Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ClientApiTsAxiosFunctionGen(Settings settings, JSOutput jsOutput) : base()
            this.settings = settings;

            string contentType = jsOutput.ContentType;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
                contentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8";

            string contentOptionsWithHeadersHandlerForString = $"{{ headers: headersHandler ? Object.assign(headersHandler(), {{ 'Content-Type': '{contentType}' }}): {{ 'Content-Type': '{contentType}' }},  responseType: 'text' }}";

            ContentOptionsForString = settings.HandleHttpRequestHeaders ? contentOptionsWithHeadersHandlerForString : $"{{ headers: {{ 'Content-Type': '{contentType}' }}, responseType: 'text' }}";

            string contentOptionsWithHeadersHandlerForResponse = $"{{ headers: headersHandler ? Object.assign(headersHandler(), {{ 'Content-Type': '{contentType}' }}): {{ 'Content-Type': '{contentType}' }}, responseType: 'text' }}";

            ContentOptionsForResponse = settings.HandleHttpRequestHeaders ? contentOptionsWithHeadersHandlerForResponse : $"{{ headers: {{ 'Content-Type': '{contentType}' }}, responseType: 'text' }}";

            string optionsWithHeadersHandlerAndContent = $"{{ headers: headersHandler ? Object.assign(headersHandler(), {{ 'Content-Type': '{contentType}' }}): {{ 'Content-Type': '{contentType}' }} }}";

            OptionsWithContent = settings.HandleHttpRequestHeaders ? optionsWithHeadersHandlerAndContent : $"{{ headers: {{ 'Content-Type': '{contentType}' }} }}";

            const string optionsWithHeadersHandlerForString = "{ headers: headersHandler ? headersHandler() : undefined, responseType: 'text' }";

            OptionsForString = settings.HandleHttpRequestHeaders ? optionsWithHeadersHandlerForString : "{ responseType: 'text' }";

            const string optionsWithHeadersHandlerForResponse = "{ headers: headersHandler ? headersHandler() : undefined, responseType: 'text' }";

            OptionsForResponse = settings.HandleHttpRequestHeaders ? optionsWithHeadersHandlerForResponse : "{ responseType: 'text' }";

            string optionsWithHeadersHandler = "{ headers: headersHandler ? headersHandler() : undefined }";

            Options = settings.HandleHttpRequestHeaders ? optionsWithHeadersHandler : "{}";
        public ClientApiTsJqFunctionGen(Settings settings, JSOutput jsOutput) : base()
            this.settings = settings;

            contentType = jsOutput.ContentType;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
                contentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8";
        readonly ClientApiTsFunctionGenAbstract apiFunctionGen;         //to be injected in ctor of derived class.

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsOutput"></param>
        /// <param name="apiFunctionGen"></param>
        /// <remarks>The client data types should better be generated through SvcUtil.exe with the DC option. The client namespace will then be the original namespace plus suffix ".client". </remarks>
        protected ControllersTsClientApiGenBase(JSOutput jsOutput, ClientApiTsFunctionGenAbstract apiFunctionGen)
            this.jsOutput       = jsOutput ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("jsOutput");
            this.apiFunctionGen = apiFunctionGen;
            this.apiSelections  = jsOutput.ApiSelections;
            TargetUnit          = new CodeCompileUnit();
            poco2TsGen          = CreatePoco2TsGen();

            TsCodeGenerationOptions options = TsCodeGenerationOptions.Instance;

            options.BracingStyle = "JS";
            options.IndentString = "\t";
            options.CamelCase    = jsOutput.CamelCase ?? false;
        ClientApiTsFunctionGenBase apiFunctionGen; //to be injected in ctor of derived class.

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="excludedControllerNames">Excluse some Api Controllers from being exposed to the client API. Each item should be fully qualified class name but without the assembly name.</param>
        /// <remarks>The client data types should better be generated through SvcUtil.exe with the DC option. The client namespace will then be the original namespace plus suffix ".client". </remarks>
        protected ControllersTsClientApiGenBase(JSOutput jsOutput, ClientApiTsFunctionGenBase apiFunctionGen)
            if (jsOutput == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("jsOutput");

            this.jsOutput       = jsOutput;
            this.apiFunctionGen = apiFunctionGen;
            this.apiSelections  = jsOutput.ApiSelections;
            TargetUnit          = new CodeCompileUnit();
            poco2TsGen          = new Poco2TsGen(TargetUnit);

            TsCodeGenerationOptions options = TsCodeGenerationOptions.Instance;

            options.BracingStyle = "JS";
            options.IndentString = "    ";
            options.CamelCase    = jsOutput.CamelCase.HasValue ? jsOutput.CamelCase.Value : false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        readonly Func <ClientApiTsFunctionGenAbstract> apiFunctionGenFactory;        //to be injected in ctor of derived class.

