public override void ProcessScan(ref JpegReader reader, JpegScanHeader scanHeader)
            if (scanHeader.Components is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            if (Decoder.GetOutputWriter() is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // Resolve each component
            Span <JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent> components = _components.AsSpan(0, InitDecodeComponents(_frameHeader, scanHeader, _components));

            _restartInterval   = Decoder.GetRestartInterval();
            _mcusBeforeRestart = _restartInterval;
            _eobrun            = 0;

            if (components.Length == 1)
                DecodeProgressiveDataNonInterleaved(ref reader, scanHeader, components[0]);
                DecodeProgressiveDataInterleaved(ref reader, scanHeader, components);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void ProcessScan(ref JpegReader reader, JpegScanHeader scanHeader)
            if (scanHeader.Components is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            if (Decoder.GetOutputWriter() is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // Resolve each component
            Span <JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent> components = _components.AsSpan(0, InitDecodeComponents(_frameHeader, scanHeader, _components));

            foreach (JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent component in components)
                if (component.QuantizationTable.IsEmpty)
                    ThrowInvalidDataException($"Quantization table of component {component.ComponentIndex} is not defined.");

            _restartInterval   = Decoder.GetRestartInterval();
            _mcusBeforeRestart = _restartInterval;
            _eobrun            = 0;

            if (components.Length == 1)
                DecodeProgressiveDataNonInterleaved(ref reader, scanHeader, components[0]);
                DecodeProgressiveDataInterleaved(ref reader, scanHeader, components);
        public void Initialize(ushort restartInterval, ushort[] subsamplingFactors)
            _restartInterval = restartInterval;

            // Make sure everything is initialized
            if (_components.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidDataException();
            foreach (ComponentInfo component in _components)
                if (!component.IsInitialized)
                    throw new InvalidDataException();

            var frameComponents = new JpegFrameComponentSpecificationParameters[_components.Length];
            var scanComponents  = new JpegScanComponentSpecificationParameters[_components.Length];

            // Special case for YCbCr.
            if (subsamplingFactors.Length == 2)
                if (frameComponents.Length != 3)
                    // YCbCr image must have 3 components.
                    throw new InvalidDataException();
                if (subsamplingFactors[0] != 1 && subsamplingFactors[0] != 2 && subsamplingFactors[0] != 4)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Subsampling factor other than 1,2,4 is not supported.");
                if (subsamplingFactors[1] != 1 && subsamplingFactors[1] != 2 && subsamplingFactors[1] != 4)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Subsampling factor other than 1,2,4 is not supported.");
                ushort maxFactor = Math.Max(subsamplingFactors[0], subsamplingFactors[1]);
                frameComponents[0] = new JpegFrameComponentSpecificationParameters(0, (byte)maxFactor, (byte)maxFactor, 0);
                frameComponents[1] = new JpegFrameComponentSpecificationParameters(1, (byte)(maxFactor / subsamplingFactors[0]), (byte)(maxFactor / subsamplingFactors[1]), 1);
                frameComponents[2] = new JpegFrameComponentSpecificationParameters(2, (byte)(maxFactor / subsamplingFactors[0]), (byte)(maxFactor / subsamplingFactors[1]), 2);
                for (int i = 0; i < frameComponents.Length; i++)
                    frameComponents[i] = new JpegFrameComponentSpecificationParameters((byte)i, 1, 1, (byte)i);

            for (int i = 0; i < scanComponents.Length; i++)
                scanComponents[i] = new JpegScanComponentSpecificationParameters((byte)i, (byte)i, (byte)i);

            _frameHeader = new JpegFrameHeader(8, 0, 0, (byte)frameComponents.Length, frameComponents);
            _scanHeader  = new JpegScanHeader((byte)scanComponents.Length, scanComponents, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        private void DecodeProgressiveDataInterleaved(ref JpegReader reader, JpegScanHeader scanHeader, Span <JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent> components)
            foreach (JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent component in components)
                if (component.DcTable is null || component.DcStatistics is null)

            JpegBlockAllocator allocator = _allocator;
            JpegBitReader      bitReader = new JpegBitReader(reader.RemainingBytes);

            int mcusPerColumn = _mcusPerColumn;
            int mcusPerLine   = _mcusPerLine;

            for (int rowMcu = 0; rowMcu < mcusPerColumn; rowMcu++)
                for (int colMcu = 0; colMcu < mcusPerLine; colMcu++)
                    foreach (JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent component in components)
                        int index   = component.ComponentIndex;
                        int h       = component.HorizontalSamplingFactor;
                        int v       = component.VerticalSamplingFactor;
                        int offsetX = colMcu * h;
                        int offsetY = rowMcu * v;

