Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static JsonConverter GetJsonConverter(object attributeProvider)
            JsonConverterAttribute converterAttribute = GetCachedAttribute <JsonConverterAttribute>(attributeProvider);

            if (converterAttribute != null)
                Func <object[], JsonConverter> creator = JsonConverterCreatorCache.Get(converterAttribute.ConverterType);
                if (creator != null)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static JsonConverter GetJsonConverter(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, Type targetConvertedType)
            Type jsonConverterType = GetJsonConverterType(attributeProvider);

            if (jsonConverterType != null)
                JsonConverter jsonConverter = JsonConverterAttribute.CreateJsonConverterInstance(jsonConverterType);
                if (!jsonConverter.CanConvert(targetConvertedType))
                    throw new JsonSerializationException("JsonConverter {0} on {1} is not compatible with member type {2}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, jsonConverter.GetType().Name, attributeProvider, targetConvertedType.Name));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static Type GetJsonConverterTypeFromAttribute(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider)
            Type converterType;
            JsonConverterAttribute attribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <JsonConverterAttribute>(attributeProvider);

            if (attribute == null)
                converterType = null;
                converterType = attribute.ConverterType;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal JsonContainerContract(Type underlyingType) : base(underlyingType)
            JsonContainerAttribute attribute = Class139.smethod_0(underlyingType);

            if (attribute != null)
                if (attribute.ItemConverterType != null)
                    this.ItemConverter = JsonConverterAttribute.smethod_0(attribute.ItemConverterType);
                this.ItemIsReference           = attribute.nullable_1;
                this.ItemReferenceLoopHandling = attribute.nullable_2;
                this.ItemTypeNameHandling      = attribute.nullable_3;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsonContainerContract"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="underlyingType">The underlying type for the contract.</param>
        internal JsonContainerContract(Type underlyingType) : base(underlyingType)
            JsonContainerAttribute jsonContainerAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetJsonContainerAttribute(underlyingType);

            if (jsonContainerAttribute != null)
                if (jsonContainerAttribute.ItemConverterType != null)
                    ItemConverter = JsonConverterAttribute.CreateJsonConverterInstance(jsonContainerAttribute.ItemConverterType);

                ItemIsReference           = jsonContainerAttribute._itemIsReference;
                ItemReferenceLoopHandling = jsonContainerAttribute._itemReferenceLoopHandling;
                ItemTypeNameHandling      = jsonContainerAttribute._itemTypeNameHandling;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static JsonConverter GetJsonConverter(object attributeProvider)
            JsonConverterAttribute cachedAttribute =
                JsonTypeReflector.GetCachedAttribute <JsonConverterAttribute>(attributeProvider);

            if (cachedAttribute != null)
                Func <object[], object> func = JsonTypeReflector.CreatorCache.Get(cachedAttribute.ConverterType);
                if (func != null)

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void EntityBaseWriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)

            Type type = value.GetType();
            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(type);

            List <string> fields = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Fields))
                fields = new List <string>();

            Type jsonIgnoreAttrType    = typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute);
            Type jsonConverterAttrType = typeof(JsonConverterAttribute);

            foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in properties)
                bool canSerializer = true;
                if (fields != null)
                    canSerializer = fields.Exists(F => F == prop.Name);
                    JsonIgnoreAttribute jsonIgnore = (JsonIgnoreAttribute)prop.Attributes[jsonIgnoreAttrType];
                    canSerializer = jsonIgnore == null;
                if (canSerializer)
                    JsonConverter          converter     = null;
                    JsonConverterAttribute converterAttr = (JsonConverterAttribute)prop.Attributes[jsonConverterAttrType];
                    if (converterAttr != null)
                        converter = (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(converterAttr.ConverterType);

                    serializer.Serialize(writer, prop.GetValue(value));

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static JsonConverter GetConverterFromAttribute(JsonConverterAttribute converterAttribute, Type typeToConvert, MemberInfo?memberInfo, JsonSerializerOptions options)

            Type declaringType = memberInfo?.DeclaringType ?? typeToConvert;
            Type?converterType = converterAttribute.ConverterType;

            if (converterType == null)
                // Allow the attribute to create the converter.
                converter = converterAttribute.CreateConverter(typeToConvert);
                if (converter == null)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_SerializationConverterOnAttributeNotCompatible(declaringType, memberInfo, typeToConvert);
                ConstructorInfo?ctor = converterType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                if (!typeof(JsonConverter).IsAssignableFrom(converterType) || ctor == null || !ctor.IsPublic)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_SerializationConverterOnAttributeInvalid(declaringType, memberInfo);

                converter = (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(converterType) !;

            Debug.Assert(converter != null);
            if (!converter.CanConvert(typeToConvert))
                Type?underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeToConvert);
                if (underlyingType != null && converter.CanConvert(underlyingType))
                    if (converter is JsonConverterFactory converterFactory)
                        converter = converterFactory.GetConverterInternal(underlyingType, options);

                    // Allow nullable handling to forward to the underlying type's converter.
                    return(NullableConverterFactory.CreateValueConverter(underlyingType, converter));

                ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_SerializationConverterOnAttributeNotCompatible(declaringType, memberInfo, typeToConvert);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void AllEnumsAreMarkedForStringSerialization()
            Assembly     assembly  = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(VmState));
            IList <Type> enumTypes = assembly.GetTypes().Where(x => x.IsEnum).ToList();

