Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SendInternal(string httpMethod, string type, JsString url, object data,
            JsAction<object, JsString, jqXHR> success,
            JsAction<JsError, JsString, jqXHR> failed)
            url = addTimeToUrl(url);

            JsObject headers = new JsObject();
            AjaxSettings ajaxSettings = new AjaxSettings
                type = httpMethod,
                dataType = type,
                data = data,
                url = jsUtils.inst.getLocation() + "/" + url,
                headers = headers,
                success = delegate(object o, JsString s, jqXHR arg3) { success(o, s, arg3); },
                error = delegate(jqXHR xhr, JsString s, JsError arg3) { failed(arg3, s, xhr); }
            bool isString = data.As<JsObject>()["toLowerCase"] != null;
            if (isString)
                ajaxSettings.processData = true;
                ajaxSettings.contentType = (type.As<JsString>().toLowerCase() == "xml")
                    ? "application/xml"
                    : "application/json";

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void addView(JsString url, object viewData)
            if (!hasView(url)) {
                //this is one point that I conced we should consider making async
                var content = contentParser.parse( contentLoader.synchronousFragmentLoad( url ) );
                var div = new HtmlDivElement();
                var fragment = jQueryContext.J( div );
                fragment.html( content );
                fragment.css( "width", "100%" );
                fragment.css( "height", "100%" );
                fragment.css( "position", "absolute" );
                fragment.css( "top", "0" );
                fragment.css( "left", "0" );

                var mediatorCapturer = new MediatorCapturer();
                domWalker.walkDomFragment( div, mediatorCapturer );

                rootElement.append( div );
                views[ url ] = fragment;
                mediators[ url ] = mediatorCapturer.mediator;

            selectView( url, viewData );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public override JsArray<Translation> synchronousTranslate(JsString domain, JsArray<JsString> keys)
     if (HtmlContext.window.console != null) {
         HtmlContext.console.log("Requested to translate: " + domain + " " + keys);
     return new JsArray<Translation>();
        public TypeDefinition resolveClassName(JsString qualifiedClassName)
            dynamic type = findDefinition(qualifiedClassName);

            if (type == null) {
                JsString classDefinition = loader.loadClass(qualifiedClassName);

                //Before we load it into memory, check on the super class and see if we need to load *that*
                //into memory. We may *NOT* have an inherit if we dont inherit from anything, that is just fine

                //Load the newly found class memory

                //Get a reference to the newly added type
                type = findDefinition(qualifiedClassName);

                if (type == null) {
                    //This alert shouldnt be here, we should figure out a way to get it to the UI level
                    HtmlContext.alert(qualifiedClassName + " does not contain required injection information ");
                    throw new JsError(qualifiedClassName + " does not contain required injection information ");

                var td = new TypeDefinition(type);
                if (!td.builtIn) {
                    //Finally, resolve any classes it references in its own code execution

            return new TypeDefinition(type);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public JsString parse( JsString content )
     //We need to get rid of the body element and maybe choose to do away with other things like script
     var bodyRegex = new JsRegExp(@"(</?)body", "gi");
     var sanitizedContent = content.replace(bodyRegex,"$1div");
     return sanitizedContent;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Querystring(JsString qs = null)
        { // optionally pass a querystring to parse
            this.parameters = new JsObject<JsString>();
            JsCode("this.get = Querystring_get");

            if (qs == null)
                qs = location.search.Substring(1, location.search.length);

            if (qs.length == 0) return;

            // Turn <plus> back to <space>
            // See: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#h-
            qs = qs.Replace(new JsRegExp("\\+", "g"), " ");
            JsArray<JsString> args = qs.Split('&'); // parse out name/value pairs separated via &
            // split out each name=value pair
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
                JsString value;
                JsArray<JsString> pair = args[i].Split('=');
                JsString name = Unescape(pair[0]);

                if (pair.length == 2)
                    value = Unescape(pair[1]);
                    value = name;
                this.parameters[name] = value;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public override void injectPotentialNode(JsString id, object node)
     //Ugly hack for the moment, figure out a better way to handle by checking the identity... somehow... of this class
     dynamic behavior = node;
     if (_mediator == null && behavior.setViewData != null) {
         _mediator = behavior;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void addView(JsString url)
     if (hasView(url)) {
         selectView( url );
     } else {
         addView(url, null);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public JsString getCachedHtmlForUri(JsString key)
     if (ContentCache.htmlMergedFiles[key] != null)
         return ContentCache.htmlMergedFiles[key];
     return null;
        public override JsArray<Translation> synchronousTranslate(JsString domain, JsArray<JsString> keys)
            if (!fileLoaded) {
                makeSynchronousRequest( url );

            return provideTranslations(domain, keys);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        JsString Querystring_get(JsString key, JsString default_)
            // This silly looking line changes UNDEFINED to NULL
            if (default_ == null) default_ = null;

