public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly var cessna = new Cessna(); var archer = new PiperArcher(); var airVehicles = new List <IAircraft> { cessna, archer }; // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (var aircraft in airVehicles) { aircraft.Start(); aircraft.Fly(); aircraft.Stop(); Console.ReadLine(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads var motorcycle = new Motorcycle(); var ambulance = new Ambulance(); var landVehicles = new List <ILandCraft> { motorcycle, ambulance }; // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (var vehicle in landVehicles) { vehicle.Start(); vehicle.Drive(); vehicle.Stop(); Console.ReadLine(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water var jetSki = new JetSki(); var ferry = new Ferry(); var waterVehicles = new List <IWaterCraft> { ferry, jetSki }; // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (var waterCraft in waterVehicles) { waterCraft.Start(); waterCraft.Drive(); waterCraft.Stop(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public static void Main() { List <IWaterVehicle> waterVehicles = new List <IWaterVehicle>(); MasterCraft myBoat = new MasterCraft(10, "good transmission", 68.0, 87.0); Pontoon mySlowBoat = new Pontoon(16, "old transmission", 44.0, 13.0); JetSki mySpeedBoat = new JetSki(2, "awesome transmission", 30.0, 100.99); waterVehicles.Add(myBoat); waterVehicles.Add(mySlowBoat); waterVehicles.Add(mySpeedBoat); waterVehicles.ForEach(vehicle => { vehicle.Start(); vehicle.Drive(); vehicle.Stop(); }); // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() }
/// <summary> /// Form1 class /// </summary> public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); WaterCraft jetski = new JetSki(); jetski = new TrailerDecorater(jetski); Console.WriteLine(jetski.Description); Console.WriteLine("Price: {0}", jetski.RetailPrice); #region [Panels] PHome.Visible = true; PanelInvent.Visible = false; PanelViewInventory.Visible = false; #endregion #region [Populate list box with inventory] Inventory.Add("Canoes", new List <WaterCraft>()); Inventory["Canoes"].Add(new Canoe("C-5001", 9000, "Adventure 16", Canoe.CBrand.Blue_Water_Canoe, Canoe.CType.Classic_Wood, Canoe.PType.Lakewater)); Inventory["Canoes"].Add(new Canoe("C-5001", 7000, "Winter Odyssey", Canoe.CBrand.Mad_River_Canoe, Canoe.CType.Expendtion, Canoe.PType.Recreational)); Inventory["Canoes"].Add(new Canoe("CA-1000", 8500, "Trek - 14", Canoe.CBrand.Mohawk_Canoe, Canoe.CType.Recreation, Canoe.PType.Recreational)); Inventory["Canoes"].Add(new Canoe("CZ- 01", 9500, "T90 Z", Canoe.CBrand.Clipper_Canoe, Canoe.CType.Sporting, Canoe.PType.Whitewater)); Inventory.Add("Sailing Yachts", new List <WaterCraft>()); Inventory["Sailing Yachts"].Add(new SailingYacht("SY-550", "Testing Sailing Yachts 1", 25, 10000, 15000, SailingYacht.SYType.Cruising, SailingYacht.SYBrand.Catalina)); Inventory["Sailing Yachts"].Add(new SailingYacht("SY-800", "Beery Racing", SailingYacht.SYBrand.LaurieDavidson, SailingYacht.SYType.Racing, 50000)); Inventory["Sailing Yachts"].Add(new SailingYacht("SY-990", "Bling Bling", SailingYacht.SYBrand.Sydney, SailingYacht.SYType.Luxury, 100000)); Inventory["Sailing Yachts"].Add(new SailingYacht("SA-000", "Wind Chaser SZ", SailingYacht.SYBrand.Farr, SailingYacht.SYType.Weekender, 30000)); Inventory.Add("Motor Yachts", new List <WaterCraft>()); Inventory["Motor Yachts"].Add(new MotorYacht("MY-3000", 30000, "YST MAX", MotorYacht.MYBrand.Lazzarra, MotorYacht.MYType.Sport_Fishing, 5, 10)); Inventory["Motor Yachts"].Add(new MotorYacht("MY-5000", 500000, "World Lux -30W", MotorYacht.MYBrand.Royal_Huisman, MotorYacht.MYType.Luxury, 10, 25)); Inventory["Motor Yachts"].Add(new MotorYacht("MZ-2000", 40999, "A-9000", MotorYacht.MYBrand.Azimut, MotorYacht.MYType.Sport_Fishing, 2, 3)); Inventory.Add("Jet Skis", new List <WaterCraft>()); Inventory["Jet Skis"].Add(new JetSki("JS-550", 5000, "Ultra 310R", JetSki.JSBrand.Yamaha, JetSki.JStype.ThreeSeater, 925, 40, 5)); Inventory["Jet Skis"].Add(new JetSki("JS-900", 8000, "Sun LX", JetSki.JSBrand.Honda, JetSki.JStype.FourSeater, 800, 55, 5)); Inventory["Jet Skis"].Add(new JetSki("JS-900", 10000, "STX - 15F", JetSki.JSBrand.Kawasaki, JetSki.JStype.SportCraft, 957, 60, 5)); Inventory["Jet Skis"].Add(new JetSki("JA-94A", 