Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void DrawPart(Part part)
            // Someday we may work on making this into something that
            // actually draws out the part image like in the editor icons, however
            // there appears to be no KSP API to do this for us, and it's a bit messy
            // and there's more important other stuff to do first.
            // In the meantime, this is as far as my research has taken me:
            // Step 1: get a Unity GameObject from the part prototype, like so:
            //    GameObject prototypeGO = part.partInfo.iconPrefab;

            // Also, it seems to be using some proprietary extension to Unity's GUI
            // called EZGui to render some sort of camera view of the gameobject inside the
            // button, and EZGui is even worse for online documentation than Unity itself,
            // so whatever the technique is, it's hidden behind a wall of impenetrable
            // documentation with zero examples.

            // So for the meantime let's use our own text label and leave it at that.

            KOSNameTag partTag = part.Modules.OfType <KOSNameTag>().FirstOrDefault();

            string labelText = String.Format("{0}\n({1})",
                                             part.partInfo.title.Split(' ')[0], // just the first word of the name, i.e "CX-4181"
                                             ((partTag == null) ? "" : partTag.nameTag)

            GUILayout.Box(new GUIContent(labelText, "This is the currently highlighted part on the vessel"), partNameStyle);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private int numberOfRepaints = 0;     // "explicit", not "redundant".
        // ReSharper enable RedundantDefaultFieldInitializer

        public void Invoke(KOSNameTag module, string oldValue)
            attachedModule = module;
            tagValue       = oldValue;

            Vector3 screenPos = GetViewportPosFor(attachedModule.part.transform.position);

            // screenPos is in coords from 0 to 1, 0 to 1, not screen pixel coords.
            // Transform it to pixel coords:
            float       xPixelPoint  = screenPos.x * UnityEngine.Screen.width;
            float       yPixelPoint  = (1 - screenPos.y) * UnityEngine.Screen.height;
            const float WINDOW_WIDTH = 200;

            // windowRect = new Rect(xPixelWindow, yPixelPoint, windowWidth, 130);
            windowRect = new Rect(xPixelPoint, yPixelPoint, WINDOW_WIDTH, 130);

            // Please don't delete these.  They're not being used, but that's because we haven't
            // finished prettying up the interface with the tag line and so the coords aren't
            // being made use of yet.  But keep this in the code so I can remember how I did the math:
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // bool drawOnLeft = (screenPos.x > 0.5f);
            // float xPixelWindow = (drawOnLeft ? screenPos.x - 0.3f : screenPos.x + 0.2f) * UnityEngine.Screen.width;
            // float tagLineWidth = (drawOnLeft) ? (xPixelPoint - xPixelWindow) : (xPixelWindow - xPixelPoint - windowWidth);
            // tagLineRect = new Rect(xPixelPoint, yPixelPoint, tagLineWidth, 3);
            // SafeHouse.Logger.Log("tagLineRect = " + tagLineRect );


            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
                attachedModule.part.SetHighlight(false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void SetTagName(string value)
            KOSNameTag tagModule = Part.Modules.OfType <KOSNameTag>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (tagModule != null)
                tagModule.nameTag = value;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void SetTagName(StringValue value)
            KOSNameTag tagModule = Part.Modules.OfType <KOSNameTag>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (tagModule != null)
                tagModule.nameTag = value;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal string CalcualteTitle()
            KOSNameTag partTag = shared.KSPPart.Modules.OfType <KOSNameTag>().FirstOrDefault();

            return(String.Format("{0} CPU: {1} ({2})",
                                 shared.KSPPart.partInfo.title.Split(' ')[0], // just the first word of the name, i.e "CX-4181"
                                 ((partTag == null) ? "" : partTag.nameTag)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void OnGUI()
            if (!IsOpen())

            if (isLocked)

                if (PauseMenu.isOpen || FlightResultsDialog.isDisplaying)
            catch (NullReferenceException)

            GUI.skin = HighLogic.Skin;

            GUI.color = isLocked ? color : colorAlpha;

