private async void EvaluationFailed(string blobName, string pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName, CloudStorageAccount storageAccount, DataBlob dataEvaluating)
            CloudBlockBlob pendingSupervision = _Search.GetBlob(storageAccount, pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName, blobName);

            if (pendingSupervision == null)
                throw (new MissingRequiredObject($"\nMissing pendingSupervision {blobName} destination blob in container {pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName}"));

                _Engine.MoveAzureBlobToAzureBlob(storageAccount, dataEvaluating.AzureBlob, pendingSupervision).Wait();

            //Hydrate Json Blob
            JsonBlob jsonBlob        = new JsonBlob(dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Properties.ContentMD5, _Engine, _Search, _Log);
            JObject  jsonBlobJObject = JObject.Parse(jsonBlob.AzureBlob.DownloadText());

            // Add a state change too the Json Blob
            JArray stateHistory = (JArray)jsonBlobJObject.SelectToken("StateHistory");

            AddStateChange(pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName, stateHistory);

            // Upload blob changes to the cloud
            await _Engine.UploadJsonBlob(jsonBlob.AzureBlob, jsonBlobJObject);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <string> Train()
            //Invoke the train model web service call
            string trainModelUrl = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("TrainModelServiceEndpoint");
            // format and make call to model end point and validate the response string.
            MultipartFormDataContent content = new MultipartFormDataContent();

            _ResponseString = _Engine.GetHttpResponseString(trainModelUrl, content);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ResponseString))
                throw new MissingRequiredObject($"\nresponseString not generated from URL: {trainModelUrl}");
            if (_ResponseString.Contains("failed"))
                throw new MissingRequiredObject($"\nTraining call failed with message: {_ResponseString}");

            // Since a new model has been trained copy all of the pending new model blobs to pending evaluation
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = _Engine.StorageAccount;
            CloudBlobClient     blobClient     = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            string             pendingNewModelStorageContainerName   = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingNewModelStorageContainerName");
            CloudBlobContainer pendingNewModelStorageContainer       = blobClient.GetContainerReference(pendingNewModelStorageContainerName);
            string             pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName");
            CloudBlobContainer pendingEvaluationStorageContainer     = blobClient.GetContainerReference(pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName);

            foreach (IListBlobItem blob in pendingNewModelStorageContainer.ListBlobs(null, false))
                if (blob.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlockBlob))
                    CloudBlockBlob dataCloudBlockBlob = (CloudBlockBlob)blob;

                    //Hydrate Json Blob
                    JsonBlob jsonBlob        = new JsonBlob(dataCloudBlockBlob.Properties.ContentMD5, _Engine, _Search);
                    JObject  jsonBlobJObject = JObject.Parse(jsonBlob.AzureBlob.DownloadText());

                    // Add a state change too the Json Blob
                    JArray stateHistory = (JArray)jsonBlobJObject.SelectToken("StateHistory");
                    AddStateChange(pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName, stateHistory);

                    // Upload blob changes to the cloud
                    await _Engine.UploadJsonBlob(jsonBlob.AzureBlob, jsonBlobJObject);

                    // move blobs from pending neww model to pending evlaluation containers.
                    await _Engine.MoveAzureBlobToAzureBlob(storageAccount, dataCloudBlockBlob, pendingEvaluationStorageContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(dataCloudBlockBlob.Name));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task AddLabeledDataToJsonFile(JObject labelingJobject, string rawDataFileName)
            CloudBlobClient    blobClient = Engine.StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            string             pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName = Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName");
            CloudBlobContainer pendingSupervisionStorageContainer     = blobClient.GetContainerReference(pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName);
            CloudBlockBlob     rawDataBlob = pendingSupervisionStorageContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(rawDataFileName);

            // Hydrate bound json blob and download its Json.
            // You must 'touch' the blob before you can access properties or they are all null.
            if (rawDataBlob.Exists())

            // Update labeling value in bound json to the latest labeling value.  If labeling data exists then simply delete the token
            // as it allows the same code to be used to create the token for both update and create.
            JsonBlob boundJsonBlob = new JsonBlob(rawDataBlob.Properties.ContentMD5.ToString(), Engine, Search);
            JToken   labels        = (JToken)boundJsonBlob.Json.SelectToken("labels");

            if (labels != null)
                // simply delete the bound jason labeling values and re-add the json property.
                Engine.Log.LogInformation($"\nJson blob {boundJsonBlob.Name} for  data file {rawDataBlob.Name} already has configured labels {labels}.  Existing labels overwritten.");

            // Create a labels property, add it to the bound json and then upload the file.
            JProperty labelsJProperty = new JProperty("labels", labelingJobject);


            // update bound json blob with the latest json
            await Engine.UploadJsonBlob(boundJsonBlob.AzureBlob, boundJsonBlob.Json);

            string             pendingNewModelStorageContainerName = Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingNewModelStorageContainerName");
            CloudBlobContainer pendingNewModelStorageContainer     = blobClient.GetContainerReference(pendingNewModelStorageContainerName);
            string             labeledDataStorageContainerName     = Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("labeledDataStorageContainerName");
            CloudBlobContainer labeledDataStorageContainer         = blobClient.GetContainerReference(labeledDataStorageContainerName);

