Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static Collection <JournalDetail> GetJournalDetailCollection(string json)
            Collection <JournalDetail> details = new Collection <JournalDetail>();
            var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            dynamic result = jss.Deserialize <dynamic>(json);

            foreach (var item in result)
                JournalDetail detail = new JournalDetail();
                detail.StatementReference = item[0];
                detail.AccountNumber      = item[1];
                detail.Account            = item[2];
                detail.CashRepositoryCode = item[3];
                detail.CurrencyCode       = item[4];
                detail.Debit               = Conversion.TryCastDecimal(item[5]);
                detail.Credit              = Conversion.TryCastDecimal(item[6]);
                detail.ExchangeRate        = Conversion.TryCastDecimal(item[7]);
                detail.LocalCurrencyDebit  = Conversion.TryCastDecimal(item[8]);
                detail.LocalCurrencyCredit = Conversion.TryCastDecimal(item[9]);

        public ActionResult AddExpenseJournalSave(string voucherNo, int CostHeadId, DateTime voucherDate, string notes, List <JournalDetail> journalDetails, decimal TotalAmount, string ChkNo)
            JournalMaster jmaster = new JournalMaster();
            JournalDetail jd      = new JournalDetail();

            jmaster.InvoiceNo   = voucherNo;
            jmaster.LadgerDate  = voucherDate;
            jmaster.Narration   = notes;
            jmaster.TotalAmount = TotalAmount;

            jd.LedgerId   = CostHeadId;
            jd.Credit     = TotalAmount;
            jd.Credit     = 0;
            jd.ChequeNo   = ChkNo;
            jd.ChequeDate = voucherDate;
            foreach (var item in journalDetails)
                JournalDetail jdetails = new JournalDetail();

                jdetails.LedgerId   = item.LedgerId;
                jdetails.Credit     = 0;
                jdetails.Debit      = item.Credit;
                jdetails.ChequeNo   = "";
                jdetails.ChequeDate = voucherDate;

            foreach (var item in journalDetails)
                LedgerPosting lposting = new LedgerPosting();
                lposting.Credit        = item.Debit ?? 0 + item.Credit ?? 0;;
                lposting.VoucherNo     = voucherNo;
                lposting.LedgerId      = item.LedgerId;
                lposting.Debit         = 0;
                lposting.PostingDate   = voucherDate;
                lposting.ChequeDate    = DateTime.Now;
                lposting.ChequeNo      = "";
                lposting.VoucherTypeId = 4;
                lposting.Extra1        = "Voucher:" + voucherNo + " " + notes;
            LedgerPosting posting = new LedgerPosting();

            posting.ChequeDate    = DateTime.Now;
            posting.VoucherNo     = voucherNo;
            posting.ChequeNo      = "";
            posting.VoucherTypeId = 4;
            posting.LedgerId      = CostHeadId;
            posting.PostingDate   = voucherDate;
            posting.Credit        = 0;
            posting.Debit         = TotalAmount;
            posting.Extra1        = "Voucher:" + voucherNo + " " + notes;

            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void DeleteJournalDetail(JournalDetail journalDetail)
     if ((journalDetail.EntityState == EntityState.Detached))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ProxyResponse <InsertJournalResult> InsertJournal(JournalDetail journalDetail)
            _requestPrefix  = ResourceNames.Journal;
            OperationMethod = HttpMethod.Post;
            var uri = base.GetRequestUri(null);

            return(base.GetResponse <JournalDetail, InsertJournalResult>(uri, journalDetail));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ProxyResponse <UpdateJournalResult> UpdateJournal(int journalId, JournalDetail journalDetail)
            OperationMethod = HttpMethod.Put;
            _requestPrefix  = ResourceNames.Journal;
            var uri = base.GetRequestUri(journalId.ToString());

            return(base.GetResponse <JournalDetail, UpdateJournalResult>(uri, journalDetail));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void CreateJournals()
            var proxy = new JournalProxy();