            JsString value = this.parameters[key];
            if (value == null) value = default_;

            return value;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public InjectionClassBuilder buildChildClassBuilder(InjectionClassBuilder classBuilder, HtmlElement element, JsString contextClassName)
            var module = (GuiceModule)classBuilder.buildClass(contextClassName);
            var injector = (ChildInjector)classBuilder.buildClass("guice.ChildInjector");
            var guiceJs = new GuiceJs();
            guiceJs.configureInjector(injector, module);

            //Setup a new InjectionClassBuilder
            return (InjectionClassBuilder)injector.getInstance(typeof(InjectionClassBuilder));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void injectPotentialNode( JsString id, object node)
     //if we ever want to throw an error because of a duplicate id injection, this is the place to do it
     //right now first one in wins
     if (viableInjectionPoints[id] != null) {
         JsContext.delete( viableInjectionPoints[ id ] );
         dynamic instance = this;
         instance[ id ] = node;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /* statMobi Analytics */

        /// <summary>
        /// This sample function records an event ID, as well as an optional
        /// set of name/value pairs as a query string to the statMobi Analytics
        /// logs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventID"></param>
        /// <param name="queryString"></param>
        public static void AddAnalyticsDataPoint(JsString eventID, JsString queryString)
                if (queryString == null) { queryString = ""; }
                Xdk.analytics.LogPageEvent("/application/" + eventID +
         ".event", queryString, "", GetPost.GET, 0, "index.html");
            catch (JsError e) { }
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void addBehaviorEntry(JsString cssClassName, JsString behaviorType, JsString className )
            StyleExtensionMapEntry attributes = hashMap[cssClassName];

            if (attributes == null) {
                attributes = new StyleExtensionMapEntry();
                hashMap[cssClassName] = attributes;

            attributes.addExtensionType(behaviorType, className);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public bool hasView(JsString url)
            jQuery fragment = null;
            var allFragments = decoratedNode.children();

            if ( allFragments.length > 0 ) {
                fragment = allFragments.find("[data-url='" + url + "']");

            return ((fragment != null) && fragment.length>0);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void addCSSEntry(JsString cssSelector, JsString extensionType, JsString extensionValue )
            StyleExtensionMapEntry attributes = hashMap[cssSelector];

            if (attributes == null) {
                attributes = new StyleExtensionMapEntry();
                hashMap[cssSelector] = attributes;

            attributes.addExtensionType(extensionType, extensionValue);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public virtual void injectPotentialNode( JsString id, object node)
     //by default dont inject if we dont have an id... we would have no way to reference it
     //if we ever want to throw an error because of a duplicate id injection, this is the place to do it
     //right now first one in wins
     if ((id != null) && (viableInjectionPoints != null ) && (viableInjectionPoints[id] != null))
         JsContext.delete( viableInjectionPoints[ id ] );
         dynamic instance = this;
         instance[ id ] = node;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public static JsString addTimeToUrl(JsString url)
     if (-1 == url.indexOf("?"))
         url += "?" + "time=" + (new JsDate()).getTime();
         url += "&" +  "time=" + (new JsDate()).getTime();
     return url;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public static void PrependToLog(HtmlElement log, JsString message)
     HtmlDivElement child = new HtmlDivElement();
     child.innerHTML = message;
     if (log.firstChild == null)
         log.InsertBefore(child, log.firstChild);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public JsString synchronousLoad(JsString fragmentURL)
            //We need to check to see if we already have this content. If we do not, then we need to load it now and insert it into the DOM
            var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
            request.open("GET", fragmentURL, false);

            if (request.status == 404) {
                throw new JsError("Cannot continue, missing required content " + fragmentURL);

            return request.responseText;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void SendGet(string type, JsString url, JsAction<object, JsString, jqXHR> success,
            JsAction<JsError, JsString, jqXHR> failed)
            url = addTimeToUrl(url);

