Ejemplo n.º 1
	public void mainHandler(){

		/*Basic Info*/
		//make kuni list
		string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
		List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
		char[] delimiterChars = {','};
		seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));
		int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");

		//1. Randome choice Kassen Qty between 0,1,2,3
		//2. Ratio 50% check
		//3. Random choice Kassen Souce Kuni 1-65
		//4. Destination Check by Mapping
		//		if Same Daimyo between Kassen Souce & Destination Kuni => Skip
		//      else => Make guntai Instance
		//        	 4-1. Destination == myDaimyo
		//			 4-2. Destination == has own relation or master relation  

		List<string> messageList = new List<string> ();

		//Count Kassen Qty
		int kassenQty = CountEnemyAction ();

		for (int i=1; i<kassenQty+1; i++) {
			//Check Kassen or Not

			bool kassenFlg = CheckByProbability (kassenRatio);
			if (kassenFlg == true) {
				//target kuni extraction

				while (true) {
					int randomKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 65);
					string eDaimyo = seiryokuList [randomKuni - 1];
					string tDaimyo = "";
					bool doumeiFlg = false;

					if (eDaimyo != myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
						//Check Kuni Mapping
						List<int> targetKuniList = new List<int> ();
						KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();
						targetKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni (randomKuni);

						//Yukoudo Check
						int worstGaikouDaimyo = 0;
						int worstGaikouValue = 100;
						int worstGaikouKuni = 0;

						for (int k=0; k<targetKuniList.Count; k++) {
							tDaimyo = seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1];
							int gaikouValue = 0;

							if (eDaimyo != tDaimyo) {
								if (tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
									//Get Gaikou Value

									string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
									gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

								} else {
									//Gaikou Data Check
									string gaikouTemp = "";
									if (int.Parse (eDaimyo) < int.Parse (tDaimyo)) {
										gaikouTemp = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + tDaimyo;
									} else {
										gaikouTemp = tDaimyo + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;

									if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
										gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);

									} else {
										//non exist
										//gaikou check
										gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (int.Parse (eDaimyo), int.Parse (tDaimyo));


								//Compare with Previous one
								if (worstGaikouValue > gaikouValue) {
									worstGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
									worstGaikouDaimyo = int.Parse (tDaimyo);
									worstGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];

						}//Loop End

						//Create Guntai Instance
						if (worstGaikouValue != 100) {
							int kassenRatio2 = 100 - worstGaikouValue;

							//doumei check
							string doumeiCheck = "doumei" + eDaimyo;
								string cDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString(doumeiCheck);
								List<string> cDoumeiList = new List<string>();
									cDoumeiList = new List<string> (cDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));


								//If Doumei Daimyo -> Half Ratio
									doumeiFlg = true;
									kassenRatio2 = kassenRatio2/2;
									doumeiFlg = false;
							Debug.Log ("doumeiFlg:"+doumeiFlg +",src:"+eDaimyo +",dst:"+worstGaikouDaimyo + ",kassen Ratio:" + kassenRatio2);

							bool GaikouValueFlg = CheckByProbability (kassenRatio2);
							if (GaikouValueFlg) {
								//Make Guntai Instance
								string key = randomKuni.ToString () + "-" + worstGaikouKuni.ToString ();
								bool ExistFlg = false;

								//Exist Check Same Daimyo
								foreach (GameObject obs in  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei")){
									int gunzeiSrcDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent<Gunzei>().srcDaimyoId;

									if(int.Parse(eDaimyo) == gunzeiSrcDaimyoId){
										ExistFlg = true;

									string path = "Prefabs/Map/Gunzei";
									GameObject Gunzei = Instantiate (Resources.Load (path)) as GameObject;			
									Gunzei.transform.SetParent (GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
									Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);

									int srcX = kuni.getKuniLocationX(randomKuni);
									int srcY = kuni.getKuniLocationY(randomKuni);
									int dstX = kuni.getKuniLocationX(worstGaikouKuni);
									int dstY = kuni.getKuniLocationY(worstGaikouKuni);
									string direction = "";
									Gunzei gunzei = new Gunzei ();

									if(srcX < dstX){
										Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
										direction = "right";
										Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (-1, 1);
										direction = "left";
										Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().leftFlg = true;


									int aveX = (srcX + dstX)/2;
									int aveY = (srcY + dstY)/2;
									RectTransform GunzeiTransform = Gunzei.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
									GunzeiTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (aveX, aveY, 0);

									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().key = key;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcKuni = randomKuni;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId = int.Parse (eDaimyo);
									string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (int.Parse (eDaimyo));
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoName = srcDaimyoName;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstKuni = worstGaikouKuni;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId = worstGaikouDaimyo;
									string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (worstGaikouDaimyo);
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoName = dstDaimyoName;
									int myHei = gunzei.heiryokuCalc (randomKuni);
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().myHei = myHei;
									Gunzei.name = key;

									//Engun from Doumei
									Doumei doumei = new Doumei();
									List<string> doumeiDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
									bool dstEngunFlg = false;
									string dstEngunDaimyoId = ""; //2:3:5 
									string dstEngunHei = "";
									string dstEngunSts = ""; //BusyoId-BusyoLv-ButaiQty-ButaiLv:
									int totalEngunHei = 0;

									doumeiDaimyoList = doumei.doumeiExistCheck(worstGaikouDaimyo,eDaimyo);

									if(doumeiDaimyoList.Count != 0){
										//Doumei Exist

										//Trace Check
										List<string> okDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
										List<string> checkList = new List<string> ();
										okDaimyoList = doumei.traceNeighborDaimyo(worstGaikouKuni, worstGaikouDaimyo, doumeiDaimyoList, seiryokuList, checkList,okDaimyoList);

										if(okDaimyoList.Count !=0){
											//Doumei & Neghbor Daimyo Exist

											for(int k=0; k<okDaimyoList.Count; k++){
												string engunDaimyo = okDaimyoList[k];
												int yukoudo = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(int.Parse(engunDaimyo), worstGaikouDaimyo);

												//engun check

												dstEngunFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudo);
													//Engun OK
													dstEngunFlg = true;
													if(dstEngunDaimyoId !=null && dstEngunDaimyoId !=""){
														dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId + ":" + engunDaimyo;
														string tempEngunSts = getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
														int tempEngunHei = getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
														dstEngunHei = dstEngunHei + ":" + tempEngunHei.ToString();
														totalEngunHei = totalEngunHei + tempEngunHei;
														dstEngunSts = dstEngunSts + ":" + tempEngunSts;

														dstEngunDaimyoId = engunDaimyo;
														string tempEngunSts = getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
														int tempEngunHei = getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
														dstEngunHei = tempEngunHei.ToString();
														totalEngunHei = tempEngunHei;
														dstEngunSts = tempEngunSts;

											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunFlg = dstEngunFlg;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunHei = dstEngunHei;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunSts = dstEngunSts;