2000, "JS Bling", JetSki.JSBrand.Polaris, JetSki.JStype.SoloCraft, 875, 45, 10)); #endregion #region [Total retail price and water crafts in inventory labels] decimal totalPrice = 0m; int totalCount = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <WaterCraft> > kvp in Inventory) { foreach (WaterCraft w in kvp.Value) { totalPrice += w.RetailPrice; } totalCount += kvp.Value.Count; } LabelTotalPrice.Text = totalPrice.ToString("c0"); LabelTotalCount.Text = totalCount.ToString(); #endregion }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly Cessna plane = new Cessna(); Jet plane2 = new Jet(); List <IAirbased> airList = new List <IAirbased>(); airList.Add(plane); airList.Add(plane2); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (var item in airList) { item.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads Motorcycle bike = new Motorcycle(); Truck truck = new Truck(); List <IGroundbased> groundList = new List <IGroundbased>(); groundList.Add(bike); groundList.Add(truck); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (var item in groundList) { item.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water JetSki ski = new JetSki(); Pontoon boat = new Pontoon(); List <IWaterbased> waterList = new List <IWaterbased>(); waterList.Add(ski); waterList.Add(boat); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (var item in waterList) { item.Drive(); } }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly Cessna cess172 = new Cessna(); Cessna cessC34 = new Cessna(); Helicopter Chinook = new Helicopter(); Helicopter Iriqois = new Helicopter(); List <IFly> flying = new List <IFly>() { cess172, cessC34, Chinook, Iriqois }; // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (IFly thing in flying) { thing.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads Van Odyssey = new Van(); Van Sienna = new Van(); Motorcycle Yellow = new Motorcycle(); Motorcycle Green = new Motorcycle(); List <IGround> ground = new List <IGround>() { Odyssey, Sienna, Yellow, Green }; // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (IGround thing in ground) { thing.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water Houseboat Mine = new Houseboat(); Houseboat Yours = new Houseboat(); JetSki purple = new JetSki(); JetSki green = new JetSki(); List <IAquatic> swim = new List <IAquatic>() { Mine, Yours, purple, green }; // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (IAquatic thing in swim) { thing.Drive(); } }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() Blimp blimp1 = new Blimp(); Cessna cessna1 = new Cessna(); List <IAirBased> thingsThatFly = new List <IAirBased>(); thingsThatFly.Add(blimp1); thingsThatFly.Add(cessna1); foreach (IAirBased thing in thingsThatFly) { thing.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() Motorcycle motorcycle1 = new Motorcycle(); PickupTruck truck1 = new PickupTruck(); List <IVehicle> thingsOnRoad = new List <IVehicle>(); thingsOnRoad.Add(motorcycle1); thingsOnRoad.Add(truck1); foreach (IVehicle thing in thingsOnRoad) { thing.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() JetSki jet1 = new JetSki(); Pontoon pon1 = new Pontoon(); List <IVehicle> thingsOnWater = new List <IVehicle>(); thingsOnWater.Add(jet1); thingsOnWater.Add(pon1); foreach (IVehicle thing in thingsOnWater) { thing.Drive(); } }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly HotAirBalloon balloon1 = new HotAirBalloon(); HotAirBalloon balloon2 = new HotAirBalloon(); List <IAirbased> flyingstuff = new List <IAirbased>(); flyingstuff.Add(balloon1); flyingstuff.Add(balloon2); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (IAirbased item in flyingstuff) { item.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads Motorcycle motorcycle1 = new Motorcycle(); Motorcycle motorcycle2 = new Motorcycle(); Hatchback hondafit = new Hatchback(); Cessna planecar = new Cessna(); List <IGroundbased> groundstuff = new List <IGroundbased>(); groundstuff.Add(motorcycle1); groundstuff.Add(motorcycle2); groundstuff.Add(hondafit); groundstuff.Add(planecar); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (IGroundbased item in groundstuff) { item.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water JetSki jetski1 = new JetSki(); JetSki jetski2 = new JetSki(); List <IWaterbased> waterstuff = new List <IWaterbased>(); waterstuff.Add(jetski1); waterstuff.Add(jetski2); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (IWaterbased item in waterstuff) { item.Drive(); } }