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsOutput"></param>
        /// <param name="apiFunctionGen"></param>
        /// <remarks>The client data types should better be generated through SvcUtil.exe with the DC option. The client namespace will then be the original namespace plus suffix ".client". </remarks>
        protected ControllersTsClientApiGenBase(Settings settings, JSOutput jsOutput, Func <ClientApiTsFunctionGenAbstract> apiFunctionGenFactory)
            this.settings = settings;
            this.jsOutput = jsOutput;
            this.apiFunctionGenFactory = apiFunctionGenFactory;
            CodeCompileUnit            = new CodeCompileUnit();
            nameComposer = new NameComposer(settings);

            TsCodeGenerationOptions options = TsCodeGenerationOptions.Instance;

            options.BracingStyle = "JS";
            options.IndentString = "\t";
            options.CamelCase    = true;

            var versionInfo = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);

            ProductName = versionInfo.ProductName;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jsOutput"></param>
 /// <remarks>The client data types should better be generated through SvcUtil.exe with the DC option. The client namespace will then be the original namespace plus suffix ".client". </remarks>
 public ControllersTsJqClientApiGen(Settings settings, JSOutput jsOutput) : base(settings, jsOutput, () => new ClientApiTsJqFunctionGen(settings, jsOutput))
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void DoWork()
            Global.AssetDescriptor asset = Asset as Global.AssetDescriptor;
            string fromAddress           = FromAddr;
            string toAddress             = ToAddr;
            string strAmount             = Amount;
            byte   toAddrVersion;
            byte   fromAddrVersion;

            if (asset == null)

            if (!Fixed8.TryParse(strAmount, out Fixed8 amount))
            if (amount == Fixed8.Zero)
            if (amount.GetData() % (long)Math.Pow(10, 8 - (Asset as Global.AssetDescriptor).Precision) != 0)

                fromAddrVersion = Wallet.GetAddressVersion(fromAddress);
                toAddrVersion   = Wallet.GetAddressVersion(toAddress);

            Transaction tx;

            if (toAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion && fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion)
                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new ContractTransaction();

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remark))
                //    attributes.Add(new TransactionAttribute
                //    {
                //        Usage = TransactionAttributeUsage.Remark,
                //        Data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(remark)
                //    });

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();
                TransactionOutput outPut = new TransactionOutput();
                outPut.ScriptHash = Wallet.ToScriptHash(toAddress);
                outPut.Value      = amount;
                outPut.AssetId    = (UInt256)asset.AssetId;
                tx.Outputs        = new TransactionOutput[1];
                tx.Outputs[0]     = outPut;
                if (tx is ContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeTransactionFrom(ctx, fromAddress);

                 * if (tx is InvocationTransaction itx)
                 * {
                 *  using (InvokeContractDialog dialog = new InvokeContractDialog(itx))
                 *  {
                 *      if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
                 *      tx = dialog.GetTransaction();
                 *  }
                 * }
            else if (fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion && toAddrVersion == Wallet.AnonymouseAddressVersion)
                UInt256 joinSplitPubKey_;
                byte[]  joinSplitPrivKey_;

                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new AnonymousContractTransaction();

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                Sodium.KeyPair keyPair;
                keyPair = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

                joinSplitPubKey_  = new UInt256(keyPair.PublicKey);
                joinSplitPrivKey_ = keyPair.PrivateKey;

                ((AnonymousContractTransaction)tx).joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey_;

                AsyncJoinSplitInfo info = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                info.vpub_old = new Fixed8(0);
                info.vpub_new = new Fixed8(0);

                JSOutput jsOut = new JSOutput(Wallet.ToPaymentAddress(toAddress), amount, (UInt256)asset.AssetId);

                info.vpub_old += amount;

                if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeTandATransaction(ctx, fromAddress, info);
                    if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx_)
                        IntPtr w = SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Create();