									//Set Value
									//CreateTime,srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId,srcDaimyoName,dstDaimyoName, srcHei,locationX,locationY,left or right, engunFlg, engunDaimyoId(A:B:C), dstEngunHei(1000:2000:3000), dstEngunSts
									string keyValue = "";
									string createTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString ();
									keyValue = createTime + "," + eDaimyo + "," + worstGaikouDaimyo + "," + srcDaimyoName + "," + dstDaimyoName + "," + myHei + "," + aveX + "," + aveY + "," + direction + "," + dstEngunFlg + "," + dstEngunDaimyoId + "," + dstEngunHei + ","+ dstEngunSts;
									PlayerPrefs.SetString (key, keyValue);
									string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("keyHistory");
									if(keyHistory == null || keyHistory == ""){
										keyHistory = key;
										keyHistory = keyHistory + "," + key;
									PlayerPrefs.SetString ("keyHistory", keyHistory);
									flush ();

									string kassenText = "";
										kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしましたぞ。";
										kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしましたぞ。\t同盟国が援軍" + totalEngunHei + "人を派兵しました。";
									messageList.Add (kassenText);

										//Delete doumei
										Debug.Log (eDaimyo +":"+ worstGaikouDaimyo);
										doumei.deleteDoumei(eDaimyo, worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString());

										//Zero Gaikou
										string tempYukou = "";
										if(tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString()){
											tempYukou = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
											if(worstGaikouDaimyo < int.Parse(eDaimyo)){
												tempYukou = worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString() + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
												tempYukou = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString();

										PlayerPrefs.Flush ();


		int gaikouQty = CountEnemyAction ();
		for (int i=1; i<gaikouQty+1; i++) {

			bool gaikouFlg = CheckByProbability (gaikouRatio);
			if (gaikouFlg == true) {
				//Do gaikou

				int randomKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
				int srcDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomKuni - 1]);
				string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);

				if (srcDaimyoId != myDaimyo) {
					int gaikouAction = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 3);

					if (gaikouAction == 1) {
						//1. yukoudo up(Mitsugimono) 

						bool yukoudoUpFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudoUpMissRatio);

						if (yukoudoUpFlg == true) {
							//Choose Target Daimyo
							int randomDstKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
							int dstDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomDstKuni - 1]);
							string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dstDaimyoId);

							if (srcDaimyoId != dstDaimyoId) {
								if (dstDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {
									//In the case that MyDaimyo receive Mitsugimono
									int addYukoudo = UpYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, dstDaimyoId);
									int addMoney = addYukoudo * 1000;
									string yukouUpText = srcDaimyoName + "殿が御屋形様に、金" + addMoney.ToString() + "の貢物を送って参りました。\t友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がります。";
									int myMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
									myMoney = myMoney + addMoney;
									flush ();
									GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = myMoney.ToString();

									messageList.Add (yukouUpText);

								} else {
									//In the case between other daimyos
									int addYukoudo = UpYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, dstDaimyoId);
									string yukouUpText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "に貢物をしました。友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がります。";
									messageList.Add (yukouUpText);

					} else if (gaikouAction == 2) {
						//2. yukoudo down(Ryugen)

						bool yukoudoDownFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudoDownMissRatio);

						if (yukoudoDownFlg == true) {
							//Choose Target Daimyo
							int randomDst1stKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
							int dst1stDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomDst1stKuni - 1]);

							int randomDst2ndKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
							int dst2ndDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomDst2ndKuni - 1]);
							if (dst1stDaimyoId != dst2ndDaimyoId) {
								int reduceYukoudo = 0;

								//My Daimyo
								if (dst1stDaimyoId == myDaimyo || dst2ndDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {
									string dstDaimyoName = "";
									if (dst1stDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {	
										reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, dst2ndDaimyoId);
										dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dst1stDaimyoId);
									if (dst2ndDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {	
										reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, dst1stDaimyoId);
										dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dst2ndDaimyoId);
									//string yukouDownText = srcDaimyoName + "が当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "に流言を流し、友好度が" + dstDaimyoName + "下がりました。";
									string yukouDownText = "何者かが当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "間に流言を流し、友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。";
									messageList.Add (yukouDownText);
								} else {
									reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithOther (dst1stDaimyoId, dst2ndDaimyoId);
									string dst1stDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dst1stDaimyoId);
									string dst2ndDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dst2ndDaimyoId);
									string yukouDownText = "何者かが" + dst1stDaimyoName + "と" + dst2ndDaimyoName +  "間に流言を流し、友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。";
									messageList.Add (yukouDownText);


					} else if (gaikouAction == 3) {
						bool doumeiFlg = CheckByProbability (doumeiRatio);

						if (doumeiFlg == true) {

					} else if (gaikouAction == 4) {





		/*Decrease Yukou with Doumei koku*/
		string myDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("doumei");
		List<string> myDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
		if (myDoumei != null && myDoumei != "") {
				myDoumeiList = new List<string> (myDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));
		for (int j=0; j<myDoumeiList.Count; j++) {
			string doumeiDaimyo = myDoumeiList[j];
			string yukouTemp = "gaikou" + doumeiDaimyo;
			int yukouWithDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (yukouTemp);
			int reduceYukou = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,3);
			yukouWithDoumei = yukouWithDoumei - reduceYukou;

			PlayerPrefs.SetInt (yukouTemp,yukouWithDoumei);

			/*Doumei Clear Check*/
				//My Doumei Clear
				string newMyDoumei = "";
				for(int i=0; i<myDoumeiList.Count; i++){
						newMyDoumei = myDoumeiList[i];
						newMyDoumei = newMyDoumei + "," + myDoumeiList[i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString ("doumei",newMyDoumei);

				//Opposite Doumei Clear
				string otherTemp = "doumei" + doumeiDaimyo;
				string otherDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString (otherTemp);
				List<string> otherDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
				if (otherDoumei != null && otherDoumei != "") {
						otherDoumeiList = new List<string> (otherDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));
				string newOtherDoumei = "";
				for(int i=0; i<otherDoumeiList.Count; i++){
						newOtherDoumei = otherDoumeiList[i];
						newOtherDoumei = newOtherDoumei + "," + otherDoumeiList[i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString (otherTemp,newOtherDoumei);

				//Icon & Flg Change
				KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();

				string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (int.Parse(doumeiDaimyo));
				string doumeiClearText = "友好度悪化により、当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "間の同盟が解消しました。";
				messageList.Add (doumeiClearText);



		if (messageList.Count != 0) {
			/*Common Process*/
			//make back
			string pathOfBack = "Prefabs/Common/TouchBack";
			GameObject back = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfBack)) as GameObject;
			back.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
			back.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);
			back.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0,0);

			//make board
			string pathOfBoard = "Prefabs/Event/EventBoard";
			GameObject board = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfBoard)) as GameObject;
			board.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
			board.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);

			string pathOfScroll = "Prefabs/Event/EventScrollView";
			GameObject scroll = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfScroll)) as GameObject;
			scroll.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);
			RectTransform scrollTransform = scroll.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
			scrollTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (0, -40, 0);

			string pathOfSlot = "Prefabs/Event/EventSlot";
			foreach (string text in messageList) {
				GameObject slot = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfSlot)) as GameObject;
				slot.transform.FindChild("EventText").GetComponent<Text>().text = text;
				slot.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);

Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void OnClick()
        audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();
        audioSources [5].Play();

        int hyourou    = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourou");
        int newHyourou = hyourou - 10;

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hyourou", newHyourou);
        GameObject.Find("HyourouCurrentValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newHyourou.ToString();

        int TrackToubatsuNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackToubatsuNo", 0);