            // copy current raw blob working file from pending supervision to labeled data AND pending new model containers
            //*****TODO***** should this be using the start copy + delete if exists or the async versions in Engine.
            CloudBlockBlob labeledDataDestinationBlob     = labeledDataStorageContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(rawDataBlob.Name);
            CloudBlockBlob pendingNewModelDestinationBlob = pendingNewModelStorageContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(rawDataBlob.Name);
            await Engine.CopyAzureBlobToAzureBlob(Engine.StorageAccount, rawDataBlob, pendingNewModelDestinationBlob);

            await Engine.MoveAzureBlobToAzureBlob(Engine.StorageAccount, rawDataBlob, labeledDataDestinationBlob);

            Engine.Log.LogInformation($"\nCompleted labeling of: {rawDataFileName}");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async void VottLabelData(string labelingJsonBlobName, ILogger log)
            Engine engine = new Engine(log);

            log.LogInformation($"\nInitiating labeling of: {labelingJsonBlobName}");

            Search search = new Search(engine, log);
            Model  model  = new Model(engine, search, log);

            // Hydrate the labeling results blob
            CloudBlobClient    blobClient = engine.StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            string             labelingOutputStorageContainerName = engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("labelingOutputStorageContainerName", log);
            CloudBlobContainer labelingOutputStorageContainer     = blobClient.GetContainerReference(labelingOutputStorageContainerName);
            CloudBlockBlob     labelingOutputJsonBlob             = labelingOutputStorageContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(labelingJsonBlobName);

            // Download the labeling results Json
            JObject labelingOutput = JObject.Parse(labelingOutputJsonBlob.DownloadText());

            // Hydrate the raw data file
            string             boundJsonFileName = (string)labelingOutput.SelectToken("");
            string             pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName = engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName", log);
            CloudBlobContainer pendingSupervisionStorageContainer     = blobClient.GetContainerReference(pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName);
            CloudBlockBlob     rawDataBlob = pendingSupervisionStorageContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(boundJsonFileName);

            // instanciate bound json blob and get its Json.
            // You must 'touch' the blob before you can access properties or they are all null.
            if (rawDataBlob.Exists())
            JsonBlob  boundJsonBlob = new JsonBlob(rawDataBlob.Properties.ContentMD5.ToString(), engine, search, log);
            JProperty labels        = (JProperty)boundJsonBlob.Json.SelectToken("labels");

            if (labels == null)
                // Create a labels property, add it to the bound json and then upload the file.
                labels = new JProperty("labels", labelingOutput);
                // Update labeling value in bound json to the latest labeling value
                log.LogInformation($"\nJson blob {boundJsonBlob.Name} for  data file {rawDataBlob.Name} already has configured labels {labels}.  Existing labels overwritten.");
                labels["labels"] = labelingOutput;
            // update bound json blob with the latest json
            await engine.UploadJsonBlob(boundJsonBlob.AzureBlob, boundJsonBlob.Json);
        private async void EvaluationPassed(double modelVerificationPercent, string modelValidationStorageContainerName, string evaluatedDataStorageContainerName, CloudStorageAccount storageAccount, DataBlob dataEvaluating)
            CloudBlockBlob evaluatedData = _Search.GetBlob(storageAccount, evaluatedDataStorageContainerName, dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Name);

            if (evaluatedData == null)
                throw (new MissingRequiredObject($"\nevaluatedData blob {dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Name} destination blob not created in container {evaluatedDataStorageContainerName}"));

            _Engine.CopyAzureBlobToAzureBlob(storageAccount, dataEvaluating.AzureBlob, evaluatedData).Wait();

                //Hydrate Json Blob
                JsonBlob jsonBlob        = new JsonBlob(dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Properties.ContentMD5, _Engine, _Search, _Log);
                JObject  jsonBlobJObject = JObject.Parse(jsonBlob.AzureBlob.DownloadText());

                // Add a state change too the Json Blob
                JArray stateHistory = (JArray)jsonBlobJObject.SelectToken("StateHistory");
                AddStateChange(evaluatedDataStorageContainerName, stateHistory);

                // Upload blob changes to the cloud
                await _Engine.UploadJsonBlob(jsonBlob.AzureBlob, jsonBlobJObject);

