// Initialize the filter with a set of TransformSmoothParameters.
    public void Init(KinectInterop.SmoothParameters smoothParameters)
        this.smoothParameters = smoothParameters;

        this.init = true;
    // Initialize the filter with a set of TransformSmoothParameters.
    public void Init(KinectInterop.SmoothParameters smoothParameters)
        this.smoothParameters = smoothParameters;

        this.init = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize the filter with a set of manually specified TransformSmoothParameters.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="smoothingValue">Smoothing = [0..1], lower values is closer to the raw data and more noisy.</param>
    /// <param name="correctionValue">Correction = [0..1], higher values correct faster and feel more responsive.</param>
    /// <param name="predictionValue">Prediction = [0..n], how many frames into the future we want to predict.</param>
    /// <param name="jitterRadiusValue">JitterRadius = The deviation distance in m that defines jitter.</param>
    /// <param name="maxDeviationRadiusValue">MaxDeviation = The maximum distance in m that filtered positions are allowed to deviate from raw data.</param>
    public void Init(float smoothingValue, float correctionValue, float predictionValue, float jitterRadiusValue, float maxDeviationRadiusValue)
        this.smoothParameters = new KinectInterop.SmoothParameters();

        this.smoothParameters.smoothing          = smoothingValue;          // How much soothing will occur.  Will lag when too high
        this.smoothParameters.correction         = correctionValue;         // How much to correct back from prediction.  Can make things springy
        this.smoothParameters.prediction         = predictionValue;         // Amount of prediction into the future to use. Can over shoot when too high
        this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius       = jitterRadiusValue;       // Size of the radius where jitter is removed. Can do too much smoothing when too high
        this.smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = maxDeviationRadiusValue; // Size of the max prediction radius Can snap back to noisy data when too high

        // Check for divide by zero. Use an epsilon of a 10th of a millimeter
        this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius = Math.Max(0.0001f, this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius);

        this.init = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// 使用一组手动指定Transform的SmoothParameters初始化过滤器。
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="smoothingValue">Smoothing = [0..1], 较低的值更接近于原始数据,并且噪声更大。</param>
    /// <param name="correctionValue">Correction = [0..1], 更高的值正确更快,感觉更敏感。</param>
    /// <param name="predictionValue">Prediction = [0..n], 将来我们想预测多少帧。</param>
    /// <param name="jitterRadiusValue">JitterRadius = 定义抖动的以m为单位的偏差距离。</param>
    /// <param name="maxDeviationRadiusValue">MaxDeviation = 过滤位置的最大距离(m)允许偏离原始数据。</param>
    public void Init(float smoothingValue, float correctionValue, float predictionValue, float jitterRadiusValue, float maxDeviationRadiusValue)
        this.smoothParameters = new KinectInterop.SmoothParameters();

        this.smoothParameters.smoothing          = smoothingValue;          // 会发生多少事情 会滞后的时候太高
        this.smoothParameters.correction         = correctionValue;         // 从预测中纠正多少。 可以使事情发生变化
        this.smoothParameters.prediction         = predictionValue;         // 预计未来使用量。 当拍摄太高时可以拍摄
        this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius       = jitterRadiusValue;       // 去除抖动的半径的大小。 太高时可以做太多的平滑
        this.smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = maxDeviationRadiusValue; // 最大预测半径的大小如果太高,可以回到嘈杂的数据

        // 检查除以零。 使用十分之一毫米的ε
        this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius = Math.Max(0.0001f, this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius);

        this.init = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize the filter with a set of manually specified TransformSmoothParameters.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="smoothingValue">Smoothing = [0..1], lower values is closer to the raw data and more noisy.</param>
    /// <param name="correctionValue">Correction = [0..1], higher values correct faster and feel more responsive.</param>
    /// <param name="predictionValue">Prediction = [0..n], how many frames into the future we want to predict.</param>
    /// <param name="jitterRadiusValue">JitterRadius = The deviation distance in m that defines jitter.</param>
    /// <param name="maxDeviationRadiusValue">MaxDeviation = The maximum distance in m that filtered positions are allowed to deviate from raw data.</param>
    public void Init(float smoothingValue, float correctionValue, float predictionValue, float jitterRadiusValue, float maxDeviationRadiusValue)
        this.smoothParameters = new KinectInterop.SmoothParameters();

