Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ExceptionsTest()
            SEALContext  context = GlobalContext.BFVContext;
            KeyGenerator keygen  = new KeyGenerator(context);
            SecretKey    secret  = new SecretKey();
            List <uint>  elts    = new List <uint> {
            List <uint> elts_null = null;
            List <int>  steps     = new List <int> {
            List <int> steps_null = null;

            Utilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentNullException>(() => keygen = new KeyGenerator(null));

            Utilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentNullException>(() => keygen = new KeyGenerator(context, null));
            Utilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentNullException>(() => keygen = new KeyGenerator(null, keygen.SecretKey));
            Utilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentException>(() => keygen     = new KeyGenerator(context, secret));

            Utilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentNullException>(() => keygen.CreateGaloisKeys(elts_null));
            Utilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentException>(() => keygen.CreateGaloisKeys(elts));
            Utilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentNullException>(() => keygen.CreateGaloisKeys(steps_null));
            Utilities.AssertThrows <ArgumentException>(() => keygen.CreateGaloisKeys(steps));

            EncryptionParameters smallParms = new EncryptionParameters(SchemeType.CKKS);

            smallParms.PolyModulusDegree = 128;
            smallParms.CoeffModulus      = CoeffModulus.Create(smallParms.PolyModulusDegree, new int[] { 60 });
            context = new SEALContext(smallParms, true, SecLevelType.None);
            keygen  = new KeyGenerator(context);
            Utilities.AssertThrows <InvalidOperationException>(() => keygen.CreateRelinKeys());
            Utilities.AssertThrows <InvalidOperationException>(() => keygen.CreateGaloisKeys());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SeededKeyTest()
            EncryptionParameters parms = new EncryptionParameters(SchemeType.BFV)
                PolyModulusDegree = 128,
                PlainModulus      = new Modulus(1 << 6),
                CoeffModulus      = CoeffModulus.Create(128, new int[] { 40, 40, 40 })
            SEALContext context = new SEALContext(parms,
                                                  expandModChain: false,
                                                  secLevel: SecLevelType.None);
            KeyGenerator keygen = new KeyGenerator(context);

            RelinKeys relinKeys = new RelinKeys();

            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                relinKeys.Load(context, stream);

            keygen.CreatePublicKey(out PublicKey publicKey);
            Encryptor encryptor = new Encryptor(context, publicKey);
            Decryptor decryptor = new Decryptor(context, keygen.SecretKey);
            Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator(context);

            Ciphertext encrypted1 = new Ciphertext(context);
            Ciphertext encrypted2 = new Ciphertext(context);
            Plaintext  plain1     = new Plaintext();
            Plaintext  plain2     = new Plaintext();

            encryptor.Encrypt(plain1, encrypted1);
            evaluator.RelinearizeInplace(encrypted1, relinKeys);
            decryptor.Decrypt(encrypted1, plain2);

            Assert.AreEqual(1ul, plain2.CoeffCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(0ul, plain2[0]);

            plain1.Set("1x^10 + 2");
            encryptor.Encrypt(plain1, encrypted1);
            evaluator.RelinearizeInplace(encrypted1, relinKeys);
            evaluator.Relinearize(encrypted1, relinKeys, encrypted2);
            decryptor.Decrypt(encrypted2, plain2);

            // {1x^40 + 8x^30 + 18x^20 + 20x^10 + 10}
            Assert.AreEqual(41ul, plain2.CoeffCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(16ul, plain2[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(32ul, plain2[10]);
            Assert.AreEqual(24ul, plain2[20]);
            Assert.AreEqual(8ul, plain2[30]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1ul, plain2[40]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
         * In this example we show how serialization works in Microsoft SEAL. Specifically,
         * we present important concepts that enable the user to optimize the data size when
         * communicating ciphertexts and keys for outsourced computation. Unlike the previous
         * examples, we organize this one in a client-server style for maximal clarity. The
         * server selects encryption parameters, the client generates keys, the server does
         * the encrypted computation, and the client decrypts.
        private static void ExampleSerialization()
            Utilities.PrintExampleBanner("Example: Serialization");