            var journal1 = new JournalDetail
                TransactionDate = DateTime.Now,
                Summary         = string.Format("test Summary_{0}", _testIdentifier),
                Currency        = "AUD",
                Items           = new List <JournalItem>
                    new JournalItem
                        AccountId = _assetAccountId,
                        Type      = "debit",
                        Amount    = 10.00M
                    new JournalItem
                        AccountId = _liabilityAccountId,
                        Type      = "credit",
                        Amount    = 10.00M

            var journal2 = new JournalDetail
                TransactionDate = DateTime.Now,
                Summary         = string.Format("test Summary_{0}", _testIdentifier),
                Currency        = "AUD",
                Items           = new List <JournalItem>
                    new JournalItem
                        AccountId = _assetAccountId,
                        Type      = "debit",
                        Amount    = 10.00M
                    new JournalItem
                        AccountId = _liabilityAccountId,
                        Type      = "credit",
                        Amount    = 10.00M

            //Create journals.
            _DeletedJournalTranId    = proxy.InsertJournal(journal1).DataObject.InsertedEntityId;
            _NotDeletedJournalTranId = proxy.InsertJournal(journal2).DataObject.InsertedEntityId;

            //Delete only first journal.
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult JournalSave(string voucherNo, DateTime voucherDate, string notes, List <JournalRequest> ledgerPosting)
            string invoiceNumber = DateTime.Now.Year +
                                   new GlobalClass().GetMaxId("Id", "LedgerPosting");

            voucherNo = "JV" + invoiceNumber;
            JournalMaster jmaster = new JournalMaster();

            jmaster.InvoiceNo   = voucherNo;
            jmaster.VoucherNo   = voucherNo;
            jmaster.LadgerDate  = voucherDate;
            jmaster.Narration   = notes;
            jmaster.TotalAmount = ledgerPosting.Where(a => a.DrOrCr == "Dr").Sum(a => a.Amount);

            foreach (var item in ledgerPosting)
                JournalDetail jdetails = new JournalDetail();

                jdetails.LedgerId = item.LedgerId;
                jdetails.ChequeNo = item.ChequeNo;

                //ledger posting
                LedgerPosting ledgersave = new LedgerPosting();
                ledgersave.VoucherTypeId = (int)BAL.VoucherTypeEnum.JournalVoucher;
                ledgersave.VoucherNo     = voucherNo;
                ledgersave.InvoiceNo     = voucherNo;
                ledgersave.Extra1        = notes;
                ledgersave.LedgerId      = item.LedgerId;
                int a = ledgersave.LedgerId ?? 0;
                if (item.DrOrCr == "Dr")
                    ledgersave.Debit  = item.Amount;
                    ledgersave.Credit = 0;
                    jdetails.Debit    = item.Amount;
                    ledgersave.Credit = item.Amount;
                    ledgersave.Debit  = 0;
                    jdetails.Credit   = item.Amount;
                ledgersave.InvoiceNo   = voucherNo;
                ledgersave.ChequeNo    = item.ChequeNo;
                ledgersave.PostingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(voucherDate);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ChequeDate))
                    ledgersave.ChequeDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.ChequeDate);
                    jdetails.ChequeDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(item.ChequeDate);
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void InsertJournalDetail(JournalDetail journalDetail)
     if ((journalDetail.EntityState != EntityState.Detached))
         this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(journalDetail, EntityState.Added);
        public static List <JournalDetail> GetJournalDetail(int JournalID, string type)
            List <JournalDetail> jdList = new List <JournalDetail>();

                string strErr = "";
                CRSDAL dal    = new CRSDAL();
                dal.AddParameter("p_JournalId", JournalID, ParameterDirection.Input);