            //pick a random number of successfully analyzed content blobs and submit them for supervision verification.
            Random rnd = new Random();

            if (Math.Round(rnd.NextDouble(), 2) <= modelVerificationPercent)
                CloudBlockBlob modelValidation = _Search.GetBlob(storageAccount, modelValidationStorageContainerName, dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Name);
                if (modelValidation == null)
                    _Log.LogInformation($"\nWarning: Model validation skipped for {dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Name} because {dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Name} not created in destination blob in container {modelValidationStorageContainerName}");
                    _Engine.CopyAzureBlobToAzureBlob(storageAccount, dataEvaluating.AzureBlob, modelValidation).Wait();
            await dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.DeleteIfExistsAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async void LabelData()
            // Loop through all files in the pending supervision container and verify the bound json file has a label for the data file.
            string StorageConnection           = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsStorage", _Log);
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(StorageConnection);
            CloudBlobClient     blobClient     = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            // Get references to the source container, pending supervision, and the destination container, labeled data
            string             pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName", _Log);
            CloudBlobContainer pendingSupervisionStorageContainer     = blobClient.GetContainerReference(pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName);
            string             labeledDataStorageContainerName        = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("labeledDataStorageContainerName", _Log);
            CloudBlobContainer labeledDataStorageContainer            = blobClient.GetContainerReference(labeledDataStorageContainerName);
            string             pendingNewModelStorageContainerName    = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingNewModelStorageContainerName", _Log);
            CloudBlobContainer pendingNewModelStorageContainer        = blobClient.GetContainerReference(pendingNewModelStorageContainerName);

            // Loop through each blob in the pending supervision container and ensure it is properly labeled in the bound json blob and the raw data blob is moved to the labeled data container.
            foreach (IListBlobItem item in pendingSupervisionStorageContainer.ListBlobs(null, false))
                if (item is CloudBlockBlob rawDataBlob)
                    // hydrate the data blob's bound json blob and extract all labels.
                    string   blobMd5         = rawDataBlob.Properties.ContentMD5;
                    JsonBlob jsonBlob        = new JsonBlob(blobMd5, _Engine, _Search, _Log);
                    JObject  jsonBlobJObject = JObject.Parse(jsonBlob.AzureBlob.DownloadText());
                    JArray   labels          = (JArray)jsonBlobJObject.SelectToken("labels");

                    // Loop through all of the applied labels and ensure one label matches the label in the file name such as Hemlock
                    if (labels != null)
                        foreach (JObject label in labels)
                            //*****TODO***** make condition support japense cherry too just parse off japense from the label and check for that
                            if (rawDataBlob.Name.Contains(label.GetValue("label").ToString().ToLower()))
                                _Log.LogInformation($"\nJson blob {jsonBlob.AzureBlob.Name} already labeled with {label.GetValue("label").ToString().ToLower()}");
                            //*****TODO***** add handling for case where the list of labels does not contain the current label in the file name.  Low priority as this condition should not exist with current test data.
                        labels = new JArray();
                        JProperty dataLabel = new JProperty("label");

                        // Add lable from file name to bound json blob
                        if (rawDataBlob.Name.Contains("hemlock"))
                            dataLabel.Value = "Hemlock";
                            dataLabel.Value = "Japanese Cherry";

                        JObject labelsObject = new JObject
                        JProperty labelsJProperty = new JProperty("labels", labels);

                        string serializedJsonBlob = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonBlobJObject, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                        Stream jsonBlobMemStream  = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedJsonBlob));
                        if (jsonBlobMemStream.Length != 0)
                            await jsonBlob.AzureBlob.UploadFromStreamAsync(jsonBlobMemStream);

                            _Log.LogInformation($"\nJson blob {jsonBlob.AzureBlob.Name} updated with {labels.ToString()}");
                            throw (new ZeroLengthFileException("\nencoded json memory stream is zero length and cannot be writted to blob storage"));
                    } //done updating labeling information in json blob

                    // copy current raw blob working file from pending supervision to labeled data AND pending new model containers
                    CloudBlockBlob destinationBlob = labeledDataStorageContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(rawDataBlob.Name);
                    CloudBlockBlob pendingNewModelDestinationBlob = pendingNewModelStorageContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(rawDataBlob.Name);
                    await _Engine.CopyAzureBlobToAzureBlob(storageAccount, rawDataBlob, pendingNewModelDestinationBlob);

                    await _Engine.MoveAzureBlobToAzureBlob(storageAccount, rawDataBlob, destinationBlob);

                    //*****TODO***** should this be using the start copy + delete if exists or the async versions in Engine.
                    //*****TODO***** should this test validate the transfer to both directories?  Probably.
                } //end if not cloud blobk blob
            }     //end loop through all blobs in pending supervision container
        public string AddLabeledData()
            string TrainingDataUrl;
            CloudStorageAccount StorageAccount = _Engine.StorageAccount;
            CloudBlobClient     BlobClient     = StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            string             labeledDataStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("labeledDataStorageContainerName", _Log);
            CloudBlobContainer LabeledDataContainer            = BlobClient.GetContainerReference(labeledDataStorageContainerName);

            foreach (IListBlobItem item in LabeledDataContainer.ListBlobs(null, false))
                if (item.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlockBlob))
                    CloudBlockBlob dataCloudBlockBlob = (CloudBlockBlob)item;
                    TrainingDataUrl = dataCloudBlockBlob.Uri.ToString();
                    string BindingHash = dataCloudBlockBlob.Properties.ContentMD5.ToString();
                    if (BindingHash == null)
                        //compute the file hash as this will be added to the meta data to allow for file version validation
                        string BlobMd5 = new DataBlob(dataCloudBlockBlob, _Engine, _Search, _Log).CalculateMD5Hash().ToString();
                        if (BlobMd5 == null)
                            _Log.LogInformation("\nWarning: Blob Hash calculation failed and will not be included in file information blob, continuing operation.");
                            dataCloudBlockBlob.Properties.ContentMD5 = BlobMd5;
                    //trim the 2 "equals" off the trailing end of the hash or the http send will fail either using the client or raw http calls.
                    BindingHash = BindingHash.Substring(0, BindingHash.Length - 2);

