Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IHttpActionResult GetChild(int id)
            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                var childProfile = db.Children
                                   .Include(x => x.Contact)
                                   .Include(x => x.Child_Condition)
                                   .Where(x => x.Id == id)
                                   .Select(x => new
                    Id          = x.Id,
                    FirstName   = x.Contact.FirstName,
                    LastName    = x.Contact.LastName,
                    KnownName   = x.KnownName,
                    GenderId    = x.Contact.GenderId,
                    DateOfBirth = x.Contact.DateOfBirth == null ? string.Empty : x.Contact.DateOfBirth.Value.ToString(ApiConstants.DateFormat),

                    Image = db.Media
                            .Where(m => m.EntityId == x.Id &&
                                   m.EntityType == EntityTypeName.Child &&
                                   m.IsProfilePicture == true
                            .Select(m => m.NewFileName)

                if (childProfile == null)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public IHttpActionResult UpdateProfile(UserProfileViewModel profile)
            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                if (profile.Id == 0)
                    return(BadRequest("Invalid UserId"));
                    var contact = db.Users
                                  .Where(x => x.Id == profile.Id)
                                  .Select(x => x.Contact).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (contact == null)
                        return(BadRequest("User Profile Not Found"));

                    contact.FirstName   = profile.FirstName;
                    contact.LastName    = profile.LastName;
                    contact.GenderId    = profile.GenderId;
                    contact.DateOfBirth = profile.DateOfBirth;

                    contact.Mobile   = profile.Mobile;
                    contact.Landline = profile.Landline;
                    contact.Email    = profile.Email;

                    contact.StreetNum = profile.StreetNum;
                    contact.Address   = profile.Address;
                    contact.Suburb    = profile.Suburb;
                    contact.City      = profile.City;
                    contact.Postcode  = profile.Postcode;
                    contact.Country   = profile.Country;

                    contact.BillingStreetNum = profile.BillingStreetNum;
                    contact.BillingAddress   = profile.BillingAddress;
                    contact.BillingSuburb    = profile.BillingSuburb;
                    contact.BillingCity      = profile.BillingCity;
                    contact.BillingPostcode  = profile.BillingPostcode;
                    contact.BillingCountry   = profile.BillingCountry;

                    contact.OscarNum   = profile.OscarNum;
                    contact.ReviewDate = profile.ReviewDate;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IHttpActionResult GetInvoice(int?id)
            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                var invoice = db.InvoiceLines
                              .Include(x => x.Invoice.Billing)
                              .Include(x => x.Invoice.Billing.Org)
                              .Include(x => x.Booking_Spt.Booking.Child)
                              .Include(x => x.Booking_Spt.Site_Program_Term)
                              .Where(x => x.IsActive &&
                                     x.Invoice.IsActive &&
                                     x.Invoice.Id == id
                              .GroupBy(x => x.Invoice)
                              .Select(g => new
                    Id       = g.Key.Id,
                    UserId   = g.Key.Billing.UserId,
                    SiteId   = g.Key.Billing.Org.Id,
                    SiteName = g.Key.Billing.Org.Name,

                    XeroInvoiceCode = g.Key.XeroInvoiceCode,
                    StatusId        = g.Key.StatusId,
                    Reference       = g.Key.Reference,
                    AmountDue       = g.Key.AmountDue,
                    TotalAmount     = g.Key.TotalAmount,
                    CreatedOn       = g.Key.CreatedOn.ToString(ApiConstants.DateTimeFormat),
                    DueDate         = g.Key.DueDate.ToString(ApiConstants.DateFormat),

                    InvoiceLines = g.Select(l => new
                        Id           = l.Id,
                        ChildName    = l.Booking_Spt.Booking.Child.Name,
                        ProgrameName = l.Booking_Spt.Site_Program_Term.Name,
                        UnitPrice    = l.UnitPrice,
                        Quantity     = l.Quantity,
                        Amount       = l.Amount,
                        Description  = l.Description,

                if (invoice == null)

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public IHttpActionResult GetContactsByUser()
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId <int>();

