Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SetStringBuffer(string str)
            // max possible size - we avoid using GetByteCount because profiling showed it to take 2% of runtime
            // the buffer might be a bit longer, but we'll reuse it, and it is better than the computing cost
            int byteCount           = Encodings.Utf8.GetMaxByteCount(str.Length);
            int escapePositionsSize = JsonParserState.FindEscapePositionsMaxSize(str, out _);

            // If we do not have a buffer or the buffer is too small, return the memory and get more.
            var size = byteCount + escapePositionsSize;

            if (_currentStateBuffer == null || _currentStateBuffer.SizeInBytes < size)
                if (_currentStateBuffer != null)
                _currentStateBuffer = _ctx.GetMemory(size);
                Debug.Assert(_currentStateBuffer != null && _currentStateBuffer.Address != null);

            _state.StringBuffer = _currentStateBuffer.Address;

            fixed(char *pChars = str)
                _state.StringSize     = Encodings.Utf8.GetBytes(pChars, str.Length, _state.StringBuffer, byteCount);
                _state.CompressedSize = null; // don't even try
                _state.FindEscapePositionsIn(_state.StringBuffer, ref _state.StringSize, escapePositionsSize);

                var escapePos = _state.StringBuffer + _state.StringSize;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private unsafe LazyStringValue GetLazyString(StringSegment field, bool longLived)
            var state        = new JsonParserState();
            var maxByteCount = Encodings.Utf8.GetMaxByteCount(field.Length);

            int escapePositionsSize = JsonParserState.FindEscapePositionsMaxSize(field);

            int memorySize = maxByteCount + escapePositionsSize;
            var memory     = longLived ? GetLongLivedMemory(memorySize) : GetMemory(memorySize);

            fixed(char *pField = field.Buffer)
                var address    = memory.Address;
                var actualSize = Encodings.Utf8.GetBytes(pField + field.Offset, field.Length, address, memory.SizeInBytes);

                state.FindEscapePositionsIn(address, actualSize, escapePositionsSize);

                state.WriteEscapePositionsTo(address + actualSize);
                LazyStringValue result = longLived == false?AllocateStringValue(field, address, actualSize) : new LazyStringValue(field, address, actualSize, this);

                result.AllocatedMemoryData = memory;

                if (state.EscapePositions.Count > 0)
                    result.EscapePositions = state.EscapePositions.ToArray();
        public unsafe LazyStringValue GetLazyString(char[] chars, int start, int count)
            LazyStringValue value;

            var state = new JsonParserState();

            state.FindEscapePositionsIn(chars, start, count);
            var maxByteCount = Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(count);
            var memory       = GetMemory(maxByteCount + state.GetEscapePositionsSize());

                fixed(char *pChars = chars)
                    var address    = (byte *)memory.Address;
                    var actualSize = Encoding.GetBytes(pChars + start, count, address, memory.SizeInBytes);

                    state.WriteEscapePositionsTo(address + actualSize);
                    value = new LazyStringValue(null, address, actualSize, this);
            catch (Exception)
        public unsafe LazyStringValue GetLazyString(string field)
            var state = new JsonParserState();

            var maxByteCount = Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(field.Length);
            var memory       = GetMemory(maxByteCount + state.GetEscapePositionsSize());

                fixed(char *pField = field)
                    var address    = (byte *)memory.Address;
                    var actualSize = Encoding.GetBytes(pField, field.Length, address, memory.SizeInBytes);

                    state.WriteEscapePositionsTo(address + actualSize);
                    return(new LazyStringValue(field, address, actualSize, this)
                        AllocatedMemoryData = memory
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private unsafe LazyStringValue GetLazyString(StringSegment field, bool longLived)
            var state = new JsonParserState();

            var maxByteCount = Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(field.Length);
            var memory       = GetMemory(maxByteCount + state.GetEscapePositionsSize(), longLived: longLived);

            fixed(char *pField = field.String)
                var address    = memory.Address;
                var actualSize = Encoding.GetBytes(pField + field.Start, field.Length, address, memory.SizeInBytes);

                state.WriteEscapePositionsTo(address + actualSize);
                var result = new LazyStringValue(field, address, actualSize, this)
                    AllocatedMemoryData = memory,

                if (state.EscapePositions.Count > 0)
                    result.EscapePositions = state.EscapePositions.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static ByteStringContext.InternalScope GetLowerIdSliceAndStorageKey <TTransaction>(
            TransactionOperationContext <TTransaction> context, string str, out Slice lowerIdSlice, out Slice idSlice)
            where TTransaction : RavenTransaction
            // Because we need to also store escape positions for the key when we store it
            // we need to store it as a lazy string value.
            // But lazy string value has two lengths, one is the string length, and the other
            // is the actual data size with the escape positions