                        IntPtr ptrRoot = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRoot(Blockchain.Default.GetCmMerkleTree());

                        byte[] byRoot = new byte[32];
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrRoot, byRoot, 0, 32);
                        UInt256 anchor = new UInt256(byRoot);

                        tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx_, info, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)asset.AssetId, w, anchor);

                         * int dstOffset = 0;
                         * byte[] byJsBody = new byte[ctx_.byJoinSplit.GetListLength()];
                         * for (int index = 0; index < ctx_.byJoinSplit.Count; index++)
                         * {
                         *  Buffer.BlockCopy(ctx_.byJoinSplit[index], 0, byJsBody, dstOffset, ctx_.byJoinSplit[index].Length);
                         *  dstOffset += ctx_.byJoinSplit[index].Length;
                         * }
                         * UInt256 jsHash = new UInt256(Crypto.Default.Hash256(byJsBody));

                        ctx_.joinSplitSig = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPrivKey_);

                        if (!Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(ctx_.joinSplitSig, ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPubKey_.ToArray()))

            else if (fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AnonymouseAddressVersion && toAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion)
                UInt256 joinSplitPubKey_;
                byte[]  joinSplitPrivKey_;

                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new AnonymousContractTransaction();

                Fixed8 vpubNewTarget = Fixed8.Zero;
                Fixed8 totalAmount   = amount;

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                Sodium.KeyPair keyPair;
                keyPair = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

                joinSplitPubKey_  = new UInt256(keyPair.PublicKey);
                joinSplitPrivKey_ = keyPair.PrivateKey;

                ((AnonymousContractTransaction)tx).joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey_;

                // Do process the transparent outputs.
                TransactionOutput outPut = new TransactionOutput();
                outPut.ScriptHash = Wallet.ToScriptHash(toAddress);
                outPut.Value      = amount;
                outPut.AssetId    = (UInt256)asset.AssetId;
                tx.Outputs        = new TransactionOutput[1];
                tx.Outputs[0]     = outPut;

                tx.Scripts = new Witness[0];

                vpubNewTarget = amount;

                AsyncJoinSplitInfo info = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                info.vpub_old = Fixed8.Zero;
                info.vpub_new = Fixed8.Zero;

                Fixed8 jsInputValue = Fixed8.Zero;

                IntPtr ptrRoot = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRoot(Blockchain.Default.GetCmMerkleTree());

                byte[] byRoot = new byte[32];
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrRoot, byRoot, 0, 32);
                UInt256 jsAnchor = new UInt256(byRoot);

                if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeAandTTransaction(ctx, fromAddress, info);

                    IntPtr vectorWitness = SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Create();

                    int    jsIndex = 0;
                    Fixed8 current_inputed_amount = Fixed8.Zero;
                    Fixed8 rest_amount            = totalAmount;

                    for (int i = 0; i < info.vjsin.Count; i++)
                        IntPtr witness = SnarkDllApi.CmWitness_Create();

                        SnarkDllApi.SetCMWitnessFromBinary(witness, info.vjsin[i].witness, info.vjsin[i].witness.Length);
                        SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Add(vectorWitness, witness);

                        IntPtr ptrWitness = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRootFromWitness(witness);
                        byte[] byWRoot    = new byte[32];
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrRoot, byWRoot, 0, 32);
                        UInt256 wAnchor = new UInt256(byWRoot);

                        if (jsAnchor != wAnchor)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

                        current_inputed_amount += info.vjsin[i].note.value;


                        if (jsIndex == 2 && i != info.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                            jsInfo.vjsin.Add(info.vjsin[i - 1]);

                            jsInfo.notes.Add(info.notes[i - 1]);

                            rest_amount -= jsInfo.notes[0].value;
                            rest_amount -= jsInfo.notes[1].value;

                            if (rest_amount > Fixed8.Zero)
                                jsInfo.vpub_new = info.vjsin[i - 1].note.value + info.vjsin[i].note.value;
                                jsInfo.vpub_old = Fixed8.Zero;
                                //JSOutput jso = new JSOutput(Wallet.ToPaymentAddress(toAddress), jsInputedAmount, (UInt256)asset.AssetId);
                                //JSOutput jso_remain = new JSOutput(Wallet.ToPaymentAddress(fromAddress), -rest_amount, (UInt256)asset.AssetId);

