Ejemplo n.º 1
 public SpawnTileBehaviour(Tile tile, KeyValuePairs kvp) : base(tile, kvp)
     m_colour         = kvp.GetString("colour", "grey");
     m_immobile       = kvp.GetBool("immobile", false);
     m_required       = kvp.GetBool("required", m_colour != "grey" && !m_immobile);
     m_turnPreference = kvp.GetEnum("turn_preference", TurnDirection.Left);
     if (kvp.ContainsKey("robot_model"))
         m_robotModel = kvp.GetString("robot_model");
         throw new IOException("robot_model not specified");
     m_robotLightColour = kvp.GetColour("light_colour", Vector3.Zero);
     if (m_robotLightColour.Value.Length <= 0.0f)
         m_robotLightColour = null;
     m_robotLightRadius = kvp.GetFloat("light_radius", 15.0f);
     if (m_robotLightRadius.Value <= 0.0f)
         m_robotLightRadius = null;
     m_robotAnimSet  = kvp.GetString("robot_animset", "animation/entities/new_robot/new_robot.animset");
     m_robotSoundSet = kvp.GetString("robot_soundset", "sound/new_robot/new_robot.soundset");
     m_guiColour     = kvp.GetColour("gui_colour", Vector3.One);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void Load(IFileStore store)
            var kvp = new KeyValuePairs();

            using (var reader = store.OpenTextFile(Path))

            BackgroundColour = kvp.GetColour("background_colour", Vector3.Zero);
            BackgroundImage  = kvp.GetString("background_image", null);
            AmbientColour    = kvp.GetColour("ambient_colour", Vector3.One);
            LightColour      = kvp.GetColour("light_colour", Vector3.Zero);
            LightDirection   = kvp.GetUnitVector("light_direction", -Vector3.UnitY);
            Light2Colour     = kvp.GetColour("light2_colour", Vector3.Zero);
            Light2Direction  = kvp.GetUnitVector("light2_direction", -Vector3.UnitY);

            ModelPath           = kvp.GetString("model", null);
            ForegroundModelPath = kvp.GetString("foreground_model", null);
            AnimPath            = kvp.GetString("animation", null);

            RenderPass           = kvp.GetEnum("render_pass", RenderPass.Opaque);
            ForegroundRenderPass = kvp.GetEnum("foreground_render_pass", RenderPass.Opaque);
            CastShadows          = kvp.GetBool("cast_shadows", false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ReloadInfo()
            // Set default info
            Title              = "Untitled Mod";
            Version            = new Version(1, 0, 0);
            MinimumGameVersion = new Version(0, 0, 0);
            Author             = null;
            AuthorTwitter      = null;
            AutoLoad           = false;
            SteamWorkshopID    = null;
            SteamUserID        = null;

            // Reload the index
            if (m_contents != null)

            // Parse info.txt
            var infoPath = "info.txt";

            if (m_contents != null && m_contents.FileExists(infoPath))
                var kvp = new KeyValuePairs();
                using (var stream = m_contents.OpenTextFile(infoPath))

                Title              = kvp.GetString("title", Title);
                Version            = kvp.GetVersion("version", Version);
                MinimumGameVersion = kvp.GetVersion("game_version", MinimumGameVersion);
                Author             = kvp.GetString("author", null);
                AuthorTwitter      = kvp.GetString("author_twitter", null);
                AutoLoad           = kvp.GetBool("autoload", false);
                if (kvp.ContainsKey("steam_workshop_id"))
                    SteamWorkshopID = kvp.GetULong("steam_workshop_id");
                    SteamWorkshopID = null;
                if (kvp.ContainsKey("steam_user_id"))
                    SteamUserID = kvp.GetULong("steam_user_id");
                    SteamUserID = null;

            // Reload the index
            m_assets.Name = Title;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public WireTileBehaviour(Tile tile, KeyValuePairs kvp) : base(tile, kvp)
            m_poweredModelPath    = kvp.GetString("powered_model", tile.ModelPath);
            m_altPoweredModelPath = kvp.GetString("alt_powered_model", m_poweredModelPath);

            bool connected = kvp.GetBool("connected", false);

            m_connectivity    = new bool[6];
            m_connectivity[0] = kvp.GetBool("connected_front", connected);
            m_connectivity[1] = kvp.GetBool("connected_right", connected);
            m_connectivity[2] = kvp.GetBool("connected_back", connected);
            m_connectivity[3] = kvp.GetBool("connected_left", connected);
            m_connectivity[4] = kvp.GetBool("connected_top", connected);
            m_connectivity[5] = kvp.GetBool("connected_bottom", connected);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ButtonTileBehaviour(Tile tile, KeyValuePairs kvp) : base(tile, kvp)
            m_poweredModelPath    = kvp.GetString("powered_model", tile.ModelPath);
            m_altPoweredModelPath = kvp.GetString("alt_powered_model", m_poweredModelPath);

            m_soundPath = kvp.GetString("sound", null);

            bool connected = kvp.GetBool("connected", false);

            m_connectivity    = new bool[6];
            m_connectivity[0] = kvp.GetBool("connected_front", connected);
            m_connectivity[1] = kvp.GetBool("connected_right", connected);
            m_connectivity[2] = kvp.GetBool("connected_back", connected);
            m_connectivity[3] = kvp.GetBool("connected_left", connected);
            m_connectivity[4] = kvp.GetBool("connected_top", connected);
            m_connectivity[5] = kvp.GetBool("connected_bottom", connected);

            m_type     = kvp.GetEnum("type", ButtonType.Momentary);
            m_inverted = kvp.GetBool("inverted", false);
            m_colour   = kvp.GetString("colour");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void Load(IFileStore store)
            var kvp = new KeyValuePairs();