        this.smoothParameters.smoothing = smoothingValue;                   // How much soothing will occur.  Will lag when too high
        this.smoothParameters.correction = correctionValue;                 // How much to correct back from prediction.  Can make things springy
        this.smoothParameters.prediction = predictionValue;                 // Amount of prediction into the future to use. Can over shoot when too high
        this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius = jitterRadiusValue;             // Size of the radius where jitter is removed. Can do too much smoothing when too high
        this.smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = maxDeviationRadiusValue; // Size of the max prediction radius Can snap back to noisy data when too high

        // Check for divide by zero. Use an epsilon of a 10th of a millimeter
        this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius = Math.Max(0.0001f, this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius);

        this.init = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    // Update the filter with a new frame of data and smooth.
    public void UpdateFilter(ref KinectInterop.BodyFrameData bodyFrame)
        if (this.init == false)
            this.Init();    // initialize with default parameters

        KinectInterop.SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams = new KinectInterop.SmoothParameters();

        tempSmoothingParams.smoothing  = this.smoothParameters.smoothing;
        tempSmoothingParams.correction = this.smoothParameters.correction;
        tempSmoothingParams.prediction = this.smoothParameters.prediction;

        int bodyCount = KinectInterop.Constants.BodyCount;

        for (int bodyIndex = 0; bodyIndex < bodyCount; bodyIndex++)
            if (bodyFrame.bodyData[bodyIndex].bIsTracked != 0)
                FilterBodyJoints(ref bodyFrame.bodyData[bodyIndex], bodyIndex, ref tempSmoothingParams);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    // Update the filter with a new frame of data and smooth.
    /// <summary>
    /// 使用新的数据帧更新滤镜并平滑。
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bodyFrame">身体帧</param>
    public void UpdateFilter(ref KinectInterop.BodyFrameData bodyFrame)
        if (this.init == false)
            this.Init();    // 使用默认参数初始化

        KinectInterop.SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams = new KinectInterop.SmoothParameters();

        tempSmoothingParams.smoothing  = this.smoothParameters.smoothing;
        tempSmoothingParams.correction = this.smoothParameters.correction;
        tempSmoothingParams.prediction = this.smoothParameters.prediction;

        KinectManager manager   = KinectManager.Instance;
        int           bodyCount = manager.GetSensorBodyCount();

        for (int bodyIndex = 0; bodyIndex < bodyCount; bodyIndex++)
            if (bodyFrame.bodyData[bodyIndex].bIsTracked != 0)
                FilterBodyJoints(ref bodyFrame.bodyData[bodyIndex], bodyIndex, ref tempSmoothingParams);
    // Update the filter for one joint
    private Vector3 FilterJoint(Vector3 rawPosition, int bodyIndex, int jointIndex, ref KinectInterop.SmoothParameters smoothingParameters)
        Vector3 filteredPosition;
        Vector3 diffVec;
        Vector3 trend;
        float   diffVal;

        Vector3 prevFilteredPosition = history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].filteredPosition;
        Vector3 prevTrend            = this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].trend;
        Vector3 prevRawPosition      = this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].rawPosition;
        bool    jointIsValid         = (rawPosition != Vector3.zero);

        // If joint is invalid, reset the filter
        if (!jointIsValid)
            history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount = 0;

        // Initial start values
        if (this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount == 0)
            filteredPosition = rawPosition;
            trend            = Vector3.zero;
        else if (this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount == 1)
            filteredPosition = (rawPosition + prevRawPosition) * 0.5f;
            diffVec          = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
            trend            = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));
            // First apply jitter filter
            diffVec = rawPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
            diffVal = Math.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);

            if (diffVal <= smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)
                filteredPosition = (rawPosition * (diffVal / smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)) + (prevFilteredPosition * (1.0f - (diffVal / smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)));
                filteredPosition = rawPosition;

