Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void DoWeaponInput(Vector2 cursorCoord, bool cursorIntersectsCity, ref City closestCity, ref City closestArmedCity)
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Bomb) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Bomb))
         // launch patriot bomb if avail (clears all enemy missiles
     if (MState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && MState_prev.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
         if (cursorIntersectsCity)
             if (closestCity.shield.currentState == Shield.State.inactive)
                 // turn on city shield
                 // play shield on sound
                 // begin shield countdown
             else if (closestCity.shield.currentState == Shield.State.active)
                 // shield is already on, play err sound & flash city
                 // flash shield
                 // shield is still charging
                 // play err sound & flash city
             // fire defensive laser from city, if avail (cities take time to charge up)
             if (closestArmedCity.currentState == City.State.armed)
                 // FIRE Defensive measures!!
             else if (closestArmedCity.currentState == City.State.reloading ||
                      closestArmedCity.currentState == City.State.dead)
                 // city is not ready to fire.  ignore, move on to next city.
                 // final state = game is paused
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void DoCommonInput()
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Pause) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Pause))
         // Pause the Game
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(ShowDebug) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(ShowDebug))
         // Toggle ShowDebug
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(RestartGame) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(RestartGame))
         // Restart Game, re-initialize at level1
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(RestartLevel) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(RestartLevel))
         // Restart Level, re-initialize at Current Level
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void DoShieldToggles()
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Shield1) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Shield1))
         //toggleshield on city[1]
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Shield2) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Shield2))
         //toggleshield on city[2]
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Shield3) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Shield3))
         //toggleshield on city[3]
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Shield4) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Shield4))
         //toggleshield on city[4]
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Shield5) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Shield5))
         //toggleshield on city[5]
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Shield6) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Shield6))
         //toggleshield on city[6]
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Shield7) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Shield7))
         //toggleshield on city[7]
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Shield8) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Shield8))
         //toggleshield on city[8]
     if (KState.IsKeyDown(Shield9) && KState_prev.IsKeyUp(Shield9))
         //toggleshield on city[9]