        TrackToubatsuNo = TrackToubatsuNo + 1;
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackToubatsuNo", TrackToubatsuNo);

        MainStageController script = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <MainStageController> ();

        myKuniQty             = script.myKuniQty;
        myDaimyo              = script.myDaimyo;
        myKuniQtyIsBiggestFlg = GameObject.Find("bakuhuReturn").GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().myKuniQtyIsBiggestFlg;
        List <string> messageList = new List <string> ();

        //reduce yukoudo
        Gaikou   gaikou   = new Gaikou();
        DoGaikou doGaikou = new DoGaikou();
        int      myGaikouValueWithTarget = gaikou.getMyGaikou(targetDaimyoId);
        int      newYukoudoWithTarget    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(targetDaimyoId, myGaikouValueWithTarget, 50);
        int      reducedValueWithTarget  = myGaikouValueWithTarget - newYukoudoWithTarget;
        string   firstKassenText         = "";

        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            firstKassenText = "Declared " + targetDaimyoName + " attack order. \n Friendship reduced " + reducedValueWithTarget + " point.";
            firstKassenText = targetDaimyoName + "討伐を宣言しました。\n当家との友好度が" + reducedValueWithTarget + "下がります。";
        doGaikou.downYukouOnIcon(targetDaimyoId, newYukoudoWithTarget);

        //doumei check
        Doumei   doumei         = new Doumei();
        KuniInfo kuni           = new KuniInfo();
        bool     doumeiExistFlg = doumei.myDoumeiExistCheck(targetDaimyoId);

        if (doumeiExistFlg)
            doumei.deleteDoumei(myDaimyo.ToString(), targetDaimyoId.ToString());

            //Change Map & Yukoudo

        //Listup Target kuni Id
        string        seiryoku     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
        List <string> seiryokuList = new List <string> ();

        char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };
        seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));
        List <int> targetKuniList = new List <int> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
            if (int.Parse(seiryokuList [i]) == targetDaimyoId)
                int kuniId = i + 1;

        //Listup Available Open kuni
        List <string>           srcDstKuniList = new List <string> ();
        Entity_kuni_mapping_mst kuniMapMst     = Resources.Load("Data/kuni_mapping_mst") as Entity_kuni_mapping_mst;

        for (int j = 0; j < targetKuniList.Count; j++)
            int tmpTargetKuniId = targetKuniList [j];

            for (int i = 0; i < kuniMapMst.param.Count; i++)
                int temClearedKuniId = kuniMapMst.param[i].Souce;
                if (temClearedKuniId == tmpTargetKuniId)
                    int openKuniId = kuniMapMst.param [i].Open;

                    if (int.Parse(seiryokuList [openKuniId - 1]) != targetDaimyoId &&
                        int.Parse(seiryokuList [openKuniId - 1]) != myDaimyo)
                        srcDstKuniList.Add(openKuniId.ToString() + "-" + tmpTargetKuniId.ToString());

        for (int i = 0; i < srcDstKuniList.Count; i++)
            string temp        = srcDstKuniList[i];
            int    randomIndex = Random.Range(i, srcDstKuniList.Count);
            srcDstKuniList[i]           = srcDstKuniList[randomIndex];
            srcDstKuniList[randomIndex] = temp;

        /*Condition of succesful*/
        //1. number of own kuni is more thab twice as number as target ... 20%
        //2. number of own kuni is the largest ... 30%
        //3. relathionship btwn my party and src kuni is 100% ... 20%
        //4. relathionship btwn the other countiries each other is 0% ... 20%
        //5. attacker keep kuni number more than country receiving attack ... 10%

        if (myKuniQty > 2 * kuniQty)
            baseRatio = 20;

        if (myKuniQtyIsBiggestFlg)
            baseRatio = baseRatio + 30;

        //Make Gunzei
        char[]           delimiterChars2    = { '-' };
        GameObject       BakuhuKuniIconView = GameObject.Find("BakuhuKuniIconView").gameObject;
        string           path              = "Prefabs/Map/Gunzei";
        string           visualizePath     = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/ToubatsuSrcBusyo";
        GameObject       panel             = GameObject.Find("Panel").gameObject;
        Gunzei           gunzei            = new Gunzei();
        Daimyo           daimyo            = new Daimyo();
        MainEventHandler mEvent            = new MainEventHandler();
        List <int>       doneSrcDaimyoList = new List <int> ();

        for (int k = 0; k < srcDstKuniList.Count; k++)
            float indvRatio = 0;

            string        key        = srcDstKuniList[k];
            List <string> srcDstList = new List <string> ();
            srcDstList = new List <string> (key.Split(delimiterChars2));

            int srcKuniId = int.Parse(srcDstList[0]);
            int srcDaimyo = int.Parse(seiryokuList[srcKuniId - 1]);

            if (!doneSrcDaimyoList.Contains(srcDaimyo))
                bool ExistFlg = false;
                foreach (GameObject obs in  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei"))
                    int gunzeiSrcDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei>().srcDaimyoId;

                    if (srcDaimyo == gunzeiSrcDaimyoId)
                        ExistFlg = true;

                if (!ExistFlg)
                    int myGaikouValue = gaikou.getMyGaikou(srcDaimyo);
                    indvRatio = baseRatio + (float)myGaikouValue / 5;

                    int dstKuniId        = int.Parse(srcDstList [1]);
                    int dstDaimyo        = int.Parse(seiryokuList [dstKuniId - 1]);
                    int otherGaikouValue = gaikou.getOtherGaikouValue(srcDaimyo, dstDaimyo);
                    indvRatio = indvRatio + (float)((100 - otherGaikouValue) / 5);

                    int   srcKuniQty = BakuhuKuniIconView.transform.FindChild(srcDstList [0]).GetComponent <SendParam> ().kuniQty;
                    float addRatio   = 0;
                    if (srcKuniQty >= kuniQty)
                        addRatio  = 10;
                        indvRatio = indvRatio + addRatio;

                    //Success Check
                    float percent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;
                    if (percent <= indvRatio)
                        toubatsuFlg = true;
                        GameObject Gunzei = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;
                        Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);

                        GameObject minGunzei = Instantiate(Resources.Load(visualizePath)) as GameObject;
                        int    daimyoBusyoId = daimyo.getDaimyoBusyoId(srcDaimyo);
                        string daimyoPath    = "Prefabs/Player/Sprite/unit" + daimyoBusyoId.ToString();
                        minGunzei.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite =
                            Resources.Load(daimyoPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                        int    srcX      = kuni.getKuniLocationX(srcKuniId);
                        int    srcY      = kuni.getKuniLocationY(srcKuniId);
                        int    dstX      = kuni.getKuniLocationX(dstKuniId);
                        int    dstY      = kuni.getKuniLocationY(dstKuniId);
                        string direction = "";

                        if (srcX < dstX)
                            Gunzei.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                            minGunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(60, 72);
                            direction = "right";
                            Gunzei.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(-1, 1);
                            minGunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(-60, 72);
                            direction = "left";
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().leftFlg = true;

                        int           aveX            = (srcX + dstX) / 2;
                        int           aveY            = (srcY + dstY) / 2;
                        RectTransform GunzeiTransform = Gunzei.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        GunzeiTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(aveX, aveY, 0);