            // Now the double exponential smoothing filter
            filteredPosition = (filteredPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.smoothing)) + ((prevFilteredPosition + prevTrend) * smoothingParameters.smoothing);

            diffVec = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
            trend   = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));

        // Predict into the future to reduce latency
        Vector3 predictedPosition = filteredPosition + (trend * smoothingParameters.prediction);

        // Check that we are not too far away from raw data
        diffVec = predictedPosition - rawPosition;
        diffVal = Mathf.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);

        if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius)
            predictedPosition = (predictedPosition * (smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius / diffVal)) + (rawPosition * (1.0f - (smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius / diffVal)));

        // Save the data from this frame
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].rawPosition      = rawPosition;
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].filteredPosition = filteredPosition;
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].trend            = trend;
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount++;

Ejemplo n.º 9
    // Update the filter for all body joints
    private void FilterBodyJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, ref KinectInterop.SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams)
        KinectManager manager     = KinectManager.Instance;
        int           jointsCount = manager.GetJointCount();

        for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointsCount; jointIndex++)
            // If not tracked, we smooth a bit more by using a bigger jitter radius
            // Always filter feet highly as they are so noisy
            if (bodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked ||
                jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight ||
                jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipRight ||
                jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbRight ||
                jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head)
                tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius       = this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius * 2.0f;
                tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius * 2.0f;
                tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius       = smoothParameters.jitterRadius;
                tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius;

            bodyData.joint[jointIndex].posVel = FilterJoint(bodyData.joint[jointIndex].posVel, bodyIndex, jointIndex, ref tempSmoothingParams);
Ejemplo n.º 10
	void StartKinect() 
			// try to initialize the default Kinect2 sensor
			KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags = KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBody;

			if(computeUserMap != UserMapType.None)
				dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth | KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBodyIndex;
				dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeColor;
				dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeInfrared;
//			if(useAudioSource)
//				dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeAudio;

			// open the default sensor
			BackgroundRemovalManager brManager = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<BackgroundRemovalManager>();
			sensorData = KinectInterop.OpenDefaultSensor(sensorInterfaces, dwFlags, sensorAngle, useMultiSourceReader, computeUserMap, brManager);

			if (sensorData == null)
				if(sensorInterfaces == null || sensorInterfaces.Count == 0)
					throw new Exception("No sensor found. Make sure you have installed the SDK and the sensor is connected.");
					throw new Exception("OpenDefaultSensor failed.");

			// enable or disable getting height and angle info
			sensorData.hintHeightAngle = (autoHeightAngle != AutoHeightAngle.DontUse);

			//create the transform matrix - kinect to world
			Quaternion quatTiltAngle = Quaternion.Euler(-sensorAngle, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			kinectToWorld.SetTRS(new Vector3(0.0f, sensorHeight, 0.0f), quatTiltAngle, Vector3.one);
		catch(DllNotFoundException ex)
			string message = ex.Message + " cannot be loaded. Please check the Kinect SDK installation.";
			if(calibrationText != null)
				calibrationText.text = message;
		catch(Exception ex)
			string message = ex.Message;

			if(calibrationText != null)
				calibrationText.text = message;

		// set the singleton instance
		instance = this;
		// init skeleton structures
		bodyFrame = new KinectInterop.BodyFrameData(sensorData.bodyCount, KinectInterop.Constants.MaxJointCount); // sensorData.jointCount
		bodyFrame.bTurnAnalisys = allowTurnArounds;