public static void Main() { var motorcycle = new Motorcycle(); var tricycle = new Tricycle(); var jetski = new JetSki(); var submarine = new Submarine(); var cessna = new Cessna(); var paraglider = new Paraglider(); // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly var flyers = new List <IAirVehicle>(); flyers.Add(cessna); flyers.Add(paraglider); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (var plane in flyers) { plane.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads var drivers = new List <IGroundVehicle>(); drivers.Add(motorcycle); drivers.Add(tricycle); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (var ride in drivers) { ride.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water var swimmers = new List <IWaterVehicle>(); swimmers.Add(jetski); swimmers.Add(submarine); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (var fish in swimmers) { fish.Drive(); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly var jet = new Jet(200, 250, ColorOfVehicle.Silver); var helecopter = new Helecoptor(150, 4, ColorOfVehicle.Black); List <AirCraft> aircrafts = new List <AirCraft>(); aircrafts.Add(jet); aircrafts.Add(helecopter); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (var aircraft in aircrafts) { aircraft.Fly(1000); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads var fordtruck = new FordTruck(12, 5, ColorOfVehicle.Black); var fastcar = new FastCar(20, 5, ColorOfVehicle.Blue); List <Car> cars = new List <Car>(); cars.Add(fordtruck); cars.Add(fastcar); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (var car in cars) { car.Driving(50); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water var jetski = new JetSki(10, 1, ColorOfVehicle.MotherOfPearl); var boat = new Boat(0, 5, ColorOfVehicle.Blue); List <WaterCraft> watercrafts = new List <WaterCraft>(); watercrafts.Add(jetski); watercrafts.Add(boat); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (var watercraft in watercrafts) { watercraft.Driving(5); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly List <IAir> aircrafts = new List <IAir>(); C5 galaxy = new C5(); aircrafts.Add(galaxy); Cessna bird = new Cessna(); aircrafts.Add(bird); Boieng747 southwest = new Boieng747(); aircrafts.Add(southwest); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (var air in aircrafts) { air.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads List <ILand> rovers = new List <ILand>(); Motorcycle motorcycle = new Motorcycle(); StationWagon leBaron = new StationWagon(); Lancer lancer = new Lancer(); rovers.Add(motorcycle); rovers.Add(leBaron); rovers.Add(lancer); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (var rover in rovers) { rover.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water List <IWater> floats = new List <IWater>(); JetSki yamaha = new JetSki(); Speedboat smuggler = new Speedboat(); Yacht money = new Yacht(); floats.Add(yamaha); floats.Add(smuggler); floats.Add(money); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (var floaties in floats) { floaties.Drive(); } }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly List <IAirVehicle> thingsThatFly = new List <IAirVehicle>(); Cessna plane = new Cessna(); Propplane pesticide = new Propplane(); thingsThatFly.Add(plane); thingsThatFly.Add(pesticide); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (IAirVehicle flys in thingsThatFly) { flys.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads List <ILandVehicle> thingsThatDrive = new List <ILandVehicle>(); Motorcycle bike = new Motorcycle(); Ferrari coolCar = new Ferrari(); thingsThatDrive.Add(bike); thingsThatDrive.Add(coolCar); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (ILandVehicle ride in thingsThatDrive) { ride.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water List <IWaterVehicle> thingsThatSwim = new List <IWaterVehicle>(); JetSki ski = new JetSki(); SpeedBoat midlifeCrisis = new SpeedBoat(); thingsThatSwim.Add(ski); thingsThatSwim.Add(midlifeCrisis); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (IWaterVehicle swim in thingsThatSwim) { swim.Drive(); } }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly Cessna newCessna = new Cessna(); Boeing newBoeing = new Boeing(); List <IAir> airVehicles = new List <IAir>(); airVehicles.Add(newCessna); airVehicles.Add(newBoeing); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (var vehicle in airVehicles) { vehicle.