Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Jump read(BinaryReader binaryReader)
            Jump newObj = new Jump();

            newObj.i_jp = JumpPack.read(binaryReader);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: Player.cs Proyecto: Dimmae/ACE
        public void HandleActionJump(JumpPack jump)
            var strength = Strength.Current;
            var capacity = EncumbranceSystem.EncumbranceCapacity((int)strength, 0);     // TODO: augs
            var burden   = EncumbranceSystem.GetBurden(capacity, EncumbranceVal ?? 0);

            // calculate stamina cost for this jump
            var staminaCost = MovementSystem.JumpStaminaCost(jump.Extent, burden, false);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Strength: {strength}, Capacity: {capacity}, Encumbrance: {EncumbranceVal ?? 0}, Burden: {burden}, StaminaCost: {staminaCost}");

            // TODO: ensure player has enough stamina to jump
            UpdateVitalDelta(Stamina, -staminaCost);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Jump velocity: {jump.Velocity}");

            // set jump velocity
            PhysicsObj.set_velocity(jump.Velocity, true);

            // this shouldn't be needed, but without sending this update motion / simulated movement event beforehand,
            // running forward and then performing a charged jump does an uncharged shallow arc jump instead
            // this hack fixes that...
            var movementData = new MovementData(this);

            movementData.IsAutonomous = true;
            movementData.MovementType = MovementType.Invalid;
            movementData.Invalid      = new MovementInvalid(movementData);
            EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageUpdateMotion(this, movementData));

            // broadcast jump
            EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageVectorUpdate(this));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Handle(ClientMessage message, Session session)
            var jumpPack = new JumpPack(message.Payload);

            var objectGuid = message.Payload.ReadUInt32();
            var spellId    = message.Payload.ReadUInt32();

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void HandleActionJump(JumpPack jump)
            StartJump = new ACE.Entity.Position(Location);
            //Console.WriteLine($"JumpPack: Velocity: {jump.Velocity}, Extent: {jump.Extent}");

            var strength = Strength.Current;
            var capacity = EncumbranceSystem.EncumbranceCapacity((int)strength, AugmentationIncreasedCarryingCapacity);
            var burden   = EncumbranceSystem.GetBurden(capacity, EncumbranceVal ?? 0);

            // calculate stamina cost for this jump
            var extent      = Math.Clamp(jump.Extent, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            var staminaCost = MovementSystem.JumpStaminaCost(extent, burden, PKTimerActive);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Strength: {strength}, Capacity: {capacity}, Encumbrance: {EncumbranceVal ?? 0}, Burden: {burden}, StaminaCost: {staminaCost}");

            // ensure player has enough stamina to jump

            /*if (staminaCost > Stamina.Current)
             * {
             *  // get adjusted power
             *  extent = MovementSystem.GetJumpPower(Stamina.Current, burden, false);
             *  staminaCost = (int)Stamina.Current;
             *  // adjust jump velocity
             *  var velocityZ = MovementSystem.GetJumpHeight(burden, GetCreatureSkill(Skill.Jump).Current, extent, 1.0f);
             *  jump.Velocity.Z = velocityZ;
             * }*/

            IsJumping    = true;
            LastJumpTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            UpdateVitalDelta(Stamina, -staminaCost);

            IsJumping = false;

            //Console.WriteLine($"Jump velocity: {jump.Velocity}");

            // set jump velocity
            // TODO: have server verify / scale magnitude
            PhysicsObj.set_velocity(jump.Velocity, true);

            // this shouldn't be needed, but without sending this update motion / simulated movement event beforehand,
            // running forward and then performing a charged jump does an uncharged shallow arc jump instead
            // this hack fixes that...
            var movementData = new MovementData(this);

            movementData.IsAutonomous = true;
            movementData.MovementType = MovementType.Invalid;
            movementData.Invalid      = new MovementInvalid(movementData);
            EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageUpdateMotion(this, movementData));

            // broadcast jump
            EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageVectorUpdate(this));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static JumpPack read(BinaryReader binaryReader)
            JumpPack newObj = new JumpPack();

            newObj.velocity                 = Vector3.read(binaryReader);
            newObj.instance_timestamp       = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
            newObj.server_control_timestamp = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
            newObj.teleport_timestamp       = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
            newObj.force_position_ts        = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void HandleActionJump(JumpPack jump)
            var strength = GetCreatureAttribute(PropertyAttribute.Strength).Current;
            var capacity = EncumbranceSystem.EncumbranceCapacity((int)strength, 0);     // TODO: augs
            var burden   = EncumbranceSystem.GetBurden(capacity, EncumbranceVal ?? 0);