		KinectInterop.SmoothParameters smoothParameters = new KinectInterop.SmoothParameters();
			case Smoothing.Default:
				smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
				smoothParameters.correction = 0.5f;
				smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
				smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.05f;
				smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.04f;
			case Smoothing.Medium:
				smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
				smoothParameters.correction = 0.1f;
				smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
				smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.1f;
				smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.1f;
			case Smoothing.Aggressive:
				smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.7f;
				smoothParameters.correction = 0.3f;
				smoothParameters.prediction = 1.0f;
				smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 1.0f;
				smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 1.0f;
		// init data filters
		jointPositionFilter = new JointPositionsFilter();
		// init the bone orientation constraints
			boneConstraintsFilter = new BoneOrientationsConstraint();

		if(computeUserMap != UserMapType.None && computeUserMap != UserMapType.RawUserDepth)
			// Initialize depth & label map related stuff
			usersLblTex = new Texture2D(sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

			usersMapSize = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight;
			usersHistogramImage = new Color32[usersMapSize];
			usersPrevState = new ushort[usersMapSize];
	        usersHistogramMap = new float[5001];
			// Initialize color map related stuff
			//usersClrTex = new Texture2D(sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
			usersClrSize = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight;

		// try to automatically use the available avatar controllers in the scene
		if(avatarControllers.Count == 0)
			MonoBehaviour[] monoScripts = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MonoBehaviour)) as MonoBehaviour[];

			foreach(MonoBehaviour monoScript in monoScripts)
				if(typeof(AvatarController).IsAssignableFrom(monoScript.GetType()) && monoScript.enabled)
					AvatarController avatar = (AvatarController)monoScript;

		// set up the gesture manager, if not already set
		if(gestureManager == null)
			MonoBehaviour[] monoScripts = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MonoBehaviour)) as MonoBehaviour[];
			foreach(MonoBehaviour monoScript in monoScripts)
				if(typeof(KinectGestures).IsAssignableFrom(monoScript.GetType()) && monoScript.enabled)
					gestureManager = (KinectGestures)monoScript;


		// try to automatically use the available gesture listeners in the scene
		if(gestureListeners.Count == 0)
			MonoBehaviour[] monoScripts = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MonoBehaviour)) as MonoBehaviour[];
			foreach(MonoBehaviour monoScript in monoScripts)
				if(typeof(KinectGestures.GestureListenerInterface).IsAssignableFrom(monoScript.GetType()) &&
					//KinectGestures.GestureListenerInterface gl = (KinectGestures.GestureListenerInterface)monoScript;
        // Initialize user list to contain all users.
        //alUserIds = new List<Int64>();
        //dictUserIdToIndex = new Dictionary<Int64, int>();

//		// start the background reader
//		kinectReaderThread = new System.Threading.Thread(UpdateKinectStreamsThread);
//		kinectReaderThread.Name = "KinectReaderThread";
//		kinectReaderThread.IsBackground = true;
//		kinectReaderThread.Start();
//		kinectReaderRunning = true;

		kinectInitialized = true;

		// GUI Text.
		if(calibrationText != null)
			calibrationText.text = "WAITING FOR USERS";
		Debug.Log("Waiting for users.");
    // Update the filter for all body joints
    private void FilterBodyJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, ref KinectInterop.SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams)
        KinectManager manager     = KinectManager.Instance;
        int           jointsCount = manager.GetJointCount();

        for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointsCount; jointIndex++)
            // If not tracked, we smooth a bit more by using a bigger jitter radius
            // Always filter feet highly as they are so noisy
            if (bodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked)
                tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius       = this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius * 2.0f;
                tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius * 2.0f;
                tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius       = smoothParameters.jitterRadius;
                tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius;

            bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position = FilterJoint(bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position, bodyIndex, jointIndex, ref tempSmoothingParams);

        for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointsCount; jointIndex++)
            if (jointIndex == 0)
                bodyData.position    = bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position;
                bodyData.orientation = bodyData.joint[jointIndex].orientation;

                bodyData.joint[jointIndex].direction = Vector3.zero;
                int jParent = (int)manager.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)jointIndex);

                if (bodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked &&
                    bodyData.joint[jParent].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)
                    bodyData.joint[jointIndex].direction =
                        bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position - bodyData.joint[jParent].position;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    void Start()
        //		int hr = 0;