                    //Get the content from the bound JSON file and instanciate a JsonBlob class then retrieve the labels collection from the Json to add to the image.
                    JsonBlob boundJson = (JsonBlob)_Search.GetBlob("json", BindingHash);
                    //Note you cannot pull the URL from the JSON blob because it will have the original URL from the first container when the blob was added to ML Professoar
                    string labeledDataUrl           = dataCloudBlockBlob.StorageUri.PrimaryUri.ToString();
                    string addLabeledDataParameters = $"?dataBlobUrl={labeledDataUrl}";
                    string trainingDataLabels       = Uri.EscapeDataString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(boundJson.Labels));
                    addLabeledDataParameters = $"{addLabeledDataParameters}&imageLabels={trainingDataLabels}";

                    //construct and call model URL then fetch response
                    // the model always sends the label set in the message body with the name LabelsJson.  If your model needs other values in the URL then use
                    //{ {environment variable name}}.
                    // So the example load labels function in the sameple model package would look like this:
                    // The orchestration engine appends the labels json file to the message body.
                    // http://localhost:7071/api/LoadImageTags/?projectID=8d9d12d1-5d5c-4893-b915-4b5b3201f78e&labelsJson={%22Labels%22:[%22Hemlock%22,%22Japanese%20Cherry%22]}

                    string labeledDataServiceEndpoint = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("LabeledDataServiceEndpoint", _Log);
                    string addLabeledDataUrl          = _Engine.ConstructModelRequestUrl(labeledDataServiceEndpoint, addLabeledDataParameters);
                    _Log.LogInformation($"\n Getting response from {addLabeledDataUrl}");
                    _Response       = _Client.GetAsync(addLabeledDataUrl).Result;
                    _ResponseString = _Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ResponseString))
                        throw (new MissingRequiredObject($"\nresponseString not generated from URL: {addLabeledDataUrl}"));

                    //the code below is for passing labels and conent as http content and not on the URL string.
                    //Format the Data Labels content
                    //HttpRequestMessage Request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, new Uri(AddLabeledDataUrl));
                    //HttpContent DataLabelsStringContent = new StringContent(trainingDataLabels, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
                    //MultipartFormDataContent LabeledDataContent = new MultipartFormDataContent();
                    //LabeledDataContent.Add(DataLabelsStringContent, "LabeledData");

                    //Format the data cotent
                    //*****TODO***** move to an async architecture
                    //*****TODO***** need to decide if there is value in sending the data as a binary stream in the post or if requireing the model data scienctist to accept URLs is sufficient.  If accessing the data blob with a SAS url requires Azure classes then create a configuration to pass the data as a stream in the post.  If there is then this should be a configurable option.
                    //MemoryStream dataBlobMemStream = new MemoryStream();
                    //HttpContent LabeledDataHttpContent = new StreamContent(dataBlobMemStream);
                    //LabeledDataContent.Add(LabeledDataContent, "LabeledData");

                    //Make the http call and get a response
                    //string AddLabelingTagsEndpoint = Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("LabeledDataServiceEndpoint", log);
                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AddLabelingTagsEndpoint)) throw (new EnvironmentVariableNotSetException("LabeledDataServiceEndpoint environment variable not set"));
                    //string ResponseString = Helper.GetEvaluationResponseString(AddLabelingTagsEndpoint, LabeledDataContent, log);
                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResponseString)) throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nresponseString not generated from URL: " + AddLabelingTagsEndpoint));

                    _Log.LogInformation($"Completed call to add blob: {dataCloudBlockBlob.Name} with labels: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(boundJson.Labels)} to model.  The response string was: {_ResponseString}.");
            return("Completed execution of AddLabeledData.  See logs for success/fail details.");
        public async Task <string> EvaluateData(string blobName)
                double ModelVerificationPercent            = 0;
                string ModelValidationStorageContainerName = "";

                string StorageConnection = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsStorage", _Log);
                string PendingEvaluationStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName", _Log);
                string EvaluatedDataStorageContainerName     = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("evaluatedDataStorageContainerName", _Log);
                string JsonStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("jsonStorageContainerName", _Log);
                string PendingSupervisionStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName", _Log);
                string ConfidenceJsonPath  = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("confidenceJSONPath", _Log);
                double ConfidenceThreshold = Convert.ToDouble(_Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("confidenceThreshold", _Log));

                string modelType = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("modelType", _Log);
                if (modelType == "Trained")
                    string LabeledDataStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("labeledDataStorageContainerName", _Log);
                    ModelValidationStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("modelValidationStorageContainerName", _Log);
                    string PendingNewModelStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingNewModelStorageContainerName", _Log);
                    ModelVerificationPercent = Convert.ToDouble(_Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("modelVerificationPercentage", _Log));

