Ejemplo n.º 1
		internal KeyboardDescription(IKeyboardSwitchingAdaptor engine, KeyboardType type)
			Engine = engine;
			Type = type;
			IsAvailable = true;
			OperatingSystem = Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the
		/// <see cref="T:Palaso.UI.WindowsForms.Keyboard.KeyboardDescription"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		internal KeyboardDescription(string name, string layout, string locale,
			IInputLanguage language, IKeyboardSwitchingAdaptor engine, KeyboardType type = KeyboardType.System)
			InternalName = name;
			Layout = layout;
			Locale = locale;
			Engine = engine;
			Type = type;
			IsAvailable = true;
			OperatingSystem = Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
			InputLanguage = language;
        public LargeButtonKeyboard()
            : base()

            keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase;

            string[,] characters = { { "q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p", "a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "ABC", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", backspace, space, deleteWord, clear},
                                 { "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "123", "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", backspace, space, deleteWord, clear},
                                 { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "_", "abc", "\"", ",", ".", "?", ":", ";", "'", backspace, space, deleteWord, clear} };

            keyboard = new ALSKey[characters.GetLength(0), characters.GetLength(1)];

            for (int i = 0; i < keyboard.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < keyboard.GetLength(1); j++)
                    keyboard[i, j] = new ALSKey();
                    Controls.Add(keyboard[i, j]);
                    keyboard[i, j].Text = characters[i, j];
                    keyboard[i, j].btnType = ALSButton.ButtonType.key;

                    switch (keyboard[i, j].Text)
                        case backspace:
                            keyboard[i, j].Click += Backspace;
                        case deleteWord:
                            keyboard[i, j].Click += DeleteWord;
                        case clear:
                            keyboard[i, j].Click += Clear;
                        case "abc":
                        case "ABC":
                        case "123":
                            keyboard[i, j].Click += NavigateKeyboard;
                            keyboard[i, j].Click += TypeCharacter;
		public KeyboardErrorDescription(KeyboardType type, object details)
			Type = type;
			Details = details;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void NavigateKeyboard(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ALSButton button = (ALSButton)sender;
            switch (button.Text)
                case "abc":
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase;
                case "ABC":
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Uppercase;
                case "123":
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Characters;
                case lLetters1:
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.aTOi;
                case lLetters2:
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.jTOr;
                case lLetters3:
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.sTOz;
                case uLetters1:
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.ATOI;
                case uLetters2:
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.JTOR;
                case uLetters3:
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.STOZ;
                case "1-9":
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType._1TO9;
                case symbols1:
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Punctuation;
                case symbols2:
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Symbols;
                case symbols3:
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Symbols2;
                case "Back":
                    switch (keyboardType)
                        case KeyboardType.aTOi:
                        case KeyboardType.jTOr:
                        case KeyboardType.sTOz:
                            keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase;
                        case KeyboardType.ATOI:
                        case KeyboardType.JTOR:
                        case KeyboardType.STOZ:
                            keyboardType = KeyboardType.Uppercase;
                        case KeyboardType._1TO9:
                        case KeyboardType.Punctuation:
                        case KeyboardType.Symbols:
                        case KeyboardType.Symbols2:
                            keyboardType = KeyboardType.Characters;
                    if (button.Text.Length > 0)
                        if (button.Text[0] >= 'a' && button.Text[0] <= 'z')
                            keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase;
                        else if (button.Text[0] >= 'A' && button.Text[0] <= 'Z')
                            keyboardType = KeyboardType.Uppercase;
                            keyboardType = KeyboardType.Characters;


            int temp = (int)keyboardType;
            for (int i = 0; i < keyboard.GetLength(1); i++)
                keyboard[(int)keyboardType, i].BringToFront();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void initialConfiguration()

            keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase;

            string[,] letters = { { lLetters1, lLetters2, lLetters3, "?", ".", "ABC", "Space", "Backspace", "Delete Word", "Clear"},
                                  { uLetters1, uLetters2, uLetters3, "?", ".", "123", "Space", "Backspace", "Delete Word", "Clear"},
                                  { "0", "1-9", symbols1, symbols2, symbols3, "abc", "Space", "Backspace", "Delete Word", "Clear"},
                                  { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "Back"},
                                  { "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "Back"},
                                  { "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "", "Back"},
                                  { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "Back"},
                                  { "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "Back"},
                                  { "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "", "Back"},
                                  { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "Back"},
                                  { ".", "!", "?", ",", ":", ";", "'", "\"", "", "Back"},
                                  { "@", "$", "%", "^", "&&", "*", "+", "-", "=", "Back"},
                                  { "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "|", "\\", "/", "Back"} };