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads Motorcycle newCycle = new Motorcycle(); BMW newBmw = new BMW(); List <IGround> groundVehicles = new List <IGround>(); groundVehicles.Add(newCycle); groundVehicles.Add(newBmw); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (var vehicle in groundVehicles) { vehicle.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water JetSki newJetski = new JetSki(); Yacht newYacht = new Yacht(); List <IWater> waterVehicles = new List <IWater>(); waterVehicles.Add(newJetski); waterVehicles.Add(newYacht); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (var vehicle in waterVehicles) { vehicle.Drive(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var cessna = new Cessna(); var ufo = new UFO(); var delorean = new DeLorean(); var ducati = new Ducati(); var jetski = new JetSki(); var tugboat = new Tugboat(); // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly var flyingStuff = new List <IFly> { cessna, ufo }; // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (var vehicle in flyingStuff) { vehicle.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads var roadRunners = new List <IDriver> { delorean, ducati }; // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (var roadHog in roadRunners) { roadHog.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water var waveracers = new List <ISwimmer> { jetski, tugboat }; // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (var boat in waveracers) { boat.Drive(); } }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly CessiPoo cesiOneKenobi = new CessiPoo(); Cessna plainCesna = new Cessna(); List <IFly> flyList = new List <IFly>() { cesiOneKenobi, plainCesna }; // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (IFly item in flyList) { item.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads Motorcycle CrotchRocket = new Motorcycle(); Moped SomeKindOfMoped = new Moped(); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() List <ILand> landList = new List <ILand>() { CrotchRocket, SomeKindOfMoped }; foreach (ILand item in landList) { item.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water JetSki imAwesome = new JetSki(); SailBoat superSailorMoon = new SailBoat(); List <IWater> waterList = new List <IWater>() { imAwesome, superSailorMoon }; // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (IWater item in waterList) { item.Drive(); } }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly Cessna aCessna = new Cessna(); FighterJet aFighterJet = new FighterJet(); List <IFlyer> Flyers = new List <IFlyer>(); Flyers.Add(aCessna); Flyers.Add(aFighterJet); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (var air in Flyers) { air.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads GoKart aGoKart = new GoKart(); Motorcycle aMotorcycle = new Motorcycle(); List <IDriver> Drivers = new List <IDriver>(); Drivers.Add(aGoKart); Drivers.Add(aMotorcycle); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (var road in Drivers) { road.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water Oceanliner anOceanliner = new Oceanliner(); JetSki aJetSki = new JetSki(); List <IWater> Boats = new List <IWater>(); Boats.Add(anOceanliner); Boats.Add(aJetSki); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (var water in Boats) { water.Drive(); } }
public static void Main() { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly Cessna dylan = new Cessna(); Helicopter cat = new Helicopter(); List <IFlying> flying = new List <IFlying>(); flying.Add(dylan); flying.Add(cat); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (var thing in flying) { thing.Fly(); } ; // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads Motorcycle heidi = new Motorcycle(); Car spradlin = new Car(); List <IDriving> driving = new List <IDriving>(); driving.Add(heidi); driving.Add(spradlin); // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (var thing2 in