Ejemplo n.º 1
            public static Boss ToBoss(JsonBoss jb, double armorPen = 0)
                int armor = jb.Armor - (int)Math.Round(armorPen);

                Dictionary <School, int> magicResist = null;

                if (jb.SchoolResists != null)
                    magicResist = new Dictionary <School, int>();
                    foreach (SchoolResist sr in jb.SchoolResists)
                        magicResist.Add(SchoolResist.StringToSchool(sr.School), sr.Resist);

                List <string> debuffs = jb.Debuffs;

                if (debuffs != null && debuffs.Count > 0)
                    armor -= (debuffs.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("expose armor")) ? 2550 : (debuffs.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("sunder armor")) ? 2250 : 0))
                             + (debuffs.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("curse of recklessness")) ? 640 : 0)
                             + (debuffs.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("faerie fire")) ? 505 : 0)
                             + (debuffs.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("annihilator")) ? 600 : 0);

                return(new Boss(ToType(jb.Type), jb.Level, Math.Max(0, armor), magicResist));
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public static Boss ToBoss(JsonBoss jb, double armorPen = 0)
                int armor = jb.Armor - (int)Math.Round(armorPen);

                Dictionary <School, int> magicResist = null;

                if (jb.SchoolResists != null)
                    magicResist = new Dictionary <School, int>();
                    foreach (string sr in jb.SchoolResists.Keys)
                        magicResist.Add(StringToSchool(sr), jb.SchoolResists[sr]);

                List <string> debuffsList           = jb.Debuffs;
                Dictionary <string, Effect> debuffs = null;

                if (debuffsList != null && debuffsList.Count > 0)
                    armor -= (debuffsList.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("expose armor")) ? 2550 : (debuffsList.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("sunder armor")) ? 2250 : 0))
                             + (debuffsList.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("curse of recklessness")) ? 640 : 0)
                             + (debuffsList.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("faerie fire")) ? 505 : 0)
                             + (debuffsList.Any(d => d.ToLower().Contains("annihilator")) ? 600 : 0);

                    debuffs = new Dictionary <string, Effect>();
                    foreach (string s in debuffsList)
                        debuffs.Add(s, new CustomEffect(null, null, s, false, -1));

                return(new Boss(ToType(jb.Type), jb.Level, Math.Max(0, armor), magicResist, debuffs));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void SetBoss(JsonLog log)
     log.Boss = new List <JsonBoss>();
     foreach (Boss target in _log.FightData.Logic.Targets)
         JsonBoss boss = new JsonBoss();
         boss.Id          = target.ID;
         boss.Name        = target.Character;
         boss.TotalHealth = target.Health;
         int finalBossHealth = target.HealthOverTime.Count > 0
             ? target.HealthOverTime.Last().Y
             : 10000;
         boss.FinalHealth         = target.Health * (finalBossHealth * 0.01);
         boss.HealthPercentBurned = 100.0 - finalBossHealth * 0.01;
         boss.AvgBoons            = _statistics.AvgBossBoons[target];
         boss.AvgConditions       = _statistics.AvgBossConditions[target];
         boss.Dps                 = BuildDPS(_statistics.BossDps[target]);
         boss.Buffs               = BuildBossBuffs(_statistics.BossConditions[target], target);
         boss.HitboxHeight        = target.HitboxHeight;
         boss.HitboxWidth         = target.HitboxWidth;
         boss.Dps1s               = Build1SDPS(target, null);
         boss.Rotation            = BuildRotation(target.GetCastLogs(_log, 0, _log.FightData.FightDuration));
         boss.FirstAware          = (int)(target.FirstAware - _log.FightData.FightStart);
         boss.LastAware           = (int)(target.LastAware - _log.FightData.FightStart);
         boss.Minions             = BuildMinions(target);
         boss.TotalDamageDist     = BuildDamageDist(target, null);
         boss.AvgBoonsStates      = BuildBuffStates(target.GetBoonGraphs(_log)[-2]);
         boss.AvgConditionsStates = BuildBuffStates(target.GetBoonGraphs(_log)[-3]);
         if (_devMode)
             _actorIconData[target.Character] = GeneralHelper.GetNPCIcon(target.ID);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public JsonSim(JsonBoss boss = null, double fightLength = 300, double fightLengthMod = 0.2, int nbSim = 1000, double targetErrorPct = 0.5, bool targetError = true, bool logFight = false, bool statsWeights = false, bool bossAutoLife = true, double bossLowLifeTime = 0)
     Boss            = boss;
     FightLength     = fightLength;
     FightLengthMod  = fightLengthMod;
     NbSim           = nbSim;
     TargetErrorPct  = targetErrorPct;
     TargetError     = targetError;
     LogFight        = logFight;
     StatsWeights    = statsWeights;
     BossAutoLife    = bossAutoLife;
     BossLowLifeTime = bossLowLifeTime;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public JsonSim(JsonPlayer player = null, JsonBoss boss = null, double fightLength = 300, double fightLengthMod = 0.2, int nbSim = 1000, double targetErrorPct = 0.5, bool targetError = true, bool logFight = false, List <string> simStatWeight = null, bool bossAutoLife = true, double bossLowLifeTime = 0)
     Player          = player;
     Boss            = boss;
     FightLength     = fightLength;
     FightLengthMod  = fightLengthMod;
     NbSim           = nbSim;
     TargetErrorPct  = targetErrorPct;
     TargetError     = targetError;
     LogFight        = logFight;
     SimStatWeight   = simStatWeight;
     BossAutoLife    = bossAutoLife;
     BossLowLifeTime = bossLowLifeTime;
Ejemplo n.º 6
            public static Boss ToBoss(JsonBoss jb, double armorPen = 0)
                int           armor   = jb.Armor - (int)Math.Round(armorPen);
                List <string> debuffs = jb.Debuffs;

                if (debuffs != null && debuffs.Count > 0)
                    armor -= (debuffs.Contains("Expose Armor") ? 2550 : (debuffs.Contains("Sunder Armor") ? 2250 : 0))
                             + (debuffs.Contains("Curse of Recklessness") ? 640 : 0)
                             + (debuffs.Contains("Faerie Fire") ? 505 : 0)
                             + (debuffs.Contains("Annihilator") ? 600 : 0);

                return(new Boss(jb.Level, Math.Max(0, armor)));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public JsonSim(JsonBoss boss = null, double fightLength = 300, double fightLengthMod = 0.2, int nbSim = 1000, double targetErrorPct = 0.5, bool targetError = true, bool logFight = false, bool statsWeights = false, bool bossAutoLife = true, double bossLowLifeTime = 0, bool unlimitedMana = false, bool unlimitedResource = false, bool tanking = false, double tankHitEvery = 1, double tankHitRage = 25)
     Boss              = boss;
     FightLength       = fightLength;
     FightLengthMod    = fightLengthMod;
     NbSim             = nbSim;
     TargetErrorPct    = targetErrorPct;
     TargetError       = targetError;
     LogFight          = logFight;
     StatsWeights      = statsWeights;
     BossAutoLife      = bossAutoLife;
     BossLowLifeTime   = bossLowLifeTime;
     UnlimitedMana     = unlimitedMana;
     UnlimitedResource = unlimitedResource;
     Tanking           = tanking;
     TankHitEvery      = tankHitEvery;
     TankHitRage       = tankHitRage;