static void Main(string[] args) { Kangaroo kangaroo = new Kangaroo(); kangaroo.Run(); CamelCase camelCase = new CamelCase(); camelCase.Run(); StrongPassword strongPassword = new StrongPassword(); strongPassword.Run(); GradingStudents gradingStudents = new GradingStudents(); gradingStudents.Run(); IceCreamParlor iceCreamParlor = new IceCreamParlor(); iceCreamParlor.Run(); SockMerchant sockMerchant = new SockMerchant(); sockMerchant.Run(); RepeatedStrings repeatedStrings = new RepeatedStrings(); repeatedStrings.Run(); }
// I.method public Animal createAnimal(int animalCode) { Animal newAnimal = null; switch (animalCode) { case 0: newAnimal = new Kangaroo(); break; case 1: newAnimal = new Dingo(); break; case 2: newAnimal = new Crocodile(); break; case 3: newAnimal = new Koala(); break; } return(newAnimal); }
public void CanMeetAtOnePoint_ShouldReturnIfKangasHaveMet(int x1, int v1, int x2, int v2, string expected) { //Arrange //Act string actual = Kangaroo.CanMeetAtOnePoint(x1, v1, x2, v2); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void TestCase0() { int x1 = 0; int x2 = 4; int v1 = 3; int v2 = 2; string expected = "YES"; string result = Kangaroo.kangaroo(x1, v1, x2, v2); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestCase1() { int x1 = 0; int x2 = 5; int v1 = 2; int v2 = 3; string expected = "NO"; string result = Kangaroo.kangaroo(x1, v1, x2, v2); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void Kangaroo_has_correct_attributes() { //Arrange and Act Kangaroo kangaroo = new Kangaroo(); //Assert string expectedFood = "I'll find some plants to eat!"; Assert.Equal(expectedFood, kangaroo.FoodSearch()); Assert.True(kangaroo.Marsupial); Assert.True(kangaroo.Swimmer); Assert.Equal("fight", kangaroo.FightOrFlight); Assert.Equal(8, kangaroo.SleepHours()); }
static void kangaroo() { string[] x1V1X2V2 = new string[] { "0", "3", "4", "2" }; int x1 = Convert.ToInt32(x1V1X2V2[0]); int v1 = Convert.ToInt32(x1V1X2V2[1]); int x2 = Convert.ToInt32(x1V1X2V2[2]); int v2 = Convert.ToInt32(x1V1X2V2[3]); string result = Kangaroo.kangaroo(x1, v1, x2, v2); Console.WriteLine("Kangaroo"); Console.WriteLine(result); }
public void TestWinnerOutcome() { Kangaroo.StartingPosition1 = 0; Kangaroo.RacetrackLength1 = 50; int BettingAmount = 45; int KangarooNumber = 1; int expectedWin = 90; int expectedLose = 0; Kangaroos[0] = new Kangaroo() { KangarooPictureBox = null }; Kangaroos[1] = new Kangaroo() { KangarooPictureBox = null }; Iqbal = pFactory.getPunter("Iqbal", null, null); Iqbal.Cash = BettingAmount; Iqbal.PlaceBet((int)BettingAmount, KangarooNumber); bool nowin = true; int win = -1; while (nowin) { for (int i = 0; i < Kangaroos.Length; i++) { if (Kangaroo.Run(Kangaroos[i])) { win = i + 1; Iqbal.Collect(win); nowin = false; } } } if ( == win) { Assert.AreEqual(expectedWin, Iqbal.Cash, "Account not credited correctly"); } if ( != win) { Assert.AreEqual(expectedLose, Iqbal.Cash, "Account not debited correctly"); } }
public static void Start() { PlayerBase playerA = new PlayerA(); playerA.PrintName(); playerA.Attack(); playerA.Jump(); playerA.Run(); PlayerBase playerB = new PlayerB(); playerB.PrintName(); playerB.Attack(); playerB.Jump(); playerB.Run(); Console.WriteLine("-------------With Decorators-----------"); playerA = new Tiger(playerA); playerA.PrintName(); playerA.Attack(); playerA.Jump(); playerA.Run(); playerA = new Cheetah(playerA); playerA.PrintName(); playerA.Attack(); playerA.Jump(); playerA.Run(); playerB = new Kangaroo(playerB); playerB.PrintName(); playerB.Attack(); playerB.Jump(); playerB.Run(); playerB = new Tiger(playerB); playerB.PrintName(); playerB.Attack(); playerB.Jump(); playerB.Run(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of the zoo class and configures it as the Como Zoo. /// </summary> private void CreateComoZoo() { // Create an instance of the Zoo class. this.comoZoo = new Zoo("Como Zoo", 1000, 4, 0.75m, 