                            tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)asset.AssetId, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);

                            jsIndex = 0;

                        if (i == info.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();

                            Fixed8 jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;
                            for (int ji = jsIndex - 1; ji > -1; ji--)
                                jsInfo.vjsin.Add(info.vjsin[i - ji]);
                                jsInfo.notes.Add(info.notes[i - ji]);

                                jsInputedAmount += info.notes[i - ji].value;
                                rest_amount     -= info.notes[i - ji].value;

                            if (rest_amount < Fixed8.Zero)
                                JSOutput jso_remain = new JSOutput(Wallet.ToPaymentAddress(fromAddress), -rest_amount, (UInt256)asset.AssetId);

                                jsInfo.vpub_new = jsInputedAmount + rest_amount;
                                jsInfo.vpub_old = Fixed8.Zero;


                            tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)asset.AssetId, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);

                            if (tx.Inputs == null)
                                tx.Inputs = new CoinReference[0];

                            jsIndex = 0;

                     * int dstOffset = 0;
                     * byte[] byJsBody = new byte[ctx.byJoinSplit.GetListLength()];
                     * for (int index = 0; index < ctx.byJoinSplit.Count; index++)
                     * {
                     *  Buffer.BlockCopy(ctx.byJoinSplit[index], 0, byJsBody, dstOffset, ctx.byJoinSplit[index].Length);
                     *  dstOffset += ctx.byJoinSplit[index].Length;
                     * }
                     * UInt256 jsHash = new UInt256(Crypto.Default.Hash256(byJsBody));

                    //UInt256 tmp_jsHash = ctx.JsHash;

                    ctx.joinSplitSig = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPrivKey_);

                    if (!Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(ctx.joinSplitSig, ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPubKey_.ToArray()))
            else if (fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AnonymouseAddressVersion && toAddrVersion == Wallet.AnonymouseAddressVersion)
                UInt256 joinSplitPubKey_;
                byte[]  joinSplitPrivKey_;

                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new AnonymousContractTransaction();

                Fixed8 totalAmount = amount;

                tx.Scripts = new Witness[0];

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                Sodium.KeyPair keyPair;
                keyPair = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

                joinSplitPubKey_  = new UInt256(keyPair.PublicKey);
                joinSplitPrivKey_ = keyPair.PrivateKey;

                ((AnonymousContractTransaction)tx).joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey_;

                AsyncJoinSplitInfo info = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                info.vpub_old = Fixed8.Zero;
                info.vpub_new = Fixed8.Zero;

                JSOutput jsOut = new JSOutput(Wallet.ToPaymentAddress(toAddress), amount, (UInt256)asset.AssetId);


                Fixed8 jsInputValue = Fixed8.Zero;

                IntPtr ptrRoot = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRoot(Blockchain.Default.GetCmMerkleTree());

                byte[] byRoot = new byte[32];
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrRoot, byRoot, 0, 32);
                UInt256 jsAnchor = new UInt256(byRoot);

                if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeAandATransaction(ctx, fromAddress, info);

                    IntPtr vectorWitness = SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Create();

                    int    jsIndex = 0;
                    Fixed8 current_inputed_amount = Fixed8.Zero;
                    Fixed8 rest_amount            = totalAmount;

                    for (int i = 0; i < info.vjsin.Count; i++)
                        IntPtr witness = SnarkDllApi.CmWitness_Create();

                        SnarkDllApi.SetCMWitnessFromBinary(witness, info.vjsin[i].witness, info.vjsin[i].witness.Length);
                        SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Add(vectorWitness, witness);

                        IntPtr ptrWitness = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRootFromWitness(witness);
                        byte[] byWRoot    = new byte[32];
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrRoot, byWRoot, 0, 32);
                        UInt256 wAnchor = new UInt256(byWRoot);

                        if (jsAnchor != wAnchor)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

                        current_inputed_amount += info.vjsin[i].note.value;


                        if (jsIndex == 2 && i != info.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                            jsInfo.vjsin.Add(info.vjsin[i - 1]);

                            jsInfo.notes.Add(info.notes[i - 1]);

                            tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)asset.AssetId, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);

                            jsIndex = 0;