            Assert.IsTrue(enumTypes.Count > 0);
            foreach (Type enumType in enumTypes)
                JsonConverterAttribute converterAtrribute = enumType.GetCustomAttribute <JsonConverterAttribute>();
                if (converterAtrribute == null)
                    Assert.Fail($"Attribute not set for {enumType.Name}.");

                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(StringEnumConverter), converterAtrribute.ConverterType, $"Wrong converter set for {enumType.Name}.");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        internal JsonContainerContract(Type underlyingType)
            : base(underlyingType)
            JsonContainerAttribute containerAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetJsonContainerAttribute(underlyingType);

            if (containerAttribute == null)
            if (containerAttribute.ItemConverterType != null)
                this.ItemConverter = JsonConverterAttribute.CreateJsonConverterInstance(containerAttribute.ItemConverterType);
            this.ItemIsReference           = containerAttribute._itemIsReference;
            this.ItemReferenceLoopHandling = containerAttribute._itemReferenceLoopHandling;
            this.ItemTypeNameHandling      = containerAttribute._itemTypeNameHandling;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private JsonConverter GetConverterFromAttribute(JsonConverterAttribute converterAttribute, Type typeToConvert, Type classTypeAttributeIsOn, PropertyInfo?propertyInfo)

            Type?type = converterAttribute.ConverterType;

            if (type == null)
                // Allow the attribute to create the converter.
                converter = converterAttribute.CreateConverter(typeToConvert);
                if (converter == null)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_SerializationConverterOnAttributeNotCompatible(classTypeAttributeIsOn, propertyInfo, typeToConvert);
                ConstructorInfo?ctor = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                if (!typeof(JsonConverter).IsAssignableFrom(type) || ctor == null || !ctor.IsPublic)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_SerializationConverterOnAttributeInvalid(classTypeAttributeIsOn, propertyInfo);

                converter = (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(type) !;

            Debug.Assert(converter != null);
            if (!converter.CanConvert(typeToConvert))
                Type?underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeToConvert);
                if (underlyingType != null && converter.CanConvert(underlyingType))
                    // Allow nullable handling to forward to the underlying type's converter.
                    return(NullableConverterFactory.CreateValueConverter(underlyingType, converter));

                ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_SerializationConverterOnAttributeNotCompatible(classTypeAttributeIsOn, propertyInfo, typeToConvert);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static JsonConverter GetJsonConverter(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, Type targetConvertedType)
            object provider = null;

            provider = attributeProvider as MemberInfo;
            provider = attributeProvider.UnderlyingObject;

            Type converterType = GetJsonConverterType(attributeProvider);

            if (converterType != null)
                JsonConverter memberConverter = JsonConverterAttribute.CreateJsonConverterInstance(converterType);


Ejemplo n.º 13
        /*internal static SqlRelationshipLookup GetPropertyRelationshipLookup(PropertyInfo prop)
         * {
         *  var attributes = prop.GetCustomAttributes(true);
         *  if (attributes.Length > 0)
         *  {
         *      foreach (var attribute in attributes)
         *      {
         *          if (attribute.GetType().Name == "SqlRelationshipLookup")
         *          {
         *              return attribute as SqlRelationshipLookup;
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  return null;
         * }*/

        private static void SetCsvConversion(PropertyInfo prop, object obj, object value)
            var attributes = prop.GetCustomAttributes(true);

            if (attributes.Length > 0)
                foreach (var attribute in attributes)
                    if (attribute.GetType().Name == "JsonConverterAttribute")
                        JsonConverterAttribute converter = attribute as JsonConverterAttribute;
                        if (converter.ConverterType.Name == "CsvConverter")
                            prop.SetValue(obj, new List <string>(value.ToString().Split(',')));

            prop.SetValue(obj, value);
        internal JsonConverter DetermineConverterForProperty(Type parentClassType, Type runtimePropertyType, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            JsonConverter converter = null;

            // Priority 1: attempt to get converter from JsonConverterAttribute on property.
            if (propertyInfo != null)
                JsonConverterAttribute converterAttribute = (JsonConverterAttribute)
                                                            GetAttributeThatCanHaveMultiple(parentClassType, typeof(JsonConverterAttribute), propertyInfo);

                if (converterAttribute != null)
                    converter = GetConverterFromAttribute(converterAttribute, runtimePropertyType, parentClassType, propertyInfo);

            if (converter == null)
                converter = GetConverter(runtimePropertyType);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static object GetCsvConversion(PropertyInfo prop, object obj)
            var attributes = prop.GetCustomAttributes(true);

            if (attributes.Length > 0)
                foreach (var attribute in attributes)
                    if (attribute.GetType().Name == "JsonConverterAttribute")
                        JsonConverterAttribute converter = attribute as JsonConverterAttribute;
                        if (converter.ConverterType.Name == "CsvConverter")
                            CsvConverter     csv    = new CsvConverter();
                            JsonStringWriter jWrite = new JsonStringWriter();
                            csv.WriteJson(jWrite, prop.GetValue(obj), new JsonSerializer());

