Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static Table JoinInternal(MetadataHelper helper, string ForeignKeyField, Join.JoinTypes JoinType)
            MetadataColumn FromField = null;

            if (!helper.Model.Columns.TryGetValue(ForeignKeyField, out FromField))
                throw new ArgumentException("The Field " + ForeignKeyField + " was not found", "FromField");
            List <MetadataForeignKey> Fks = new List <MetadataForeignKey>(helper.Model.FindForeignKeys(FromField));

            if (Fks.Count != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("The Field " + ForeignKeyField + " points to more than one table", "FromField");
            MetadataForeignKey FK      = Fks.First();
            string             table   = FK.ReferencedSchema + "." + FK.ReferencedTable;
            MetadataTable      ToTable = helper.Table.Builder.Metadata.FindTable(table);

            if (ToTable == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The table '" + table + "' was not found in metadata");
            JoinConditionGroup jcg = To(helper.Table.Builder, helper.Table, helper.Model, FromField, ToTable, JoinType, true);

            Table toTable = jcg.ToTable();

            if (FromField.IncludeColumns != null)
                foreach (string include in FromField.IncludeColumns)
                    string iName  = include;
                    string iAlias = null;
                    if (include.IndexOf('=') > 0)
                        iName  = include.Split('=')[0];
                        iAlias = include.Split('=')[1];
                        iAlias = FromField.Name + "_" + iName;
                    toTable.Column(iName, iAlias);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static JoinConditionGroup To(SqlBuilder Builder, Table FromSqlTable, MetadataTable FromTable, MetadataColumn FromField, MetadataTable ToTable, Join.JoinTypes JoinType, bool PreferForeignKeyOverPrimaryKey = true)
            MetadataDatabase          mdb = Builder.Metadata;
            List <MetadataForeignKey> Fks = null;
            MetadataForeignKey        FK  = null;
            Join j = null;
            MetadataColumnReference mcr = null;
            JoinConditionGroup      jcg = null;

            if (FromField.IsPrimaryKey)
                if (!FromField.IsForeignKey || !PreferForeignKeyOverPrimaryKey)
                    Fks = ToTable.ForeignKeys.Values.Where(x => x.ReferencedTable.Equals(FromTable.Name) && x.ReferencedSchema.Equals(FromTable.Schema) && x.ColumnReferences.Any(y => y.ReferencedColumn.Equals(FromField))).ToList();
                    if (Fks.Count != 1)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The column '{0}' is referenced by {1} keys in the table {2}. Expected 1. Make the join manually",
                                                                          FromField.Name, Fks.Count, ToTable.Fullname));
                    FK = Fks.First();
                    j  = SqlStatementExtensions.MakeJoin(JoinType, FromSqlTable, ToTable.Name, null, ToTable.Schema.Equals("dbo") ? null : ToTable.Schema);

                    mcr = FK.ColumnReferences.First();
                    jcg = j.On(FromField.Name, SqlOperators.Equal, mcr.Name);
            if (FromField.IsForeignKey)
                Fks = new List <MetadataForeignKey>(FromTable.FindForeignKeys(FromField, ToTable.Name));
                if (Fks.Count != 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The column '{0}' resolves to {1} keys in the table {2}. Expected 1. Make the join manually",
                                                                      FromField.Name, Fks.Count, ToTable.Fullname));
                FK  = Fks.First();
                j   = SqlStatementExtensions.MakeJoin(JoinType, FromSqlTable, ToTable.Name, null, ToTable.Schema.Equals("dbo") ? null : ToTable.Schema);
                mcr = FK.ColumnReferences.First();
                jcg = j.On(FromField.Name, SqlOperators.Equal, mcr.ReferencedColumn.Name);

                if (FK.ColumnReferences.Count > 1)
                    foreach (MetadataColumnReference mcr2 in FK.ColumnReferences.Skip(1))
                        if (mcr2.Name.StartsWith("\""))
                            // its a value reference
                            // jcg.And(FK.ReferencedTable, mcr2.ReferencedColumn.Name, SqlOperators.Equal, mcr2.Name.Trim('\"'),null);

                            decimal d;
                            object  o;
                            if (decimal.TryParse(mcr2.Name.Trim('\"'), out d))
                                o = d;
                                o = (object)mcr2.Name.Trim('\"');

                            jcg.And(mcr2.ReferencedColumn.Name, SqlOperators.Equal, o, null);
                            jcg.And(mcr2.Column.Name, SqlOperators.Equal, mcr2.ReferencedColumn.Name);
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The Column '{0}' in the table '{1}' must be a foreign key or primary key", FromField.Name, FromTable.Fullname), "FromField");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static Table JoinInternal(MetadataHelper helper, string Totable, string ToSchema, Join.JoinTypes JoinType)
            if (helper.Model.PrimaryKey.Columns.Count != 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Only tables with one primary key field is supported");
            MetadataColumn     FromField = helper.Model.PrimaryKey.Columns.First();
            MetadataTable      mt        = helper.Table.Builder.Metadata.FindTable(ToSchema + "." + Totable);
            JoinConditionGroup jcg       = To(helper.Table.Builder, helper.Table, helper.Model, FromField, mt, JoinType, false);