15.00m, 3640.25m, new Employee("Sam", 42), new Employee("Flora", 98), 3); // Add money to the animal snack machine. this.comoZoo.AnimalSnackMachine.AddMoney(42.75m); // Define an animal variable. Animal animal; // Create a new Dingo and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Dingo("Dolly", 4, 35.3); animal.MakePregnant(); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new Dingo and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Dingo("Dixie", 3, 33.8); animal.MakePregnant(); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new platypus and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Platypus("Patty", 2, 15.5); animal.MakePregnant(); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new Hummingbird and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Hummingbird("Harold", 1, 0.5); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new chimp and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Chimpanzee("Noah", 12, 500); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new eagle and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Eagle("Tracy", 300, 10); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new kangaroo and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Kangaroo("Jeff", 25, 30); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new ostrich and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Ostrich("Jake", 40, 200); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new shark and add him to the list of animals. animal = new Shark("Max", 23, 185); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a new squirrel and them to the list. animal = new Squirrel("Matt", 21, 200); this.comoZoo.AddAnimal(animal); // Create a guest. Guest guest = new Guest("Greg", 44, 150.35m, "Brown"); // Add the guest and sell the ticket to the guest. this.comoZoo.AddGuest(guest, this.comoZoo.SellTicket(guest)); // Create a guest. guest = new Guest("Darla", 11, 25.25m, "Salmon"); // Add the guest and sell the ticket to the guest. this.comoZoo.AddGuest(guest, this.comoZoo.SellTicket(guest)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <Kangaroo> kangaroos = new List <Kangaroo>(); Kangaroo k1 = new Kangaroo { name = "Jack", age = 5, color = "brown", gender = "M" }; Kangaroo k2 = new Kangaroo { name = "Lili", age = 3, color = "red", gender = "W" }; kangaroos.Add(k1); kangaroos.Add(k2); //foreach (var item in kangaroos) //{ // Console.WriteLine(item); //} k1.PutInBox(k2); Console.WriteLine(); k1.GetFromBox(); Queue <int> qint = new Queue <int>(); qint.Enqueue(2); qint.Enqueue(5); qint.Enqueue(6); qint.Enqueue(1); for (var i = 0; i < qint.Count; i++) { qint.Dequeue(); } List <int> nums = new List <int>(); nums.AddRange(new int[7] { 1, 8, 3, 9, 20, 11, 0 }); //for (int i = 0; i < nums.Count; i++) //{ // nums[i] *= 10; //} nums.Sort(); nums.Insert(2, 5); for (int i = 0; i < nums.Count; i++) { Console.Write(nums[i] + " "); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { SortedMatrixSearch.Run(); SparseSearch.Run(); SearchInRotatedArray.Run(); GroupAnagrams.Run(); CombinationsOfNPairsParentheses.Run(); PermutationWithDuplicates.Run(); PermutationNoDuplicates.Run(); var subsetList = new List <List <int> >(); subsetList = SubsetInSet.FindAllSubsetInSet(new List <int> { 1, 2, 3 }); ReverseLinkedList.Run(); IsUniqueString.Run(); StoneDivisionProblem.Run(); Kangaroo.Run(); AppleAndOrange.Run(); AbbreviationProblem.Run(); FibonacciModifiedProblem.Run(); RecursiveDigitSum.Run(); RangeSumOfBST.Run(); GradingStudentsProblem.Run(); // XorSequenceProblem.Run(); CounterGameProblem.Run(); MaximizingXORProblem.Run(); LonelyIntegerProblem.Run(); FlippingBitsProblem.Run(); QueueUsingTwoStacksProblem.Run(); GetNodeValue.Run(); MergeTwoSortedLinkedLists.Run(); Compare_Two_linked_lists.Run(); DeleteNodeProblem.Run(); ArrayManipulationProblem.Run(); LeftRotationProblem.Run(); HourGlass2D.Run(); SimpleTextEditorProblem.Run(); EqualStacksProblem.Run(); MaximumElementProblem.Run(); BinarySearchTreeInsertion.Run(); TopViewProblem.Run(); TimeConvertsionProblem.Run(); BinaryTreePathsProblem.Run(); IncreasingOrderSearchTree.Run(); RemoveAllAdjacentDuplicatesInStringWithKLength.Run(); RemoveAllAdjacentDuplicatesInString.Run(); CheckStraightLineProblem.Run(); HouseRobber.Run(); UniquePathsProblem.Run(); FirstUniqueCharacterInString.Run(); BinaryTreeInorderTraversal.Run(); DailyTemperaturesProblem.Run(); CountingBitsproblem.Run(); SortIntegersByTheNumberOf1BitsProblem.Run(); HammingDistanceProblem.Run(); RansomNoteProblem.Run(); ConvertBinaryNumberInLinkedListToIntegerProblem.Run(); NumberOfStepsToReduceNumberToZeroProblem.Run(); JewelsAndStones.Run(); ClimbingStairsProblem.Run(); BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.Run(); MajorityElementProblem.Run(); MoveZeroesProblem.Run(); InvertBinaryTree.Run(); SingleNumberProblem.Run(); MaximumDepthInTrree.Run(); MergeTwoBinaryTrees.Run(); AddBinaryProblem.Run(); PlusOneProblem.Run(); LengthOfLastWordProblem.Run(); KadaneAlgorithmForMaxSubArray.Run(); KMPAlgorithm.Run(); CountAndSayProblem.Run(); SearchInsertPosition.Run(); ImplementIndexOfString.Run(); RemoveElement.Run(); RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArray.Run(); MergeTwoSortedLists.Run(); ValidParentheses.Run(); LongestCommonPrefix.Run(); RomanToInteger.Run(); PalindromeNumber.Run(); ReverseInteger.Run(); TwoSumProblem.Run(); AddOneToNumber.Run(); MostAmountOfChange.Run(); #region BinaryTree LeastCommonAncestor.Run(); PrintAllPaths.Run(); HasPathSum.Run(); CheckIfBinaryTreeIsBinarySearchTree.Run(); PrintAllNodesWithRangeInBinarySearchTree.Run(); UniqueTreeStructureNumber.Run(); MirrorTree.Run(); #region BitManuiplation_GetNthNumber NumberOfStepsToReduceNumberToZeroProblem.Run(); CountNumbersOf1InBit.Run(); ReverseThebitsInInteger.Run(); PrintBitsInInteger.Run(); GetNthBit.Run(); setNthBitTo1.Run(); SetNthBitTo0.Run(); #endregion MinimumtValueInTrree minValueInTree = new MinimumtValueInTrree(); minValueInTree.Run(); #endregion #region Recursion Chessboard chessboard = new Chessboard(); chessboard.Run(); RatPathToMaze ratPathToMaze = new RatPathToMaze(); ratPathToMaze.Run(); List <string> anagramList = new List <string>(); anagramList = WordAnagram.GenerateWordAnagram("abc"); Pixel[,] pixelList = new Pixel[3, 3] { { new Pixel(0, 0, "red"), new Pixel(0, 1, "green"), new Pixel(0, 2, "green") }, { new Pixel(1, 0, "red"), new Pixel(1, 1, "green"), new Pixel(1, 2, "green") }, { new Pixel(2, 0, "red"), new Pixel(2, 1, "green"), new Pixel(2, 2, "green") } }; FillPaint.PaintFill(pixelList, 1, 2, "green", "black"); BinaryTreesAreTheSame.Run(); #endregion #region General problems RotateArrayByKSpaces.Run(); #region AddtwoNumbersReferencedByTheirDigits var addRes = AddtwoNumbersReferencedByTheirDigits.AddNumbers(new int[] { 1, 2, 7 }, new int[] { 9, 4 }); #endregion #region RunLengthEncoding var encodedStr = RunLengthEncoding.Encode("aabbbbc"); var decodedStr = RunLengthEncoding.Decode(encodedStr); #endregion #region BreakDocumentIntoChunk var chunkRes = BreakDocumentIntoChunk.Chunkify("ab:dd:ddfcct:aab:cccc", ':', 5); #endregion #region GameOfLife var gameRes = GameOfLife.GetNextInteration(new int[3, 3] { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }); #endregion . #endregion #region InsertionSort InsertionSort.insertionSort(listToSort); #endregion #region BinarySearch Console.WriteLine(String.Format("%s is present at index: %s", 30, BinarySearch.binarySearch(sortedArray, 30, 0, sortedArray.Length - 1))); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("%s is present at index: %s", 4, BinarySearch.binarySearch(sortedArray, 4, 0, sortedArray.Length - 1))); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("%s is present at index: %s", 15, BinarySearch.binarySearch(sortedArray, 15, 0, sortedArray.Length - 1))); #endregion #region MergeSort MergeSort.print(listToSort); MergeSort.mergeSort(listToSort); #endregion #region QuickSort QuickSort.print(listToSort); QuickSort.quickSort(listToSort, 0, listToSort.Length - 1); QuickSort.print(listToSort); #endregion }
