Ejemplo n.º 1
        //This method change the table status. If available is true it change it to false and vice versa.
        // it will return the table details (id, number and status after the change)
        public string changeTableStatusByTableId(string table_Id)
            Table table = tableCollection.AsQueryable().First(t => t._id == new ObjectId(table_Id));   // put the table parameters into table object to use later

            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                    Builders <Table> .Filter.Eq("_id", new ObjectId(table_Id)),
                    Builders <Table> .Update.Set("available", !table.available));                 // change the table status

                Table newEditedTable = tableCollection.AsQueryable().First(t => t._id == new ObjectId(table_Id));
                finalJsonObj.items = newEditedTable;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish // Dish //

        public string addDishToDb(string user_Id, string dish_Name, string dish_Description, float dish_DefaultPrice)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer(); // Object that contain "Status" "Reason" and "Items" to be sent as a JSON to the Application Server

                Dish dish = new Dish                // create the dish object to be insert to the DB by the method arguments
                    name         = dish_Name,
                    description  = dish_Description,
                    defaultPrice = dish_DefaultPrice,
                    userId       = new ObjectId(user_Id)

                dishCollection.InsertOne(dish);     // insert the dish into the Dish collection in DB
                finalJsonObj.items = dish;          // adding the dish details into a JSON sent the Application Server

            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";       // change status to fail in the JSON sent to the Application Server
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;   // add the ecxeoption message in the reason field of the JSON sent to the Application Server

            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order // Order
        public string addOrderToDb(string table_Id)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer(); // Object that contain "Status" "Reason" and "Items" to be sent as a JSON to the Application Server

                Order order = new Order // create the Order object to be insert to the DB by the method arguments
                    tableId  = new ObjectId(table_Id),
                    date     = DateTime.Now, // set the date to the current date when order was issued
                    orderSum = 0             // initialize the order sum to "0"
                orderCollection.InsertOne(order);    // insert the subMenu into the subMenu collection in DB
                finalJsonObj.items = order;          // adding the subMenu details into a JSON sent the Application Server
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";       // change status to fail in the JSON sent to the Application Server
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;   // add the ecxeoption message in the reason field of the JSON sent to the Application Server
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public string getTablesByRestaurantId(string restaurant_Id)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                IQueryable <Table> queryResponse = tableCollection.AsQueryable().Where(m => m.restaurantId == new ObjectId(restaurant_Id));
                // ################### i need to check what is the response when DB is not available ###########################
                if (queryResponse.Count() != 0)         // if restaurant_Id has tables
                    finalJsonObj.items = queryResponse; // put the tables into items.
                    finalJsonObj.reason = restaurant_Id;  // put the restaurant_Id on the reason field
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Template for testing: {"subMenu_Id":"583cb590422ce433e4abec81","items":[{"Id":"ABCD"},{"Id":"EFGH"},{"Id":"IJKL"}]}
        public string updateSubMenuDishList(string json)
            // Create a temoplate of Json i get from Lior
            dynamic jsonObjectItems = new JObject();
            dynamic jsonObjectID1   = new JObject();

            jsonObjectID1.Id = "aa";
            dynamic jsonObjectID2 = new JObject();

            jsonObjectID2.Id = "bb";
            dynamic jsonObjectID3 = new JObject();

            jsonObjectID3.Id = "cc";

            JArray idList = new JArray();

            //jsonObjectItems.subMenu_Id = subMenu_Id;
            jsonObjectItems.items = idList;

            // Beginning of actual method

            string        updateDishesJsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObjectItems);
            dynamic       updateDishesJsonObj    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
            List <string> dishesList             = new List <string>(); // A list to hold all new updated dishes

            foreach (var obj in updateDishesJsonObj.items)              // for every dish in under items key in updateDishesJsonObj
                dishesList.Add((string)obj.Id);                         // add the id to the dishesList

            string[] dishesArray = dishesList.ToArray();
            //return dishesArray[2];

            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();
            string          subMenu_Id   = (string)updateDishesJsonObj.subMenu_Id; // extract the subMenu_Id from the json string argument

                    Builders <SubMenu> .Filter.Eq("_id", new ObjectId(subMenu_Id)),
                    Builders <SubMenu> .Update.Set("dishArray", dishesArray));

                SubMenu newEditedSubMenu = subMenuCollection.AsQueryable().First(sm => sm._id == new ObjectId(subMenu_Id));
                finalJsonObj.items = newEditedSubMenu;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public string removeSubMenuBySubMenuId(string subMenu_Id, string menu_Id)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                var deletedSubMenuToReturn = subMenuCollection.DeleteOne(sm => (sm._id == new ObjectId(subMenu_Id) && sm.menuId == new ObjectId(menu_Id)));
                finalJsonObj.items = deletedSubMenuToReturn;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;

            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public string getSubMenusByMenuId(string menu_Id)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                IQueryable <SubMenu> queryResponse = subMenuCollection.AsQueryable().Where(sm => sm.menuId == new ObjectId(menu_Id));
                // ################### i need to check what is the response when DB is not available ###########################
                finalJsonObj.items = queryResponse;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public string removeDishByDishId(string dish_Id, string user_Id)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                var deletedDishToReturn = dishCollection.DeleteOne(d => (d._id == new ObjectId(dish_Id) && d.userId == new ObjectId(user_Id)));
                finalJsonObj.items = deletedDishToReturn;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;