                        if (i == info.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();

                            Fixed8 jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;
                            for (int ji = jsIndex - 1; ji > -1; ji--)
                                jsInfo.vjsin.Add(info.vjsin[i - ji]);
                                jsInfo.notes.Add(info.notes[i - ji]);

                                jsInputedAmount += info.notes[i - ji].value;
                                rest_amount     -= info.notes[i - ji].value;

                            for (int jo = 0; jo < info.vjsout.Count; jo++)

                                tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)asset.AssetId, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                string strException = ex.Message;

                            if (tx.Inputs == null)
                                tx.Inputs = new CoinReference[0];

                            jsIndex = 0;

                     * int dstOffset = 0;
                     * byte[] byJsBody = new byte[ctx.byJoinSplit.GetListLength()];
                     * for (int index = 0; index < ctx.byJoinSplit.Count; index++)
                     * {
                     *  Buffer.BlockCopy(ctx.byJoinSplit[index], 0, byJsBody, dstOffset, ctx.byJoinSplit[index].Length);
                     *  dstOffset += ctx.byJoinSplit[index].Length;
                     * }
                     * UInt256 jsHash = new UInt256(Crypto.Default.Hash256(byJsBody));

                    ctx.joinSplitSig = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPrivKey_);

                    if (!Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(ctx.joinSplitSig, ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPubKey_.ToArray()))
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="excludedControllerNames">Excluse some Api Controllers from being exposed to the client API. Each item should be fully qualified class name but without the assembly name.</param>
 /// <remarks>The client data types should better be generated through SvcUtil.exe with the DC option. The client namespace will then be the original namespace plus suffix ".client". </remarks>
 public ControllersTsNG2ClientApiGen(JSOutput jsOutput) : base(jsOutput, new ClientApiTsNG2FunctionGen(jsOutput.ContentType))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jsOutput"></param>
 /// <remarks>The client data types should better be generated through SvcUtil.exe with the DC option. The client namespace will then be the original namespace plus suffix ".client". </remarks>
 public ControllersTsClientApiGen(JSOutput jsOutput) : base(jsOutput, new ClientApiTsFunctionGen())
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jsOutput"></param>
 /// <remarks>The client data types should better be generated through SvcUtil.exe with the DC option. The client namespace will then be the original namespace plus suffix ".client". </remarks>
 public ControllersTsClientApiGen(JSOutput jsOutput, bool handleHttpRequestHeaders) : base(jsOutput, new ClientApiTsFunctionGen(jsOutput.ContentType, handleHttpRequestHeaders))
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jsOutput"></param>
 /// <remarks>The client data types should better be generated through SvcUtil.exe with the DC option. The client namespace will then be the original namespace plus suffix ".client". </remarks>
 public ControllersTsNG2ClientApiGen(Settings settings, JSOutput jsOutput) : base(settings, jsOutput, () => new ClientApiTsNG2FunctionGen(jsOutput.ContentType))
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void DoWork()
            #region Checking Fields
            Global.AssetDescriptor asset = Asset as Global.AssetDescriptor;
            string fromAddress           = FromAddr;
            string toAddress             = ToAddr;
            string strAmount             = Amount;
            string strFee = Fee;
            byte   toAddrVersion;
            byte   fromAddrVersion;

            if (asset == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

            if (!Fixed8.TryParse(strAmount, out Fixed8 amount))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");
            if (amount == Fixed8.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");
            if (amount.GetData() % (long)Math.Pow(10, 8 - (Asset as Global.AssetDescriptor).Precision) != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

            if (!Fixed8.TryParse(strFee, out Fixed8 fee))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");
            if (fee < Fixed8.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

                fromAddrVersion = Wallet.GetAddressVersion(fromAddress);
                toAddrVersion   = Wallet.GetAddressVersion(toAddress);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

            Transaction tx;
            #region T -> T
            if (toAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion && fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion) // T -> T
                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new ContractTransaction();

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remark))
                //    attributes.Add(new TransactionAttribute
                //    {
                //        Usage = TransactionAttributeUsage.Remark,
                //        Data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(remark)
                //    });