                        RectTransform minGunzeiTransform = minGunzei.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        float         minAveX            = (float)aveX * 0.8f;
                        float         minAveY            = (float)aveY * 0.65f;
                        minGunzeiTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((int)minAveX, (int)minAveY, 0);

                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().key         = key;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcKuni     = srcKuniId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId = srcDaimyo;
                        string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(srcDaimyo);
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoName = srcDaimyoName;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstKuni       = dstKuniId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId   = dstDaimyo;
                        string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyo);
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoName = dstDaimyoName;
                        int myHei = gunzei.heiryokuCalc(srcKuniId);

                        //random myHei from -50%-myHei
                        List <float> randomPercent = new List <float> {
                            0.8f, 0.9f, 1.0f
                        int   rmd = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, randomPercent.Count);
                        float per = randomPercent [rmd];
                        myHei = Mathf.CeilToInt(myHei * per);

                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().myHei = myHei;
                        Gunzei.name = key;

                        //Engun from Doumei
                        List <string> doumeiDaimyoList = new List <string> ();
                        bool          dstEngunFlg      = false;
                        string        dstEngunDaimyoId = "";             //2:3:5
                        string        dstEngunHei      = "";
                        string        dstEngunSts      = "";             //BusyoId-BusyoLv-ButaiQty-ButaiLv:
                        int           totalEngunHei    = 0;

                        //Doumei Check
                        doumeiDaimyoList = doumei.doumeiExistCheck(dstDaimyo, srcDaimyo.ToString());
                        string doumeiCheck = "doumei" + srcDaimyo;
                        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(doumeiCheck))
                            string        cDoumei     = PlayerPrefs.GetString(doumeiCheck);
                            List <string> cDoumeiList = new List <string>();
                            if (cDoumei.Contains(","))
                                cDoumeiList = new List <string> (cDoumei.Split(delimiterChars));

                            //If Doumei Daimyo -> Delete
                            if (cDoumeiList.Contains(dstDaimyo.ToString()))
                                doumei.deleteDoumei(srcDaimyo.ToString(), dstDaimyo.ToString());

                        if (doumeiDaimyoList.Count != 0)
                            //Doumei Exist

                            //Trace Check
                            List <string> okDaimyoList = new List <string> ();
                            List <string> checkList    = new List <string> ();
                            okDaimyoList = doumei.traceNeighborDaimyo(dstKuniId, dstDaimyo, doumeiDaimyoList, seiryokuList, checkList, okDaimyoList);

                            if (okDaimyoList.Count != 0)
                                //Doumei & Neghbor Daimyo Exist

                                for (int h = 0; h < okDaimyoList.Count; h++)
                                    string engunDaimyo = okDaimyoList[h];
                                    int    yukoudo     = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(int.Parse(engunDaimyo), dstDaimyo);

                                    //engun check

                                    dstEngunFlg = mEvent.CheckByProbability(yukoudo);
                                    if (dstEngunFlg)
                                        //Engun OK
                                        dstEngunFlg = true;
                                        if (dstEngunDaimyoId != null && dstEngunDaimyoId != "")
                                            dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId + ":" + engunDaimyo;
                                            string tempEngunSts = engunDaimyo + "-" + mEvent.getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
                                            int    tempEngunHei = mEvent.getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
                                            dstEngunHei   = dstEngunHei + ":" + tempEngunHei.ToString();
                                            totalEngunHei = totalEngunHei + tempEngunHei;
                                            dstEngunSts   = dstEngunSts + ":" + tempEngunSts;
                                            dstEngunDaimyoId = engunDaimyo;
                                            string tempEngunSts = engunDaimyo + "-" + mEvent.getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
                                            int    tempEngunHei = mEvent.getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
                                            dstEngunHei   = tempEngunHei.ToString();
                                            totalEngunHei = tempEngunHei;
                                            dstEngunSts   = tempEngunSts;
                                Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunFlg      = dstEngunFlg;
                                Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId;
                                Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunHei      = dstEngunHei;
                                Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunSts      = dstEngunSts;

                        //Set Value
                        //CreateTime,srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId,srcDaimyoName,dstDaimyoName, srcHei,locationX,locationY,left or right, engunFlg, engunDaimyoId(A:B:C), dstEngunHei(1000:2000:3000), dstEngunSts
                        string keyValue   = "";
                        string createTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        keyValue = createTime + "," + srcDaimyo + "," + dstDaimyo + "," + srcDaimyoName + "," + dstDaimyoName + "," + myHei + "," + aveX + "," + aveY + "," + direction + "," + dstEngunFlg + "," + dstEngunDaimyoId + "," + dstEngunHei + "," + dstEngunSts;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, keyValue);
                        string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString("keyHistory");
                        if (keyHistory == null || keyHistory == "")
                            keyHistory = key;
                            keyHistory = keyHistory + "," + key;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("keyHistory", keyHistory);
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("bakuhuTobatsuDaimyoId", dstDaimyo);

                        string kassenText = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            if (!dstEngunFlg)
                                kassenText = srcDaimyoName + " is attacking " + dstDaimyoName + " with " + myHei + " soldiers.";
                                kassenText = srcDaimyoName + " is attacking " + dstDaimyoName + " with " + myHei + " soldiers.\n Defender's allianced country sent " + totalEngunHei + " soldiers.";
                            if (!dstEngunFlg)
                                kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしました。";
                                kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしました。\n防衛側の同盟国が援軍" + totalEngunHei + "人を派兵しました。";
                        string kassenText    = "";
                        string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(srcDaimyo);
                        int    newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(srcDaimyo, myGaikouValue, 15);
                        int    reducedValue  = myGaikouValue - newYukoudo;
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            kassenText = srcDaimyoName + " rejected our attack order. Friendship reduced " + reducedValue + " point.";
                            kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が討伐令を黙殺しました。当家との友好度が" + reducedValue + "下がります。";
                        doGaikou.downYukouOnIcon(srcDaimyo, newYukoudo);

        foreach (Transform obj in BakuhuKuniIconView.transform)
            if (obj.GetComponent <Button> ())
                obj.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;

        GameObject toubatsuSelect = GameObject.Find("ToubatsuSelect").gameObject;

        if (toubatsuFlg)
            audioSources [3].Play();
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                toubatsuSelect.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Declared " + targetDaimyoName + " attack order. Other family responded to it.";
                toubatsuSelect.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text>().text = targetDaimyoName + "の討伐令を出しました。諸大名が呼応したようです。";
            audioSources [4].Play();
            if (srcDstKuniList.Count == 0)
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    toubatsuSelect.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "There is no family who can respond to " + targetDaimyoName + " attack order.";
                    toubatsuSelect.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text>().text = "現在" + targetDaimyoName + "の討伐に呼応可能な大名はおりません。";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    toubatsuSelect.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "No family responded to our attack order because of fear for " + targetDaimyoName + ".";
                    toubatsuSelect.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text>().text = targetDaimyoName + "を恐れてか、討伐令にどの大名も呼応しませんでした。";

        Message msg = new Message();