            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public string removeTableByTableId(string table_Id, string restaurant_Id)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                var deletedTableToReturn = tableCollection.DeleteOne(t => (t._id == new ObjectId(table_Id) && t.restaurantId == new ObjectId(restaurant_Id)));
                finalJsonObj.items = deletedTableToReturn;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;

            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public string getRestaurantByUserId(string userId)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                IQueryable <Restaurant> queryResponse = restaurantCollection.AsQueryable().Where(r => r.userId == new ObjectId(userId));
                // ################### i need to check what is the response when DB is not available ###########################
                finalJsonObj.items = queryResponse;

            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;

            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        // This method get a SubMenu Id and  SubMenu name
        // and update the corrsponding entry of that subMenuId in the SubMenu collection in DB
        // All fields will be updated (except the subMenuId and menuId)
        public string editSubMenuBySubMenuId(string subMenu_Id, string name)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                    Builders <SubMenu> .Filter.Eq("_id", new ObjectId(subMenu_Id)),
                    Builders <SubMenu> .Update.Set("name", name));

                SubMenu newEditedSubMenu = subMenuCollection.AsQueryable().First(sm => sm._id == new ObjectId(subMenu_Id));
                finalJsonObj.items = newEditedSubMenu;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu // SubMenu
        public string addSubMenuToDb(string menu_Id, string subMenu_Name)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer(); // Object that contain "Status" "Reason" and "Items" to be sent as a JSON to the Application Server

                SubMenu subMenu = new SubMenu // create the SubMenu object to be insert to the DB by the method arguments
                    name   = subMenu_Name,
                    menuId = new ObjectId(menu_Id)
                subMenuCollection.InsertOne(subMenu);  // insert the subMenu into the subMenu collection in DB
                finalJsonObj.items = subMenu;          // adding the subMenu details into a JSON sent the Application Server
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";       // change status to fail in the JSON sent to the Application Server
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;   // add the ecxeoption message in the reason field of the JSON sent to the Application Server
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        // This method get a DishId, Dish name, Dish description and Dish default price
        // and update the corrsponding entry of that dishId in the Dish collection in DB
        // All fields will be updated (except the dishId and userId)
        public string editDishByDishId(string dish_Id, string name, string description, float default_price)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                    Builders <Dish> .Filter.Eq("_id", new ObjectId(dish_Id)),
                    Builders <Dish> .Update.Set("name", name).Set("description", description).Set("defaultPrice", default_price));

                Dish newEditedDish = dishCollection.AsQueryable().First(d => d._id == new ObjectId(dish_Id));
                finalJsonObj.items = newEditedDish;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;

            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        // This method get a Table Id, Table number and table status (Available)
        // and update the corrsponding entry of that tableId in the Table collection in DB
        // All fields will be updated (except the tableId and restaurantId)
        public string editTableByTableId(string table_Id, int table_Num, bool table_Available)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();

                    Builders <Table> .Filter.Eq("_id", new ObjectId(table_Id)),
                    Builders <Table> .Update.Set("tableNum", table_Num).Set("available", table_Available));

                Table newEditedTable = tableCollection.AsQueryable().First(t => t._id == new ObjectId(table_Id));
                finalJsonObj.items = newEditedTable;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        // Template for testing: {"order_Id":"583cb590422ce433e4abec81","order_Sum":"45.7","items":[{"Id":"ABCD"},{"Id":"EFGH"},{"Id":"IJKL"}]}
        public string updateOrderDishList(string updatedOrderJson)
            dynamic jsonObjectItems = new JObject();

            string        updateDishesJsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObjectItems);
            dynamic       updateDishesJsonObj    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(updatedOrderJson);
            List <string> dishesList             = new List <string>(); // A list to hold all new updated dishes

            foreach (var obj in updateDishesJsonObj.items)              // for every dish in under items key in updateDishesJsonObj
                dishesList.Add((string)obj.Id);                         // add the id to the dishesList

            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer();
            string          order_Id     = (string)updateDishesJsonObj.order_Id; // extract the order_Id from the json string argument
            float           newOrderSum  = (float)updateDishesJsonObj.order_Sum; // extract the new order sum from the json string argument

                    Builders <Order> .Filter.Eq("_id", new ObjectId(order_Id)),
                    Builders <Order> .Update.Set("dishList", dishesList)
                    .Set("orderSum", newOrderSum));

                Order newEditedOrder = orderCollection.AsQueryable().First(o => o._id == new ObjectId(order_Id));
                finalJsonObj.items = newEditedOrder;
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        // Table // Table // Table // Table // Table // Table // Table // Table // Table // Table // Table // Table  Table // Table // Table // Table  // Table // Table  // Table
        public string addTableToDb(string restaurant_Id, int table_Num)
            JsonToWebServer finalJsonObj = new JsonToWebServer(); // Object that contain "Status" "Reason" and "Items" to be sent as a JSON to the Application Server

                Table table = new Table // create the table object to be insert to the DB by the method arguments
                    tableNum     = table_Num,
                    restaurantId = new ObjectId(restaurant_Id),
                    available    = true
                tableCollection.InsertOne(table);    // insert the table into the Table collection in DB
                finalJsonObj.items = table;          // adding the table details into a JSON sent the Application Server
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalJsonObj.status = "Fail";       // change status to fail in the JSON sent to the Application Server
                finalJsonObj.reason = ex.Message;   // add the ecxeoption message in the reason field of the JSON sent to the Application Server
            string finalJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalJsonObj);