             * We require ZLIB or Zstandard support for this example to be available.
            if (!Serialization.IsSupportedComprMode(ComprModeType.ZLIB) &&
                Console.WriteLine("Neither ZLIB nor Zstandard support is enabled; this example is not available.");

             * We start by briefly discussing the Serializable<T> generic class. This is
             * a wrapper class that can wrap any serializable class, which include:
             *  - EncryptionParameters
             *  - Modulus
             *  - Plaintext and Ciphertext
             *  - SecretKey, PublicKey, RelinKeys, and GaloisKeys
             * Serializable<T> provides minimal functionality needed to serialize the wrapped
             * object by simply forwarding the calls to corresponding functions of the wrapped
             * object of type T. The need for Serializable<T> comes from the fact that many
             * Microsoft SEAL objects consist of two parts, one of which is pseudorandom data
             * independent of the other part. Until the object is actually being used, the
             * pseudorandom part can be instead stored as a seed. We will call objects with
             * property `seedable'.
             * For example, GaloisKeys can often be very large in size, but in reality half
             * of the data is pseudorandom and can be stored as a seed. Since GaloisKeys are
             * never used by the party that generates them, so it makes sense to expand the
             * seed at the point deserialization. On the other hand, we cannot allow the user
             * to accidentally try to use an unexpanded GaloisKeys object, which is prevented
             * at by ensuring it is always wrapped in a Serializable<GaloisKeys> and can only
             * be serialized.
             * Only some Microsoft SEAL objects are seedable. Specifically, they are:
             *  - PublicKey, RelinKeys, and GaloisKeys
             *  - Ciphertext in secret-key mode (from Encryptor.EncryptSymmetric or
             *    Encryptor.EncryptZeroSymmetric)
             * Importantly, ciphertexts in public-key mode are not seedable. Thus, it may
             * be beneficial to use Microsoft SEAL in secret-key mode whenever the public
             * key is not truly needed.
             * There are a handful of functions that output Serializable<T> objects:
             *  - Encryptor.Encrypt (and variants) output Serializable<Ciphertext>
             *  - KeyGenerator.Create... output Serializable<T> for different key types
             * Note that Encryptor.Encrypt is included in the above list, yet it produces
             * ciphertexts in public-key mode that are not seedable. This is for the sake of
             * consistency in the API for public-key and secret-key encryption. Functions
             * that output Serializable<T> objects also have overloads that take a normal
             * object of type T as a destination parameter, overwriting it. These overloads
             * can be convenient for local testing where no serialization is needed and the
             * object needs to be used at the point of construction. Such an object can no
             * longer be transformed back to a seeded state.

             * To simulate client-server interaction, we set up a shared C# stream. In real
             * use-cases this can be a network stream, a filestream, or any shared resource.
             * It is critical to note that all data serialized by Microsoft SEAL is in binary
             * form, so it is not meaningful to print the data as ASCII characters. Encodings
             * such as Base64 would increase the data size, which is already a bottleneck in
             * homomorphic encryption. Hence, serialization into text is not supported or
             * recommended.
             * In this example we use a couple of shared MemoryStreams.
            using MemoryStream parmsStream = new MemoryStream();
            using MemoryStream dataStream  = new MemoryStream();
            using MemoryStream skStream    = new MemoryStream();

             * The server first determines the computation and sets encryption parameters
             * accordingly.
                ulong polyModulusDegree = 8192;
                using EncryptionParameters parms = new EncryptionParameters(SchemeType.CKKS);
                parms.PolyModulusDegree          = polyModulusDegree;
                parms.CoeffModulus = CoeffModulus.Create(
                    polyModulusDegree, new int[] { 50, 30, 50 });

                 * Serialization of the encryption parameters to our shared stream is very
                 * simple with the EncryptionParameters.Save function.
                long size = parms.Save(parmsStream);