            // Should probably make "gui screen name for my CPU part" into some sort of utility method:
            KOSNameTag partTag   = shared.KSPPart.Modules.OfType <KOSNameTag>().FirstOrDefault();
            string     labelText = String.Format("{0} CPU: {1} ({2})",
                                                 shared.KSPPart.partInfo.title.Split(' ')[0], // just the first word of the name, i.e "CX-4181"
                                                 ((partTag == null) ? "" : partTag.nameTag)

            windowRect = GUI.Window(uniqueId, windowRect, TerminalGui, labelText);

            if (consumeEvent)
                consumeEvent = false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void PrintCPUMenu()
            localMenuBuffer.Remove(0, localMenuBuffer.Length); // Any time the menu is reprinted, clear out any previous buffer text.
            telnetServer.ReadAll();                            // Consume and throw away any readahead typing that preceeded the printing of this menu.

            forceMenuReprint = false;

            telnetServer.Write("Terminal: type = " +
                               telnetServer.ClientTerminalType +
                               ", size = "
                               + telnetServer.ClientWidth + "x" + telnetServer.ClientHeight +
            telnetServer.Write(CenterPadded("", '_') /*line of '-' chars*/ + (char)UnicodeCommand.STARTNEXTLINE);

            const string FORMATTER = "{0,4} {1,4} {2,4} {3} {4} {5}";

            int           userPickNum    = 1;
            int           longestLength  = 0;
            List <string> displayChoices = new List <string>
                String.Format(FORMATTER, "Menu", "GUI ", " Other ", "", "", ""),
                String.Format(FORMATTER, "Pick", "Open", "Telnets", "", "Vessel Name", "(CPU tagname)"),
                String.Format(FORMATTER, "----", "----", "-------", "", "--------------------------------", "")

            longestLength = displayChoices[2].Length;
            foreach (kOSProcessor kModule in availableCPUs)
                Part       thisPart  = kModule.part;
                KOSNameTag partTag   = thisPart.Modules.OfType <KOSNameTag>().FirstOrDefault();
                string     partLabel = String.Format("{0}({1})",
                                                     thisPart.partInfo.title.Split(' ')[0], // just the first word of the name, i.e "CX-4181"
                                                     ((partTag == null) ? "" : partTag.nameTag)
                Vessel vessel      = (thisPart == null) ? null /*can this even happen?*/ : thisPart.vessel;
                string vesselLabel = (vessel == null) ? "<no vessel>" /*can this even happen?*/ : vessel.GetName();

                bool   guiOpen    = kModule.GetWindow().IsOpen;
                int    numTelnets = kModule.GetWindow().NumTelnets();
                string choice     = String.Format(FORMATTER, "[" + userPickNum + "]", (guiOpen ? "yes": "no"), numTelnets, "   ", vesselLabel, "(" + partLabel + ")");
                longestLength = Math.Max(choice.Length, longestLength);
            foreach (string choice in displayChoices)
                string choicePaddedToLongest = choice + new String(' ', (longestLength - choice.Length));
                telnetServer.Write(CenterPadded(choicePaddedToLongest, ' ') + (char)UnicodeCommand.STARTNEXTLINE);

            if (availableCPUs.Count > 0)
                telnetServer.Write(CenterPadded("", '-') /*line of '-' chars*/ + (char)UnicodeCommand.STARTNEXTLINE +
                                   WordBreak("Choose a CPU to attach to by typing a " +
                                             "selection number and pressing return/enter. " +
                                             "Or enter [Q] to quit terminal server.") +
                                   (char)UnicodeCommand.STARTNEXTLINE +
                                   (char)UnicodeCommand.STARTNEXTLINE +
                                   WordBreak("(After attaching, you can (D)etach and return " +
                                             "to this menu by pressing Control-D as the first " +
                                             "character on a new command line.)") +
                                   (char)UnicodeCommand.STARTNEXTLINE +
                                   CenterPadded("", '-') /*line of '-' chars*/ +
                                   (char)UnicodeCommand.STARTNEXTLINE +
                                   "> ");
                telnetServer.Write(CenterPadded(String.Format(FORMATTER, "", "", "", "", "<NONE>", ""), ' ') + (char)UnicodeCommand.STARTNEXTLINE);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public StringValue GetTagName() // public because I picture this being a useful API method later
            KOSNameTag tagModule = Part.Modules.OfType <KOSNameTag>().FirstOrDefault();

            return(tagModule == null ? string.Empty : tagModule.nameTag);