            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                var parentContacts = db.User_Contact
                                     .Where(x => x.UserId == userId &&
                                            x.Contact.IsActive &&
                                            x.Contact.FirstName != null &&
                                            x.Contact.LastName != null
                                     .Select(x => new
                    Id       = x.ContactId.Value,
                    Name     = x.Contact.FirstName + " " + x.Contact.LastName,
                    Image    = db.Media.Where(m => m.IsActive && m.EntityId == x.ContactId && m.EntityType == EntityTypeName.Contact).Select(m => m.NewFileName).FirstOrDefault(),
                    TypeId   = x.ContactTypeId.Value,
                    Landline = x.Contact.Landline,
                    Office   = x.Contact.Office,
                    Mobile   = x.Contact.Mobile,

                var childIds = db.User_Child
                               .Where(x => x.UserId == userId && x.Child.IsActive)
                               .Select(x => x.ChildId).ToList();

                var childContacts = db.Child_Contact
                                    .Where(x => childIds.Contains(x.ChildId) && x.Contact.FirstName != null && x.Contact.LastName != null && x.Contact.IsActive)
                                    .Select(x => new
                    Id       = x.Contact.Id,
                    Name     = x.Contact.FirstName + " " + x.Contact.LastName,
                    Image    = db.Media.Where(m => m.IsActive && m.EntityId == x.ContactId && m.EntityType == EntityTypeName.Contact).Select(m => m.NewFileName).FirstOrDefault(),
                    TypeId   = x.CanPickup == true ? 13 : 14,
                    Landline = x.Contact.Landline,
                    Office   = x.Contact.Office,
                    Mobile   = x.Contact.Mobile,


Ejemplo n.º 5
        public IHttpActionResult GetProfile()
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId <int>();

            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                var profile = db.Users
                              .Where(x => x.Id == userId)
                              .Select(x => new
                    Id          = x.Id,
                    Username    = x.Username,
                    FirstName   = x.Contact.FirstName,
                    LastName    = x.Contact.LastName,
                    GenderId    = x.Contact.GenderId,
                    DateOfBirth = x.Contact.DateOfBirth == null ? string.Empty : x.Contact.DateOfBirth.Value.ToString(ApiConstants.DateFormat),
                    Mobile      = x.Contact.Mobile,
                    Landline    = x.Contact.Landline,
                    Email       = x.Contact.Email,

                    StreetNum = x.Contact.StreetNum,
                    Address   = x.Contact.Address,
                    Suburb    = x.Contact.Suburb,
                    City      = x.Contact.City,
                    Postcode  = x.Contact.Postcode,
                    Country   = x.Contact.Country,

                    BillingStreetNum = x.Contact.BillingStreetNum,
                    BillingAddress   = x.Contact.BillingAddress,
                    BillingSuburb    = x.Contact.BillingSuburb,
                    BillingCity      = x.Contact.BillingCity,
                    BillingPostcode  = x.Contact.BillingPostcode,
                    BillingCountry   = x.Contact.BillingCountry,

                    OscarNum   = x.Contact.OscarNum,
                    ReviewDate = x.Contact.ReviewDate,

                    ProfileImage = db.Media.Where(m => m.EntityId == userId && m.EntityType == EntityTypeName.User).Select(m => m.NewFileName).FirstOrDefault(),

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public IHttpActionResult GetInvoicesByUser()
            //Draft = 54,
            //Submitted = 56,
            //Authorised = 57,
            //Deleted = 59,
            //Voided = 60,
            //Confirmed = 1093,
            //Error = 1095,
            //Paid = 1096,
            //Approved = 1151
            var userId      = User.Identity.GetUserId <int>();
            var validStatus = new int[] { 57, 1096, 1151 };

            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                var invoices = db.Invoices
                               .Where(x => x.Billing.IsActive &&
                                      x.IsActive &&
                                      validStatus.Contains(x.StatusId) &&
                                      x.Billing.User.Id == userId
                               .Select(x => new
                    Id       = x.Id,
                    UserId   = x.Billing.UserId,
                    SiteId   = x.Billing.Org.Id,
                    SiteName = x.Billing.Org.Name,

                    XeroInvoiceCode = x.XeroInvoiceCode,
                    StatusId        = x.StatusId,
                    Reference       = x.Reference,
                    AmountDue       = x.AmountDue,
                    TotalAmount     = x.TotalAmount,
                    CreatedOn       = x.CreatedOn.ToString(ApiConstants.DateTimeFormat),
                    DueDate         = x.DueDate.ToString(ApiConstants.DateTimeFormat),

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public IHttpActionResult GetChildConditions(int id)
            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                var Conditions = db.Child_Condition
                                 .Where(a => a.ChildId == id)
                                 .Select(a => new
                    Id                    = a.Id,
                    Name                  = a.Condition.Name,
                    Treatment             = a.TreatmentDesc,
                    DoctorName            = a.DoctorName,
                    DoctorContact         = a.DoctorContact,
                    MedicationDescription = a.MedicationDesc,
                    Severity              = a.Severity,
                    Symptons              = a.Symptoms,

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public IHttpActionResult GetAttendancesByUser(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd)
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId <int>();