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static List <KeyValuePair <string, object> > PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(
            string name, object value, List <KeyValuePair <string, object> > keys = null, PropertyInfo propInfo = null, ArrayDeserialization arrayDeserializationFormat = ArrayDeserialization.UnIndexed)
            keys = keys ?? new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >();

            if (value == null)
            else if (value is Stream)
                keys.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(name, value));
            else if (value is JObject)
                var valueAccept = (value as JObject);
                foreach (var property in valueAccept.Properties())
                    string pKey        = property.Name;
                    object pValue      = property.Value;
                    var    fullSubName = name + '[' + pKey + ']';
                    PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(fullSubName, pValue, keys, propInfo, arrayDeserializationFormat);
            else if (value is IList)
                var enumerator = ((IEnumerable)value).GetEnumerator();

                var hasNested = false;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    var subValue = enumerator.Current;
                    if (subValue != null && (subValue is JObject || subValue is IList || subValue is IDictionary || !(subValue.GetType().Namespace.StartsWith("System"))))
                        hasNested = true;

                int i = 0;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    var fullSubName = name + '[' + i + ']';
                    if (!hasNested && arrayDeserializationFormat == ArrayDeserialization.UnIndexed)
                        fullSubName = name + "[]";
                    else if (!hasNested && arrayDeserializationFormat == ArrayDeserialization.Plain)
                        fullSubName = name;

                    var subValue = enumerator.Current;
                    if (subValue == null)
                    PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(fullSubName, subValue, keys, propInfo, arrayDeserializationFormat);
            else if (value is JToken)
                keys.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(name, value.ToString()));
            else if (value is Enum)
                Assembly thisAssembly = typeof(APIHelper).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
                Assembly thisAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                string enumTypeName   = value.GetType().FullName;
                Type   enumHelperType = thisAssembly.GetType(string.Format("{0}Helper", enumTypeName));
                object enumValue      = (int)value;

                if (enumHelperType != null)
                    //this enum has an associated helper, use that to load the value
                    MethodInfo enumHelperMethod = enumHelperType.GetRuntimeMethod("ToValue", new[] { value.GetType() });
                    MethodInfo enumHelperMethod = enumHelperType.GetMethod("ToValue", new[] { value.GetType() });
                    if (enumHelperMethod != null)
                        enumValue = enumHelperMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { value });

                keys.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(name, enumValue));
            else if (value is IDictionary)
                var obj = (IDictionary)value;
                foreach (var sName in obj.Keys)
                    var    subName     = sName.ToString();
                    var    subValue    = obj[subName];
                    string fullSubName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ? subName : name + '[' + subName + ']';
                    PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(fullSubName, subValue, keys, propInfo, arrayDeserializationFormat);
            else if (!(value.GetType().Namespace.StartsWith("System")))
                //Custom object Iterate through its properties
                var enumerator = value.GetType().GetRuntimeProperties().GetEnumerator();
                var enumerator = value.GetType().GetProperties().GetEnumerator();;
                PropertyInfo pInfo = null;
                var          t     = new JsonPropertyAttribute().GetType();
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    pInfo = enumerator.Current as PropertyInfo;

                    var    jsonProperty = (JsonPropertyAttribute)pInfo.GetCustomAttributes(t, true).FirstOrDefault();
                    var    subName      = (jsonProperty != null) ? jsonProperty.PropertyName : pInfo.Name;
                    string fullSubName  = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ? subName : name + '[' + subName + ']';
                    var    subValue     = pInfo.GetValue(value, null);
                    PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(fullSubName, subValue, keys, pInfo, arrayDeserializationFormat);
            else if (value is DateTime)
                string convertedValue = null;
                IEnumerable <Attribute> pInfo = null;
                object[] pInfo = null;
                if (propInfo != null)
                    pInfo = propInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                if (pInfo != null)
                    foreach (object attr in pInfo)
                        JsonConverterAttribute converterAttr = attr as JsonConverterAttribute;
                        if (converterAttr != null)
                            convertedValue =
                                                                       converterAttr.ConverterParameters)).Replace("\"", "");
                keys.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(name, (convertedValue) ?? ((DateTime)value).ToString(DateTimeFormat)));
                keys.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(name, value));
        private void method_11(JsonProperty jsonProperty_0, object object_1, string string_0, Type type_0, MemberSerialization memberSerialization_0, out bool bool_4)
            DataMemberAttribute attribute2;
            string propertyName;
            DataContractAttribute attribute = Class139.smethod_5(type_0);
            MemberInfo            info      = object_1 as MemberInfo;

            if ((attribute != null) && (info != null))
                attribute2 = Class139.smethod_6(info);
                attribute2 = null;
            JsonPropertyAttribute attribute3 = Class139.smethod_17 <JsonPropertyAttribute>(object_1);

            if (attribute3 != null)
                jsonProperty_0.HasMemberAttribute = true;
            if ((attribute3 != null) && (attribute3.PropertyName != null))
                propertyName = attribute3.PropertyName;
            else if ((attribute2 != null) && (attribute2.Name != null))
                propertyName = attribute2.Name;
                propertyName = string_0;
            jsonProperty_0.PropertyName   = this.ResolvePropertyName(propertyName);
            jsonProperty_0.UnderlyingName = string_0;
            bool flag = false;

            if (attribute3 != null)
                jsonProperty_0.nullable_0           = attribute3.nullable_7;
                jsonProperty_0.Order                = attribute3.nullable_6;
                jsonProperty_0.DefaultValueHandling = attribute3.nullable_1;
                flag = true;
            else if (attribute2 != null)
                jsonProperty_0.nullable_0           = new Required?(attribute2.IsRequired ? Required.AllowNull : Required.Default);
                jsonProperty_0.Order                = (attribute2.Order != -1) ? new int?(attribute2.Order) : null;
                jsonProperty_0.DefaultValueHandling = !attribute2.EmitDefaultValue ? ((DefaultValueHandling?)1) : null;
                flag = true;
            bool flag2 = ((Class139.smethod_17 <JsonIgnoreAttribute>(object_1) != null) || (Class139.smethod_17 <JsonExtensionDataAttribute>(object_1) != null)) || (Class139.smethod_17 <NonSerializedAttribute>(object_1) != null);

