Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region variables for main
            int    selection          = 0;
            String command            = "";
            String DEFAULTCURFILE     = "cur";
            String DEFAULTLANGFILE    = "lang";
            String DEFAULTCOUNTRYFILE = "country";
            String JSON = ".json";
            String XML  = ".XML";

            Currency cu = new Currency();

            Language lang = new Language();

            Country country = new Country();

            #endregion end of variables for main

            // line 50ish to 365 are the control statments for the menu
            // the the tests for default value or user entered specific file
            // 5, 10, 15 are display menus that access toString of the class objects
            // the type is passed in a run time
            // ***********************************************************************

            #region main while loop

            while (true)
                selection = UserSelection();
                if (selection == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of a JSON file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        JsonDseralizer jds = new JsonDseralizer();
                        jds.setdeserilizer(DEFAULTCURFILE + JSON, cu);
                        JsonDseralizer jds = new JsonDseralizer();

                        try {
                            jds.setdeserilizer(command, cu);
                        } catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file\n ");
                else if (selection == 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of a XML file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        XMLDseralizer xmlds = new XMLDseralizer();
                        xmlds.setdeserilizer(DEFAULTCURFILE + XML, cu);
                        XMLDseralizer xmlds = new XMLDseralizer();

                            xmlds.setdeserilizer(command, cu);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file\n ");
                else if (selection == 3) // write all good
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of Json file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        JsonSeralizer jsonSer = new JsonSeralizer();
                        jsonSer.setSerilizer(DEFAULTCURFILE + JSON, cu);
                        JsonSeralizer jsonSer = new JsonSeralizer();
                        try {
                            jsonSer.setSerilizer(command, cu);
                        } catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file name\n");
                else if (selection == 4) // xml write cu
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of XML file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        MyXMLSerilizer xmlSer = new MyXMLSerilizer();
                        xmlSer.setSerilizer(DEFAULTCURFILE + XML, cu);
                        MyXMLSerilizer xmlSer = new MyXMLSerilizer();
                            xmlSer.setSerilizer(command, cu);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file name\n");
                else if (selection == 5) // display
                    Console.WriteLine(cu.ToString() + "\n");
                else if (selection == 6)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of a JSON file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        JsonDseralizer jds = new JsonDseralizer();
                        jds.setdeserilizer(DEFAULTLANGFILE + JSON, lang);
                        JsonDseralizer jds = new JsonDseralizer();

                            jds.setdeserilizer(command, lang);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file ");
                else if (selection == 7)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of a XML file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        XMLDseralizer xmlds = new XMLDseralizer();
                        xmlds.setdeserilizer(DEFAULTLANGFILE + XML, lang);
                        XMLDseralizer xmlds = new XMLDseralizer();

                            xmlds.setdeserilizer(command, lang);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file ");
                else if (selection == 8)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of Json file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        JsonSeralizer jsonSer = new JsonSeralizer();
                        jsonSer.setSerilizer(DEFAULTLANGFILE + JSON, lang);
                        JsonSeralizer jsonSer = new JsonSeralizer();
                            jsonSer.setSerilizer(command, lang);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file name\n");
                else if (selection == 9)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of XML file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        MyXMLSerilizer xmlSer = new MyXMLSerilizer();
                        xmlSer.setSerilizer(DEFAULTLANGFILE + XML, lang);
                        MyXMLSerilizer xmlSer = new MyXMLSerilizer();
                            xmlSer.setSerilizer(command, lang);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file name\n");
                else if (selection == 10) // display
                    Console.WriteLine(lang.ToString() + "\n");
                else if (selection == 11)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of a JSON file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        JsonDseralizer jds = new JsonDseralizer();
                        jds.setdeserilizer(DEFAULTCOUNTRYFILE + JSON, country);
                        JsonDseralizer jds = new JsonDseralizer();

                            jds.setdeserilizer(command, country);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file ");
                else if (selection == 12)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of XML file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        XMLDseralizer xmlDeSer = new XMLDseralizer();
                        xmlDeSer.setdeserilizer(DEFAULTCOUNTRYFILE + XML, country);
                        XMLDseralizer xmlDeSer = new XMLDseralizer();
                            xmlDeSer.setdeserilizer(command, country);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file name\n");
                else if (selection == 13) // write json
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of Json file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        JsonSeralizer jsonSer = new JsonSeralizer();
                        jsonSer.setSerilizer(DEFAULTCOUNTRYFILE + JSON, country);
                        JsonSeralizer jsonSer = new JsonSeralizer();
                            jsonSer.setSerilizer(command, country);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file name\n");
                else if (selection == 14)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter path of XML file or type default");
                    command = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (command.Equals("default"))
                        MyXMLSerilizer xmlSer = new MyXMLSerilizer();
                        xmlSer.setSerilizer(DEFAULTCOUNTRYFILE + XML, country);
                        MyXMLSerilizer xmlSer = new MyXMLSerilizer();
                            xmlSer.setSerilizer(command, country);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid file name\n");
                else if (selection == 15) // display
                    Console.WriteLine(country.ToString() + "\n");

                #endregion end of main while loop

                selection = -1; // resets selection
                command   = ""; // resets command

                // no need for 16 because UserSelection will never pass back
                // just exits in that other loop
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Currency cu = new Currency();

            Language lang = new Language();

            Country country = new Country();

 *          Country country = new Country
 *          {
 *              Name = "United States",
 *              Capitial = "Washington DC",
 *              Region = "North America",
 *              Subregion = "blank",
 *              CurrenyP = new Currency
 *              {
 *                  Code = "1",
 *                  Name = "Dollars",
 *                  Symbol = "$",
 *              },
 *              languageP = new Language
 *              {
 *                  Name = "English",
 *                  NativeName = "English",
 *                  Iso639_1 = "en",
 *                  Iso639_2 = "sp",
 *              },
 *          };

            String        filename = "TestCountry3.json";
            JsonSeralizer jw       = new JsonSeralizer(); // could have kept it a normal type but that might be confusing

            jw.setSerilizer(filename, lang);

 *          FileStream writer = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create,
 *              FileAccess.Write);
 *          DataContractJsonSerializer ser;
 *          ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Country));
 *          ser.WriteObject(writer, country);
 *          writer.Close();

            Country country2;

            String filename2 = filename;

            FileStream reader = new FileStream(filename2, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            DataContractJsonSerializer inputSerializer;

            inputSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Country));

            country2 = (Country)inputSerializer.ReadObject(reader);