            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                var attendances = db.Attendances
                                  .Where(a => a.IsActive &&
                                         a.Booking_Spt.Booking.GuardianId == userId &&
                                         a.Booking_Spt.Booking.Status != "Pending" &&
                                         a.Day >= dateStart &&
                                         a.Day <= dateEnd
                                  .Select(a => new
                    Id             = a.Id,
                    Day            = a.Day.ToString(ApiConstants.DateFormat),
                    BookedStart    = a.BookedStart.ToString(ApiConstants.DateTimeFormat),
                    BookedEnd      = a.BookedEnd.ToString(ApiConstants.DateTimeFormat),
                    ActualStart    = a.ActualStart == null ? null : a.ActualStart.Value.ToString(ApiConstants.DateTimeFormat),
                    ActualEnd      = a.ActualEnd == null ? null : a.ActualEnd.Value.ToString(ApiConstants.DateTimeFormat),
                    HasAttended    = a.HasAttended,
                    RollCallStatus = a.RollCallStatus,
                    ProgramId      = a.Booking_Spt.Site_Program_Term.Id,
                    ProgramTypeId  = a.Booking_Spt.Site_Program_Term.ProgramCategory.TypeId,
                    ProgramName    = a.Booking_Spt.Site_Program_Term.Name,
                    ProgramCode    = a.Booking_Spt.Site_Program_Term.ProgramCategory.Code,
                    ChildId        = a.ChildId,
                    ChildName      = a.Child.Contact.FirstName + " " + a.Child.Contact.LastName,
                    SiteId         = a.Booking_Spt.Booking.SiteId,
                    SiteName       = a.Booking_Spt.Booking.Org.Name

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public IHttpActionResult GetChildrenByUser()
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId <int>();

            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                var childList = db.User_Child
                                .Include(x => x.Child)
                                .Include(x => x.Child.Contact)
                                .Where(x => x.UserId == userId && x.Child.IsActive)
                                .Select(x => new
                    Id          = x.ChildId, // used to be x.Id, this is User_Child.Id
                    FirstName   = x.Child.Contact.FirstName,
                    LastName    = x.Child.Contact.LastName,
                    KnownName   = x.Child.KnownName,
                    GenderId    = x.Child.Contact.GenderId,
                    DateOfBirth = x.Child.Contact.DateOfBirth == null ? string.Empty : x.Child.Contact.DateOfBirth.Value.ToString(ApiConstants.DateFormat),
                    Image       = db.Media
                                  .Where(m => m.EntityId == x.ChildId &&
                                         m.EntityType == EntityTypeName.Child &&
                                         m.IsProfilePicture == true
                                  .Select(m => m.NewFileName)

                if (childList == null || childList.Count == 0)

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public IHttpActionResult UpdateChildConditions(ChildMedicalConditionViewModel childProfile)
            var currentUsername = User.Identity.GetUserName();

            using (var db = new KiwiEntities())
                if (childProfile.Id == 0)
                    var contact = new Contact();
                    contact.FirstName   = childProfile.FirstName;
                    contact.LastName    = childProfile.LastName;
                    contact.GenderId    = childProfile.GenderId;
                    contact.DateOfBirth = childProfile.DateOfBirth;
                    contact.IsActive    = true;
                    contact.CreatedOn   = DateTime.Now;
                    contact.CreatedBy   = currentUsername;
                    contact.UpdatedOn   = DateTime.Now;
                    contact.UpdatedBy   = currentUsername;


                    var child = new Child();
                    child.ContactId = contact.Id;
                    child.Name      = childProfile.FirstName + ' ' + childProfile.LastName;
                    child.KnownName = childProfile.KnownName;
                    child.IsActive  = true;
                    child.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    child.CreatedBy = currentUsername;
                    child.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    child.UpdatedBy = currentUsername;

                    var child = db.Children.Find(childProfile.Id);
                    if (child == null)
                        return(BadRequest("Child Not Found"));
                    child.Name      = childProfile.FirstName + ' ' + childProfile.LastName;
                    child.KnownName = childProfile.KnownName;
                    child.IsActive  = true;
                    child.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    child.UpdatedBy = currentUsername;

                    var contact = child.Contact;
                    if (contact == null)
                        return(BadRequest("Child Not Found"));

                    contact.FirstName   = childProfile.FirstName;
                    contact.LastName    = childProfile.LastName;
                    contact.GenderId    = childProfile.GenderId;
                    contact.DateOfBirth = childProfile.DateOfBirth;
                    contact.IsActive    = true;
                    contact.UpdatedOn   = DateTime.Now;
                    contact.UpdatedBy   = currentUsername;