                 * Seek the parmsStream head back to beginning of the stream.
                parmsStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                 * The return value of this function is the actual byte count of data written
                 * to the stream.
                Console.WriteLine($"EncryptionParameters: wrote {size} bytes");

                 * Before moving on, we will take some time to discuss further options in
                 * serialization. These will become particularly important when the user
                 * needs to optimize communication and storage sizes.
                 * It is possible to enable or disable compression for serialization by
                 * providing EncryptionParameters.Save with the desired compression mode as
                 * in the following examples:
                 *  long size = parms.Save(sharedStream, ComprModeType.None);
                 *  long size = parms.Save(sharedStream, ComprModeType.ZLIB);
                 *  long size = parms.Save(sharedStream, ComprModeType.ZSTD);
                 * If Microsoft SEAL is compiled with Zstandard or ZLIB support, the default
                 * is to use one of them. If available, Zstandard is preferred over ZLIB due
                 * to its speed.
                 * Compression can have a substantial impact on the serialized data size,
                 * because ciphertext and key data consists of many uniformly random integers
                 * modulo the CoeffModulus primes. Especially when using CKKS, the primes in
                 * CoeffModulus can be relatively small compared to the 64-bit words used to
                 * store the ciphertext and key data internally. Serialization writes full
                 * 64-bit words to the destination buffer or stream, possibly leaving in many
                 * zero bytes corresponding to the high-order bytes of the 64-bit words. One
                 * convenient way to get rid of these zeros is to apply a general-purpose
                 * compression algorithm on the encrypted data. The compression rate can be
                 * significant (up to 50-60%) when using CKKS with small primes.

                 * In many cases, when working with fixed size memory, it is necessary to know
                 * ahead of time an upper bound on the serialized data size to allocate enough
                 * memory. This information is returned by the EncryptionParameters.SaveSize
                 * function. This function accepts the desired compression mode, or uses the
                 * default option otherwise.
                 * In more detail, the output of EncryptionParameters.SaveSize is as follows:
                 *  - Exact buffer size required for ComprModeType.None;
                 *  - Upper bound on the size required for ComprModeType.ZLIB or
                 *    ComprModeType.ZSTD.
                 * As we can see from the print-out, the sizes returned by these functions
                 * are significantly larger than the compressed size written into the shared
                 * stream in the beginning. This is normal: compression yielded a significant
                 * improvement in the data size, however, it is impossible to know ahead of
                 * time the exact size of the compressed data. If compression is not used,
                 * then the size is exactly determined by the encryption parameters.
                Console.Write("EncryptionParameters: data size upper bound (ComprModeType.None): ");
                Console.Write("             ");
                Console.Write("EncryptionParameters: data size upper bound (compression): ");
                Console.WriteLine(parms.SaveSize(/* Serialization.ComprModeDefault */));

                 * As an example, we now serialize the encryption parameters to a fixed
                 * size buffer.
                using MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream(new byte[parms.SaveSize()]);

                 * To illustrate deserialization, we load back the encryption parameters
                 * from our buffer into another instance of EncryptionParameters. First
                 * we need to seek our stream back to the beginning.
                buffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                using EncryptionParameters parms2 = new EncryptionParameters();

                 * We can check that the saved and loaded encryption parameters indeed match.
                Console.WriteLine($"EncryptionParameters: parms == parms2: {parms.Equals(parms2)}");

             * Client starts by loading the encryption parameters, sets up the SEALContext,
             * and creates the required keys.
                using EncryptionParameters parms = new EncryptionParameters();

                 * Seek the parmsStream head back to beginning of the stream because we
                 * will use the same stream to read the parameters repeatedly.
                parmsStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                using SEALContext context = new SEALContext(parms);

                using KeyGenerator keygen = new KeyGenerator(context);
                using SecretKey sk        = keygen.SecretKey;
                keygen.CreatePublicKey(out PublicKey pk);