        //			if(startKinectServer)
        //			{
        //				// start the Kinect-server app
        //				hr = StartKinectServer();
        //	            if (hr != 0)
        //				{
        //	            	throw new Exception("Kinect2Server not started");
        //				}
        //			}

            // try to initialize the default Kinect2 sensor
            KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags = KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBody;
                dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth | KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBodyIndex;
                dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeColor;
                dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeInfrared;

        //			hr = KinectInterop.InitDefaultKinectSensor(dwFlags, KinectInterop.Constants.ColorImageWidth, KinectInterop.Constants.ColorImageHeight);
        //            if (hr != 0)
        //			{
        //            	throw new Exception("InitDefaultKinectSensor failed");
        //			}

            // open the default kinect sensor
            sensorData = KinectInterop.OpenDefaultKinectSensor(dwFlags);
            if (sensorData == null)
                throw new Exception("OpenDefaultKinectSensor failed");

            // transform matrix - kinect to world
            kinectToWorld.SetTRS(new Vector3(0.0f, sensorHeight, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
        catch(DllNotFoundException ex)
            string message = ex.Message + " cannot be loaded. Please check the Kinect SDK installation.";


            if(calibrationText != null)
                calibrationText.guiText.text = message;

        catch(Exception ex)
            string message = ex.Message;


            if(calibrationText != null)
                calibrationText.guiText.text = message;


        // init skeleton structures
        bodyFrame = new KinectInterop.BodyFrameData(true);

        KinectInterop.SmoothParameters smoothParameters = new KinectInterop.SmoothParameters();

            case Smoothing.Default:
                smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.correction = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.05f;
                smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.04f;
            case Smoothing.Medium:
                smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.correction = 0.1f;
                smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.1f;
                smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.1f;
            case Smoothing.Aggressive:
                smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.7f;
                smoothParameters.correction = 0.3f;
                smoothParameters.prediction = 1.0f;
                smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 1.0f;
                smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 1.0f;

        // init data filters
        jointPositionFilter = new JointPositionsFilter();

        // init the bone orientation constraints
            boneConstraintsFilter = new BoneOrientationsConstraint();

        // get the main camera rectangle
        Rect cameraRect = Camera.main.pixelRect;

        // calculate map width and height in percent, if needed
        if(MapsPercentWidth == 0f)
            MapsPercentWidth = (sensorData.depthImageWidth / 2) / cameraRect.width;
        if(MapsPercentHeight == 0f)
            MapsPercentHeight = (sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2) / cameraRect.height;

            // init user-depth structures
            //depthImage = new KinectInterop.DepthBuffer(true);
            //bodyIndexImage = new KinectInterop.BodyIndexBuffer(true);

            // Initialize depth & label map related stuff
            usersLblTex = new Texture2D(sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
            usersMapRect = new Rect(cameraRect.width - cameraRect.width * MapsPercentWidth, cameraRect.height, cameraRect.width * MapsPercentWidth, -cameraRect.height * MapsPercentHeight);

            usersMapSize = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight;
            usersHistogramImage = new Color32[usersMapSize];
            usersPrevState = new ushort[usersMapSize];
            usersHistogramMap = new float[5001];

            // init color image structures
            //colorImage = new KinectInterop.ColorBuffer(true);

            // Initialize color map related stuff
            usersClrTex = new Texture2D(sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
            usersClrRect = new Rect(cameraRect.width - 320, cameraRect.height, 320, -180);
            usersCaliBox = new Rect(cameraRect.width - 160 - 320 / 14, cameraRect.height - 90, 320 / 7, 90);
            usersClrSize = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight;

            if(computeUserMap && displayColorMap)
                usersMapRect.x -= cameraRect.width * MapsPercentWidth; //usersClrTex.width / 2;