            if (memberSerialization_0 != MemberSerialization.OptIn)
                bool flag3 = false;
                flag3 = Class139.smethod_17 <IgnoreDataMemberAttribute>(object_1) != null;
                jsonProperty_0.Ignored = flag2 || flag3;
                jsonProperty_0.Ignored = flag2 || !flag;
            jsonProperty_0.Converter       = Class139.smethod_10(object_1, jsonProperty_0.PropertyType);
            jsonProperty_0.MemberConverter = Class139.smethod_10(object_1, jsonProperty_0.PropertyType);
            DefaultValueAttribute attribute4 = Class139.smethod_17 <DefaultValueAttribute>(object_1);

            if (attribute4 != null)
                jsonProperty_0.DefaultValue = attribute4.Value;
            jsonProperty_0.NullValueHandling         = (attribute3 != null) ? attribute3.nullable_0 : null;
            jsonProperty_0.ReferenceLoopHandling     = (attribute3 != null) ? attribute3.nullable_2 : null;
            jsonProperty_0.ObjectCreationHandling    = (attribute3 != null) ? attribute3.nullable_3 : null;
            jsonProperty_0.TypeNameHandling          = (attribute3 != null) ? attribute3.nullable_4 : null;
            jsonProperty_0.IsReference               = (attribute3 != null) ? attribute3.nullable_5 : null;
            jsonProperty_0.ItemIsReference           = (attribute3 != null) ? attribute3.nullable_8 : null;
            jsonProperty_0.ItemConverter             = ((attribute3 == null) || (attribute3.ItemConverterType == null)) ? null : JsonConverterAttribute.smethod_0(attribute3.ItemConverterType);
            jsonProperty_0.ItemReferenceLoopHandling = (attribute3 != null) ? attribute3.nullable_9 : null;
            jsonProperty_0.ItemTypeNameHandling      = (attribute3 != null) ? attribute3.nullable_10 : null;
            bool_4 = false;
            if ((this.DefaultMembersSearchFlags & BindingFlags.NonPublic) == BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                bool_4 = true;
            if (attribute3 != null)
                bool_4 = true;
            if (memberSerialization_0 == MemberSerialization.Fields)
                bool_4 = true;
            if (attribute2 != null)
                bool_4 = true;
                jsonProperty_0.HasMemberAttribute = true;
        private void SetPropertySettingsFromAttributes(JsonProperty property, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, string name, Type declaringType, MemberSerialization memberSerialization, out bool allowNonPublicAccess, out bool hasExplicitAttribute)
            hasExplicitAttribute = false;

#if !PocketPC && !NET20
            DataContractAttribute dataContractAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetDataContractAttribute(declaringType);

            MemberInfo memberInfo = null;
            memberInfo = attributeProvider as MemberInfo;
            memberInfo = attributeProvider.UnderlyingObject as MemberInfo;

            DataMemberAttribute dataMemberAttribute;
            if (dataContractAttribute != null && memberInfo != null)
                dataMemberAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetDataMemberAttribute((MemberInfo)memberInfo);
                dataMemberAttribute = null;

            JsonPropertyAttribute propertyAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <JsonPropertyAttribute>(attributeProvider);
            if (propertyAttribute != null)
                hasExplicitAttribute = true;

            string mappedName;
            if (propertyAttribute != null && propertyAttribute.PropertyName != null)
                mappedName = propertyAttribute.PropertyName;
#if !PocketPC && !NET20
            else if (dataMemberAttribute != null && dataMemberAttribute.Name != null)
                mappedName = dataMemberAttribute.Name;
                mappedName = name;

            property.PropertyName   = ResolvePropertyName(mappedName);
            property.UnderlyingName = name;

            if (propertyAttribute != null)
                property._required = propertyAttribute._required;
                property.Order     = propertyAttribute._order;
#if !PocketPC && !NET20
            else if (dataMemberAttribute != null)
                property._required = (dataMemberAttribute.IsRequired) ? Required.AllowNull : Required.Default;
                property.Order     = (dataMemberAttribute.Order != -1) ? (int?)dataMemberAttribute.Order : null;

            bool hasJsonIgnoreAttribute =
                JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <JsonIgnoreAttribute>(attributeProvider) != null
                || JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <NonSerializedAttribute>(attributeProvider) != null

            if (memberSerialization != MemberSerialization.OptIn)
                // ignored if it has JsonIgnore or NonSerialized attributes
                property.Ignored = hasJsonIgnoreAttribute;
                // ignored if it has JsonIgnore/NonSerialized or does not have DataMember or JsonProperty attributes
                property.Ignored =
                    hasJsonIgnoreAttribute ||
                    (propertyAttribute == null
#if !PocketPC && !NET20
                     && dataMemberAttribute == null

            // resolve converter for property
            // the class type might have a converter but the property converter takes presidence
            property.Converter       = JsonTypeReflector.GetJsonConverter(attributeProvider, property.PropertyType);
            property.MemberConverter = JsonTypeReflector.GetJsonConverter(attributeProvider, property.PropertyType);