            // In order to resolve this, we process the key to find escape positions, then store it
            // in the table using the following format:
            // [var int - string len, string bytes, number of escape positions, escape positions]
            // The total length of the string is stored in the actual table (and include the var int size
            // prefix.

            if (_jsonParserState == null)
                _jsonParserState = new JsonParserState();


            int strLength  = str.Length;
            int maxStrSize = Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(strLength);

            int idSize = JsonParserState.VariableSizeIntSize(strLength);

            int escapePositionsSize = JsonParserState.FindEscapePositionsMaxSize(str);

            var scope = context.Allocator.Allocate(maxStrSize   // lower key
                                                   + idSize     // the size of var int for the len of the key
                                                   + maxStrSize // actual key
                                                   + escapePositionsSize, out ByteString buffer);

            byte *ptr = buffer.Ptr;

            fixed(char *pChars = str)
                for (var i = 0; i < strLength; i++)
                    uint ch = pChars[i];

                    // PERF: Trick to avoid multiple compare instructions on hot loops.
                    //       This is the same as (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90)
                    if (ch - 65 <= 90 - 65)
                        ptr[i] = (byte)(ch | 0x20);
                        if (ch > 127) // not ASCII, use slower mode
                            goto UnlikelyUnicode;

                        ptr[i] = (byte)ch;

                    ptr[i + idSize + maxStrSize] = (byte)ch;

                _jsonParserState.FindEscapePositionsIn(ptr, strLength, escapePositionsSize);

            var writePos = ptr + maxStrSize;

            JsonParserState.WriteVariableSizeInt(ref writePos, strLength);
            escapePositionsSize = _jsonParserState.WriteEscapePositionsTo(writePos + strLength);
            idSize = escapePositionsSize + strLength + idSize;

            Slice.External(context.Allocator, ptr + maxStrSize, idSize, out idSlice);
            Slice.External(context.Allocator, ptr, str.Length, out lowerIdSlice);

            return(UnicodeGetLowerIdAndStorageKey(context, str, out lowerIdSlice, out idSlice, maxStrSize, escapePositionsSize));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static ByteStringContext.InternalScope GetLowerIdSliceAndStorageKey <TTransaction>(
            TransactionOperationContext <TTransaction> context, string str, out Slice lowerIdSlice, out Slice idSlice)
            where TTransaction : RavenTransaction
            // Because we need to also store escape positions for the key when we store it
            // we need to store it as a lazy string value.
            // But lazy string value has two lengths, one is the string length, and the other
            // is the actual data size with the escape positions

            // In order to resolve this, we process the key to find escape positions, then store it
            // in the table using the following format:
            // [var int - string len, string bytes, number of escape positions, escape positions]
            // The total length of the string is stored in the actual table (and include the var int size
            // prefix.

            if (_jsonParserState == null)
                _jsonParserState = new JsonParserState();


            int originalStrLength = str.Length;
            int strLength         = originalStrLength;

            if (strLength > MaxIdSize)

            int escapePositionsSize = JsonParserState.FindEscapePositionsMaxSize(str, out var escapedCount);

             *  add the size of all control characters
             *  this is to treat case when we have 2+ control character in a row
             *  GetMaxByteCount returns smaller size than the actual size with escaped control characters
             *  For example: string with two control characters such as '\0\0' will be converted to '\u0000\u0000' (another example: '\b\b' => '\u000b\u000b')
             *  string size = 2, GetMaxByteCount = 9, converted string size = 12, maxStrSize = 19
            var maxStrSize         = Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(strLength) + JsonParserState.ControlCharacterItemSize * escapedCount;
            var originalMaxStrSize = maxStrSize;

            int idSize = JsonParserState.VariableSizeIntSize(maxStrSize);

            var scope = context.Allocator.Allocate(maxStrSize   // lower key
                                                   + idSize     // the size of var int for the len of the key
                                                   + maxStrSize // actual key
                                                   + escapePositionsSize, out ByteString buffer);

            byte *ptr = buffer.Ptr;

            fixed(char *pChars = str)
                for (var i = 0; i < strLength; i++)
                    uint ch = pChars[i];