            JsObject headers = new JsObject();
            jQuery.ajax(new AjaxSettings
                type = "GET",
                dataType = type,
                url = jsUtils.inst.getLocation() + "/" + url,
                headers = headers,
                success = delegate(object o, JsString s, jqXHR arg3) { success(o, s, arg3); },
                error = delegate(jqXHR xhr, JsString s, JsError arg3) { failed(arg3, s, xhr); }
        public override JsArray<Translation> synchronousTranslate(JsString domain, JsArray<JsString> keys)
            var domainKeys = translations[domain];
            var response = new JsArray<Translation>();

            if ( domainKeys != null ) {
                for ( var i=0; i<keys.length;i++) {
                    var translation = new Translation();
                    translation.key = keys[i];
                    translation.value = domainKeys[keys[i]];

            return response;
 public override void translate(JsString domain, JsArray<JsString> keys)
     if (!fileLoaded) {
         makeAsynchronousRequest(url, delegate() {
             //The data is back, translate
             JsArray<Translation> translations = provideTranslations(domain, keys);
             if (translationResult != null ) {
                 translationResult(domain, translations);
         } );
     } else {
         //We already have the file, so just translate
         JsArray<Translation> translations = provideTranslations(domain, keys);
         if (translationResult != null) {
             translationResult(domain, translations);
        public AbstractBehavior buildBehavior(InjectionClassBuilder classBuilder, HtmlElement element, JsString behaviorClassName )
            AbstractBehavior behavior = null;

            var resolution = classResolver.resolveClassName(behaviorClassName);

            if ( resolution.builtIn ) {
                /** If we have a type which was not created via Randori, we send it out to get created. In this way
                 * we dont worry about injection data and we allow for any crazy creation mechanism the client can
                 * consider **/
                behavior = externalBehaviorFactory.createExternalBehavior(element, behaviorClassName, resolution.type);
            } else {
                behavior = (AbstractBehavior)classBuilder.buildClass(behaviorClassName);

            return behavior;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static void Show(JsString strPrompt, JsString strTitle, JsString strOKPrompt, JsString strCancelPrompt, JsString OKFunction, JsString CancelFunction)
            if (strPrompt == null) { strPrompt = "Would you like to confirm or cancel this action?"; }
            if (strTitle == null) { strTitle = "Confirmation"; }
            if (strOKPrompt == null) { strOKPrompt = "Confirm"; }
            if (strCancelPrompt == null) { strCancelPrompt = "Cancel"; }

            //create the hidden DIV to hold the confirmation box on load
            if (divConfirmationBox == null)
                divConfirmationBox = new HtmlDivElement();
                divConfirmationBox.id = "divConfirmatonPopup";
                divConfirmationBox.style.display = "none";
                divConfirmationBox.style.backgroundColor = "#333";
                divConfirmationBox.style.textAlign = "center";
                divConfirmationBox.style.position = "absolute";
                divConfirmationBox.style.width = "1px";
                divConfirmationBox.style.height = "1px";
                divConfirmationBox.style.top = "312px";
                divConfirmationBox.style.left = "84px";
                divConfirmationBox.style.opacity = ".8";
                divConfirmationBox.style.border = "solid 3px #aaa";
                divConfirmationBox.style.fontSize = "24px";
                divConfirmationBox.style.overflow = "hidden";
                //                divConfirmationBox.style.borderRadius = "30px";
                divConfirmationBox.SetAttribute("style", "border-radius:30px");

            //set the confirmation box actions
            confirmationBox_OKCall = OKFunction;
            confirmationBox_CancelCall = CancelFunction;

            JsString tmpPopupHTML = "<table width='600' height='400'><tr><td colspan='2' valign='top'><span style='font-size:32pt;font-weight:bold;'>" + strTitle + "</span></td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' valign='middle'>" + strPrompt + "</td></tr>";
            tmpPopupHTML += "<tr><td valign='bottom' align='middle' width='50%' ontouchstart='eval(confirmationBox_OKCall);confirmationBox_hide();'    ><div style='border-radius:30px;opacity:.95;border: solid 3px #aaa;background-color:#000;width:250px;font-size:28pt;font-weight:bold;padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:30px;margin-bottom:15px;'>" + strOKPrompt + "</div></td>";
            tmpPopupHTML += "<td valign='bottom' align='middle' width='50%' ontouchstart='eval(confirmationBox_CancelCall);confirmationBox_hide();'><div style='border-radius:30px;opacity:.95;border: solid 3px #aaa;background-color:#000;width:250px;font-size:28pt;font-weight:bold;padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:30px;margin-bottom:15px;'>" + strCancelPrompt + "</div></td></tr></table>";

