private static void ExpectToken(JsonToken expected, JsonPositionedTextReader reader)
     if (reader.TokenType != expected)
         throw new JsonReaderException($"Expect: {expected} at {reader.TokenPosition:n0}, was {reader.TokenType}.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Build the JsonMap for a given Json file, given a stream provider.
        ///  Returns null if the source file was too small for any map nodes to fit the size budget.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="streamProvider">A function which will open the stream for the desired file</param>
        /// <param name="settings">JsonMapSettings for map; null for defaults</param>
        /// <returns>JsonMap for file or null if file too small for map</returns>
        public static JsonMapNode Build(Func <Stream> streamProvider, JsonMapSettings settings = null)
            JsonMapRunSettings runSettings = null;

            using (Stream stream = streamProvider())
                long length = stream.Length;

                // Compute JsonMapSettings for this specific file
                runSettings = new JsonMapRunSettings(length, settings ?? JsonMapRunSettings.DefaultSettings);

                // Don't build the map at all if the file is too small for anything to be mapped
                if (length <= runSettings.MinimumSizeForNode)

            // Parse file using JsonPositionedTextReader so map can get byte locations of elements
            using (JsonPositionedTextReader reader = new JsonPositionedTextReader(streamProvider))
                if (!reader.Read())
                return(Build(reader, runSettings, startPosition: 0, out long _));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void ConvertSarifLog(JsonSerializer serializer, string sarifFilePath, CsvWriter writer, IEnumerable <Action <CsvWriter, Result, PhysicalLocation> > selectedWriters)
            SarifLog log = null;

            // Read the SarifLog with the deferred reader
            using (JsonPositionedTextReader jtr = new JsonPositionedTextReader(sarifFilePath))
                log = serializer.Deserialize <SarifLog>(jtr);

            // Write a row in the output file for each result location
            if (log.Runs != null)
                foreach (var run in log.Runs)
                    if (run.Results != null)
                        foreach (var result in run.Results)
                            foreach (PhysicalLocation location in result.PhysicalLocations())
                                foreach (Action <CsvWriter, Result, PhysicalLocation> columnWriter in selectedWriters)
                                    columnWriter(writer, result, location);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///  Load a SARIF file into a SarifLog object model instance using deferred loading.
        ///  [Less memory use, but slower; safe for large Sarif]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sarifFilePath">File Path to Sarif file to load</param>
        /// <returns>SarifLog instance for file</returns>
        public static SarifLog LoadDeferred(string sarifFilePath)
            JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();

            serializer.ContractResolver = new SarifDeferredContractResolver();

            using (JsonPositionedTextReader jptr = new JsonPositionedTextReader(sarifFilePath))
                return(serializer.Deserialize <SarifLog>(jptr));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void ConvertSarifLog(JsonSerializer serializer, string sarifFilePath, CsvWriter writer, IEnumerable <Action <WriteContext> > selectedWriters)
            SarifLog log = null;

            // Read the SarifLog with the deferred reader
            using (JsonPositionedTextReader jtr = new JsonPositionedTextReader(sarifFilePath))
                log = serializer.Deserialize <SarifLog>(jtr);

            WriteContext context = new WriteContext();

            context.Writer = writer;

            // Write a row in the output file for each result location
            if (log.Runs != null)
                context.RunIndex = 0;

                foreach (var run in log.Runs)
                    context.Run         = run;
                    context.ResultIndex = 0;

                    if (run.Results != null)
                        foreach (var result in run.Results)
                            context.Result = result;

                            if (result.Locations == null || result.Locations.Count == 0)
                                context.PLoc = null;
                                Write(context, selectedWriters);
                                foreach (PhysicalLocation location in result.PhysicalLocations())
                                    context.PLoc = location;
                                    Write(context, selectedWriters);


Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        ///  Load a SARIF file into a SarifLog object model instance using deferred loading.
        ///  [Less memory use, but slower; safe for large Sarif]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sarifFilePath">File Path to Sarif file to load</param>
        /// <returns>SarifLog instance for file</returns>
        public static SarifLog LoadDeferred(string sarifFilePath)
            JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();

            serializer.ContractResolver = new SarifDeferredContractResolver();

            // NOTE: Deferred reading needs JsonPositionedTextReader to identify where deferred collection items are
            // (to deserialize them 'just in time' later) and needs a 'streamProvider' function (how to open the file again)
            // so that deferred collections know how to open the file again to seek to and read elements 'just in time'

            using (JsonPositionedTextReader jtr = new JsonPositionedTextReader(sarifFilePath))
                // NOTE: Load with JsonSerializer.Deserialize, not JsonConvert.DeserializeObject, to avoid a string of the whole file in memory.
                return(serializer.Deserialize <SarifLog>(jtr));
        /// <summary>
        ///  Build the JsonMap for a given Json file, given a stream provider.
        ///  Returns null if the source file was too small for any map nodes to fit the size budget.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="streamProvider">A function which will open the stream for the desired file</param>
        /// <returns>JsonMap for file or null if file too small for map</returns>
        public JsonMapNode Build(Func <Stream> streamProvider)
            using (Stream stream = streamProvider())
                if (stream.Length <= MinimumSizeForNode)