                //------------------------This section retrieves the blob needing evaluation and calls the evaluation service for processing.-----------------------

                // Create Reference to Azure Storage Account and the container for data that is pending evaluation by the model.
                CloudStorageAccount StorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(StorageConnection);
                CloudBlobClient     BlobClient     = StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                CloudBlobContainer  Container      = BlobClient.GetContainerReference(PendingEvaluationStorageContainerName);
                CloudBlockBlob      rawDataBlob    = Container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
                DataBlob            dataEvaluating = new DataBlob(rawDataBlob, _Engine, _Search, _Log);
                if (dataEvaluating == null)
                    throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nMissing dataEvaluating blob object."));

                //compute the file hash as this will be added to the meta data to allow for file version validation
                //the blob has to be "touched" or the properties will all be null
                if (dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Exists() != true)
                    throw new MissingRequiredObject($"\ndataEvaluating does not exist {dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Name}");

                string blobMd5 = _Engine.EnsureMd5(dataEvaluating);

                //****Currently only working with public access set on blob folders
                //Generate a URL with SAS token to submit to analyze image API
                //string dataEvaluatingSas = GetBlobSharedAccessSignature(dataEvaluating);
                string DataEvaluatingUrl = dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Uri.ToString(); //+ dataEvaluatingSas;
                //string dataEvaluatingUrl = "test";

                //package the file contents to send as http request content
                //MemoryStream DataEvaluatingContent = new MemoryStream();
                //HttpContent DataEvaluatingStream = new StreamContent(DataEvaluatingContent);
                var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
                //content.Add(DataEvaluatingStream, "name");

                //get environment variables used to construct the model request URL
                string dataEvaluationServiceEndpoint = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("DataEvaluationServiceEndpoint", _Log);
                string evaluationDataParameterName   = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("evaluationDataParameterName", _Log);
                string parameters      = $"?{evaluationDataParameterName}={DataEvaluatingUrl}";
                string evaluateDataUrl = _Engine.ConstructModelRequestUrl(dataEvaluationServiceEndpoint, parameters);

                int    retryLoops     = 0;
                string responseString = "";
                    //Make a request to the model service passing the file URL
                    responseString = _Engine.GetHttpResponseString(evaluateDataUrl, content);
                    if (responseString.Contains("iteration"))
                        _Log.LogInformation($"\nEvaluation response: {responseString}.");
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                    if (retryLoops == 5)
                        _Log.LogInformation($"\nEvaluation of {evaluateDataUrl} failed with 5 attempts.");
                } while (retryLoops < 5);

                string    StrConfidence    = null;
                double    Confidence       = 0;
                JProperty responseProperty = new JProperty("Response", responseString);

                if (responseString == "Model not trained.")
                    Confidence = 0;
                    //deserialize response JSON, get confidence score and compare with confidence threshold
                    JObject analysisJson = JObject.Parse(responseString);
                        StrConfidence = (string)analysisJson.SelectToken(ConfidenceJsonPath);
                        throw (new MissingRequiredObject($"\nInvalid response string {responseString} generated from URL: {evaluateDataUrl}."));

                    if (StrConfidence == null)
                        throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nNo confidence value at " + ConfidenceJsonPath + " from environment variable ConfidenceJSONPath."));
                    Confidence = (double)analysisJson.SelectToken(ConfidenceJsonPath);

                //----------------------------This section collects information about the blob being analyzed and packages it in JSON that is then written to blob storage for later processing-----------------------------------

                _Log.LogInformation("\nStarting construction of json blob.");

                //create environment JSON object
                JProperty environmentProperty = _Engine.GetEnvironmentJson(_Log);
                JProperty evaluationPass      = new JProperty("pass",
                                                              new JObject(
                                                                  new JProperty("date", DateTime.Now),
                                                                  new JProperty("request", evaluateDataUrl),

                //Note: all json files get writted to the same container as they are all accessed either by discrete name or by azure search index either GUID or Hash.
                bool jsonBlobExists;
                    //does the json blob exist?  if not error is thrown and we catch it and create a new json blob file.
                    JsonBlob jsonBlobTest = new JsonBlob(blobMd5, _Engine, _Search, _Log);
                    jsonBlobExists = true;
                    _Log.LogInformation($"\nNo JSON blob found in seach index, creating new JSON blob for blob {dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Name}.");
                    jsonBlobExists = false;

                // If the Json blob already exists then update the blob with this pass iteration information
                if (jsonBlobExists)
                    JsonBlob jsonBlob          = new JsonBlob(blobMd5, _Engine, _Search, _Log);
                    JObject  jsonBlobJObject   = JObject.Parse(jsonBlob.AzureBlob.DownloadText());
                    JArray   evaluationHistory = (JArray)jsonBlobJObject.SelectToken("passes");
                    JObject  evaluationsObject = new JObject
                    string serializedJsonBlob = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonBlobJObject, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                    Stream jsonBlobMemStream  = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedJsonBlob));
                    if (jsonBlobMemStream.Length != 0)
                        await jsonBlob.AzureBlob.UploadFromStreamAsync(jsonBlobMemStream);
                        throw (new ZeroLengthFileException("\nencoded JSON memory stream is zero length and cannot be writted to blob storage"));