Ejemplo n.º 3
	public void mainHandler(){

		/*Basic Info*/
		//make kuni list
		string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
		List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
		char[] delimiterChars = {','};
		seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));
		int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");
		GameObject targetKuni = GameObject.Find ("KuniIconView");

		//1. Randome choice Kassen Qty between 0,1,2,3
		//2. Ratio 50% check
		//3. Random choice Kassen Souce Kuni 1-65
		//4. Destination Check by Mapping
		//		if Same Daimyo between Kassen Souce & Destination Kuni => Skip
		//      else => Make guntai Instance
		//        	 4-1. Destination == myDaimyo
		//			 4-2. Destination == has own relation or master relation  

		List<string> messageList = new List<string> ();

		//Count Kassen Qty
		int kassenQty = CountEnemyKassenAction ();

		for (int i=1; i<kassenQty+1; i++) {
			//Check Kassen or Not

			bool kassenFlg = CheckByProbability (kassenRatio);
			if (kassenFlg == true) {
				//target kuni extraction

				while (true) {
					int randomKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 65);
					string eDaimyo = seiryokuList [randomKuni - 1];
					string tDaimyo = "";
					bool doumeiFlg = false;

					if (eDaimyo != myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
						//Check Kuni Mapping
						List<int> targetKuniList = new List<int> ();
						KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();
						targetKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni (randomKuni);
						//Yukoudo Check
						int worstGaikouDaimyo = 0;
						int worstGaikouValue = 100;
						int worstGaikouKuni = 0;
						int worstHeiryokuValue = 100000000;

						SendParam srcSendParam = targetKuni.transform.FindChild (randomKuni.ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ();
						bool aggressiveFlg = srcSendParam.aggressiveFlg;

						for (int k=0; k<targetKuniList.Count; k++) {						
							SendParam sendParam = targetKuni.transform.FindChild (targetKuniList [k].ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ();

							if (aggressiveFlg) {
								//Find worst gaikou daimyo

								tDaimyo = seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1];
								int gaikouValue = 0;

								if (eDaimyo != tDaimyo) {
									if (tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
										//Get Gaikou Value

										string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
										gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

									} else {
										//Gaikou Data Check
										string gaikouTemp = "";
										if (int.Parse (eDaimyo) < int.Parse (tDaimyo)) {
											gaikouTemp = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + tDaimyo;
										} else {
											gaikouTemp = tDaimyo + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;

										if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
											gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);

										} else {
											//non exist
											//gaikou check
											gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (int.Parse (eDaimyo), int.Parse (tDaimyo));


									//Compare with Previous one
									if (worstGaikouValue > gaikouValue) {
										worstGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
										worstGaikouDaimyo = int.Parse (tDaimyo);
										worstGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];
							} else {
								//Find worst heiryoku daimyo

								tDaimyo = seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1];

								if (eDaimyo != tDaimyo) {								
									//Heiryoku Check
									int heiryoku = sendParam.heiryoku;

									//Compare with Previous one
									if (worstHeiryokuValue > heiryoku) {
										worstHeiryokuValue = heiryoku;

										int gaikouValue = 0;
										if (tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
											//Get Gaikou Value
											string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
											gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

										} else {
											//Gaikou Data Check
											string gaikouTemp = "";
											if (int.Parse (eDaimyo) < int.Parse (tDaimyo)) {
												gaikouTemp = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + tDaimyo;
											} else {
												gaikouTemp = tDaimyo + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
											if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
												gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);
											} else {
												//non exist
												gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (int.Parse (eDaimyo), int.Parse (tDaimyo));
										worstGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
										worstGaikouDaimyo = int.Parse (tDaimyo);
										worstGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];



						}//Loop End

						//Create Guntai Instance
						if (worstGaikouValue != 100) {
							int kassenRatio2 = 100 - worstGaikouValue;

							//doumei check
							string doumeiCheck = "doumei" + eDaimyo;
								string cDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString(doumeiCheck);
								List<string> cDoumeiList = new List<string>();
									cDoumeiList = new List<string> (cDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));


								//If Doumei Daimyo -> Half Ratio
									doumeiFlg = true;
									kassenRatio2 = kassenRatio2/2;
									doumeiFlg = false;

							bool GaikouValueFlg = CheckByProbability (kassenRatio2);
							if (GaikouValueFlg) {
								//Make Guntai Instance
								string key = randomKuni.ToString () + "-" + worstGaikouKuni.ToString ();
								bool ExistFlg = false;

								//Exist Check Same Daimyo
								foreach (GameObject obs in  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei")){
									int gunzeiSrcDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent<Gunzei>().srcDaimyoId;

									if(int.Parse(eDaimyo) == gunzeiSrcDaimyoId){
										ExistFlg = true;

									string path = "Prefabs/Map/Gunzei";
									GameObject Gunzei = Instantiate (Resources.Load (path)) as GameObject;			
									Gunzei.transform.SetParent (GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
									Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);

									int srcX = kuni.getKuniLocationX(randomKuni);
									int srcY = kuni.getKuniLocationY(randomKuni);
									int dstX = kuni.getKuniLocationX(worstGaikouKuni);
									int dstY = kuni.getKuniLocationY(worstGaikouKuni);
									string direction = "";
									Gunzei gunzei = new Gunzei ();

									if(srcX < dstX){
										Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
										direction = "right";
										Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (-1, 1);
										direction = "left";
										Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().leftFlg = true;


									int aveX = (srcX + dstX)/2;
									int aveY = (srcY + dstY)/2;
									RectTransform GunzeiTransform = Gunzei.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
									GunzeiTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (aveX, aveY, 0);

									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().key = key;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcKuni = randomKuni;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId = int.Parse (eDaimyo);
									string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (int.Parse (eDaimyo));
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoName = srcDaimyoName;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstKuni = worstGaikouKuni;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId = worstGaikouDaimyo;
									string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (worstGaikouDaimyo);
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoName = dstDaimyoName;
									int myHei = gunzei.heiryokuCalc (randomKuni);
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().myHei = myHei;
									Gunzei.name = key;

									//Engun from Doumei
									Doumei doumei = new Doumei();
									List<string> doumeiDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
									bool dstEngunFlg = false;
									string dstEngunDaimyoId = ""; //2:3:5 
									string dstEngunHei = "";
									string dstEngunSts = ""; //BusyoId-BusyoLv-ButaiQty-ButaiLv:
									int totalEngunHei = 0;

									doumeiDaimyoList = doumei.doumeiExistCheck(worstGaikouDaimyo,eDaimyo);

									if(doumeiDaimyoList.Count != 0){
										//Doumei Exist

										//Trace Check
										List<string> okDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
										List<string> checkList = new List<string> ();
										okDaimyoList = doumei.traceNeighborDaimyo(worstGaikouKuni, worstGaikouDaimyo, doumeiDaimyoList, seiryokuList, checkList,okDaimyoList);

										if(okDaimyoList.Count !=0){
											//Doumei & Neghbor Daimyo Exist

											for(int k=0; k<okDaimyoList.Count; k++){
												string engunDaimyo = okDaimyoList[k];
												int yukoudo = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(int.Parse(engunDaimyo), worstGaikouDaimyo);