            DefaultValueAttribute defaultValueAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>(attributeProvider);
            property.DefaultValue = (defaultValueAttribute != null) ? defaultValueAttribute.Value : null;

            property.NullValueHandling      = (propertyAttribute != null) ? propertyAttribute._nullValueHandling : null;
            property.DefaultValueHandling   = (propertyAttribute != null) ? propertyAttribute._defaultValueHandling : null;
            property.ReferenceLoopHandling  = (propertyAttribute != null) ? propertyAttribute._referenceLoopHandling : null;
            property.ObjectCreationHandling = (propertyAttribute != null) ? propertyAttribute._objectCreationHandling : null;
            property.TypeNameHandling       = (propertyAttribute != null) ? propertyAttribute._typeNameHandling : null;
            property.IsReference            = (propertyAttribute != null) ? propertyAttribute._isReference : null;

            property.ItemIsReference = (propertyAttribute != null) ? propertyAttribute._itemIsReference : null;
            property.ItemConverter   =
                (propertyAttribute != null && propertyAttribute.ItemConverterType != null)
          ? JsonConverterAttribute.CreateJsonConverterInstance(propertyAttribute.ItemConverterType)
          : null;
            property.ItemReferenceLoopHandling = (propertyAttribute != null) ? propertyAttribute._itemReferenceLoopHandling : null;
            property.ItemTypeNameHandling      = (propertyAttribute != null) ? propertyAttribute._itemTypeNameHandling : null;

            allowNonPublicAccess = false;
            if ((DefaultMembersSearchFlags & BindingFlags.NonPublic) == BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                allowNonPublicAccess = true;
            if (propertyAttribute != null)
                allowNonPublicAccess = true;
            if (memberSerialization == MemberSerialization.Fields)
                allowNonPublicAccess = true;

#if !PocketPC && !NET20
            if (dataMemberAttribute != null)
                allowNonPublicAccess = true;
                hasExplicitAttribute = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal static void GetJsonAttributeAndPathsByMemberInfo(MemberInfo memberInfo, out JsonPropertyAttribute propAtt, out JsonPathAttribute pathAtt, out JsonConverterAttribute convAtt, out List <string> jsonPaths)
            propAtt = null;
            pathAtt = null;
            convAtt = null;

            jsonPaths = new List <string>();

            foreach (object customAttribute in memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                if (customAttribute.GetType() == typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute))
                    propAtt = customAttribute as JsonPropertyAttribute;
                else if (customAttribute.GetType() == typeof(JsonPathAttribute))
                    pathAtt = customAttribute as JsonPathAttribute;
                else if (customAttribute.GetType() == typeof(JsonConverterAttribute))
                    convAtt = customAttribute as JsonConverterAttribute;

            #region Récupération des Path par priorité : JsonPath / JsonProperty / PropertyName

            if (propAtt != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(propAtt.PropertyName))

            if (pathAtt != null)
                foreach (string path in pathAtt.JPaths)


Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the object as form fields using the provided name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">root name for the variable</param>
        /// <param name="value">form field value</param>
        /// <param name="keys">Contains a flattend and form friendly values</param>
        /// <returns>Contains a flattend and form friendly values</returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, object> PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(
            string name, object value, Dictionary <string, object> keys = null, PropertyInfo propInfo = null)
            keys = keys ?? new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if (value == null)
            else if (value is Stream)
                keys[name] = value;
            else if (value is JObject)
                var valueAccept = (value as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject);
                foreach (var property in valueAccept.Properties())
                    string pKey        = property.Name;
                    object pValue      = property.Value;
                    var    fullSubName = name + '[' + pKey + ']';
                    PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(fullSubName, pValue, keys, propInfo);
            else if (value is IList)
                int i          = 0;
                var enumerator = ((IEnumerable)value).GetEnumerator();
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    var subValue = enumerator.Current;
                    if (subValue == null)
                    var fullSubName = name + '[' + i + ']';
                    PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(fullSubName, subValue, keys, propInfo);
            else if (value is JToken)
                keys[name] = value.ToString();
            else if (value is Enum)
                Assembly thisAssembly = typeof(APIHelper).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
                Assembly thisAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                string enumTypeName   = value.GetType().FullName;
                Type   enumHelperType = thisAssembly.GetType(string.Format("{0}Helper", enumTypeName));
                object enumValue      = (int)value;

                if (enumHelperType != null)
                    //this enum has an associated helper, use that to load the value
                    MethodInfo enumHelperMethod = enumHelperType.GetMethod("ToValue", new[] { value.GetType() });
                    if (enumHelperMethod != null)
                        enumValue = enumHelperMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { value });

                keys[name] = enumValue;
            else if (value is IDictionary)
                var obj = (IDictionary)value;
                foreach (var sName in obj.Keys)
                    var    subName     = sName.ToString();
                    var    subValue    = obj[subName];
                    string fullSubName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ? subName : name + '[' + subName + ']';
                    PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(fullSubName, subValue, keys, propInfo);
            else if (!(value.GetType().Namespace.StartsWith("System")))
                //Custom object Iterate through its properties
                var          enumerator = value.GetType().GetProperties().GetEnumerator();
                PropertyInfo pInfo      = null;
                var          t          = new JsonPropertyAttribute().GetType();
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    pInfo = enumerator.Current as PropertyInfo;

