public override string ToPresentation(JobMode jobMode, Characteristic characteristic) { // TODO: DO NOT hardcode Characteristic suffix var id = characteristic.Id; var type = characteristic.DeclaringType.FullName; var value = SourceCodeHelper.ToSourceCode(characteristic[jobMode]); return $"{type}.{id}Characteristic[job] = {value}"; }
public override string ToPresentation(JobMode jobMode, Characteristic characteristic) { if (!jobMode.HasValue(characteristic)) return "Default"; var value = characteristic[jobMode]; return (value as IFormattable)?.ToString(null, HostEnvironmentInfo.MainCultureInfo) ?? value?.ToString() ?? ""; }
private void CopyAs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_listBoxLayerSettings.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } try { JobMode Mode = (JobMode)m_listBoxLayerSettings.SelectedItem; if (Mode != null) { List <string> ExistModes = new List <string>(); foreach (JobMode item in m_LayerSettings.Items) { ExistModes.Add(item.Name); } NameEdit Form = new NameEdit(ExistModes); Form.Text = ResString.GetResString("Add_Mode"); if (DialogResult.OK == Form.ShowDialog()) { JobMode newMode = new JobMode(); newMode.Name = Form.Input; newMode.Item = Mode.Item.Clone(); newMode.LayerNum = Mode.LayerNum; newMode.LayerColorArray = Mode.LayerColorArray; newMode.SpotColor1Mask = Mode.SpotColor1Mask; m_LayerSettings.Items.Add(newMode); Bind(); m_listBoxLayerSettings.SelectedIndex = m_listBoxLayerSettings.Items.Count - 1; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to save the config:" + ex.Message); } }
private static void AssertProperties(JobMode obj, string properties) => Equal(JobMode.IdCharacteristic.ResolveValueCore(obj, null), properties);
public void addEntry(JobMode mode, string fullFileName) { FileTransferEntry entry = new FileTransferEntry(mode, fullFileName); int top = 0; this.mPanel.Parent.Visible = true; entry.addToPanel(this.mPanel, mNextTop, out top); mNextTop = top; Debug.WriteLine("nextTop=" + mNextTop); mBox.AppendText("add: nextTop=" + mNextTop + " pos=" + entry.getPanelPosition().Y + " height=" + mPanel.Height + " \n"); alFileList.Add(entry); mPanel.Refresh(); mPanel.ResumeLayout(); }
public FileTransferPanel(JobMode mode, Panel parent, RichTextBox box) { mMode = mode; mPanel = parent; mBox = box; }
//EventHandler handler public FileTransferEntry(JobMode mode, string fullFileName) { _mode = mode; setFileInfo(fullFileName); _pnlFileEntry = new Panel(); _pnlFileEntry.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaption; _lblFileStatus = new Label(); _lblFileStatus.Text = _fileName + "\n" + MSG_FILE_WAITING; _pgbFileStatus = new ProgressBar(); if (mode == JobMode.Receive) { _btnOk = new Button(); _btnCancel = new Button(); } else { } _status = FileStatus.Wait; }
public override string ToPresentation(JobMode jobMode, Characteristic characteristic) { return jobMode.HasValue(characteristic) ? FolderNameHelper.ToFolderName(characteristic[jobMode]) : "Default"; }
public abstract string ToPresentation(JobMode jobMode, Characteristic characteristic);