driving) { thing2.Drive(); } ; // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water JetSki edward = new JetSki(); Yacht jerry = new Yacht(); List <IMaritime> sailing = new List <IMaritime>(); sailing.Add(edward); sailing.Add(jerry); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (var thing3 in sailing) { thing3.Drive(); } ; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var jetski = new JetSki(); var houseboat = new Houseboat(); var a10warthog = new a10Warthog(); var cessna = new Cessna(); var motorcycle = new Motorcycle(); var batmobile = new Batmobile(); var landvehicles = new List <LandBased> { motorcycle, batmobile }; foreach (var type in landvehicles) { type.Drive(); } var airvehicles = new List <AirBased> { a10warthog, cessna }; foreach (var type in airvehicles) { type.Fly(); } var seavehicles = new List <SeaBased> { jetski, houseboat }; foreach (var type in seavehicles) { type.Drive(); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var jetski = new JetSki(); var waterCraft1 = new WaterCraft(jetski); waterCraft1.Move(); waterCraft1.Start(); waterCraft1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------"); var submarine = new SubMarine(); var waterCraft2 = new WaterCraft(submarine); waterCraft2.Move(); waterCraft2.Start(); waterCraft2.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------"); var cessna = new Cessna(); var airCraft1 = new AirCraft(cessna); airCraft1.Move(); airCraft1.Start(); airCraft1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------"); var airplane = new Airplane(); var airCraft2 = new AirCraft(airplane); airCraft2.Move(); airCraft2.Start(); airCraft2.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------"); var motorcycle = new Motorcycle(); var landCraft1 = new LandCraft(motorcycle); landCraft1.Move(); landCraft1.Start(); landCraft1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------"); var bike = new Bike(); var landCraft2 = new LandCraft(bike); landCraft2.Move(); landCraft2.Start(); landCraft2.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------"); // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() var airCrafts = new List <AirCraft>() { airCraft1, airCraft2 }; foreach (var airCraft in airCrafts) { airCraft.Move(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() var landCrafts = new List <LandCraft>() { landCraft1, landCraft2 }; foreach (var landCraft in landCrafts) { landCraft.Move(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() var waterCrafts = new List <WaterCraft>() { waterCraft1, waterCraft2 }; foreach (var waterCraft in waterCrafts) { waterCraft.Move(); } }
public static void Main() { // create some vehicles using the vehicle classes JetSki StriperJetSki = new JetSki(); Motorboat LargeMotorboat = new Motorboat(12); Motorboat FastMotorboat = new Motorboat(8, 6.1); Sailboat LumberingSailBoat = new Sailboat(); Motorcycle ZippyMotorcycle = new Motorcycle(); SportsCar LeMansSportsCar = new SportsCar(); SportUtilityVehicle Rover = new SportUtilityVehicle(); Cessna TravelingCessna = new Cessna(); Boeing747 AirFrance = new Boeing747(); HangGlider SeeingBrazil = new HangGlider(); // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly List <IVehicleAir> flyingVehicles = new List <IVehicleAir>() { TravelingCessna, AirFrance, SeeingBrazil }; // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly() foreach (IVehicleAir vehicle in flyingVehicles) { vehicle.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads List <IVehicleLand> landVehicles = new List <IVehicleLand>() { ZippyMotorcycle, LeMansSportsCar, Rover }; // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() foreach (IVehicleLand vehicle in landVehicles) { vehicle.Drive(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water List <IWaterDrive> waterVehicles = new List <IWaterDrive>() { StriperJetSki, LumberingSailBoat, LargeMotorboat, FastMotorboat }; // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() foreach (IWaterDrive vehicle in waterVehicles) { vehicle.Drive(); } // check to see if my overloaded constructor functions for the Motorboat class work Console.WriteLine($"LargeMotorboat passenger capacity: {LargeMotorboat.PassengerCapacity}"); Console.WriteLine($"FastMotorboat Passenger Capacity: {FastMotorboat.PassengerCapacity} Engine Volume: {FastMotorboat.EngineVolume}"); }