                // If the Json blob does not exist create one
                    // Add blob info to Json
                    JObject BlobAnalysis =
                        new JObject(
                            new JProperty("id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),
                            new JProperty("IsDeleted", false),
                            new JProperty("blobInfo",
                                          new JObject(
                                              new JProperty("name", blobName),
                                              new JProperty("url", dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Uri.ToString()),
                                              new JProperty("modified", dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Properties.LastModified.ToString()),
                                              new JProperty("hash", blobMd5)

                    // Add pass infromation to Json blob
                    JArray  evaluations       = new JArray();
                    JObject evaluationsObject = new JObject
                    JProperty evaluationPasses = new JProperty("passes", evaluations);
                    CloudBlockBlob JsonCloudBlob = _Search.GetBlob(StorageAccount, JsonStorageContainerName, (string)BlobAnalysis.SelectToken("id") + ".json");
                    JsonCloudBlob.Properties.ContentType = "application/json";
                    string serializedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(BlobAnalysis, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                    Stream MemStream      = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedJson));
                    if (MemStream.Length != 0)
                        throw (new ZeroLengthFileException("\nencoded JSON memory stream is zero length and cannot be writted to blob storage"));

                //--------------------------------This section processes the results of the analysis and transferes the blob to the container responsible for the next appropriate stage of processing.-------------------------------

                //model successfully analyzed content
                if (Confidence >= ConfidenceThreshold)
                    EvaluationPassed(blobName, ModelVerificationPercent, ModelValidationStorageContainerName, EvaluatedDataStorageContainerName, StorageAccount, dataEvaluating);

                //model was not sufficiently confident in its analysis
                    EvaluationFailed(blobName, PendingSupervisionStorageContainerName, StorageAccount, dataEvaluating);

                _Log.LogInformation($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{blobName}");
            catch (MissingRequiredObject e)
                _Log.LogInformation("\n" + blobName + " could not be analyzed because of a MissingRequiredObject with message: " + e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                _Log.LogInformation("\n" + blobName + " could not be analyzed with message: " + e.Message);
            return($"Evaluate data completed evaluating data blob: {blobName}");
        public async Task <string> EvaluateData(string blobName)
                double modelVerificationPercent            = 0;
                string modelValidationStorageContainerName = "";

                string storageConnection = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsStorage", _Log);
                string pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName", _Log);
                string evaluatedDataStorageContainerName     = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("evaluatedDataStorageContainerName", _Log);
                string jsonStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("jsonStorageContainerName", _Log);
                string pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName", _Log);
                string confidenceJsonPath  = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("confidenceJSONPath", _Log);
                double confidenceThreshold = Convert.ToDouble(_Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("confidenceThreshold", _Log));

                string modelType = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("modelType", _Log);
                if (modelType == "Trained")
                    string labeledDataStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("labeledDataStorageContainerName", _Log);
                    modelValidationStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("modelValidationStorageContainerName", _Log);
                    string pendingNewModelStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingNewModelStorageContainerName", _Log);
                    modelVerificationPercent = Convert.ToDouble(_Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("modelVerificationPercentage", _Log));

                //------------------------This section retrieves the blob needing evaluation and calls the evaluation service for processing.-----------------------

                // Create Reference to Azure Storage Account and the container for data that is pending evaluation by the model.
                CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnection);
                CloudBlobClient     blobClient     = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                CloudBlobContainer  container      = blobClient.GetContainerReference(pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName);
                CloudBlockBlob      rawDataBlob    = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
                DataBlob            dataEvaluating = new DataBlob(rawDataBlob, _Engine, _Search, _Log);
                if (dataEvaluating == null)
                    throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nMissing dataEvaluating blob object."));

                //compute the file hash as this will be added to the meta data to allow for file version validation
                //the blob has to be "touched" or the properties will all be null
                if (dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Exists() != true)
                    throw new MissingRequiredObject($"\ndataEvaluating does not exist {dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Name}");

                string blobMd5 = _Engine.EnsureMd5(dataEvaluating);

                //****Currently only working with public access set on blob folders
                //Generate a URL with SAS token to submit to analyze image API
                //string dataEvaluatingSas = GetBlobSharedAccessSignature(dataEvaluating);
                string dataEvaluatingUrl = dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Uri.ToString(); //+ dataEvaluatingSas;
                //string dataEvaluatingUrl = "test";

                //package the file contents to send as http request content
                //MemoryStream DataEvaluatingContent = new MemoryStream();
                //HttpContent DataEvaluatingStream = new StreamContent(DataEvaluatingContent);
                var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
                //content.Add(DataEvaluatingStream, "Name");