            keyboard = new ALSKey[letters.GetLength(0), letters.GetLength(1)];

            for (int i = 0; i < keyboard.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < keyboard.GetLength(1); j++)
                    keyboard[i, j] = new ALSKey();
                    Controls.Add(keyboard[i, j]);
                    keyboard[i, j].Text = letters[i, j];
                    keyboard[i, j].btnType = ALSButton.ButtonType.key;

                    switch (i)
                        case 0:
                        case 1:
                            if (j < 3 || j == 5)
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += NavigateKeyboard;
                            else if (j == 3 || j == 4 || j == 6)
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += TypeCharacter;
                            else if (j == 7)
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += Backspace;
                            else if (j == 8)
                                if (!browserMode)
                                    keyboard[i, j].Click += DeleteWord;
                                    keyboard[i, j].Enabled = false;
                                    keyboard[i, j].Visible = false;

                            else if (j == 9)
                                if (!browserMode)
                                    keyboard[i, j].Click += Clear;
                                    //keyboard[i, j].Location = keyboard[1, 8].Location; //move clear to delete words position
                        case 2:
                            if (j == 0)
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += TypeCharacter;
                            else if (j >= 1 && j <= 5)
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += NavigateKeyboard;
                            else if (j == 6)
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += TypeCharacter;
                            else if (j == 7)
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += Backspace;
                            else if (j == 8)
                                if (!browserMode)
                                    keyboard[i, j].Click += DeleteWord;
                                    keyboard[i, j].Enabled = false;
                                    keyboard[i, j].Visible = false;

                            else if (j == 9)
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += Clear;
                            if (j < 9)
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += TypeCharacter;
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += NavigateKeyboard;
                                keyboard[i, j].Click += NavigateKeyboard;


        private void NavigateKeyboard(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ALSButton button = (ALSButton)sender;
            switch (button.Text)
                case "abc":
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase;
                case "ABC":
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Uppercase;
                case "123":
                    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Characters;

            int temp = (int)keyboardType;
            for (int i = 0; i < keyboard.GetLength(1); i++)
                keyboard[(int)keyboardType, i].BringToFront();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal static MusicPlayer Create(RawMusicSheet rawMusicSheet, KeyboardType type)
     return(MusicBoxNotationMusicPlayerFactory(rawMusicSheet, type));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static MusicPlayer MusicBoxNotationMusicPlayerFactory(RawMusicSheet rawMusicSheet, KeyboardType type)
            var musicSheet = new MusicSheetParser(new ChordParser(new NoteParser(), rawMusicSheet.Instrument)).Parse(

            var algorithm = rawMusicSheet.Algorithm == "favor notes"
                ? new FavorNotesAlgorithm() : (IPlayAlgorithm) new FavorChordsAlgorithm();

            return(new MusicPlayer(
                       GetInstrument(rawMusicSheet.Instrument, type),
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public MyKeyboard(Grid KeyboardHolderGrid, ICommand OnOK, ICommand OnChange)
            this.KeyboardType       = typeof(PropertyType).Equals(typeof(int)) ? KeyboardType.Int : typeof(PropertyType).Equals(typeof(decimal)) ? KeyboardType.Decimal : KeyboardType.Default;
            this.KeyboardHolderGrid = KeyboardHolderGrid;
            this.OnOK     = OnOK;
            this.OnChange = OnChange;

            Button_1 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "1", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۱", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_2 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "2", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۲", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_3 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "3", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۳", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_4 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "4", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۴", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_5 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "5", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۵", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_6 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "6", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۶", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_7 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "7", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۷", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_8 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "8", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۸", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_9 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "9", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۹", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_0 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "0", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "۰", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_Dot = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = ".", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "/", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            Button_Clear = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "Clear", Image = new Image()
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Source = "BackSpace.png"
            Button_OK = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "OK", Image = new Image()
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Source = "OK_B.png"
            Button_Temp1 = new KeyboardButton()
                Value = "", Label = new Label()
                    Text = "", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 20, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold

            if (KeyboardType == KeyboardType.Int)
                Labels_Landscape    = new KeyboardButton[1][];
                Labels_Landscape[0] = new KeyboardButton[12] {
                    Button_1, Button_2, Button_3, Button_4, Button_5, Button_6, Button_7, Button_8, Button_9, Button_0, Button_Clear, Button_OK
                Labels_Portrait    = new KeyboardButton[2][];
                Labels_Portrait[0] = new KeyboardButton[6] {
                    Button_1, Button_2, Button_3, Button_4, Button_5, Button_Clear
                Labels_Portrait[1] = new KeyboardButton[6] {
                    Button_6, Button_7, Button_8, Button_9, Button_0, Button_OK
            else if (KeyboardType == KeyboardType.Decimal)
                Labels_Landscape    = new KeyboardButton[1][];
                Labels_Landscape[0] = new KeyboardButton[13] {
                    Button_1, Button_2, Button_3, Button_4, Button_5, Button_6, Button_7, Button_8, Button_9, Button_0, Button_Dot, Button_Clear, Button_OK
                Labels_Portrait    = new KeyboardButton[2][];
                Labels_Portrait[0] = new KeyboardButton[7] {
                    Button_1, Button_2, Button_3, Button_4, Button_5, Button_Temp1, Button_Clear
                Labels_Portrait[1] = new KeyboardButton[7] {
                    Button_6, Button_7, Button_8, Button_9, Button_0, Button_Dot, Button_OK

            var AllButtons = new List <KeyboardButton>()
                Button_1, Button_2, Button_3, Button_4, Button_5, Button_6, Button_7, Button_8, Button_9, Button_0,
                Button_Dot, Button_Clear, Button_OK,

            foreach (var button in AllButtons)
                var TapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer();
                TapGestureRecognizer.Tapped += (s, e) =>
                    var Value = button.Value;
                if (button.Label != null)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public void ShowKeyboard(KeyboardTextInput textInput, string initialValue, int maxCharacters, KeyboardType keyboardType)
        currentType         = keyboardType;
        GetInputText().text = initialValue;
        showingSymbols      = false;
        maxInputLength      = maxCharacters;
        keyboardTextInput   = textInput;
        if (emailKeyboard != null)
        if (numPadKeyboard != null)
        switch (keyboardType)
        case KeyboardType.EMAIL:

        case KeyboardType.NUMBER:
Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected override void UpdateDetailDisplay(View cell)
            if (cell == null)

            TextView label;
            EditText _entry;

            DroidResources.DecodeStringEntryLayout(Context, cell, out label, out _entry);

            if (_entry == null)

            if (_entry.Text != Value)
                _entry.Text = Value;
            if (_entry.Hint != Hint)
                _entry.Hint = Hint;

            var inputType = KeyboardType.InputTypesFromUIKeyboardType();

            if (Password)
                inputType |= InputTypes.TextVariationPassword;

            if (IsEmail)
                inputType |= AndroidDialogEnumHelper.KeyboardTypeMap[UIKeyboardType.EmailAddress];

            if (Numeric)
                inputType |= AndroidDialogEnumHelper.KeyboardTypeMap[UIKeyboardType.DecimalPad];

            if (NoAutoCorrect)
                inputType |= AndroidDialogEnumHelper.KeyboardTypeMap[UIKeyboardType.NoAutoCorrect];

            if (Lines > 1)
                inputType |= InputTypes.TextFlagMultiLine;
                if (_entry.LineCount != Lines)
            else if (Send != null)
                if (_entry.ImeOptions != ImeAction.Go)
                    _entry.ImeOptions = ImeAction.Go;
                    _entry.SetImeActionLabel("Go", ImeAction.Go);
                var imeOptions = ReturnKeyType.ImeActionFromUIReturnKeyType();
                if (_entry.ImeOptions != imeOptions)
                    _entry.ImeOptions = imeOptions;
            if (_entry.InputType != inputType)
                _entry.InputType = inputType;