                        for (int y = 0; y < v; y++)
                            int blockOffsetY = offsetY + y;
                            for (int x = 0; x < h; x++)
                                ref JpegBlock8x8 blockRef = ref allocator.GetBlockReference(index, offsetX + x, blockOffsetY);

                                ReadBlockProgressiveDC(ref bitReader, component, scanHeader, ref blockRef);

                    if (!HandleRestart(ref bitReader, ref reader, ref scanHeader, ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(components), components.Length))
        public override void ProcessScan(ref JpegReader reader, JpegScanHeader scanHeader)
            if (scanHeader.Components is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            if (Decoder.GetOutputWriter() is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // Resolve each component
            Span <JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent> components = _components.AsSpan(0, InitDecodeComponents(_frameHeader, scanHeader, _components));

            foreach (JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent component in _components)
                if (scanHeader.StartOfSpectralSelection == 0 && scanHeader.SuccessiveApproximationBitPositionHigh == 0)
                    component.DcPredictor = 0;
                    component.DcContext   = 0;
                if (scanHeader.StartOfSpectralSelection != 0)

            _restartInterval   = Decoder.GetRestartInterval();
            _mcusBeforeRestart = _restartInterval;

            if (components.Length == 1)
                DecodeProgressiveDataNonInterleaved(ref reader, scanHeader, components[0]);
                DecodeProgressiveDataInterleaved(ref reader, scanHeader, components);
        private void DecodeProgressiveDataInterleaved(ref JpegReader reader, JpegScanHeader scanHeader, Span <JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent> components)
            JpegBlockAllocator allocator = _allocator;
            JpegBitReader      bitReader = new JpegBitReader(reader.RemainingBytes);

            int mcusPerColumn = _mcusPerColumn;
            int mcusPerLine   = _mcusPerLine;

            for (int rowMcu = 0; rowMcu < mcusPerColumn; rowMcu++)
                for (int colMcu = 0; colMcu < mcusPerLine; colMcu++)
                    foreach (JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent component in components)
                        int index   = component.ComponentIndex;
                        int h       = component.HorizontalSamplingFactor;
                        int v       = component.VerticalSamplingFactor;
                        int offsetX = colMcu * h;
                        int offsetY = rowMcu * v;

                        for (int y = 0; y < v; y++)
                            int blockOffsetY = offsetY + y;
                            for (int x = 0; x < h; x++)
                                ref JpegBlock8x8 blockRef = ref allocator.GetBlockReference(index, offsetX + x, blockOffsetY);

                                ReadBlockProgressiveDC(ref bitReader, component, scanHeader, ref blockRef);

                    if (!HandleRestart(ref bitReader, ref reader))
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected int InitDecodeComponents(JpegFrameHeader frameHeader, JpegScanHeader scanHeader, Span <JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent> components)
            Debug.Assert(!(frameHeader.Components is null));
            Debug.Assert(!(scanHeader.Components is null));

            // Compute maximum sampling factor
            int maxHorizontalSampling = 1;
            int maxVerticalSampling   = 1;

            foreach (JpegFrameComponentSpecificationParameters currentFrameComponent in frameHeader.Components !)
                maxHorizontalSampling = Math.Max(maxHorizontalSampling, currentFrameComponent.HorizontalSamplingFactor);
                maxVerticalSampling   = Math.Max(maxVerticalSampling, currentFrameComponent.VerticalSamplingFactor);

            // Resolve each component
            if (components.Length < scanHeader.NumberOfComponents)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            for (int i = 0; i < scanHeader.NumberOfComponents; i++)
                JpegScanComponentSpecificationParameters scanComponenet = scanHeader.Components ![i];
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void ProcessScan(ref JpegReader reader, JpegScanHeader scanHeader)
            JpegFrameHeader       frameHeader  = _frameHeader;
            JpegBlockOutputWriter?outputWriter = Decoder.GetOutputWriter();

            if (frameHeader.Components is null)
            if (scanHeader.Components is null)
            if (outputWriter is null)

            // Resolve each component
            Span <JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent> components = _components.AsSpan(0, InitDecodeComponents(frameHeader, scanHeader, _components));

            foreach (JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent component in _components)
                component.DcPredictor = 0;
                component.DcContext   = 0;


            // Prepare
            int           maxHorizontalSampling = _maxHorizontalSampling;
            int           maxVerticalSampling   = _maxVerticalSampling;
            int           mcusBeforeRestart     = _restartInterval;
            int           mcusPerLine           = _mcusPerLine;
            int           mcusPerColumn         = _mcusPerColumn;
            int           levelShift            = _levelShift;
            JpegBitReader bitReader             = new JpegBitReader(reader.RemainingBytes);