            using (var reader = store.OpenTextFile(m_path))

            if (kvp.Count == 0)
                // Read in the title and levels
                m_title = kvp.GetString("title", "Untitled Campaign");
                m_levels.AddRange(kvp.GetStringArray("levels", new string[0]));
                m_checkpoints.AddRange(kvp.GetIntegerArray("checkpoints", new int[0]));
                m_id = kvp.GetInteger("id", MathUtils.SimpleStableHash(m_path));
                m_initialLevelsUnlocked = kvp.GetInteger("initial_levels_unlocked", 1);
                m_hidden = kvp.GetBool("hidden", false);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Load(IFileStore store)
            var kvp = new KeyValuePairs();

            using (var stream = store.OpenTextFile(m_path))

            m_modelPath       = kvp.GetString("model", null);
            m_altModelPath    = kvp.GetString("alt_model", m_modelPath);
            m_editorModelPath = kvp.GetString("editor_model", null);

            m_height      = kvp.GetInteger("height", 1);
            m_placeable   = kvp.GetBool("placeable", false);
            m_replaceable = kvp.GetBool("replaceable", false);

            m_solidity = new bool[6];
            bool solid = kvp.GetBool("solid", false);

            m_solidity[0] = kvp.GetBool("solid_front", solid);
            m_solidity[1] = kvp.GetBool("solid_right", solid);
            m_solidity[2] = kvp.GetBool("solid_back", solid);
            m_solidity[3] = kvp.GetBool("solid_left", solid);
            m_solidity[4] = kvp.GetBool("solid_top", solid);
            m_solidity[5] = kvp.GetBool("solid_bottom", solid);

            m_opacity = new bool[6];
            bool opaque = kvp.GetBool("opaque", false);

            m_opacity[0] = kvp.GetBool("opaque_front", opaque);
            m_opacity[1] = kvp.GetBool("opaque_right", opaque);
            m_opacity[2] = kvp.GetBool("opaque_back", opaque);
            m_opacity[3] = kvp.GetBool("opaque_left", opaque);
            m_opacity[4] = kvp.GetBool("opaque_top", opaque);
            m_opacity[5] = kvp.GetBool("opaque_bottom", opaque);

            m_forwardIncline = kvp.GetInteger("incline_forward", 0);
            m_rightIncline   = kvp.GetInteger("incline_right", 0);
            m_allowPlacement = kvp.GetBool("allow_placement", true);

            var behaviour = kvp.GetString("behaviour", "generic");

            m_behaviour = TileBehaviour.CreateFromName(behaviour, this, kvp);

            m_renderPass  = kvp.GetEnum("render_pass", RenderPass.Opaque);
            m_castShadows = kvp.GetBool("cast_shadows", true);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void Load(IFileStore store)
            // Load the file
            var kvp = new KeyValuePairs();

            using (var stream = store.OpenTextFile(m_path))

            // Load the ID
            m_id = kvp.GetInteger("id", MathUtils.SimpleStableHash(m_path));

            // Load the dimensions
            Width   = kvp.GetInteger("tiles.width", 0);
            Height  = kvp.GetInteger("tiles.height", 0);
            Depth   = kvp.GetInteger("tiles.depth", 0);
            XOrigin = kvp.GetInteger("tiles.x_origin", 0);
            YOrigin = kvp.GetInteger("tiles.y_origin", 0);
            ZOrigin = kvp.GetInteger("tiles.z_origin", 0);

            // Load the tile lookup
            TileLookup = kvp.GetStringArray("tiles.lookup", new string[0]);

            // Load the tiles
            TileIDs        = new int[Width, Height, Depth];
            TileDirections = new FlatDirection[Width, Height, Depth];
            var tileData = kvp.GetString("tiles.data", "");

            for (int x = 0; x < Width; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height; ++y)
                    for (int z = 0; z < Depth; ++z)
                        int index     = (x * Height * Depth) + (y * Depth) + z;
                        var id        = 0;
                        var direction = FlatDirection.North;
                        if (((index * 3) + 3) <= tileData.Length)
                            id = Base64.ParseInt(tileData.Substring(index * 3, 2));
                            int directionNum = Base64.ParseInt(tileData.Substring((index * 3) + 2, 1));
                            if (directionNum >= 0 && directionNum < 4)
                                direction = (FlatDirection)directionNum;
                        TileIDs[x, y, z]        = id;
                        TileDirections[x, y, z] = direction;

            // Load the level info
            Title  = kvp.GetString("title", "Untitled");
            Music  = kvp.GetString("music", "music/lightless_dawn.ogg");
            Sky    = kvp.GetString("sky", "skies/starfield.sky");
            Script = kvp.GetString("script", null);

            if (kvp.ContainsKey("items.grey_cube.count"))
                Item      = "tiles/new/cone_spawn.tile";
                ItemCount = kvp.GetInteger("items.grey_cube.count", 0);
                Item      = kvp.GetString("item", "tiles/new/cone_spawn.tile");
                ItemCount = kvp.GetInteger("item_count", 0);
            EverCompleted = kvp.GetBool("ever_completed", false);

            CameraPitch    = kvp.GetFloat("camera.pitch", 60.0f);
            CameraYaw      = kvp.GetFloat("camera.yaw", 270.0f - 22.5f);
            CameraDistance = kvp.GetFloat("camera.distance", 18.0f);

            Intro = kvp.GetString("intro", null);
            Outro = kvp.GetString("outro", null);

            RandomSeed = kvp.GetInteger("random.seed", Path.GetHashCode());
            RobotCount = kvp.GetInteger("robot_count", 0);