                DataSet dstOutPut = dal.ExecuteSelect("spTallyGet_JournalDetail_Kabra", CommandType.StoredProcedure, 0, ref strErr, "p_ErrMessage", false, "", false);

                if (dstOutPut != null && dstOutPut.Tables != null && dstOutPut.Tables.Count > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dstOutPut.Tables.Count; j++)
                        if (dstOutPut.Tables[j] != null && dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows != null && dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows.Count; i++)
                                JournalDetail jd = new JournalDetail();
                                jd.Amount      = Convert.ToDecimal(dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows[i]["amount"].ToString());
                                jd.Description = dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows[i]["description"].ToString();
                                jd.LedgerName  = dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows[i]["ledgername"].ToString();
                                jd.ClassName   = dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows[i]["classname"].ToString();
                                jd.IsDebit     = Convert.ToInt16(dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows[i]["isdebit"].ToString());
                                jd.LedgerId    = Convert.ToInt32(dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows[i]["accsysledgerid"].ToString());
                                jd.ClassId     = Convert.ToInt32(dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows[i]["accsysclassid"].ToString());
                                jd.JournalId   = Convert.ToInt32(dstOutPut.Tables[j].Rows[i]["voucherjournalid"].ToString());

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.WriteLog("AccountingAPI", "GetJournalDetail", ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public JournalDetail Save(JournalDetail JDetails)
            var max = journalDetails.LastRow().OrderByDescending(a => a.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (max == null)
                JDetails.Id = 1;
                JDetails.Id = max.Id + 1;
            int value = int.Parse(journalMaster.LastRow().OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Select(r => r.Id).First().ToString());

            JDetails.JournalMasterId = value;

            var result = journalDetails.Save(JDetails);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void CreateTestJournals()
            var tran1 = new JournalDetail
                TransactionDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Items           = new List <JournalItem>
                    new JournalItem
                        Type      = "Debit",
                        AccountId = _assetAccountId,
                        TaxCode   = "G1",
                        Amount    = 10.00M
                    new JournalItem
                        Type      = "Credit",
                        AccountId = _expenseAccountId,
                        TaxCode   = "G1",
                        Amount    = 10.00M
                Summary          = "test journal 1",
                Currency         = "AUD",
                Reference        = "123",
                JournalContactId = _contactId1,
                Tags             = new List <string> {
                    "test tag 1, test tag 2"

            var tran2 = new JournalDetail
                TransactionDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5),
                Items           = new List <JournalItem>
                    new JournalItem
                        Type      = "Debit",
                        AccountId = _assetAccountId,
                        TaxCode   = "G1,G2",
                        Amount    = 20.00M
                    new JournalItem
                        Type      = "Credit",
                        AccountId = _expenseAccountId,
                        TaxCode   = "G1",
                        Amount    = 20.00M
                Summary          = "test journal 2",
                Currency         = "AUD",
                Reference        = "456",
                JournalContactId = _contactId2,
                Tags             = new List <string> {
                    "test tag 1, test tag 2"

            var tran3 = new JournalDetail
                TransactionDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-10),
                Items           = new List <JournalItem>
                    new JournalItem
                        Type      = "Debit",
                        AccountId = _assetAccountId,
                        TaxCode   = "G1,G2",
                        Amount    = 20.00M
                    new JournalItem
                        Type      = "Credit",
                        AccountId = _expenseAccountId,
                        TaxCode   = "G1",
                        Amount    = 20.00M
                Summary          = "test journal 3",
                Currency         = "AUD",
                Reference        = "456",
                JournalContactId = _contactId2,
                Tags             = new List <string> {
                    "test tag 1, test tag 2"

            _testJournalTranId1 = new JournalProxy().InsertJournal(tran1).DataObject.InsertedEntityId;
            _testJournalTranId2 = new JournalProxy().InsertJournal(tran2).DataObject.InsertedEntityId;
            _testJournalTranId3 = new JournalProxy().InsertJournal(tran2).DataObject.InsertedEntityId;
        public async Task <VoucherDetailEntityModel> AddVoucherDetail(AddVoucherDetailCommand request)
                request.TimezoneOffset = request.TimezoneOffset > 0 ? request.TimezoneOffset * -1 : Math.Abs(request.TimezoneOffset.Value);

                DateTime filterVoucherDate = request.VoucherDate.AddMinutes(request.TimezoneOffset.Value);

                Task <List <CurrencyDetails> > currencyListTask = _dbContext.CurrencyDetails.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToListAsync();

                if (request.IsExchangeGainLossVoucher)
                    request.VoucherDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                Task <List <ExchangeRateDetail> > exchangeRatePresentTask = _dbContext.ExchangeRateDetail.Where(x => x.Date.Date == request.VoucherDate.Date && x.IsDeleted == false).ToListAsync();