            // DCT Block
            JpegBlock8x8F blockFBuffer  = default;
            JpegBlock8x8F outputFBuffer = default;
            JpegBlock8x8F tempFBuffer   = default;

            JpegBlock8x8 outputBuffer;

            for (int rowMcu = 0; rowMcu < mcusPerColumn; rowMcu++)
                int offsetY = rowMcu * maxVerticalSampling;
                for (int colMcu = 0; colMcu < mcusPerLine; colMcu++)
                    int offsetX = colMcu * maxHorizontalSampling;

                    // Scan an interleaved mcu... process components in order
                    foreach (JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent component in components)
                        int index = component.ComponentIndex;
                        int h     = component.HorizontalSamplingFactor;
                        int v     = component.VerticalSamplingFactor;
                        int hs    = component.HorizontalSubsamplingFactor;
                        int vs    = component.VerticalSubsamplingFactor;

                        for (int y = 0; y < v; y++)
                            int blockOffsetY = (offsetY + y) * 8;
                            for (int x = 0; x < h; x++)
                                // Read MCU
                                outputBuffer = default;
                                ReadBlock(ref bitReader, component, ref outputBuffer);

                                // Dequantization
                                DequantizeBlockAndUnZigZag(component.QuantizationTable, ref outputBuffer, ref blockFBuffer);

                                // IDCT
                                FastFloatingPointDCT.TransformIDCT(ref blockFBuffer, ref outputFBuffer, ref tempFBuffer);

                                // Level shift
                                ShiftDataLevel(ref outputFBuffer, ref outputBuffer, levelShift);

                                // CopyToOutput
                                WriteBlock(outputWriter, ref Unsafe.As <JpegBlock8x8, short>(ref outputBuffer), index, (offsetX + x) * 8, blockOffsetY, hs, vs);

                    // Handle restart
                    if (_restartInterval > 0 && (--mcusBeforeRestart) == 0)

                        JpegMarker marker = bitReader.TryReadMarker();
                        if (marker == JpegMarker.EndOfImage)
                            int bytesConsumedEoi = reader.RemainingByteCount - bitReader.RemainingBits / 8;
                            reader.TryAdvance(bytesConsumedEoi - 2);
                        if (!marker.IsRestartMarker())
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Expect restart marker.");

                        mcusBeforeRestart = _restartInterval;

                        foreach (JpegArithmeticDecodingComponent component in components)
                            component.DcPredictor = 0;
                            component.DcContext   = 0;


            int bytesConsumed = reader.RemainingByteCount - bitReader.RemainingBits / 8;

            if (bitReader.TryPeekMarker() != 0)
                if (!bitReader.TryPeekMarker().IsRestartMarker())
                    bytesConsumed -= 2;
        public override void ProcessScan(ref JpegReader reader, JpegScanHeader scanHeader)
            if (scanHeader.Components is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            if (Decoder.GetOutputWriter() is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // Resolve each component
            Span <JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent> components = _components.AsSpan(0, InitDecodeComponents(_frameHeader, scanHeader, _components));

            foreach (JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent component in components)
                if (component.DcTable is null)
                    ThrowInvalidDataException($"Huffman table of component {component.ComponentIndex} is not defined.");

            JpegPartialScanlineAllocator allocator = _allocator;
            int mcusPerLine   = _mcusPerLine;
            int mcusPerColumn = _mcusPerColumn;

            // Prepare
            JpegBitReader bitReader         = new JpegBitReader(reader.RemainingBytes);
            int           restartInterval   = _restartInterval;
            int           mcusBeforeRestart = restartInterval;
            int           predictor         = scanHeader.StartOfSpectralSelection;
            int           initialPrediction = 1 << (_frameHeader.SamplePrecision - scanHeader.SuccessiveApproximationBitPositionLow - 1);

            for (int rowMcu = 0; rowMcu < mcusPerColumn; rowMcu++)
                for (int colMcu = 0; colMcu < mcusPerLine; colMcu++)
                    // Scan an interleaved mcu... process components in order
                    foreach (JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent component in components)
                        int index = component.ComponentIndex;
                        JpegHuffmanDecodingTable losslessTable = component.DcTable !;
                        int h       = component.HorizontalSamplingFactor;
                        int v       = component.VerticalSamplingFactor;
                        int offsetX = colMcu * h;
                        int offsetY = rowMcu * v;

                        for (int y = 0; y < v; y++)
                            Span <short> scanline = allocator.GetScanlineSpan(index, offsetY + y);