            HtmlDivElement.GetById("divConfirmatonPopup").innerHTML = tmpPopupHTML;
            HtmlDivElement.GetById("divConfirmatonPopup").style.width = "600px";
            HtmlDivElement.GetById("divConfirmatonPopup").style.height = "400px";
            HtmlDivElement.GetById("divConfirmatonPopup").style.display = "block";
        public virtual string loadClass( JsString qualifiedClassName )
            JsRegExp classNameRegex = new JsRegExp("\\.", "g");
            var potentialURL = qualifiedClassName.replace(classNameRegex, "/");
            potentialURL = dynamicClassBaseUrl + potentialURL;
            potentialURL += ".js";

            xmlHttpRequest.open("GET", potentialURL, false);

            //Todo Need to handle other status than just 404
            if (xmlHttpRequest.status == 404) {
                //Todo This alert shouldnt be here, we should figure out a way to get it to the UI level
                HtmlContext.alert("Required Class " + qualifiedClassName + " cannot be loaded.");
                throw new JsError("Cannot continue, missing required class " + qualifiedClassName);

            return ( xmlHttpRequest.responseText + "\n//@ sourceURL=" + potentialURL );
        public JsString synchronousFragmentLoad(JsString fragmentURL)
            //We need to check to see if we already have this content. If we do not, then we need to load it now and insert it into the DOM

            var cachedContent = contentCache.getCachedHtmlForUri(fragmentURL);
            if (cachedContent != null) {
                return cachedContent;

            //Else load it now
            xmlHttpRequest.open( "GET", fragmentURL, false );
            xmlHttpRequest.send( "" );

            if ( xmlHttpRequest.status == 404 )
                throw new JsError("Cannot continue, missing required content " + fragmentURL);

            return xmlHttpRequest.responseText;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void selectByURL(JsString url)
            JsArray dataRef = data;
            dynamic item;

            for (int i = 0; i < dataRef.length; i++)
                item = dataRef[i];

                if (item.url == url)
                    if (selectedIndex != i)
                        selectedIndex = i;

        private void addDefinition( JsString definitionText )
            var globalEval = (function () {

            var isIndirectEvalGlobal = (function (original, Object) {
            try {
            // Does `Object` resolve to a local variable, or to a global, built-in `Object`,
            // reference to which we passed as a first argument?
            return (1, eval)('Object') === original;
            catch (err) {
            // if indirect eval errors out (as allowed per ES3), then just bail out with `false`
            return false;
            })(Object, 123);

            if (isIndirectEvalGlobal) {

            // if indirect eval executes code globally, use it
            return function (expression) {
            return (1, eval)(expression);
            else if (typeof window.execScript !== 'undefined') {

            // if `window.execScript exists`, use it
            return function (expression) {
            return window.execScript(expression);