                List <CurrencyDetails> currencyList = await currencyListTask;

                List <int> currencyIds = currencyList.Select(x => x.CurrencyId).ToList();

                string currencyCode = currencyList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CurrencyId == request.CurrencyId).CurrencyCode;

                List <ExchangeRateDetail> exchangeRatePresent = await exchangeRatePresentTask;

                if (!CheckExchangeRateIsPresent(currencyIds, exchangeRatePresent))
                    throw new Exception(StaticResource.ExchagneRateNotDefined);

                var officeDetail = await _dbContext.OfficeDetail.FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.OfficeId == request.OfficeId); //use OfficeCode

                if (officeDetail == null)
                    throw new Exception(StaticResource.officeCodeNotFound);

                Task <FinancialYearDetail> financialYearTask  = _dbContext.FinancialYearDetail.FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.IsDefault);
                Task <CurrencyDetails>     currencyDetailTask = _dbContext.CurrencyDetails.FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.CurrencyId == request.CurrencyId);

                // NOTE: Dont remove this as we will need journal details in response
                Task <JournalDetail> journaldetailTask = _dbContext.JournalDetail.FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.JournalCode == request.JournalCode);
                int voucherCount = await _dbContext.VoucherDetail.Where(x => x.VoucherDate.Month == request.VoucherDate.Month && x.VoucherDate.Year == filterVoucherDate.Year && x.OfficeId == request.OfficeId && x.CurrencyId == request.CurrencyId).CountAsync();

                FinancialYearDetail financialYear = await financialYearTask;

                if (financialYear == null)
                    throw new Exception(StaticResource.defaultFinancialYearIsNotSet);

                CurrencyDetails currencyDetail = await currencyDetailTask;

                if (currencyDetail == null)
                    throw new Exception(StaticResource.CurrencyNotFound);

                JournalDetail journaldetail = await journaldetailTask;

                VoucherDetail obj = _mapper.Map <VoucherDetail>(request);
                obj.JournalCode     = journaldetail != null ? journaldetail.JournalCode : request.JournalCode;
                obj.FinancialYearId = financialYear.FinancialYearId;
                obj.CreatedById     = request.CreatedById;
                obj.VoucherDate     = request.VoucherDate;
                obj.CreatedDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                obj.IsDeleted       = false;

                // Pattern: Office Code - Currency Code - Month Number - voucher count on selected month - Year
                string referenceNo = AccountingUtility.GenerateVoucherReferenceCode(request.VoucherDate, voucherCount, currencyDetail.CurrencyCode, officeDetail.OfficeCode);

                int sameVoucherReferenceNoCount = 0;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceNo))
                        sameVoucherReferenceNoCount = await _dbContext.VoucherDetail.Where(x => x.ReferenceNo == referenceNo).CountAsync();

                        if (sameVoucherReferenceNoCount == 0)
                            obj.ReferenceNo = referenceNo;
                            //DO NOT REMOVE: This is used to get the latest voucher and then we will get the count of vouhcer sequence from it
                            // VoucherDetail voucherDetail = _dbContext.VoucherDetail.OrderByDescending(x => x.VoucherDate).FirstOrDefault(x => x.VoucherDate.Month == filterVoucherDate.Month && x.OfficeId == request.OfficeId && x.VoucherDate.Year == filterVoucherDate.Year);

                            var refNo = referenceNo.Split('-');
                            int count = Convert.ToInt32(refNo[3]);
                            referenceNo = AccountingUtility.GenerateVoucherReferenceCode(request.VoucherDate, count, currencyCode, officeDetail.OfficeCode);
                    }while (sameVoucherReferenceNoCount != 0);

                await _dbContext.VoucherDetail.AddAsync(obj);

                await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                VoucherDetailEntityModel voucherModel = _mapper.Map <VoucherDetail, VoucherDetailEntityModel>(obj);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        public int SaveJournalData(JournalForm JForm)
            int     autoId = 0;
            Journal obj    = new Journal();