            //android can't seem to find the correct NextFocusDown if items are added dynamically, we'll catch the next/previous ourselves
            _entry.EditorAction += (sender, args) =>
                if (args.ActionId == ImeAction.Next ||
                    (Android.OS.Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.Honeycomb &&
                     args.ActionId == ImeAction.Previous))
                    ViewGroup   group       = _entry.Parent as ViewGroup;
                    IViewParent currentLoop = _entry.Parent;
                    while (currentLoop != null)
                        currentLoop = currentLoop.Parent;
                        if (currentLoop is ViewGroup)
                            group = (ViewGroup)currentLoop;
                    var focus = FocusFinder.Instance.FindNextFocus(group, _entry, args.ActionId == ImeAction.Next ? FocusSearchDirection.Down : FocusSearchDirection.Up);
                    if (focus != null)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays a native platform prompt, allowing the application user to enter a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">Title to display</param>
        /// <param name="message">Message to display</param>
        /// <param name="accept">Text for the accept button</param>
        /// <param name="cancel">Text for the cancel button</param>
        /// <param name="placeholder">Placeholder text to display in the prompt</param>
        /// <param name="maxLength">Maximum length of the user response</param>
        /// <param name="keyboardType">Keyboard type to use for the user response</param>
        /// <param name="initialValue">Pre-defined response that will be displayed, and which can be edited</param>
        /// <returns><c>string</c> entered by the user. <c>null</c> if cancel is pressed</returns>
        public virtual Task <string> DisplayPromptAsync(string title, string message, string accept = "OK", string cancel = "Cancel", string placeholder = default, int maxLength = -1, KeyboardType keyboardType = KeyboardType.Default, string initialValue = "")
            var keyboard = _keyboardMapper.Map(keyboardType);

            return(_applicationProvider.MainPage.DisplayPromptAsync(title, message, accept, cancel, placeholder, maxLength, keyboard, initialValue));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public KeyboardErrorDescription(KeyboardType type, object details)
     Type    = type;
     Details = details;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public KeyboardTranslationSDL(KeyboardType keyboardType)
            dxKeys = new List <DxKeys>();
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 0, DxUK = "SDLK_UNKNOWN"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 8, DxUK = "Backspace"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 9, DxUK = "Tab"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 12, DxUK = "SDLK_CLEAR"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 13, DxUK = "Return"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 19, DxUK = "Pause"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 27, DxUK = "Escape"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 32, DxUK = "Space"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 33, DxUK = "SDLK_EXCLAIM"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 34, DxUK = "SDLK_QUOTEDBL"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 35, DxUK = "SDLK_HASH"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 36, DxUK = "SDLK_DOLLAR"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 38, DxUK = "SDLK_AMPERSAND"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 39, DxUK = "Apostrophe"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 40, DxUK = "SDLK_LEFTPAREN"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 41, DxUK = "SDLK_RIGHTPAREN"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 42, DxUK = "SDLK_ASTERISK"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 43, DxUK = "SDLK_PLUS"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 44, DxUK = "Comma"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 45, DxUK = "Minus"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 46, DxUK = "Period"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 47, DxUK = "Slash"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 48, DxUK = "D0"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 49, DxUK = "D1"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 50, DxUK = "D2"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 51, DxUK = "D3"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 52, DxUK = "D4"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 53, DxUK = "D5"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 54, DxUK = "D6"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 55, DxUK = "D7"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 56, DxUK = "D8"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 57, DxUK = "D9"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 58, DxUK = "Colon"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 59, DxUK = "Semicolon"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 60, DxUK = "Oem102"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 61, DxUK = "Equals"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 62, DxUK = "SDLK_GREATER"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 63, DxUK = "SDLK_QUESTION"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 64, DxUK = "SDLK_AT"

            // skip uppercase

            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 91, DxUK = "LeftBracket"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 92, DxUK = "Backslash"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 93, DxUK = "RightBracket"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 94, DxUK = "SDLK_CARET"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 95, DxUK = "SDLK_UNDERSCORE"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 96, DxUK = "Grave"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 97, DxUK = "A"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 98, DxUK = "B"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 99, DxUK = "C"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 100, DxUK = "D"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 101, DxUK = "E"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 102, DxUK = "F"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 103, DxUK = "G"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 104, DxUK = "H"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 105, DxUK = "I"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 106, DxUK = "J"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 107, DxUK = "K"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 108, DxUK = "L"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 109, DxUK = "M"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 110, DxUK = "N"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 111, DxUK = "O"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 112, DxUK = "P"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 113, DxUK = "Q"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 114, DxUK = "R"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 115, DxUK = "S"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 116, DxUK = "T"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 117, DxUK = "U"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 118, DxUK = "V"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 119, DxUK = "W"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 120, DxUK = "X"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 121, DxUK = "Y"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 122, DxUK = "Z"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 127, DxUK = "Delete"
            // end ascii mapped keysims