                //get environment variables used to construct the model request URL
                string dataEvaluationServiceEndpoint = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("DataEvaluationServiceEndpoint", _Log);
                string evaluationDataParameterName   = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("evaluationDataParameterName", _Log);
                string parameters      = $"?{evaluationDataParameterName}={dataEvaluatingUrl}";
                string evaluateDataUrl = _Engine.ConstructModelRequestUrl(dataEvaluationServiceEndpoint, parameters);

                int    retryLoops     = 0;
                string responseString = "";
                    //Make a request to the model service passing the file URL
                    responseString = _Engine.GetHttpResponseString(evaluateDataUrl, content);
                    //*****TODO***** "iteration" is a hard coded word that is specific to a model and needs to be a generic interface concept where the model must respond with an explicit success.
                    if (responseString.Contains("iteration"))
                        _Log.LogInformation($"\nEvaluation response: {responseString}.");
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                    if (retryLoops == 5)
                        _Log.LogInformation($"\nEvaluation of {evaluateDataUrl} failed 5 attempts with response: {responseString}");
                } while (retryLoops < 5);

                string    strConfidence    = null;
                double    confidence       = 0;
                JProperty responseProperty = new JProperty("Response", responseString);

                if (responseString == "Model not trained.")
                    confidence = 0;
                    //deserialize response JSON, get confidence score and compare with confidence threshold
                    JObject analysisJson = JObject.Parse(responseString);
                        strConfidence = (string)analysisJson.SelectToken(confidenceJsonPath);
                        throw (new MissingRequiredObject($"\nInvalid response string {responseString} generated from URL: {evaluateDataUrl}."));

                    if (strConfidence == null)
                        //*****TODO***** if this fails the file will sit in the pending evaluation state because the trigger will have processed the file but the file could not be processed.  Need to figure out how to tell if a file failed processing so that we can reprocesses the file at a latter time.
                        throw (new MissingRequiredObject($"\nNo confidence value at {confidenceJsonPath} from environment variable ConfidenceJSONPath in response from model: {responseString}."));
                    confidence = (double)analysisJson.SelectToken(confidenceJsonPath);

                //----------------------------This section collects information about the blob being analyzed and packages it in JSON that is then written to blob storage for later processing-----------------------------------

                _Log.LogInformation("\nStarting construction of json blob.");

                //create environment JSON object
                JProperty environmentProperty = _Engine.GetEnvironmentJson(_Log);
                JProperty evaluationPass      = new JProperty("pass",
                                                              new JObject(
                                                                  new JProperty("date", DateTime.Now),
                                                                  new JProperty("request", evaluateDataUrl),

                //Note: all json files get writted to the same container as they are all accessed either by discrete name or by azure search index either GUID or Hash.
                CloudBlobContainer jsonContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(jsonStorageContainerName);
                CloudBlockBlob     rawJsonBlob   = jsonContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(_Engine.GetEncodedHashFileName(dataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Properties.ContentMD5.ToString()));

                // If the Json blob already exists then update the blob with latest pass iteration information
                if (rawJsonBlob.Exists())
                    //Hydrate Json Blob
                    JsonBlob jsonBlob        = new JsonBlob(blobMd5, _Engine, _Search, _Log);
                    JObject  jsonBlobJObject = JObject.Parse(jsonBlob.AzureBlob.DownloadText());

                    // Add an evaluation pass to the Json blob
                    JArray evaluationHistory = (JArray)jsonBlobJObject.SelectToken("Passes");
                    AddEvaluationPass(evaluationPass, evaluationHistory);

                    // Upload blob changes to the cloud
                    await _Engine.UploadJsonBlob(jsonBlob.AzureBlob, jsonBlobJObject);

                // If the Json blob does not exist create one and include the latest pass iteration information
                    JObject BlobAnalysis =
                        new JObject(
                            new JProperty("Id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),
                            new JProperty("IsDeleted", false),
                            new JProperty("Name", blobName),
                            new JProperty("Hash", blobMd5)

                    // Add state history information to Json blob
                    JArray stateChanges = new JArray();
                    AddStateChange(pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName, stateChanges);
                    JProperty stateHistory = new JProperty("StateHistory", stateChanges);

                    // Add pass infromation to Json blob
                    JArray evaluations = new JArray();
                    AddEvaluationPass(evaluationPass, evaluations);
                    JProperty evaluationPasses = new JProperty("Passes", evaluations);

                    CloudBlockBlob JsonCloudBlob = _Search.GetBlob(storageAccount, jsonStorageContainerName, _Engine.GetEncodedHashFileName(blobMd5));
                    JsonCloudBlob.Properties.ContentType = "application/json";

                    await _Engine.UploadJsonBlob(JsonCloudBlob, BlobAnalysis);

                //--------------------------------This section processes the results of the analysis and transferes the blob to the container responsible for the next appropriate stage of processing.-------------------------------

                //model successfully analyzed content
                if (confidence >= confidenceThreshold)
                    EvaluationPassed(modelVerificationPercent, modelValidationStorageContainerName, evaluatedDataStorageContainerName, storageAccount, dataEvaluating);