public virtual void SetUp() { _challenge = new Kangaroo(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // WHERE THE APPLICATION RUNS OR STARTS AKA (Entry Point) var bpl = new Library("BPL"); var jakesBooks = new Library("Jake"); var mobyDick = new Book("Moby Dick", "Herman Melville", "BPL", true); var petStore = new List <Animal>(); var fido = new Dog() { Name = "Fido" }; fido.Sleep("2"); Console.WriteLine(fido.Legs); petStore.Add(fido); var garfield = new Cat() { IsEvil = false, Legs = 2 }; garfield.Breath(); petStore.Add(garfield); var joey = new Kangaroo() { ChampionBoxer = true }; joey.Cute = true; petStore.Add(joey); foreach (var x in petStore) { x.Sleep("8"); } Book wow = new Book("War of the Worlds", "HG Wells", "BPL", true); bpl.Books.Add(mobyDick); bpl.Books.Add(wow); jakesBooks.Books.Add(new Book("Head First with C#", "That one dude", "Jake")); var playing = true; while (playing) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(@" 1. Go To BP Library 2. Look at your own books 3. Quit "); var userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); if (userChoice == "1") { bpl.Checkout(jakesBooks); } if (userChoice == "2") { jakesBooks.Checkout(bpl); } if (userChoice == "3") { playing = false; } if (userChoice == "4") { Console.WriteLine("Congrats you've activated skynet... Prepare to Die"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Beep(); Console.WriteLine("3"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Beep(); Console.WriteLine("2"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Beep(); Console.WriteLine("1"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Beep(); Console.WriteLine("Goodbye"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; var i = 0; while (i < 50) { Console.WriteLine(@" HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA "); Thread.Sleep(300); i++; } playing = false; } } // Console.WriteLine("Okay here we go"); // List<int> nums1 = new List<int>(); // LEARN ABOUT THIS LATER BOXING UNBOXING // int[] nums2 = new int[100000000]; // var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); // stopwatch.Start(); // for(var i = 0; i < nums2.Length; i++) // { // nums2[i] = i; // // Console.WriteLine(nums2[i]); // } // stopwatch.Stop(); // Console.WriteLine($"That only took {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello Zoo!\n"); Parrot p = new Parrot("Vasyz", 5, "Red"); //Parrot p2 = new Parrot("Valera", 1, "White"); //Animals["102"].name = "Kolya"; ////Console.WriteLine(Animals.ContainsKey("102")); ////Console.WriteLine(Animals.ContainsKey("105")); //// Console.WriteLine(Animals.ContainsValue(p2)); //Animals.Remove("102"); //foreach (var item in Animals) //{ // Console.WriteLine(item.Key); // Console.WriteLine(; // Console.WriteLine(item.Value.color); // Console.WriteLine(); //} List <Kangaroo> kangaroos = new List <Kangaroo>(); Kangaroo k1 = new Kangaroo { name = "Jack", age = 5, color = "brown", gender = "M" }; Kangaroo k2 = new Kangaroo { name = "Lili", age = 3, color = "red", gender = "W" }; kangaroos.Add(k1); kangaroos.Add(k2); //foreach (var item in kangaroos) //{ // Console.WriteLine(item); //} k1.PutInBox(k2); k1.PutInBox(p); Console.WriteLine(); k1.GetFromBox(); Queue <int> qint = new Queue <int>(); qint.Enqueue(2); qint.Enqueue(5); qint.Enqueue(6); qint.Enqueue(1); for (var i = 0; i < qint.Count; i++) { qint.Dequeue(); } //List<int> nums = new List<int>(); //nums.AddRange(new int[7] { 1, 8, 3, 9, 20, 11, 0 }); ////for (int i = 0; i < nums.Count; i++) ////{ //// nums[i] *= 10; ////} //nums.Sort(); //nums.Insert(2, 5); //for (int i = 0; i < nums.Count; i++) //{ // Console.Write(nums[i]+ " "); //} }