            using (JsonPositionedTextReader reader = new JsonPositionedTextReader(streamProvider))
                if (!reader.Read())
                return(Build(reader, 0, out long unused));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        ///  Find the start position of the desired item index.
        ///  If the node knows it, the known value is returned.
        ///  If not, the code seeks to the nearest node and reads enough of the document to find it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index of array element to find</param>
        /// <param name="inputStreamProvider">Function which can open original file, if needed</param>
        /// <returns>Absolute byte offset of the start array[index] within this array</returns>
        public long FindArrayStart(int index, Func <Stream> inputStreamProvider)
            if (index < 0 || index > this.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

            if (index == this.Count)
                // If item after last is requested, return array end
            else if (this.ArrayStarts != null && this.Every == 1)
                // If we know every element position, just return it
            else if (index % this.Every == 0)
                // If we know this element position, just return it
                return(this.ArrayStarts[index / this.Every]);

            // Otherwise, find the closest span of the file we must read
            long readFromPosition;
            long readToPosition;
            int  startIndex;

            if (this.ArrayStarts == null)
                // If there are no array positions, we must read the whole array (it should be small)
                readFromPosition = this.Start + 1;
                readToPosition   = this.End;
                startIndex       = 0;
                // If there are array positions, read from the nearest previous element available
                int startToRead = index / this.Every;
                readFromPosition = this.ArrayStarts[startToRead];
                readToPosition   = (this.ArrayStarts.Count > startToRead + 1 ? this.ArrayStarts[startToRead + 1] : this.End);
                startIndex       = startToRead * this.Every;

            using (Stream source = inputStreamProvider())
                int    lengthToRead = (int)(1 + readToPosition - readFromPosition);
                byte[] buffer       = new byte[lengthToRead + 1];

                // Read the array slice
                source.Seek(readFromPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                source.Read(buffer, 1, lengthToRead);

                // Make it a valid array prefix (it must start with '[', which will look like the root of the Json document
                buffer[0] = (byte)'[';

                using (JsonPositionedTextReader reader = new JsonPositionedTextReader(() => new MemoryStream(buffer)))
                    // Find the desired array item index in the buffer
                    long relativePosition = reader.ReadToArrayIndex(index - startIndex);

                    // Convert back to an absolute position (buffer[0] was (readFromPosition - 1)
                    return((readFromPosition - 1) + relativePosition);
        private JsonMapNode Build(JsonPositionedTextReader reader, long startPosition, out long endPosition)
            // For tiny types, we know we won't create a node
            switch (reader.TokenType)
            case JsonToken.Null:
            case JsonToken.Boolean:
            case JsonToken.Integer:
            case JsonToken.Float:
            case JsonToken.Date:
            case JsonToken.Comment:
                endPosition = reader.TokenPosition;

            // For Strings, create a node only if the string is big enough
            if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String)
                JsonMapNode result = null;
                endPosition = reader.TokenPosition;

                if (reader.Value.ToString().Length >= MinimumSizeForNode)
                    result = new JsonMapNode()
                        Start = startPosition, End = endPosition


            // For objects and arrays, capture the exact position, then build a node and look inside...
            JsonMapNode node = new JsonMapNode();

            node.Start = reader.TokenPosition;
            node.Count = 0;

            if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)

                while (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject)
                    // Value start is one after the ':' reader.TokenPosition is pointing to
                    long valueStartPosition = reader.TokenPosition + 1;

                    ExpectToken(JsonToken.PropertyName, reader);
                    string propertyName = reader.Value.ToString();

                    JsonMapNode child = Build(reader, valueStartPosition, out long unused);

                    if (child != null)
                        if (node.Nodes == null)
                            node.Nodes = new Dictionary <string, JsonMapNode>();
                        node.Nodes[propertyName] = child;


                ExpectToken(JsonToken.EndObject, reader);
                endPosition = reader.TokenPosition;
                node.End    = endPosition;
            else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray)
                node.ArrayStarts = new List <long>();

                long absoluteNextItemStart = reader.TokenPosition + 1;

                while (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)
                    // Consider building children if nodes are large enough
                    JsonMapNode child = Build(reader, absoluteNextItemStart, out long itemEnd);

                    if (child != null)
                        if (node.Nodes == null)
                            node.Nodes = new Dictionary <string, JsonMapNode>();
                        long itemIndex = node.Count;
                        node.Nodes[itemIndex.ToString()] = child;
                        absoluteNextItemStart            = child.Start;

                    // Track the start of every array item

                    // Next value start is two after the last value character itemEnd is pointing to (after last byte and comma)
                    absoluteNextItemStart = itemEnd + 2;


                endPosition = reader.TokenPosition;
                node.End    = endPosition;

                throw new NotImplementedException($"Build not implemented for node type {reader.TokenType}.");

            // Return the node if it was big enough
            if (node.Length >= MinimumSizeForNode)