            // calculate stamina cost for this jump
            var staminaCost = MovementSystem.JumpStaminaCost(jump.Extent, burden, false);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Strength: {strength}, Capacity: {capacity}, Encumbrance: {EncumbranceVal ?? 0}, Burden: {burden}, StaminaCost: {staminaCost}");

            // TODO: ensure player has enough stamina to jump
            UpdateVitalDelta(Stamina, -staminaCost);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void Handle(ClientMessage message, Session session)
            var jumpPack = new JumpPack(message.Payload);

            var objectGuid = message.Payload.ReadUInt32();
            var spellId    = message.Payload.ReadUInt32();


            if (session.Player.IsPlayerMovingTo)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static JumpPack read(BinaryReader binaryReader)
            JumpPack newObj = new JumpPack();

            newObj.extent = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            newObj.position                 = Position.read(binaryReader);
            newObj.instance_timestamp       = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
            newObj.server_control_timestamp = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
            newObj.teleport_timestamp       = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
            newObj.force_position_ts        = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void HandleActionJump(JumpPack jump)
            StartJump = new ACE.Entity.Position(Location);
            //Console.WriteLine($"JumpPack: Velocity: {jump.Velocity}, Extent: {jump.Extent}");

            var strength = Strength.Current;
            var capacity = EncumbranceSystem.EncumbranceCapacity((int)strength, AugmentationIncreasedCarryingCapacity);
            var burden   = EncumbranceSystem.GetBurden(capacity, EncumbranceVal ?? 0);

            // calculate stamina cost for this jump
            var extent      = Math.Clamp(jump.Extent, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            var staminaCost = MovementSystem.JumpStaminaCost(extent, burden, PKTimerActive);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Strength: {strength}, Capacity: {capacity}, Encumbrance: {EncumbranceVal ?? 0}, Burden: {burden}, StaminaCost: {staminaCost}");

            // ensure player has enough stamina to jump

            /*if (staminaCost > Stamina.Current)
             * {
             *  // get adjusted power
             *  extent = MovementSystem.GetJumpPower(Stamina.Current, burden, false);
             *  staminaCost = (int)Stamina.Current;
             *  // adjust jump velocity
             *  var velocityZ = MovementSystem.GetJumpHeight(burden, GetCreatureSkill(Skill.Jump).Current, extent, 1.0f);
             *  jump.Velocity.Z = velocityZ;
             * }*/

            IsJumping    = true;
            LastJumpTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            UpdateVitalDelta(Stamina, -staminaCost);

            IsJumping = false;

            //Console.WriteLine($"Jump velocity: {jump.Velocity}");

            // TODO: have server verify / scale magnitude
            if (FastTick)
                if (!PhysicsObj.IsMovingOrAnimating)
                    //PhysicsObj.UpdateTime = PhysicsTimer.CurrentTime - Physics.PhysicsGlobals.MinQuantum;
                    PhysicsObj.UpdateTime = PhysicsTimer.CurrentTime;

                // perform jump in physics engine
                PhysicsObj.TransientState &= ~(Physics.TransientStateFlags.Contact | Physics.TransientStateFlags.WaterContact);
                PhysicsObj.set_local_velocity(jump.Velocity, false);

                if (CombatMode == CombatMode.Magic && MagicState.IsCasting)
                PhysicsObj.UpdateTime = PhysicsTimer.CurrentTime;

                // set jump velocity
                //var glob_velocity = Vector3.Transform(jump.Velocity, Location.Rotation);
                //PhysicsObj.set_velocity(glob_velocity, true);

                // perform jump in physics engine
                PhysicsObj.TransientState &= ~(Physics.TransientStateFlags.Contact | Physics.TransientStateFlags.WaterContact);
                PhysicsObj.set_local_velocity(jump.Velocity, false);

            // this shouldn't be needed, but without sending this update motion / simulated movement event beforehand,
            // running forward and then performing a charged jump does an uncharged shallow arc jump instead
            // this hack fixes that...
            var movementData = new MovementData(this);

            movementData.IsAutonomous = true;
            movementData.MovementType = MovementType.Invalid;
            movementData.Invalid      = new MovementInvalid(movementData);
            EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageUpdateMotion(this, movementData));

            // broadcast jump
            EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageVectorUpdate(this));

            if (MagicState.IsCasting && RecordCast.Enabled)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void OnJump(JumpPack jump)
            var line = $"HandleActionJump: Velocity={jump.Velocity}, Extent={jump.Extent}";

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void HandleActionJump(JumpPack jump)