        // try to automatically find the available avatar controllers at the scene
        if(avatarControllers.Count == 0)
            AvatarController[] avatars = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AvatarController)) as AvatarController[];

            foreach(AvatarController avatar in avatars)

        // Initialize user list to contain all users.
        alUserIds = new List<Int64>();
        dictUserIdToIndex = new Dictionary<Int64, int>();

        kinectInitialized = true;
        instance = this;


        // GUI Text.
        if(calibrationText != null)
            calibrationText.guiText.text = "WAITING FOR USERS";

        Debug.Log("Waiting for users.");
    // Update the filter with a new frame of data and smooth.
    public void UpdateFilter(ref KinectInterop.BodyFrameData bodyFrame)
        if (this.init == false)
            this.Init();    // initialize with default parameters

        KinectInterop.SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams = new KinectInterop.SmoothParameters();

        tempSmoothingParams.smoothing = this.smoothParameters.smoothing;
        tempSmoothingParams.correction = this.smoothParameters.correction;
        tempSmoothingParams.prediction = this.smoothParameters.prediction;

        KinectManager manager = KinectManager.Instance;
        int bodyCount = manager.GetBodyCount();

        for(int bodyIndex = 0; bodyIndex < bodyCount; bodyIndex++)
            if(bodyFrame.bodyData[bodyIndex].bIsTracked != 0)
                FilterBodyJoints(ref bodyFrame.bodyData[bodyIndex], bodyIndex, ref tempSmoothingParams);
    private Vector3 FilterJoint(Vector3 rawPosition, int bodyIndex, int jointIndex, ref KinectInterop.SmoothParameters smoothingParameters)
        Vector3 filteredPosition;
        Vector3 diffVec;
        Vector3 trend;
        float   diffVal;

        Vector3 prevFilteredPosition = history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].filteredPosition;
        Vector3 prevTrend            = this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].trend;
        Vector3 prevRawPosition      = this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].rawPosition;
        bool    jointIsValid         = (rawPosition != Vector3.zero);

        if (!jointIsValid)
            history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount = 0;

        if (this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount == 0)
            filteredPosition = rawPosition;
            trend            = Vector3.zero;
        else if (this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount == 1)
            filteredPosition = (rawPosition + prevRawPosition) * 0.5f;
            diffVec          = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
            trend            = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));
            diffVec = rawPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
            diffVal = Math.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);

            if (diffVal <= smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)
                filteredPosition = (rawPosition * (diffVal / smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)) + (prevFilteredPosition * (1.0f - (diffVal / smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)));
                filteredPosition = rawPosition;

            filteredPosition = (filteredPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.smoothing)) + ((prevFilteredPosition + prevTrend) * smoothingParameters.smoothing);

            diffVec = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
            trend   = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));

        Vector3 predictedPosition = filteredPosition + (trend * smoothingParameters.prediction);

        diffVec = predictedPosition - rawPosition;
        diffVal = Mathf.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);

        if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius)
            predictedPosition = (predictedPosition * (smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius / diffVal)) + (rawPosition * (1.0f - (smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius / diffVal)));

        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].rawPosition      = rawPosition;
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].filteredPosition = filteredPosition;
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].trend            = trend;
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount++;

Ejemplo n.º 15
    // Update the filter for one joint
    private Vector3 FilterJoint(Vector3 rawPosition, int bodyIndex, int jointIndex, ref KinectInterop.SmoothParameters smoothingParameters)
        Vector3 filteredPosition;
        Vector3 diffVec;
        Vector3 trend;
        float   diffVal;

        Vector3 prevFilteredPosition = history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].filteredPosition;
        Vector3 prevTrend            = this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].trend;
        Vector3 prevRawPosition      = this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].rawPosition;
        bool    jointIsValid         = (rawPosition != Vector3.zero);

        // 如果关节无效,请重置过滤器
        if (!jointIsValid)
            history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount = 0;