												//engun check

												dstEngunFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudo);
													//Engun OK
													dstEngunFlg = true;
													if(dstEngunDaimyoId !=null && dstEngunDaimyoId !=""){
														dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId + ":" + engunDaimyo;
														string tempEngunSts = getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
														int tempEngunHei = getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
														dstEngunHei = dstEngunHei + ":" + tempEngunHei.ToString();
														totalEngunHei = totalEngunHei + tempEngunHei;
														dstEngunSts = dstEngunSts + ":" + tempEngunSts;

														dstEngunDaimyoId = engunDaimyo;
														string tempEngunSts = getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
														int tempEngunHei = getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
														dstEngunHei = tempEngunHei.ToString();
														totalEngunHei = tempEngunHei;
														dstEngunSts = tempEngunSts;

											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunFlg = dstEngunFlg;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunHei = dstEngunHei;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunSts = dstEngunSts;

									//Set Value
									//CreateTime,srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId,srcDaimyoName,dstDaimyoName, srcHei,locationX,locationY,left or right, engunFlg, engunDaimyoId(A:B:C), dstEngunHei(1000:2000:3000), dstEngunSts
									string keyValue = "";
									string createTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString ();
									keyValue = createTime + "," + eDaimyo + "," + worstGaikouDaimyo + "," + srcDaimyoName + "," + dstDaimyoName + "," + myHei + "," + aveX + "," + aveY + "," + direction + "," + dstEngunFlg + "," + dstEngunDaimyoId + "," + dstEngunHei + ","+ dstEngunSts;
									PlayerPrefs.SetString (key, keyValue);
									string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("keyHistory");
									if(keyHistory == null || keyHistory == ""){
										keyHistory = key;
										keyHistory = keyHistory + "," + key;
									PlayerPrefs.SetString ("keyHistory", keyHistory);
									flush ();

									string kassenText = "";
										kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしました。";
										kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしました。\n防衛側の同盟国が援軍" + totalEngunHei + "人を派兵しました。";
									messageList.Add (kassenText);

										//Delete doumei
										doumei.deleteDoumei(eDaimyo, worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString());

										//Zero Gaikou
										string tempYukou = "";
										if(tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString()){
											tempYukou = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
											if(worstGaikouDaimyo < int.Parse(eDaimyo)){
												tempYukou = worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString() + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
												tempYukou = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString();

										PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

		int gaikouQty = CountEnemyGaikouAction ();
		for (int i=1; i<gaikouQty+1; i++) {

			bool gaikouFlg = CheckByProbability (gaikouRatio);

			if (gaikouFlg == true) {
				//Do gaikou

				int randomKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
				int srcDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomKuni - 1]);
				string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);

				if (srcDaimyoId != myDaimyo) {	

					List<int> targetKuniList = new List<int> ();
					KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();
					targetKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni (randomKuni);

					//Yukoudo Check
					int bestGaikouDaimyo = 0;
					int bestGaikouValue = 0;
					int bestGaikouKuni = 0;
					int bestHeiryokuValue = 0;

					SendParam sendParamSrc = targetKuni.transform.FindChild (randomKuni.ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ();
					bool aggressiveFlg = sendParamSrc.aggressiveFlg;

					for (int k=0; k<targetKuniList.Count; k++) {

						SendParam sendParam = targetKuni.transform.FindChild (targetKuniList [k].ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ();

						if (aggressiveFlg) {
							//Find best gaikou daimyo

							int dstDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1]);
							int gaikouValue = 0;

							if (srcDaimyoId != dstDaimyoId) {
								if (dstDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {
									//Get Gaikou Value

									string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId;
									gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

								} else {
									//Gaikou Data Check
									string gaikouTemp = "";
									if (srcDaimyoId < dstDaimyoId) {
										gaikouTemp = srcDaimyoId + "gaikou" + dstDaimyoId;
									} else {
										gaikouTemp = dstDaimyoId + "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId;

									if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
										gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);

									} else {
										//non exist
										//gaikou check
										gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId);


								//Compare with Previous one
								//Best one
								if (gaikouValue >= bestGaikouValue) {
									bestGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
									bestGaikouDaimyo = dstDaimyoId;
									bestGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];


						} else {
							//Find best heiryoku daimyo
							int dstDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1]);

							if (srcDaimyoId != dstDaimyoId) {								
								//Heiryoku Check
								int heiryoku = sendParam.heiryoku;

								//Compare with Previous one
								if (heiryoku >= bestHeiryokuValue) {
									bestHeiryokuValue = heiryoku;

									int gaikouValue = 0;
									if (dstDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {
										//Get Gaikou Value
										string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId;
										gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

									} else {
										//Gaikou Data Check
										string gaikouTemp = "";
										if (srcDaimyoId < dstDaimyoId) {
											gaikouTemp = srcDaimyoId + "gaikou" + dstDaimyoId;
										} else {
											gaikouTemp = dstDaimyoId + "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId;
										if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
											gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);
										} else {
											//non exist
											gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId);
									bestGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
									bestGaikouDaimyo = dstDaimyoId;
									bestGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];



					}//Loop End

					//Gaikou Action
					float percent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
					percent = percent * 100;

					int gaikouAction = 0;
					if (percent <= 60) {
						gaikouAction = 1; //Mitsugi
					} else if (60 < percent && percent <= 97) {
						gaikouAction = 2; //Ryugen
					} else if (97 < percent && percent <= 100) {
						gaikouAction = 3; //Doumei

					if (gaikouAction == 1) {
						//1. yukoudo up(Mitsugimono) 

						bool yukoudoUpFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudoUpMissRatio);

						if (yukoudoUpFlg == true) {
							//Choose Target Daimyo

							string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (bestGaikouDaimyo);

							if (bestGaikouDaimyo == myDaimyo) {
								//In the case that MyDaimyo receive Mitsugimono
								int addYukoudo = UpYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, bestGaikouDaimyo);
								int addMoney = addYukoudo * 1000;
								string yukouUpText = srcDaimyoName + "殿が御屋形様に、金" + addMoney.ToString() + "の貢物を送って参りました。\t友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がります。";
								int myMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
								myMoney = myMoney + addMoney;
								flush ();
								GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = myMoney.ToString();

								messageList.Add (yukouUpText);

							} else {
								//In the case between other daimyos
								int addYukoudo = UpYukouValueWithOther (srcDaimyoId, bestGaikouDaimyo);
								string yukouUpText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "に貢物をしました。友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がります。";
								messageList.Add (yukouUpText);


					} else if (gaikouAction == 2) {
						//2. yukoudo down(Ryugen)

						bool yukoudoDownFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudoDownMissRatio);

						if (yukoudoDownFlg == true) {
							//Choose Target Daimyo
							int reduceYukoudo = 0;

							if (bestGaikouDaimyo != 0) {
								if (bestGaikouDaimyo == myDaimyo) {
									//My Daimyo
									string dstDaimyoName = "";
									reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, srcDaimyoId);
									dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);

									string yukouDownText = "何者かが当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "間に流言を流し、友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。";
									messageList.Add (yukouDownText);
								} else {
									reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithOther (srcDaimyoId, bestGaikouDaimyo);
									string dst1stDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);
									string dst2ndDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (bestGaikouDaimyo);
									string yukouDownText = "何者かが" + dst1stDaimyoName + "と" + dst2ndDaimyoName + "間に流言を流し、友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。";
									messageList.Add (yukouDownText);