                    var    jsonProperty = (JsonPropertyAttribute)pInfo.GetCustomAttributes(t, true).FirstOrDefault();
                    var    subName      = (jsonProperty != null) ? jsonProperty.PropertyName : pInfo.Name;
                    string fullSubName  = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ? subName : name + '[' + subName + ']';
                    var    subValue     = pInfo.GetValue(value, null);
                    PrepareFormFieldsFromObject(fullSubName, subValue, keys, pInfo);
            else if (value is DateTime)
                string convertedValue = null;
                var    pInfo          = propInfo?.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                if (pInfo != null)
                    foreach (object attr in pInfo)
                        JsonConverterAttribute converterAttr = attr as JsonConverterAttribute;
                        if (converterAttr != null)
                            convertedValue = JsonSerialize(value, (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(converterAttr.ConverterType, converterAttr.ConverterParameters)).Replace("\"", "");
                keys[name] = (convertedValue) ?? ((DateTime)value).ToString(DateTimeFormat);
                keys[name] = value;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the converter for the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeToConvert">The type to return a converter for.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The first converter that supports the given type, or null if there is no converter.
        /// </returns>
        public JsonConverter GetConverter(Type typeToConvert)
            if (_converters.TryGetValue(typeToConvert, out JsonConverter converter))

            // Priority 2: Attempt to get custom converter added at runtime.
            // Currently there is not a way at runtime to overide the [JsonConverter] when applied to a property.
            foreach (JsonConverter item in Converters)
                if (item.CanConvert(typeToConvert))
                    converter = item;

            // Priority 3: Attempt to get converter from [JsonConverter] on the type being converted.
            if (converter == null)
                JsonConverterAttribute converterAttribute = (JsonConverterAttribute)
                                                            GetAttributeThatCanHaveMultiple(typeToConvert, typeof(JsonConverterAttribute));

                if (converterAttribute != null)
                    converter = GetConverterFromAttribute(converterAttribute, typeToConvert: typeToConvert, classTypeAttributeIsOn: typeToConvert, propertyInfo: null);

            // Priority 4: Attempt to get built-in converter.
            if (converter == null)
                if (s_defaultSimpleConverters.TryGetValue(typeToConvert, out JsonConverter foundConverter))
                    converter = foundConverter;
                    foreach (JsonConverter item in s_defaultFactoryConverters)
                        if (item.CanConvert(typeToConvert))
                            converter = item;

            // Allow redirection for generic types or the enum converter.
            if (converter is JsonConverterFactory factory)
                converter = factory.GetConverterInternal(typeToConvert, this);
                if (converter == null || converter.TypeToConvert == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("typeToConvert");

            if (converter != null)
                Type converterTypeToConvert = converter.TypeToConvert;

                if (!converterTypeToConvert.IsAssignableFrom(typeToConvert) &&
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_SerializationConverterNotCompatible(converter.GetType(), typeToConvert);

            // Only cache the value once (de)serialization has occurred since new converters can be added that may change the result.
            if (_haveTypesBeenCreated)
                // A null converter is allowed here and cached.

                // Ignore failure case here in multi-threaded cases since the cached item will be equivalent.
                _converters.TryAdd(typeToConvert, converter);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void SetPropertySettingsFromAttributes(JsonProperty property, object attributeProvider, string name, Type declaringType, MemberSerialization memberSerialization, out bool allowNonPublicAccess)
            DataContractAttribute dataContractAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetDataContractAttribute(declaringType);
            MemberInfo            memberInfo            = attributeProvider as MemberInfo;
            DataMemberAttribute   dataMemberAttribute;

            if (dataContractAttribute != null && memberInfo != null)
                dataMemberAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetDataMemberAttribute(memberInfo);
                dataMemberAttribute = null;
            JsonPropertyAttribute attribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <JsonPropertyAttribute>(attributeProvider);

            if (attribute != null)
                property.HasMemberAttribute = true;
            string propertyName;

            if (attribute != null && attribute.PropertyName != null)
                propertyName = attribute.PropertyName;
            else if (dataMemberAttribute != null && dataMemberAttribute.Name != null)
                propertyName = dataMemberAttribute.Name;
                propertyName = name;
            property.PropertyName   = this.ResolvePropertyName(propertyName);
            property.UnderlyingName = name;
            bool flag = false;

            if (attribute != null)
                property._required            = attribute._required;
                property.Order                = attribute._order;
                property.DefaultValueHandling = attribute._defaultValueHandling;
                flag = true;
            else if (dataMemberAttribute != null)
                property._required            = new Required?(dataMemberAttribute.IsRequired ? Required.AllowNull : Required.Default);
                property.Order                = ((dataMemberAttribute.Order != -1) ? new int?(dataMemberAttribute.Order) : null);
                property.DefaultValueHandling = ((!dataMemberAttribute.EmitDefaultValue) ? new DefaultValueHandling?(DefaultValueHandling.Ignore) : null);
                flag = true;
            bool flag2 = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <JsonIgnoreAttribute>(attributeProvider) != null || JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <JsonExtensionDataAttribute>(attributeProvider) != null || JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <NonSerializedAttribute>(attributeProvider) != null;

