv.Add(new YSegment(0, bmp.Height, true, c));

                    if (i < (h ? bmp.Height - 1 : bmp.Width - 1))
                        if (h)
                            rv.Add(new VSeparator(c));                             //new line
                            rv.Add(new HSeparator(c));                             //new line
            else if (c.dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Diagonal)
                //based on: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1779199/traverse-matrix-in-diagonal-strips
                //based on: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2112832/traverse-rectangular-matrix-in-diagonal-strips

                 |  -         |
                 |  -  -      |
                 +-------+    |
                 |  -  - |  - |

                //the algorithm runs along the matrix for diagonal lines (slice index)
                //z1 and z2 contains the number of missing elements in the lower right and upper left
                //the length of the segment can be determined as "slice - z1 - z2"
                //my modified version of algorithm reverses travel direction each slice

                rv.Add(new VSeparator(c));                 //new line

                int w = bmp.Width;
                int h = bmp.Height;
                for (int slice = 0; slice < w + h - 1; ++slice)
                    bool d = uni || IsEven(slice);                     //direct/reverse

                    int prevCol = -1;
                    int len     = -1;

                    int z1 = slice < h ? 0 : slice - h + 1;
                    int z2 = slice < w ? 0 : slice - w + 1;

                    for (int j = (d ? z1 : slice - z2); d?j <= slice - z2 : j >= z1; j = (d ? j + 1 : j - 1))
                        ExtractSegment(bmp, j, slice - j, !d, ref len, ref prevCol, rv, c); //extract different segments
                    rv.Add(new DSegment(prevCol, len + 1, !d, c));                          //close last segment

                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("sl:{0} z1:{1} z2:{2}", slice, z1, z2));

                    if (uni)                     // add "go back"
                        int slen = (slice - z1 - z2) + 1;
                        rv.Add(new DSegment(0, slen, true, c));

                    if (slice < Math.Min(w, h) - 1)                     //first part of the image
                        if (d && !uni)
                            rv.Add(new HSeparator(c));                             //new line
                            rv.Add(new VSeparator(c));                             //new line
                    else if (slice >= Math.Max(w, h) - 1)                     //third part of image
                        if (d && !uni)
                            rv.Add(new VSeparator(c));                             //new line
                            rv.Add(new HSeparator(c));                             //new line
                    else                     //central part of the image
                        if (w > h)
                            rv.Add(new HSeparator(c));                             //new line
                            rv.Add(new VSeparator(c));                             //new line

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private List <GrblCommand> OptimizeLine2Line(List <GrblCommand> temp, L2LConf c)
            List <GrblCommand> rv = new List <GrblCommand>();

            decimal cumX     = 0;
            decimal cumY     = 0;
            bool    cumulate = false;

            foreach (GrblCommand cmd in temp)

                    bool oldcumulate = cumulate;

                    if (c.pwm)
                        if (cmd.S != null)                         //is S command
                            if (cmd.S.Number == 0)                 //is S command with zero power
                                cumulate = true;                   //begin cumulate
                                cumulate = false;                                  //end cumulate
                        if (cmd.IsLaserOFF)
                            cumulate = true;                               //begin cumulate
                        else if (cmd.IsLaserON)
                            cumulate = false;                              //end cumulate

                    if (oldcumulate && !cumulate)                     //cumulate down front -> flush
                        if (c.pwm)
                            rv.Add(new GrblCommand(string.Format("G0 X{0} Y{1} F{2} S0", formatnumber((double)cumX), formatnumber((double)cumY), c.travelSpeed)));
                            rv.Add(new GrblCommand(string.Format("G0 X{0} Y{1} F{2} {3}", formatnumber((double)cumX), formatnumber((double)cumY), c.travelSpeed, c.lOff)));

                        cumX = cumY = 0;

                    if (cumulate)                     //cumulate
                        if (cmd.IsMovement)
                            if (cmd.X != null)
                                cumX += cmd.X.Number;
                            if (cmd.Y != null)
                                cumY += cmd.Y.Number;
                    else                     //emit line normally
                catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }
                finally { cmd.DeleteHelper(); }

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void LoadImagePotrace(Bitmap bmp, string filename, bool UseSpotRemoval, int SpotRemoval, bool UseSmoothing, decimal Smoothing, bool UseOptimize, decimal Optimize, L2LConf c)
            long start = Tools.HiResTimer.TotalMilliseconds;


            Potrace.turdsize        = (int)(UseSpotRemoval ? SpotRemoval : 2);
            Potrace.alphamax        = UseSmoothing ? (double)Smoothing : 0.0;
            Potrace.opttolerance    = UseOptimize ? (double)Optimize : 0.2;
            Potrace.curveoptimizing = UseOptimize;             //optimize the path p, replacing sequences of Bezier segments by a single segment when possible.

            List <List <CsPotrace.Curve> > plist = Potrace.PotraceTrace(bmp);

            if (c.dir != RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.None)
                using (Bitmap ptb = new Bitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height))
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(ptb))
                        //Potrace.Export2GDIPlus(plist, g, Brushes.Black, null, (Math.Max(c.res/c.fres, 1) + 1) / 2.0f);
                        Potrace.Export2GDIPlus(plist, g, Brushes.Black, null, Math.Max(1, c.res / c.fres));
                        using (Bitmap resampled = RasterConverter.ImageTransform.ResizeImage(ptb, new Size((int)(bmp.Width * c.fres / c.res), (int)(bmp.Height * c.fres / c.res)), true, InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic))
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G90"));
                            //use travel speed
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("F{0}", c.travelSpeed)));
                            //move fast to offset
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G0 X{0} Y{1}", formatnumber(c.oX), formatnumber(c.oY))));
                            if (c.pwm)
                                list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} S0", c.lOn)));                                 //laser on and power to zero
                                list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} S255", c.lOff)));                                 //laser off and power to max power
                            //set speed to markspeed
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G1 F{0}", c.markSpeed)));
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G91"));

                            c.vectorfilling = true;
                            ImageLine2Line(resampled, c);

                            //laser off
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand(c.lOff));

            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G90"));
            //use travel speed
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("F{0}", c.travelSpeed)));
            //move fast to offset
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G0 X{0} Y{1}", formatnumber(c.oX), formatnumber(c.oY))));
            //laser off and power to maxPower
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} S{1}", c.lOff, c.maxPower)));
            //set speed to borderspeed
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G1 F{0}", c.borderSpeed)));

            //trace borders
            List <string> gc = Potrace.Export2GCode(plist, c.oX, c.oY, c.res, c.lOn, c.lOff, bmp.Size);

            foreach (string code in gc)
                list.Add(new GrblCommand(code));

            //laser off
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0}", c.lOff)));

            //move fast to origin
            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G0 X0 Y0"));

            long elapsed = Tools.HiResTimer.TotalMilliseconds - start;

            if (OnFileLoaded != null)
                OnFileLoaded(elapsed, filename);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public HSeparator(L2LConf c) : base(0, 1, false, c)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public DSegment(int col, int len, bool rev, L2LConf c) : base(col, len, rev, c)