        // 初始值
        if (this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount == 0)
            filteredPosition = rawPosition;
            trend            = Vector3.zero;
        else if (this.history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount == 1)
            filteredPosition = (rawPosition + prevRawPosition) * 0.5f;
            diffVec          = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
            trend            = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));
            // 首先应用抖动筛选
            diffVec = rawPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
            diffVal = Math.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);

            if (diffVal <= smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)
                filteredPosition = (rawPosition * (diffVal / smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)) + (prevFilteredPosition * (1.0f - (diffVal / smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)));
                filteredPosition = rawPosition;

            // Now the double exponential smoothing filter
            filteredPosition = (filteredPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.smoothing)) + ((prevFilteredPosition + prevTrend) * smoothingParameters.smoothing);

            diffVec = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
            trend   = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));

        // Predict into the future to reduce latency
        Vector3 predictedPosition = filteredPosition + (trend * smoothingParameters.prediction);

        // Check that we are not too far away from raw data
        diffVec = predictedPosition - rawPosition;
        diffVal = Mathf.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);

        if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius)
            predictedPosition = (predictedPosition * (smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius / diffVal)) + (rawPosition * (1.0f - (smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius / diffVal)));

        // Save the data from this frame
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].rawPosition      = rawPosition;
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].filteredPosition = filteredPosition;
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].trend            = trend;
        history[bodyIndex, jointIndex].frameCount++;

Ejemplo n.º 16
    // Update the filter for all body joints
    private void FilterBodyJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, ref KinectInterop.SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams)
        int jointsCount = KinectInterop.Constants.JointCount;

        for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointsCount; jointIndex++)
            // If not tracked, we smooth a bit more by using a bigger jitter radius
            // Always filter feet highly as they are so noisy
            if ((int)bodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState != 2)
                tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius       = this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius * 2.0f;
                tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius * 2.0f;
                tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius       = smoothParameters.jitterRadius;
                tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius;

            bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position = FilterJoint(bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position, bodyIndex, jointIndex, ref tempSmoothingParams);
Ejemplo n.º 17
    void StartKinect()
            // try to initialize the default Kinect2 sensor
            KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags = KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBody;

                dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth | KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBodyIndex;
                dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeColor;
                dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeInfrared;
        //			if(useAudioSource)
        //				dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeAudio;

            // open the default sensor
            sensorData = KinectInterop.OpenDefaultSensor(sensorInterfaces, dwFlags, sensorAngle, useMultiSourceReader);
            if (sensorData == null)
                throw new Exception("OpenDefaultSensor failed");

            //create the transform matrix - kinect to world
            Quaternion quatTiltAngle = new Quaternion();
            quatTiltAngle.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-sensorAngle, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            kinectToWorld.SetTRS(new Vector3(0.0f, sensorHeight, 0.0f), quatTiltAngle, Vector3.one);
        catch(DllNotFoundException ex)
            string message = ex.Message + " cannot be loaded. Please check the Kinect SDK installation.";


            if(calibrationText != null)
                calibrationText.guiText.text = message;

        catch(Exception ex)
            string message = ex.Message;


            if(calibrationText != null)
                calibrationText.guiText.text = message;


        // set the singleton instance
        instance = this;

        // init skeleton structures
        bodyFrame = new KinectInterop.BodyFrameData(sensorData.bodyCount, KinectInterop.Constants.JointCount); // sensorData.jointCount

        KinectInterop.SmoothParameters smoothParameters = new KinectInterop.SmoothParameters();

            case Smoothing.Default:
                smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.correction = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.05f;
                smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.04f;
            case Smoothing.Medium:
                smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.correction = 0.1f;
                smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
                smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.1f;
                smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.1f;
            case Smoothing.Aggressive:
                smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.7f;
                smoothParameters.correction = 0.3f;
                smoothParameters.prediction = 1.0f;
                smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 1.0f;
                smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 1.0f;

        // init data filters
        jointPositionFilter = new JointPositionsFilter();

        // init the bone orientation constraints
            boneConstraintsFilter = new BoneOrientationsConstraint();