                 * We need to save the secret key so we can decrypt later.
                skStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                 * As in previous examples, in this example we will encrypt in public-key
                 * mode. If we want to send a public key over the network, we should instead
                 * have created it as a seeded object as follows:
                 *  Serializable<PublicKey> pk = keygen.CreatePublicKey();
                 * In this example we will also use relinearization keys. These we will
                 * absolutely want to create as seeded objects to minimize communication
                 * cost, unlike in prior examples.
                using Serializable <RelinKeys> rlk = keygen.CreateRelinKeys();

                 * To demonstrate the significant space saving from this method, we will
                 * create another set of relinearization keys, this time fully expanded.
                keygen.CreateRelinKeys(out RelinKeys rlkBig);

                 * We serialize both relinearization keys to demonstrate the concrete size
                 * difference. If compressed serialization is used, the compression rate
                 * will be the same in both cases. We omit specifying the compression mode
                 * to use the default, as determined by the Microsoft SEAL build system.
                long sizeRlk    = rlk.Save(dataStream);
                long sizeRlkBig = rlkBig.Save(dataStream);

                Console.WriteLine($"Serializable<RelinKeys>: wrote {sizeRlk} bytes");
                Console.Write("             ");
                Console.WriteLine($"RelinKeys: wrote {sizeRlkBig} bytes");

                 * Seek back in dataStream to where rlk data ended, i.e., sizeRlkBig bytes
                 * backwards from current position.
                dataStream.Seek(-sizeRlkBig, SeekOrigin.Current);

                 * Next set up the CKKSEncoder and Encryptor, and encrypt some numbers.
                double      scale   = Math.Pow(2.0, 30);
                CKKSEncoder encoder = new CKKSEncoder(context);
                using Plaintext plain1 = new Plaintext(),
                      plain2           = new Plaintext();
                encoder.Encode(2.3, scale, plain1);
                encoder.Encode(4.5, scale, plain2);

                using Encryptor encryptor = new Encryptor(context, pk);

                 * The client will not compute on ciphertexts that it creates, so it can
                 * just as well create Serializable<Ciphertext> objects. In fact, we do
                 * not even need to name those objects and instead immediately call
                 * Serializable<Ciphertext>.Save.
                long sizeEncrypted1 = encryptor.Encrypt(plain1).Save(dataStream);

                 * As we discussed in the beginning of this example, ciphertexts can
                 * be created in a seeded state in secret-key mode, providing a huge
                 * reduction in the data size upon serialization. To do this, we need
                 * to provide the Encryptor with the secret key in its constructor, or
                 * at a later point with the Encryptor.SetSecretKey function, and use
                 * the Encryptor.EncryptSymmetric function to encrypt.
                long sizeSymEncrypted2 = encryptor.EncryptSymmetric(plain2).Save(dataStream);

                 * The size reduction is substantial.
                Console.WriteLine($"Serializable<Ciphertext> (public-key): wrote {sizeEncrypted1} bytes");
                Console.Write("             ");
                Console.Write($"Serializable<Ciphertext> (seeded secret-key): ");
                Console.WriteLine($"wrote {sizeSymEncrypted2} bytes");

                 * Seek to the beginning of dataStream.
                dataStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                 * We have seen how creating seeded objects can result in huge space
                 * savings compared to creating unseeded objects. This is particularly
                 * important when creating Galois keys, which can be very large. We have
                 * seen how secret-key encryption can be used to achieve much smaller
                 * ciphertext sizes when the public-key functionality is not needed.
                 * We would also like to draw attention to the fact there we could easily
                 * serialize multiple Microsoft SEAL objects sequentially in a stream. Each
                 * object writes its own size into the stream, so deserialization knows
                 * exactly how many bytes to read. We will see this working below.