                //model was not sufficiently confident in its analysis
                    EvaluationFailed(blobName, pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName, storageAccount, dataEvaluating);

                _Log.LogInformation($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{blobName}");
            catch (MissingRequiredObject e)
                _Log.LogInformation($"\n{blobName} could not be analyzed because of a MissingRequiredObject with message: {e.Message}");
            catch (Exception e)
                _Log.LogInformation($"\n{blobName} could not be analyzed with message: {e.Message}");
            return($"Evaluate data completed evaluating data blob: {blobName}");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task <string> AddLabeledData()
            string trainingDataUrl;
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = _Engine.StorageAccount;
            CloudBlobClient     blobClient     = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            string             labeledDataStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("labeledDataStorageContainerName");
            CloudBlobContainer labeledDataContainer            = blobClient.GetContainerReference(labeledDataStorageContainerName);
            string             loadTrainingTagsResult          = null;

            foreach (IListBlobItem item in labeledDataContainer.ListBlobs(null, false))
                if (item.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlockBlob))
                    CloudBlockBlob dataCloudBlockBlob = (CloudBlockBlob)item;
                    trainingDataUrl = dataCloudBlockBlob.Uri.ToString();
                    string bindingHash = dataCloudBlockBlob.Properties.ContentMD5.ToString();
                    if (bindingHash == null)
                        //compute the file hash as this will be added to the meta data to allow for file version validation
                        string BlobMd5 = new DataBlob(dataCloudBlockBlob, _Engine, _Search, _Log).CalculateMD5Hash().ToString();
                        if (BlobMd5 == null)
                            _Log.LogInformation("\nWarning: Blob Hash calculation failed and will not be included in file information blob, continuing operation.");
                            //*****TODO***** update this to calculate the hash as the code looks to ppopulate the hash from what is either null or already correct...
                            dataCloudBlockBlob.Properties.ContentMD5 = BlobMd5;

                    // Get sas token for current data blob
                    string dataEvaluatingUrl = _Engine.GetBlobSasTokenForServiceAccess(dataCloudBlockBlob);

                    // Instanciate the bound JSON blob making labels collection for the data available to send to the model.
                    JsonBlob boundJson = new JsonBlob(bindingHash, _Engine, _Search);

                    string evaluationDataParameterName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("evaluationDataParameterName");
                    string labelingTagsParameterName   = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("labelingTagsParameterName");

                    // construct and call model URL then fetch response
                    // the model always sends the label set in the message body with the name configured in environment variable "labelingTagsParameterName".
                    // If your model needs other values from this applications context to be passed in the URL then use {{variable name}}.  So the example
                    // in the sample model package would have a value like this:{{ProjectID}}
                    // in the end point environment variable to pass project id to the model.
                    // Get the environment variable.
                    string addLabeledDataServiceEndpoint = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("LabeledDataServiceEndpoint");
                    string addLabeledDataUrl             = _Engine.ConstructModelRequestUrl(addLabeledDataServiceEndpoint, "");

                    //Load the list of valid training tags to ensure all data labels are valid.
                    loadTrainingTagsResult = LoadTrainingTags();

                    //Format the Data Labels content
                    MultipartFormDataContent labeledDataContent = new MultipartFormDataContent();
                    HttpContent dataLabelsStringContent         = new StringContent(boundJson.Labels, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
                    labeledDataContent.Add(dataLabelsStringContent, "DataLabels");
                    HttpContent dataUrlStringContent = new StringContent(dataEvaluatingUrl, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
                    labeledDataContent.Add(dataUrlStringContent, evaluationDataParameterName);

                    //Format the data cotent
                    //*****TODO***** the code below is for passing content as http content and not on the URL string.
                    //*****TODO***** move to an async architecture
                    //*****TODO***** need to decide if there is value in sending the data as a binary stream in the post or if requireing the model data scienctist to accept URLs is sufficient.  If accessing the data blob with a SAS url requires Azure classes then create a configuration to pass the data as a stream in the post.  If there is then this should be a configurable option.
                    //MemoryStream dataBlobMemStream = new MemoryStream();
                    //HttpContent LabeledDataHttpContent = new StreamContent(dataBlobMemStream);
                    //LabeledDataContent.Add(LabeledDataContent, "LabeledData");

                    _Log.LogInformation($"\n Getting response from add labeled data API using {dataLabelsStringContent}");

                    // format and make call to model end point and validate the response string.
                    _ResponseString = _Engine.GetHttpResponseString(addLabeledDataServiceEndpoint, labeledDataContent);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ResponseString))
                        throw (new MissingRequiredObject($"\nresponseString not generated from URL: {addLabeledDataUrl} using {boundJson.Name}.  Processing will stop for labeleddata blobs."));

                    _Log.LogInformation($"Completed call to add blob: {dataCloudBlockBlob.Name} with labels: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(boundJson.Labels)} to model.  The response string was: {_ResponseString}.");
            return($"\nCompleted execution of AddLabeledData.  Loading Training Tags results: {loadTrainingTagsResult}.  See logs for success/fail details.");