            // otherwise, globalEval is `undefined` since nothing is returned

Ejemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the number of times that the line of code where count was called was executed. The optional argument title will print a message in addition to the number of the count.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="title"></param>
 public static void count(JsString title)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Turns off the JavaScript profiler and prints its report.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="title"></param>
 public static void profileEnd(JsString title)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public Element GetElementById(JsString elementId)
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the menu picker associated with the passed field
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"><p>The field identifier ('before', 'after', 'on')</p>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// <span><see cref="Object">Object</see></span><div><p>The menu picker</p>
 /// </div>
 /// </returns>
 public object getPicker(JsString item)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Given a shortcode, returns true or false if the it is in a valid format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shortcode">the short code to validate</param>
 /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
 public static bool isValidShortCode(JsString shortcode)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 public void SetUri(JsString uri)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public void SetPaint(SvgPaintType paintType, JsString uri, JsString rgbColor, JsString iccColor)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 static SharpKit.NodeJs.http.Utils require(JsString className)
Ejemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// A synchronous output function. Will block the process and output string immediately to stderr.
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 /// require('util').debug('message on stderr');
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="str"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public JsString debug(JsString str)
Ejemplo n.º 40
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a formatted string using the first argument as a printf-like format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="format">The format argument is a string that contains zero or more placeholders. Each placeholder is replaced with the converted value from its corresponding argument. Supported placeholders are:
 /// <list type="bullet">
 /// %s - String.
 /// %d - Number (both integer and float).
 /// %j - JSON.
 /// % - single percent sign ('%'). This does not consume an argument.</param>
 /// </list>
 /// <param name="strings"></param>
 /// <returns>Returns a formatted string using the first argument as a printf-like format.</returns>
 /// If the placeholder does not have a corresponding argument, the placeholder is not replaced.
 /// util.format('%s:%s', 'foo'); //  'foo:%s'
 /// If there are more arguments than placeholders, the extra arguments are converted to strings with util.inspect() and these strings are concatenated, delimited by a space.
 /// <code>
 /// util.format('%s:%s', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'); ///  'foo:bar baz'
 /// </code>
 /// If the first argument is not a format string then util.format() returns a string that is the concatenation of all its arguments separated by spaces. Each argument is converted to a string with util.inspect().
 /// <code>
 /// util.format(1, 2, 3); //  '1 2 3'
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public JsString format(JsString format, params JsString[] strings)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 /// <summary>
 /// Output with timestamp on stdout.
 /// <example>
 /// <code>require('util').log('Timestamped message.');</code>
 /// </example>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="str"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public JsString log(JsString str)
 protected FunctionInstance(
     Engine engine,
     JsString name)
     : this(engine, name, FunctionThisMode.Global, ObjectClass.Function)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public NodeList GetElementsByTagNameNS(JsString namespaceURI, JsString localName)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 public IDBOpenDBRequest Open(JsString name)
Ejemplo n.º 45
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new PatternLayout
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pattern">The conversion pattern string to use</param>
 public PatternLayout(JsString pattern)
        public object buildClass(JsString className)
            TypeDefinition type = classResolver.resolveClassName(className);

Ejemplo n.º 47
 public bool hasView(JsString url)
     return(views[url] != null);
Ejemplo n.º 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Given a phone number, returns true or false if the phone number is in a valid format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="phone">the phone number to validate</param>
 /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
 public static bool isValidPhoneNumber(JsString phone)
Ejemplo n.º 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Given a phone number, returns the phone number with all characters, other than numbers, stripped
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="phone">he phone number to normalize</param>
 /// <returns>the normalized phone number</returns>
 public static JsString normalizePhoneNumber(JsString phone)
Ejemplo n.º 50
 /// <summary>
 /// This helper routine will return a properly formatted URL to the SDK routine which will provide the source content (image, text, etc) for the specified message number and part.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageId">The message id of the message</param>
 /// <param name="partNumber">The part number to retrieve</param>
 /// <returns>The source URL which returns the content of the message part along with appropriate content headers.</returns>
 public static JsString getContentSrc(JsString messageId, JsString partNumber)
Ejemplo n.º 51
 protected static void postMessage(object message, JsString targetOrigin, MessagePort[] ports) { }
Ejemplo n.º 52
 /// <summary>
 /// Aligns this floating Component to the specified element ...
 /// </summary>
 public Ext.Component alignTo(object element, JsString position, JsArray offsets = null)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 /// <summary>
 /// Given an email, returns true or false if the it is in a valid format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="email">the email to validate</param>
 /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
 public static bool isValidEmail(JsString email)
Ejemplo n.º 54
 public void selectView(JsString url)
     selectView(url, null);
Ejemplo n.º 55
 public void ResolveLocalFileSystemUrl(JsString url, EntryCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback = null)
Ejemplo n.º 56
 public NodeList GetElementsByClassName(JsString className)
Ejemplo n.º 57
 public new void RemoveEventListener(JsString type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture = false)
Ejemplo n.º 58
 /// <summary>
 /// Stops a timer created by a call to console.time(name) and writes the time elapsed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 public static void timeEnd(JsString name)
 /// <summary>
 /// Get and return the date menu picker value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"><p>The field identifier ('before', 'after', 'on')</p>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// <span><see cref="Date">Date</see></span><div><p>Gets the current selected value of the date field</p>
 /// </div>
 /// </returns>
 public JsDate getFieldValue(JsString item)
Ejemplo n.º 60
 public NodeList GetElementsByTagName(JsString tagName)