            // SDLK_WORLD
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 160, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_0"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 161, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_1"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 162, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_2"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 163, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_3"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 164, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_4"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 165, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_5"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 166, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_6"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 167, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_7"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 168, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_8"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 169, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_9"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 170, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_10"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 171, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_11"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 172, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_12"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 173, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_13"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 174, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_14"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 175, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_15"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 176, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_16"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 177, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_17"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 178, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_18"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 179, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_19"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 180, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_20"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 181, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_21"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 182, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_22"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 183, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_23"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 184, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_24"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 185, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_25"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 186, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_26"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 187, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_27"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 188, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_28"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 189, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_29"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 190, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_30"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 191, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_31"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 192, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_32"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 193, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_33"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 194, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_34"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 195, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_35"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 196, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_36"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 197, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_37"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 198, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_38"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 199, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_39"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 200, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_40"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 201, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_41"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 202, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_42"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 203, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_43"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 204, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_44"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 205, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_45"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 206, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_46"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 207, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_47"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 208, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_48"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 209, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_49"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 210, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_50"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 211, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_51"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 212, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_52"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 213, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_53"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 214, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_54"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 215, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_55"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 216, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_56"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 217, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_57"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 218, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_58"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 219, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_59"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 220, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_60"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 221, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_61"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 222, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_62"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 223, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_63"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 224, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_64"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 225, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_65"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 226, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_66"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 227, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_67"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 228, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_68"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 229, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_69"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 230, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_70"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 231, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_71"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 232, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_72"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 233, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_73"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 234, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_74"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 235, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_75"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 236, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_76"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 237, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_77"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 238, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_78"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 239, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_79"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 240, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_80"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 241, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_81"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 242, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_82"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 243, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_83"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 244, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_84"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 245, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_85"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 246, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_86"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 247, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_87"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 248, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_88"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 249, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_89"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 250, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_90"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 251, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_91"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 252, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_92"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 253, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_93"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 254, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_94"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 255, DxUK = "SDLK_WORLD_95"

            // numeric keypad
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 256, DxUK = "NumberPad0"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 257, DxUK = "NumberPad1"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 258, DxUK = "NumberPad2"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 259, DxUK = "NumberPad3"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 260, DxUK = "NumberPad4"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 261, DxUK = "NumberPad5"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 262, DxUK = "NumberPad6"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 263, DxUK = "NumberPad7"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 264, DxUK = "NumberPad8"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 265, DxUK = "NumberPad9"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 266, DxUK = "NumberPadPeriod"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 267, DxUK = "NumberPadSlash"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 268, DxUK = "NumberPadStar"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 269, DxUK = "NumberPadMinus"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 270, DxUK = "NumberPadPlus"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 271, DxUK = "NumberPadEnter"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 272, DxUK = "NumberPadEquals"

            // Arrows + Home/End pad
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 273, DxUK = "UpArrow"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 274, DxUK = "DownArrow"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 275, DxUK = "RightArrow"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 276, DxUK = "LeftArrow"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 277, DxUK = "Insert"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 278, DxUK = "Home"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 279, DxUK = "End"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 280, DxUK = "PageUp"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 281, DxUK = "PageDown"

            // Function keys
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 282, DxUK = "F1"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 283, DxUK = "F2"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 284, DxUK = "F3"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 285, DxUK = "F4"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 286, DxUK = "F5"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 287, DxUK = "F6"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 288, DxUK = "F7"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 289, DxUK = "F8"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 290, DxUK = "F9"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 291, DxUK = "F10"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 292, DxUK = "F11"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 293, DxUK = "F12"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 294, DxUK = "F13"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 295, DxUK = "F14"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 296, DxUK = "F15"

            // Key state modifier keys
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 300, DxUK = "NumberLock"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 301, DxUK = "CapsLock"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 302, DxUK = "ScrollLock"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 303, DxUK = "RightShift"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 304, DxUK = "LeftShift"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 305, DxUK = "RightAlt"
            });                                                           //alt-gr
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 306, DxUK = "RightControl"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 306, DxUK = "LeftControl"
            });                                                             // mednafen appears to map left and right control to the same value (at least on my keyboard)
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 307, DxUK = "SDLK_RALT"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 308, DxUK = "LeftAlt"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 309, DxUK = "SDLK_RMETA"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 310, DxUK = "SDLK_LMETA"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 311, DxUK = "LeftWindowsKey"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 312, DxUK = "RightWindowsKey"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 313, DxUK = "SDLK_RALT"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 314, DxUK = "SDLK_COMPOSE"