        // get the main camera rectangle
        Rect cameraRect = Camera.main.pixelRect;

        // calculate map width and height in percent, if needed
        if(DisplayMapsWidthPercent == 0f)
            DisplayMapsWidthPercent = (sensorData.depthImageWidth / 2) * 100 / cameraRect.width;

            float displayMapsWidthPercent = DisplayMapsWidthPercent / 100f;
            float displayMapsHeightPercent = displayMapsWidthPercent * sensorData.depthImageHeight / sensorData.depthImageWidth;

            float displayWidth = cameraRect.width * displayMapsWidthPercent;
            float displayHeight = cameraRect.width * displayMapsHeightPercent;

            // Initialize depth & label map related stuff
            usersLblTex = new Texture2D(sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
            usersMapRect = new Rect(cameraRect.width - displayWidth, cameraRect.height, displayWidth, -displayHeight);

            usersMapSize = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight;
            usersHistogramImage = new Color32[usersMapSize];
            usersPrevState = new ushort[usersMapSize];
            usersHistogramMap = new float[5001];

            float displayMapsWidthPercent = DisplayMapsWidthPercent / 100f;
            float displayMapsHeightPercent = displayMapsWidthPercent * sensorData.colorImageHeight / sensorData.colorImageWidth;

            float displayWidth = cameraRect.width * displayMapsWidthPercent;
            float displayHeight = cameraRect.width * displayMapsHeightPercent;

            // Initialize color map related stuff
            usersClrTex = new Texture2D(sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
            usersClrRect = new Rect(cameraRect.width - displayWidth, cameraRect.height, displayWidth, -displayHeight);
            usersClrSize = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight;

        //			if(computeUserMap && displayColorMap)
        //			{
        //				usersMapRect.x -= cameraRect.width * displayMapsWidthPercent;
        //			}

        // try to automatically use the available avatar controllers in the scene
        if(avatarControllers.Count == 0)
            MonoBehaviour[] monoScripts = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MonoBehaviour)) as MonoBehaviour[];

            foreach(MonoBehaviour monoScript in monoScripts)
                    AvatarController avatar = (AvatarController)monoScript;

        // try to automatically use the available gesture listeners in the scene
        if(gestureListeners.Count == 0)
            MonoBehaviour[] monoScripts = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MonoBehaviour)) as MonoBehaviour[];

            foreach(MonoBehaviour monoScript in monoScripts)
                    print ("Found Listener");
                    //KinectGestures.GestureListenerInterface gl = (KinectGestures.GestureListenerInterface)monoScript;

        // Initialize user list to contain all users.
        alUserIds = new List<Int64>();
        dictUserIdToIndex = new Dictionary<Int64, int>();

        kinectInitialized = true;

        // GUI Text.
        if(calibrationText != null)
            calibrationText.guiText.text = "WAITING FOR USERS";

        Debug.Log("Waiting for users.");
    private void FilterBodyJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, ref KinectInterop.SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams)
        KinectManager manager     = KinectManager.Instance;
        int           jointsCount = manager.GetJointCount();

        for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointsCount; jointIndex++)
            if (bodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked ||
                jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight ||
                jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipRight ||
                jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbRight ||
                jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head)
                tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius       = this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius * 2.0f;
                tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius * 2.0f;
                tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius       = smoothParameters.jitterRadius;
                tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius;

            bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position = FilterJoint(bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position, bodyIndex, jointIndex, ref tempSmoothingParams);

        for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointsCount; jointIndex++)
            if (jointIndex == 0)
                bodyData.position    = bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position;
                bodyData.orientation = bodyData.joint[jointIndex].orientation;

                bodyData.joint[jointIndex].direction = Vector3.zero;
                int jParent = (int)manager.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)jointIndex);

                if (bodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked &&
                    bodyData.joint[jParent].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)
                    bodyData.joint[jointIndex].direction =
                        bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position - bodyData.joint[jParent].position;