					} else if (gaikouAction == 3) {
						//3. doumei
						Gaikou gaiko = new Gaikou();
						int yukoudo = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(srcDaimyoId, bestGaikouDaimyo);
						bool doumeiFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudo);

						if (doumeiFlg == true) {

							if (bestGaikouDaimyo == myDaimyo) {

							} else {
								//Exist Check
								string doumeiTmp = "doumei" + srcDaimyoId;
								string doumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString (doumeiTmp);
								List<string> doumeiList = new List<string> ();
								if (doumeiString != null && doumeiString != "") {
									if (doumeiString.Contains (",")) {
										doumeiList = new List<string> (doumeiString.Split (delimiterChars));
									} else {
										doumeiList.Add (doumeiString);

								if (!doumeiList.Contains (bestGaikouDaimyo.ToString())) {
									//Not Exist Case
									//Doumei Data Register

									string newDoumei1 = "";
									if (doumeiString != null && doumeiString != "") {
										newDoumei1 = doumeiString + "," + bestGaikouDaimyo;
									} else {
										newDoumei1 = bestGaikouDaimyo.ToString();
									PlayerPrefs.SetString (doumeiTmp, newDoumei1);

									string doumeiTmp2 = "doumei" + bestGaikouDaimyo;
									string doumeiString2 = PlayerPrefs.GetString (doumeiTmp2);
									string newDoumei2 = "";
									if (doumeiString2 != null && doumeiString2 != "") {
										newDoumei2 = doumeiString2 + "," + srcDaimyoId;
									} else {
										newDoumei2 = srcDaimyoId.ToString();
									PlayerPrefs.SetString (doumeiTmp2, newDoumei2);

									flush ();

									string dst1stDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);
									string dst2ndDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (bestGaikouDaimyo);
									string doumeiText = dst1stDaimyoName + "と" + dst2ndDaimyoName + "間に同盟が成立しました。";
									messageList.Add (doumeiText);


					} //else if (gaikouAction == 4) {
						//add here

		//Check Shinobi Cyouhou
		string cyouhou = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouhou");
		List<string> cyouhouList = new List<string> ();
		if (cyouhou != null && cyouhou != "") {
				cyouhouList = new List<string> (cyouhou.Split (delimiterChars));
		for(int i=0; i<cyouhouList.Count; i++){
			int kuniId = int.Parse(cyouhouList [i]);
			string snbTmp = "cyouhou" + kuniId.ToString ();
			int rank = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(snbTmp);

			float missPercent = 0;
			if(rank == 1){
				missPercent = 30;

			}else if(rank == 2){
				missPercent = 15;

			}else if(rank == 3){
				missPercent = 5;


			float percent = Random.value;
			percent = percent * 100;

			if (percent < missPercent) {
				cyouhouList.Remove (kuniId.ToString());
				string newCyouhou = "";
				for(int j=0;j<cyouhouList.Count;j++){
					if (j == 0) {
						newCyouhou = cyouhouList[j];
					} else {
						newCyouhou = newCyouhou + "," + cyouhouList[j];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString ("cyouhou",newCyouhou);

				//Reset Chouhou Id
				targetKuni.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent<SendParam>().cyouhouSnbRankId = 0;

				KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
				string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);

				int daimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [kuniId - 1]);
				Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo ();
				string daimyoName = daimyo.getName (daimyoId); 

				int reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, daimyoId);

				string cyouhouMissText =  kuniName + "に潜伏中の忍が見つかりました。\n" + daimyoName + "との友好度が"+reduceYukoudo+"下がりました。";
				messageList.Add (cyouhouMissText);



		/*Decrease Yukou with Doumei koku*/
		string myDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("doumei");
		List<string> myDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
		if (myDoumei != null && myDoumei != "") {
				myDoumeiList = new List<string> (myDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));
		for (int j=0; j<myDoumeiList.Count; j++) {
			string doumeiDaimyo = myDoumeiList[j];
			string yukouTemp = "gaikou" + doumeiDaimyo;
			int yukouWithDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (yukouTemp);
			int reduceYukou = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,3);
			yukouWithDoumei = yukouWithDoumei - reduceYukou;

			PlayerPrefs.SetInt (yukouTemp,yukouWithDoumei);

			/*Doumei Clear Check*/
				//My Doumei Clear
				string newMyDoumei = "";
				for(int i=0; i<myDoumeiList.Count; i++){
						newMyDoumei = myDoumeiList[i];
						newMyDoumei = newMyDoumei + "," + myDoumeiList[i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString ("doumei",newMyDoumei);

				//Opposite Doumei Clear
				string otherTemp = "doumei" + doumeiDaimyo;
				string otherDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString (otherTemp);
				List<string> otherDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
				if (otherDoumei != null && otherDoumei != "") {
						otherDoumeiList = new List<string> (otherDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));
				string newOtherDoumei = "";
				for(int i=0; i<otherDoumeiList.Count; i++){
						newOtherDoumei = otherDoumeiList[i];
						newOtherDoumei = newOtherDoumei + "," + otherDoumeiList[i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString (otherTemp,newOtherDoumei);

				//Icon & Flg Change
				KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();

				string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (int.Parse(doumeiDaimyo));
				string doumeiClearText = "友好度悪化により、当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "間の同盟が解消しました。";
				messageList.Add (doumeiClearText);



		/*Decrease Yukou with Doumei koku in other county*/
		List<string> activeDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
		for (int k=0; k<seiryokuList.Count; k++) {
			string daimyoId = seiryokuList[k];

			if(int.Parse(daimyoId) != myDaimyo && !activeDaimyoList.Contains(daimyoId)){

		for(int l=0; l<activeDaimyoList.Count; l++){
			string activeDaimyoId = activeDaimyoList[l];
			string temp = "doumei" + activeDaimyoId;
				string doumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(temp);

				if(doumeiString != null && doumeiString != ""){

					List<string> doumeiTargetList = new List<string> ();
						doumeiTargetList = new List<string> (doumeiString.Split (delimiterChars));

					for(int m=0; m<doumeiTargetList.Count; m++){
						string targetDaimyoId = doumeiTargetList[m];

						string gaikoTemp = "";
							gaikoTemp = activeDaimyoId + "gaikou" + targetDaimyoId;
							gaikoTemp = targetDaimyoId + "gaikou" + activeDaimyoId;
							int gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(gaikoTemp);

							if(gaikouValue <30){
								//Doumei Clear
								//src to dst
								string newDoumei1 = "";
								for(int n=0; n<doumeiTargetList.Count; n++){
										newDoumei1 = doumeiTargetList[n];
										newDoumei1 = newDoumei1 +"," + doumeiTargetList[n];

								//dst to src
								string tgtTemp =  "doumei" + targetDaimyoId;
								string tgtDoumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(tgtTemp);
								List<string> tgtDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
								if(tgtDoumeiString!=null && tgtDoumeiString != ""){
										tgtDoumeiList = new List<string> (tgtDoumeiString.Split (delimiterChars));

									string newDoumei2 = "";
									for(int n=0; n<tgtDoumeiList.Count; n++){
											newDoumei2 = tgtDoumeiList[n];
											newDoumei2 = newDoumei2 +"," + tgtDoumeiList[n];

								string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(int.Parse(activeDaimyoId));
								string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(int.Parse(targetDaimyoId));

								string doumeiClearText = "友好度悪化により、"+ srcDaimyoName+"と" + dstDaimyoName + "間の同盟が解消しました。";
								messageList.Add (doumeiClearText);