                            Span <short> lastScanline = (y == 0 && rowMcu == 0) ? default : allocator.GetScanlineSpan(index, offsetY + y - 1);

                                                        for (int x = 0; x < h; x++)
                                                            int diffValue = ReadSampleLossless(ref bitReader, losslessTable);

                                                            // The one-dimensional horizontal predictor (prediction sample Ra) is used
                                                            // for the first line of samples at the start of the scan and at the beginning of each restart interval
                                                            if (rowMcu == 0 || (restartInterval > 0 && mcusBeforeRestart == restartInterval))
                                                                // At the beginning of the first line and at the beginning of each restart interval the prediction value of 2^(P – 1) is used, where P is the input precision.
                                                                // If the point transformation parameter (see A.4) is non-zero, the prediction value at the beginning of the first lines and the beginning of each restart interval is 2^(P – Pt – 1), where Pt is the value of the point transformation parameter.
                                                                if (colMcu == 0 && x == 0)
                                                                    diffValue += initialPrediction;
                                                                    int ra = scanline[offsetX + x - 1];
                                                                    int rb = y == 0 ? initialPrediction : lastScanline[offsetX + x];
                                                                    int rc = y == 0 ? initialPrediction : lastScanline[offsetX + x - 1];
                                                                    diffValue += predictor switch
                                                                        1 => ra,                    // Px = Ra
                                                                        2 => rb,                    // Px = Rb
                                                                        3 => rc,                    // Px = Rc
                                                                        4 => ra + rb - rc,          // Px = Ra + Rb – Rc
                                                                        5 => ra + ((rb - rc) >> 1), // Px = Ra + (Rb – Rc)/2
                                                                        6 => rb + ((ra - rc) >> 1), // Px = Rb + (Ra – Rc)/2
                                                                        7 => (ra + rb) >> 1,        // Px = (Ra + Rb)/2
                                                                        _ => 0,                     // No prediction (See Annex J)
                                                            // The sample from the line above(prediction sample Rb) is used at the start of each line, except for the first line
                                                            else if (colMcu == 0)
                                                                diffValue += lastScanline[offsetX + x];
                                                                diffValue += predictor switch
                                                                    1 => scanline[offsetX + x - 1],                                                                      // Px = Ra
                                                                    2 => lastScanline[offsetX + x],                                                                      // Px = Rb
                                                                    3 => lastScanline[offsetX + x - 1],                                                                  // Px = Rc
                                                                    4 => scanline[offsetX + x - 1] + lastScanline[offsetX + x] - lastScanline[offsetX + x - 1],          // Px = Ra + Rb – Rc
                                                                    5 => scanline[offsetX + x - 1] + ((lastScanline[offsetX + x] - lastScanline[offsetX + x - 1]) >> 1), // Px = Ra + (Rb – Rc)/2
                                                                    6 => lastScanline[offsetX + x] + ((scanline[offsetX + x - 1] - lastScanline[offsetX + x - 1]) >> 1), // Px = Rb + (Ra – Rc)/2
                                                                    7 => (scanline[offsetX + x - 1] + lastScanline[offsetX + x]) >> 1,                                   // Px = (Ra + Rb)/2
                                                                    _ => 0,                                                                                              // No prediction (See Annex J)
                                                            scanline[offsetX + x] = (short)diffValue;

                    // Handle restart
                    if (restartInterval > 0 && (--mcusBeforeRestart) == 0)

                        JpegMarker marker = bitReader.TryReadMarker();
                        if (marker == JpegMarker.EndOfImage)
                            int bytesConsumedEoi = reader.RemainingByteCount - bitReader.RemainingBits / 8;
                            reader.TryAdvance(bytesConsumedEoi - 2);
                        if (!marker.IsRestartMarker())
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Expect restart marker.");

                        mcusBeforeRestart = restartInterval;

                // Flush allocator
                if (rowMcu == mcusPerColumn - 1)
                    foreach (JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent component in components)
                        allocator.FlushLastMcu(component.ComponentIndex, (rowMcu + 1) * component.VerticalSamplingFactor);
                    foreach (JpegHuffmanDecodingComponent component in components)
                        allocator.FlushMcu(component.ComponentIndex, (rowMcu + 1) * component.VerticalSamplingFactor);

            int bytesConsumed = reader.RemainingByteCount - bitReader.RemainingBits / 8;

            if (bitReader.TryPeekMarker() != 0)
                if (!bitReader.TryPeekMarker().IsRestartMarker())
                    bytesConsumed -= 2;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public abstract void ProcessScan(ref JpegReader reader, JpegScanHeader scanHeader);