            // Misc function keys
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 315, DxUK = "SDLK_HELP"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 316, DxUK = "PrintScreen"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 317, DxUK = "SDLK_SYSREQ"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 318, DxUK = "Pause"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 319, DxUK = "Applications"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 320, DxUK = "Power"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 321, DxUK = "SDLK_EURO"
            dxKeys.Add(new DxKeys {
                SDLK = 322, DxUK = "SDLK_UNDO"
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод, записывающий данные в поля класса.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bodyLength">Длина клавиатуры.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyHeight">Высота клавиатуры.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyDepth">Глубина клавиатуры.</param>
        /// <param name="panelDisplay">Наличие дисплея.</param>
        /// <param name="panelButtons">Наличие кнопок.</param>
        /// <param name="panelKnobs">Наличие ручек.</param>
        /// <param name="panelWheel">Наличие колеса модуляции.</param>
        /// <param name="commutationXLRSockets">Количество разъемов XLR.</param>
        /// <param name="commutationTRSSockets">Количество разъемов TRS.</param>
        /// <param name="commutationMIDISockets">Количество разъемов MIDI.</param>
        /// <param name="keyboardType">Тип клавиатуры.</param>
        /// <param name="keyboardKeyAmount">Количество клавиш.</param>
        public void Record(double bodyLength, double bodyHeight,
                           double bodyDepth, bool panelDisplay, bool panelButtons,
                           bool panelKnobs, bool panelWheel, int commutationXLRSockets,
                           int commutationTRSSockets, int commutationMIDISockets,
                           KeyboardType keyboardType, KeysAmountMode keyAmount)
            if (!Validation(bodyHeight, bodyHeightMax, bodyHeightMin,
                throw new ArgumentException();
            _bodyHeight = bodyHeight;

            if (!Validation(bodyDepth, bodyDepthMax, bodyDepthMin,
                throw new ArgumentException();
            _bodyDepth = bodyDepth;

            switch (keyAmount)
            case KeysAmountMode.Low:
                if (!Validation(bodyLength, bodyLengthLowMax,
                                bodyLengthLowMin, bodyLenghtString))
                    throw new ArgumentException();
                _bodyLength        = bodyLength;
                _keyboardKeyAmount = keyAmountLow;
                _boardLength       = boardLengthLow;
                _whiteKeyAmount    = whiteKeyAmountLow;
                _blackKeyAmount    = blackKeyAmountLow;


            case KeysAmountMode.Middle:
                if (!Validation(bodyLength, bodyLengthMiddleMax,
                                bodyLengthMiddleMin, bodyLenghtString))
                    throw new ArgumentException();
                _bodyLength        = bodyLength;
                _keyboardKeyAmount = keyAmountMiddle;
                _boardLength       = boardLengthMiddle;
                _whiteKeyAmount    = whiteKeyAmountMiddle;
                _blackKeyAmount    = blackKeyAmountMiddle;


            case KeysAmountMode.High:
                if (!Validation(bodyLength, bodyLengthHighMax,
                                bodyLengthHighMin, bodyLenghtString))
                    throw new ArgumentException();
                _bodyLength        = bodyLength;
                _keyboardKeyAmount = keyAmountHigh;
                _boardLength       = boardLengthHigh;
                _whiteKeyAmount    = whiteKeyAmountHigh;
                _blackKeyAmount    = blackKeyAmountHigh;


            _panelDisplay = panelDisplay;
            _panelButtons = panelButtons;
            _panelKnobs   = panelKnobs;

            _keyboardType = keyboardType;

            if (!Validation(commutationXLRSockets, xlrSocketsMax,
                            xlrSocketsMin, xlrSocketsString))
                throw new ArgumentException();
            _commutationXLRSockets = commutationXLRSockets;

            if (!Validation(commutationTRSSockets, trsSocketsMax,
                            trsSocketsMin, trsSocketsString))
                throw new ArgumentException();
            _commutationTRSSockets = commutationTRSSockets;

            if (!Validation(commutationMIDISockets, midiSocketsMax,
                            midiSocketsMin, midiSocketsString))
                throw new ArgumentException();
            _commutationMIDISockets = commutationMIDISockets;