            if (memberSerialization != MemberSerialization.OptIn)
                bool flag3 = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <IgnoreDataMemberAttribute>(attributeProvider) != null;
                property.Ignored = (flag2 || flag3);
                property.Ignored = (flag2 || !flag);
            property.Converter       = JsonTypeReflector.GetJsonConverter(attributeProvider, property.PropertyType);
            property.MemberConverter = JsonTypeReflector.GetJsonConverter(attributeProvider, property.PropertyType);
            DefaultValueAttribute attribute2 = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>(attributeProvider);

            if (attribute2 != null)
                property.DefaultValue = attribute2.Value;
            property.NullValueHandling         = ((attribute != null) ? attribute._nullValueHandling : null);
            property.ReferenceLoopHandling     = ((attribute != null) ? attribute._referenceLoopHandling : null);
            property.ObjectCreationHandling    = ((attribute != null) ? attribute._objectCreationHandling : null);
            property.TypeNameHandling          = ((attribute != null) ? attribute._typeNameHandling : null);
            property.IsReference               = ((attribute != null) ? attribute._isReference : null);
            property.ItemIsReference           = ((attribute != null) ? attribute._itemIsReference : null);
            property.ItemConverter             = ((attribute != null && attribute.ItemConverterType != null) ? JsonConverterAttribute.CreateJsonConverterInstance(attribute.ItemConverterType) : null);
            property.ItemReferenceLoopHandling = ((attribute != null) ? attribute._itemReferenceLoopHandling : null);
            property.ItemTypeNameHandling      = ((attribute != null) ? attribute._itemTypeNameHandling : null);
            allowNonPublicAccess               = false;
            if ((this.DefaultMembersSearchFlags & BindingFlags.NonPublic) == BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                allowNonPublicAccess = true;
            if (attribute != null)
                allowNonPublicAccess = true;
            if (memberSerialization == MemberSerialization.Fields)
                allowNonPublicAccess = true;
            if (dataMemberAttribute != null)
                allowNonPublicAccess        = true;
                property.HasMemberAttribute = true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private void SetPropertySettingsFromAttributes(JsonProperty property, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, string name, Type declaringType, MemberSerialization memberSerialization, out bool allowNonPublicAccess)
            JsonPropertyAttribute attribute1 = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <JsonPropertyAttribute>(attributeProvider);

            if (attribute1 != null)
                property.HasMemberAttribute = true;
            string propertyName = attribute1 == null || attribute1.PropertyName == null ? name : attribute1.PropertyName;

            property.PropertyName   = this.ResolvePropertyName(propertyName);
            property.UnderlyingName = name;
            bool flag1 = false;

            if (attribute1 != null)
                property._required            = attribute1._required;
                property.Order                = attribute1._order;
                property.DefaultValueHandling = attribute1._defaultValueHandling;
                flag1 = true;
            bool flag2 = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <JsonIgnoreAttribute>(attributeProvider) != null || JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <NonSerializedAttribute>(attributeProvider) != null;

            if (memberSerialization != MemberSerialization.OptIn)
                bool flag3 = false;
                property.Ignored = flag2 || flag3;
                property.Ignored = flag2 || !flag1;
            property.Converter       = JsonTypeReflector.GetJsonConverter(attributeProvider, property.PropertyType);
            property.MemberConverter = JsonTypeReflector.GetJsonConverter(attributeProvider, property.PropertyType);
            DefaultValueAttribute attribute2 = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>(attributeProvider);

            if (attribute2 != null)
                property.DefaultValue = attribute2.Value;
            property.NullValueHandling         = attribute1 != null ? attribute1._nullValueHandling : new NullValueHandling?();
            property.ReferenceLoopHandling     = attribute1 != null ? attribute1._referenceLoopHandling : new ReferenceLoopHandling?();
            property.ObjectCreationHandling    = attribute1 != null ? attribute1._objectCreationHandling : new ObjectCreationHandling?();
            property.TypeNameHandling          = attribute1 != null ? attribute1._typeNameHandling : new TypeNameHandling?();
            property.IsReference               = attribute1 != null ? attribute1._isReference : new bool?();
            property.ItemIsReference           = attribute1 != null ? attribute1._itemIsReference : new bool?();
            property.ItemConverter             = attribute1 == null || attribute1.ItemConverterType == null ? (JsonConverter)null : JsonConverterAttribute.CreateJsonConverterInstance(attribute1.ItemConverterType);
            property.ItemReferenceLoopHandling = attribute1 != null ? attribute1._itemReferenceLoopHandling : new ReferenceLoopHandling?();
            property.ItemTypeNameHandling      = attribute1 != null ? attribute1._itemTypeNameHandling : new TypeNameHandling?();
            allowNonPublicAccess               = false;
            if ((this.DefaultMembersSearchFlags & BindingFlags.NonPublic) == BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                allowNonPublicAccess = true;
            if (attribute1 != null)
                allowNonPublicAccess = true;
            if (memberSerialization != MemberSerialization.Fields)
            allowNonPublicAccess = true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Méthode de lecture du Json
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="objectType"></param>
        /// <param name="existingValue"></param>
        /// <param name="serializer"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            JObject jo        = JObject.Load(reader);
            object  targetObj = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);

            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in objectType.GetProperties())
                if (prop.CanRead && prop.CanWrite)
                    JsonPropertyAttribute  propAtt   = null;
                    JsonPathAttribute      pathAtt   = null;
                    JsonConverterAttribute convAtt   = null;
                    List <string>          jsonPaths = null;

                    ToolsJsonNet.GetJsonAttributeAndPathsByMemberInfo(prop, out propAtt, out pathAtt, out convAtt, out jsonPaths);