             * The server can now compute on the encrypted data. We will recreate the
             * SEALContext and set up an Evaluator here.
                using EncryptionParameters parms = new EncryptionParameters();
                parmsStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                using SEALContext context = new SEALContext(parms);

                using Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator(context);

                 * Next we need to load relinearization keys and the ciphertexts from our
                 * dataStream.
                using RelinKeys rlk         = new RelinKeys();
                using Ciphertext encrypted1 = new Ciphertext(),
                      encrypted2            = new Ciphertext();

                 * Deserialization is as easy as serialization.
                rlk.Load(context, dataStream);
                encrypted1.Load(context, dataStream);
                encrypted2.Load(context, dataStream);

                 * Compute the product, rescale, and relinearize.
                using Ciphertext encryptedProd = new Ciphertext();
                evaluator.Multiply(encrypted1, encrypted2, encryptedProd);
                evaluator.RelinearizeInplace(encryptedProd, rlk);

                 * We use dataStream to communicate encryptedProd back to the client.
                 * There is no way to save the encryptedProd as a seeded object: only
                 * freshly encrypted secret-key ciphertexts can be seeded. Note how the
                 * size of the result ciphertext is smaller than the size of a fresh
                 * ciphertext because it is at a lower level due to the rescale operation.
                dataStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                long sizeEncryptedProd = encryptedProd.Save(dataStream);
                dataStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                Console.Write($"Ciphertext (secret-key): ");
                Console.WriteLine($"wrote {sizeEncryptedProd} bytes");

             * In the final step the client decrypts the result.
                using EncryptionParameters parms = new EncryptionParameters();
                parmsStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                using SEALContext context = new SEALContext(parms);

                 * Load back the secret key from skStream.
                using SecretKey sk = new SecretKey();
                sk.Load(context, skStream);
                using Decryptor decryptor = new Decryptor(context, sk);
                using CKKSEncoder encoder = new CKKSEncoder(context);

                using Ciphertext encryptedResult = new Ciphertext();
                encryptedResult.Load(context, dataStream);

                using Plaintext plainResult = new Plaintext();
                decryptor.Decrypt(encryptedResult, plainResult);
                List <double> result = new List <double>();
                encoder.Decode(plainResult, result);

                Console.WriteLine("Decrypt and decode PI * x ^ 3 + 0.4x + 1.");
                Console.WriteLine("    + Expected result:");
                List <double> trueResult = new List <double>((int)encoder.SlotCount);
                for (ulong i = 0; i < encoder.SlotCount; i++)
                    trueResult.Add(2.3 * 4.5);
                Utilities.PrintVector(trueResult, 3, 7);
                Console.WriteLine("    + Computed result ...... Correct.");
                Utilities.PrintVector(result, 3, 7);

             * Finally, we give a little bit more explanation of the structure of data
             * serialized by Microsoft SEAL. Serialized data always starts with a 16-byte
             * SEALHeader struct, as defined in dotnet/src/Serialization.cs, and is
             * followed by the possibly compressed data for the object.
             * A SEALHeader contains the following data:
             *  [offset 0] 2-byte magic number 0xA15E (Serialization.SEALMagic)
             *  [offset 2] 1-byte indicating the header size in bytes (always 16)
             *  [offset 3] 1-byte indicating the Microsoft SEAL major version number
             *  [offset 4] 1-byte indicating the Microsoft SEAL minor version number
             *  [offset 5] 1-byte indicating the compression mode type
             *  [offset 6] 2-byte reserved field (unused)
             *  [offset 8] 8-byte size in bytes of the serialized data, including the header
             * Currently Microsoft SEAL supports only little-endian systems.
             * As an example, we demonstrate the SEALHeader created by saving a plaintext.
             * Note that the SEALHeader is never compressed, so there is no need to specify
             * the compression mode.
            using Plaintext pt        = new Plaintext("1x^2 + 3");
            using MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            long dataSize = pt.Save(stream);

             * Seek the stream head back to beginning of the stream.
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

             * We can now load just the SEALHeader back from the stream as follows.
            Serialization.SEALHeader header = new Serialization.SEALHeader();
            Serialization.LoadHeader(stream, header);

             * Now confirm that the size of data written to stream matches with what is
             * indicated by the SEALHeader.
            Console.WriteLine($"Size written to stream: {dataSize} bytes");
            Console.Write("             ");
            Console.WriteLine($"Size indicated in SEALHeader: {header.Size} bytes");