                    // PERF: Trick to avoid multiple compare instructions on hot loops.
                    //       This is the same as (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90)
                    if (ch - 65 <= 90 - 65)
                        ptr[i] = (byte)(ch | 0x20);
                        if (ch > 127) // not ASCII, use slower mode
                            goto UnlikelyUnicode;

                        ptr[i] = (byte)ch;

                    ptr[i + idSize + maxStrSize] = (byte)ch;

                _jsonParserState.FindEscapePositionsIn(ptr, ref strLength, escapePositionsSize);
                if (strLength != originalStrLength)
                    var anotherStrLength = originalStrLength;
                    _jsonParserState.FindEscapePositionsIn(ptr + idSize + maxStrSize, ref anotherStrLength, escapePositionsSize);

                    if (strLength != anotherStrLength)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"String length mismatch between Id ({str}) and it's lowercased counterpart after finding escape positions. Original: {anotherStrLength}. Lowercased: {strLength}");

            var writePos = ptr + maxStrSize;

            Debug.Assert(strLength <= originalMaxStrSize, $"Calculated {nameof(originalMaxStrSize)} value {originalMaxStrSize}, was smaller than actually {nameof(strLength)} value {strLength}");

            // in case there were no control characters the idSize could be smaller
            var sizeDifference = idSize - JsonParserState.VariableSizeIntSize(strLength);
            writePos += sizeDifference;
            idSize   -= sizeDifference;

            JsonParserState.WriteVariableSizeInt(ref writePos, strLength);
            escapePositionsSize = _jsonParserState.WriteEscapePositionsTo(writePos + strLength);
            idSize = escapePositionsSize + strLength + idSize;

            Slice.External(context.Allocator, ptr + maxStrSize + sizeDifference, idSize, out idSlice);
            Slice.External(context.Allocator, ptr, strLength, out lowerIdSlice);

            return(UnicodeGetLowerIdAndStorageKey(context, str, out lowerIdSlice, out idSlice, maxStrSize, escapePositionsSize));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void GetLowerKeySliceAndStorageKey(JsonOperationContext context, string str, out byte *lowerKey,
                                                         out int lowerSize,
                                                         out byte *key,
                                                         out int keySize)
            // Because we need to also store escape positions for the key when we store it
            // we need to store it as a lazy string value.
            // But lazy string value has two lengths, one is the string length, and the other
            // is the actual data size with the escape positions

            // In order to resolve this, we process the key to find escape positions, then store it
            // in the table using the following format:
            // [var int - string len, string bytes, number of escape positions, escape positions]
            // The total length of the string is stored in the actual table (and include the var int size
            // prefix.

            if (_jsonParserState == null)
                _jsonParserState = new JsonParserState();


            keySize = JsonParserState.VariableSizeIntSize(str.Length);
            var escapePositionsSize = _jsonParserState.GetEscapePositionsSize();
            var buffer = context.GetNativeTempBuffer(
                str.Length   // lower key
                + keySize    // the size of var int for the len of the key
                + str.Length // actual key
                + escapePositionsSize);

            for (var i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                var ch = str[i];
                if (ch > 127) // not ASCII, use slower mode
                    goto UnlikelyUnicode;
                if ((ch >= 65) && (ch <= 90))
                    buffer[i] = (byte)(ch | 0x20);
                    buffer[i] = (byte)ch;

                buffer[i + keySize + str.Length] = (byte)ch;

            var writePos = buffer + str.Length;

            JsonParserState.WriteVariableSizeInt(ref writePos, str.Length);
            _jsonParserState.WriteEscapePositionsTo(writePos + str.Length);
            keySize   = escapePositionsSize + str.Length + keySize;
            key       = buffer + str.Length;
            lowerKey  = buffer;
            lowerSize = str.Length;

            UnicodeGetLowerKeySliceAndStorageKey(context, str, out lowerKey, out lowerSize, out key, out keySize);