Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Discrete Circle vs Circle test. Very fast. Generates contact info.
        /// NOTE: check distance for collisions. If negative then a collision has occurred.
        /// This is done to remove all branches from this test and leave it to the user to decide when to branch.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CircleCircleTest(JVector centerA, float radiusA, JVector centerB, float radiusB, out JVector pointA, out JVector pointB, out JVector normal, out float distance)
            // ||A-B|| - (r1+r2) < 0
            float d = JVector.DistanceSquared(centerA, centerB);
            float r = (radiusA + radiusB);

            r *= r;

            distance = d - r;

            normal = (centerA - centerB) / d;

            // calculate closest 2 points
            pointA = JVector.Negate(normal) * radiusA + centerA;
            pointB = normal * radiusB + centerB;