		//Delete Cyouryaku Data
		string cyoryakuHst = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouryaku");
		List<string> cyoryakuHstList = new List<string> ();

		if(cyoryakuHst != null && cyoryakuHst != ""){
			if (cyoryakuHst.Contains (",")) {
				cyoryakuHstList = new List<string> (cyoryakuHst.Split (delimiterChars));
			} else {
				cyoryakuHstList.Add (cyoryakuHst);

			for (int i=0; i<cyoryakuHstList.Count; i++) {
				string tmp = cyoryakuHstList [i];
				PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey (tmp);
			PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey ("cyouryaku");
			PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

		if (messageList.Count != 0) {
			/*Common Process*/
			//make back
			string pathOfBack = "Prefabs/Common/TouchBack";
			GameObject back = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfBack)) as GameObject;
			back.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
			back.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);
			back.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0,0);

			//make board
			string pathOfBoard = "Prefabs/Event/EventBoard";
			GameObject board = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfBoard)) as GameObject;
			board.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
			board.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);

			string pathOfScroll = "Prefabs/Event/EventScrollView";
			GameObject scroll = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfScroll)) as GameObject;
			scroll.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);
			RectTransform scrollTransform = scroll.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
			scrollTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (0, -40, 0);

			string pathOfSlot = "Prefabs/Event/EventSlot";
			foreach (string text in messageList) {
				GameObject slot = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfSlot)) as GameObject;
				slot.transform.FindChild("EventText").GetComponent<Text>().text = text;
				slot.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);

Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void OnClick()
        Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo();

        audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();

        if (name == "YesButton")
            int hyourou    = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourou");
            int newHyourou = hyourou - 30;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hyourou", newHyourou);
            GameObject.Find("HyourouCurrentValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newHyourou.ToString();

            //Soubuji Flg
            PlayerPrefs.SetBool("soubujireiFlg", true);

            string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
            List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string> ();
            char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
            seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

            MainStageController script = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <MainStageController> ();
            int myKuniQty = script.myKuniQty;
            int myDaimyo  = script.myDaimyo;

            List <int> daimyoIdList      = new List <int> ();
            List <int> mainKuniIdList    = new List <int> ();
            List <int> kuniQtyByDaimyoId = new List <int> ()
            for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
                int daimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [i]);
                if (daimyoId != myDaimyo)
                    int kuniId = i + 1;

                    if (!daimyoIdList.Contains(daimyoId))
                    kuniQtyByDaimyoId [daimyoId - 1] = kuniQtyByDaimyoId [daimyoId - 1] + 1;

            //Do Soubujirei
            List <string> newSeiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryokuList);
            string        clearedKuni     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("clearedKuni");
            KuniInfo      kuni            = new KuniInfo();
            GameObject    kuniIconView    = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;
            GameObject    panel           = GameObject.Find("Panel").gameObject;
            GameObject    kuniMap         = GameObject.Find("KuniMap").gameObject;
            Doumei        doumei          = new Doumei();
            bool          allClearedFlg   = true;

            for (int k = 0; k < daimyoIdList.Count; k++)
                int    daimyoId   = daimyoIdList [k];
                string daimyoName = daimyo.getName(daimyoId);
                int    kuniQty    = 0;
                kuniQty = kuniQtyByDaimyoId [daimyoId - 1];

                float ratio = 0;
                ratio = (100 - ((float)kuniQty / (float)myKuniQty * 500));

                if (ratio < 0)
                    ratio = 0;
                if (testMode)
                    ratio = 100;

                //Debug.Log (daimyoName+":"+kuniQty +"/"+myKuniQty+"="+ratio);
                float percent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;
                if (percent <= ratio)
                    for (int j = 0; j < seiryokuList.Count; j++)
                        if (seiryokuList [j] == daimyoId.ToString())
                            int kuniId = j + 1;

                            //1.update seiryoku
                            newSeiryokuList [kuniId - 1] = myDaimyo.ToString();

                            //2.update cleaered kuni & kuni1,2,3
                            clearedKuni = clearedKuni + "," + kuniId.ToString();
                            string tmp = "kuni" + kuniId.ToString();
                            PlayerPrefs.SetString(tmp, "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10");

                            //3.update openkuni

                            //4.cyouhou delete
                            //Cyouhou Delete
                            string cyouhouTmp = "cyouhou" + kuniId;
                            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(cyouhouTmp))
                                string        cyouhou     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouhou");
                                List <string> cyouhouList = new List <string> ();
                                if (cyouhou != null && cyouhou != "")
                                    if (cyouhou.Contains(","))
                                        cyouhouList = new List <string> (cyouhou.Split(delimiterChars));
                                string newCyouhou = "";
                                for (int a = 0; a < cyouhouList.Count; a++)
                                    if (a == 0)
                                        newCyouhou = cyouhouList [a];
                                        newCyouhou = newCyouhou + "," + cyouhouList [a];
                                PlayerPrefs.SetString("cyouhou", newCyouhou);

                            //5. naisei
                            string naiseiTmp = "naisei" + kuniId;
                            if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(naiseiTmp))
                                PlayerPrefs.SetString(naiseiTmp, "1,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0");

                            //Icon Change
                            IconMapValueUpdate(kuniId, myDaimyo, kuniIconView, kuniMap, myKuniQty);
                    //Gunzei Check
                    foreach (GameObject GunzeiObj in  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei"))
                        int gunzeiSrcDaimyoId = GunzeiObj.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId;
                        if (daimyoId == gunzeiSrcDaimyoId)

                    int msgKuniId = mainKuniIdList [k];
                    okNgMessage(true, msgKuniId, kuniIconView, panel, daimyoName);

                    allClearedFlg = false;

                    //Yukoudo 0
                    string tempGaikou = "gaikou" + daimyoId;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt(tempGaikou, 0);

                    //doumei clear
                    bool doumeiFlg = doumei.myDoumeiExistCheck(daimyoId);
                    if (doumeiFlg)
                        doumei.deleteDoumeiMyDaimyo(myDaimyo.ToString(), daimyoId.ToString());

                    //Icon color & value

                    int msgKuniId = mainKuniIdList [k];
                    okNgMessage(false, msgKuniId, kuniIconView, panel, daimyoName);

            string newSeiryoku = "";
            for (int l = 0; l < newSeiryokuList.Count; l++)
                if (l == 0)
                    newSeiryoku = newSeiryokuList [l];
                    newSeiryoku = newSeiryoku + "," + newSeiryokuList [l];
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("seiryoku", newSeiryoku);
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("clearedKuni", clearedKuni);

            //Update OpenKuniIcon
            kuni.updateOpenKuni(myDaimyo, newSeiryoku);

            board.transform.FindChild("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().onClick();

            if (allClearedFlg)
                GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <MainStageController> ().gameClearFlg = true;
                PlayerPrefs.SetBool("gameClearFlg", true);
            audioSources [1].Play();