            obj.J_No   = JForm.JournalData.JournalNo;
            obj.J_Date = JForm.JournalData.JournalDate;
                using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM())
                    if (entities.Journals.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == JForm.JournalData.ID) == null)
                        //obj.CreatedBy = invoiceData.SIModel.CreatedBy;
                        obj.J_CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                        autoId = obj.ID;
                        // obj.ModifiedBy = invoiceData.SIModel.ModifiedBy;
                        obj.J_ModifiedDate        = DateTime.Now;
                        entities.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        autoId = entities.SaveChanges();
                    JForm.JournalData.ID = autoId;

                    if (autoId > 0)
                        JournalDetail obj1;
                        if (JForm.JournalaDataDetails != null)
                            foreach (JournalFormEntity JEntity  in JForm.JournalaDataDetails)
                                //save entity value
                                obj1            = new JournalDetail();
                                obj1.Acc_ID     = JEntity.ID;
                                obj1.JO_ID_     = autoId;
                                obj1.JO_No      = JForm.JournalData.JournalNo;
                                obj1.JO_Date    = JForm.JournalData.JournalDate;
                                obj1.JO_Debit_  = JEntity.Debit;
                                obj1.JO_Credit_ = JEntity.Credit;

                                if (entities.JournalDetails.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == JEntity.ID) == null)
                                    entities.Entry(obj1).State = EntityState.Modified;
            catch (Exception ex)

                throw ex;

            //return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Update a General Ledger Journal after editing.
        /// </summary>
        public AjaxReturn DocumentSave(JournalDocument json)
            Extended_Document document = json.header;
            JObject           oldDoc   = getCompleteDocument(document.idDocument);

            checkDocType(document.DocumentTypeId, DocType.GeneralJournal);
            decimal total = 0, vat = 0;
            int     lineNum = 1;

            Settings.RegisterNumber(this, (int?)DocType.GeneralJournal, Utils.ExtractNumber(document.DocumentIdentifier));
            // Find any existing VAT record
            Journal vatJournal = Database.QueryOne <Journal>("SELECT * FROM Journal WHERE DocumentId = " + document.idDocument
                                                             + " AND AccountId = " + (int)Acct.VATControl + " ORDER BY JournalNum DESC");
            JournalDetail vatDetail = null;

            if (vatJournal.idJournal != null)
                Database.Delete("Journal", (int)vatJournal.idJournal, false);
            foreach (JournalDetail detail in json.detail)
                if (detail.AccountId == 0)
                    Utils.Check(detail.Amount == 0, "All lines must be allocated to an account");
                total += detail.Amount;
                if (detail.AccountId == (int)Acct.VATControl)
                    // Vat has to all be posted on the last line
                    vatDetail = detail;
                    vat      += detail.Amount;
                // Get existing journal (if any)
                Journal journal = Database.Get(new Journal()
                    DocumentId = (int)document.idDocument,
                    JournalNum = lineNum
                detail.Id         = journal.Id;
                detail.DocumentId = (int)document.idDocument;
                detail.JournalNum = lineNum;
                if (detail.NameAddressId == null || detail.NameAddressId == 0)
                    detail.NameAddressId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detail.Name) ?
                                           1 :
                                                               "Type", "O",
                                                               "Name", detail.Name);
                // Change outstanding by the change in the amount
                detail.Outstanding = journal.Outstanding + detail.Amount - journal.Amount;
                if (lineNum > 1)
                    // Create a dummy line record
                    Line line = new Line()
                        idLine     = detail.idJournal,
                        Qty        = 0,
                        LineAmount = -detail.Amount,
                        VatCodeId  = null,
                        VatRate    = 0,
                        VatAmount  = 0
            Utils.Check(total == 0, "Journal does not balance by {0}", total);
            // Delete any lines and journals that were in the old version, but not in the new
            Database.Execute("DELETE FROM Line WHERE idLine IN (SELECT idJournal FROM Journal WHERE DocumentId = " + document.idDocument + " AND JournalNum >= " + lineNum + ")");
            Database.Execute("DELETE FROM Journal WHERE DocumentId = " + document.idDocument + " AND JournalNum >= " + lineNum);
            if (vat != 0 || vatJournal.idJournal != null)
                // There is, or was, a posting to vat
                decimal changeInVatAmount = vat - vatJournal.Amount;
                vatJournal.DocumentId = (int)document.idDocument;
                vatJournal.AccountId  = (int)Acct.VATControl;
                if (vatDetail != null)
                    if ((vatDetail.NameAddressId == null || vatDetail.NameAddressId == 0) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vatDetail.Name))
                        vatJournal.NameAddressId = Database.ForeignKey("NameAddress",
                                                                       "Type", "O",
                                                                       "Name", vatDetail.Name);
                        vatJournal.NameAddressId = vatDetail.NameAddressId;
                if (vatJournal.NameAddressId == null || vatJournal.NameAddressId == 0)
                    vatJournal.NameAddressId = 1;
                vatJournal.Memo         = "Total VAT";
                vatJournal.JournalNum   = lineNum++;
                vatJournal.Amount       = vat;
                vatJournal.Outstanding += changeInVatAmount;
            // Audit the change
            JObject newDoc = getCompleteDocument(document.idDocument);