                    #region Application du Converter

                    JsonConverter conv = null;
                    if (serializer != null && convAtt != null)
                        conv = (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(convAtt.ConverterType);



                    JToken token = null;
                    foreach (string jsonPath in jsonPaths)
                        token = jo.SelectToken(jsonPath);

                        // On exploite le 1er path qui match avec notre Json
                        if (token != null)

                    if (token != null && token.Type != JTokenType.Null)
                        // Si le token est un noeud final de l'arbre, qu'il n'est pas une chaîne de caractére et que le noeud Json ne posséde pas de valeur
                        if (token is JValue && prop.PropertyType != typeof(string) && ((JValue)token).Value is string && ((string)((JValue)token).Value) == string.Empty)
                            // On assigne la valeur par default du Type (cela évite des probléme de cast avec les int et autre type)
                            prop.SetValue(targetObj, ToolsType.GetDefault(prop.PropertyType), null);
                            object value = token.ToObject(prop.PropertyType, serializer);
                            prop.SetValue(targetObj, value, null);

            foreach (FieldInfo field in objectType.GetFields())
                JsonPropertyAttribute  propAtt   = null;
                JsonPathAttribute      pathAtt   = null;
                JsonConverterAttribute convAtt   = null;
                List <string>          jsonPaths = null;

                ToolsJsonNet.GetJsonAttributeAndPathsByMemberInfo(field, out propAtt, out pathAtt, out convAtt, out jsonPaths);

                #region Application du Converter

                JsonConverter conv = null;
                if (serializer != null && convAtt != null)
                    conv = (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(convAtt.ConverterType);



                JToken token = null;
                foreach (string jsonPath in jsonPaths)
                    token = jo.SelectToken(jsonPath);

                    // On exploite le 1er path qui match avec notre Json
                    if (token != null)

                if (token != null && token.Type != JTokenType.Null)
                    // Si le token est un noeud final de l'arbre, qu'il n'est pas une chaîne de caractére et que le noeud Json ne posséde pas de valeur
                    if (token is JValue && field.FieldType != typeof(string) && ((JValue)token).Value is string && ((string)((JValue)token).Value) == string.Empty)
                        // On assigne la valeur par default du Type (cela évite des probléme de cast avec les int et autre type)
                        field.SetValue(targetObj, ToolsType.GetDefault(field.FieldType));
                        object value = token.ToObject(field.FieldType, serializer);
                        field.SetValue(targetObj, value);

        private static Type GetJsonConverterTypeFromAttribute(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider)
            JsonConverterAttribute attribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetAttribute <JsonConverterAttribute>(attributeProvider);

            return((attribute == null) ? null : attribute.ConverterType);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private static T Populate <T>(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken jsonToken, T target, JsonSerializer serializer)
            // Si on exploite "target" sous sa forme typée alors le SetValue n'impacte pas l'instance de notre objet
            object targetObject = (object)target;

            Type targetType = target.GetType();

            Dictionary <List <string>, MemberInfo> lstMembers = new Dictionary <List <string>, MemberInfo>();

            List <MemberInfo> memberInfosAtCheck = new List <MemberInfo>();


            foreach (MemberInfo memberInfo in memberInfosAtCheck)
                JsonPropertyAttribute  propAtt   = null;
                JsonConverterAttribute convAtt   = null;
                JsonPathAttribute      pathAtt   = null;
                List <string>          jsonPaths = null;

                ToolsJsonNet.GetJsonAttributeAndPathsByMemberInfo(memberInfo, out propAtt, out pathAtt, out convAtt, out jsonPaths);

                #region Application du Converter

                JsonConverter conv = null;
                if (serializer != null && convAtt != null)
                    conv = (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(convAtt.ConverterType);



                lstMembers.Add(jsonPaths, memberInfo);

            foreach (List <string> memberPaths in lstMembers.Keys)
                JToken jToken = null;
                foreach (string memberPath in memberPaths)
                    IEnumerator <JToken> jTokens = jsonToken.SelectTokens(memberPath).GetEnumerator();

                    // Récupération du 1er element de la liste (si existant)
                    if (jTokens.MoveNext())
                        jToken = jTokens.Current;

                    // On exploite le 1er path qui match avec notre Json
                    if (jToken != null)

                if (jToken != null && jToken.Type != JTokenType.Null)
                    if (lstMembers[memberPaths] is PropertyInfo)
                        PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)lstMembers[memberPaths];

                        object value = ExtractValue(serializer, jToken, propertyInfo.PropertyType);

                        propertyInfo.SetValue(targetObject, value, null);
                        FieldInfo fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)lstMembers[memberPaths];

                        object value = ExtractValue(serializer, jToken, fieldInfo.FieldType);

                        fieldInfo.SetValue(targetObject, value);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override JsonConverter CreateConverter(Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
            JsonConverterAttribute attribute = typeToConvert.GetCustomAttribute <JsonConverterAttribute>() !;

            return((Activator.CreateInstance(attribute.ConverterType) as JsonConverter) !);
        private void WriteJsonProperty(JsonWriter writer, string propertyName, object propertyValue, JsonSerializer serializer, JsonConverterAttribute propertyConverterAttribute)

            if (propertyConverterAttribute != null)
                var converter = (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(propertyConverterAttribute.ConverterType);
                var propertyJsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
                propertyJsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, propertyValue);
                serializer.Serialize(writer, propertyValue);