            Database.AuditUpdate("Document", document.idDocument, oldDoc, newDoc);
            Settings.RegisterNumber(this, document.DocumentTypeId, Utils.ExtractNumber(document.DocumentIdentifier));
            return(new AjaxReturn()
                message = "Journal saved", id = document.idDocument
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public bool PostIncomeTax(string taxOfficeAccountNumber, string taxExpensesAccountNumber, int costCenterId,
                                  string referenceNumber, string statementReference)
            bool isAdmin = AppUsers.GetCurrent().View.IsAdmin.ToBool();

            if (!isAdmin)
                throw new MixERPException(Warnings.AccessIsDenied);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(taxOfficeAccountNumber) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(taxExpensesAccountNumber))
                throw new MixERPException(Warnings.InvalidAccount);

            string catalog      = AppUsers.GetCurrentUserDB();
            int    officeId     = AppUsers.GetCurrent().View.OfficeId.ToInt();
            int    userId       = AppUsers.GetCurrent().View.UserId.ToInt();
            long   loginId      = AppUsers.GetCurrent().View.LoginId.ToLong();
            string currencyCode = AppUsers.GetCurrent().View.CurrencyCode;

            decimal tax = this.GetEoyProfitSummary().Tax;

            if (tax <= 0)

            DateTime valueDate = DatePersister.GetFrequencyDates(catalog, officeId).Today;
            DateTime eoyDate   = DatePersister.GetFrequencyDates(catalog, officeId).FiscalYearEndDate;

            if (valueDate != eoyDate)
                throw new MixERPException(Warnings.AccessIsDenied);

            DateTime bookDate = valueDate;

            Collection <JournalDetail> details = new Collection <JournalDetail>();

            JournalDetail liability = new JournalDetail
                Account             = string.Empty,
                AccountNumber       = taxOfficeAccountNumber,
                Credit              = tax,
                Debit               = 0,
                CashRepositoryCode  = string.Empty,
                CurrencyCode        = currencyCode,
                ExchangeRate        = 1,
                LocalCurrencyCredit = tax,
                LocalCurrencyDebit  = 0,
                StatementReference  = statementReference

            JournalDetail expenses = new JournalDetail
                Account             = string.Empty,
                AccountNumber       = taxExpensesAccountNumber,
                Credit              = 0,
                Debit               = tax,
                CashRepositoryCode  = string.Empty,
                CurrencyCode        = currencyCode,
                ExchangeRate        = 1,
                LocalCurrencyCredit = 0,
                LocalCurrencyDebit  = tax,
                StatementReference  = statementReference


            Transaction.Add(catalog, valueDate, bookDate, officeId, userId, loginId, costCenterId,
                            referenceNumber, details, new Collection <Attachment>());

Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void UpdateJournalDetail(JournalDetail currentJournalDetail)
     this.ObjectContext.JournalDetail.AttachAsModified(currentJournalDetail, this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(currentJournalDetail));