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();
                TransactionOutput outPut = new TransactionOutput();
                outPut.ScriptHash = Wallet.ToScriptHash(toAddress);
                outPut.Value      = amount;
                outPut.AssetId    = (UInt256)asset.AssetId;
                outPut.Fee        = fee;
                tx.Outputs        = new TransactionOutput[1];
                tx.Outputs[0]     = outPut;
                if (tx is ContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeTransactionFrom(ctx, fromAddress);
                    if (tx == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

            #region T -> A
            else if (fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion && toAddrVersion == Wallet.AnonymouseAddressVersion)  // T -> A
                UInt256 joinSplitPubKey_;
                byte[]  joinSplitPrivKey_;

                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new AnonymousContractTransaction();

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                Sodium.KeyPair keyPair;
                keyPair = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

                joinSplitPubKey_  = new UInt256(keyPair.PublicKey);
                joinSplitPrivKey_ = keyPair.PrivateKey;

                ((AnonymousContractTransaction)tx).joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey_;

                AsyncJoinSplitInfo info = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                info.vpub_old = new Fixed8(0);
                info.vpub_new = new Fixed8(0);

                JSOutput jsOut = new JSOutput(Wallet.ToPaymentAddress(toAddress), amount, fee, (UInt256)asset.AssetId);

                info.vpub_old += amount;

                if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeTandATransaction(ctx, fromAddress, info);
                    if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx_)
                        IntPtr w = SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Create();

                        IntPtr ptrRoot = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRoot(Blockchain.Default.GetCmMerkleTree());

                        byte[] byRoot = new byte[32];
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrRoot, byRoot, 0, 32);
                        UInt256 anchor = new UInt256(byRoot);

                        tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx_, info, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)asset.AssetId, w, anchor);

                        ctx_.joinSplitSig = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPrivKey_);

                        if (!Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(ctx_.joinSplitSig, ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPubKey_.ToArray()))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

            #region A -> T
            else if (fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AnonymouseAddressVersion && toAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion)  // A -> T
                UInt256 joinSplitPubKey_;
                byte[]  joinSplitPrivKey_;

                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new AnonymousContractTransaction();

                Fixed8 vpubNewTarget = Fixed8.Zero;
                Fixed8 totalAmount   = amount;

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                Sodium.KeyPair keyPair;
                keyPair = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

                joinSplitPubKey_  = new UInt256(keyPair.PublicKey);
                joinSplitPrivKey_ = keyPair.PrivateKey;

                ((AnonymousContractTransaction)tx).joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey_;

                // Do process the transparent outputs.
                TransactionOutput outPut = new TransactionOutput();
                outPut.ScriptHash = Wallet.ToScriptHash(toAddress);
                outPut.Value      = amount;
                outPut.AssetId    = (UInt256)asset.AssetId;
                tx.Outputs        = new TransactionOutput[1];
                tx.Outputs[0]     = outPut;

                tx.Scripts = new Witness[0];

                vpubNewTarget = amount;

                AsyncJoinSplitInfo info = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                info.vpub_old = Fixed8.Zero;
                info.vpub_new = Fixed8.Zero;

                Fixed8 jsInputValue = Fixed8.Zero;

                IntPtr ptrRoot = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRoot(Blockchain.Default.GetCmMerkleTree());

                byte[] byRoot = new byte[32];
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrRoot, byRoot, 0, 32);
                UInt256 jsAnchor = new UInt256(byRoot);

                if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeAandTTransaction(ctx, fromAddress, info);

                    #region Split token types
                    /* ******************************   Split the info into main token and fee token  ********************************** */
                    AsyncJoinSplitInfo mainTokenInfo            = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                    AsyncJoinSplitInfo subTokenInfo             = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                    Fixed8             main_total_output_amount = Fixed8.Zero;
                    Fixed8             sub_total_output_amount  = Fixed8.Zero;

                    for (int i = 0; i < info.vjsin.Count; i++)
                        if (info.vjsin[i].AssetID == Blockchain.UtilityToken.Hash)

                    for (int i = 0; i < info.vjsout.Count; i++)
                        if (info.vjsout[i].AssetID == Blockchain.UtilityToken.Hash)
                            sub_total_output_amount += info.vjsout[i].value;
                            main_total_output_amount += info.vjsout[i].value;
                    /* ******************************                      End                        ********************************** */

                    IntPtr vectorWitness = SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Create();

                    int    jsIndex = 0;
                    Fixed8 current_inputed_amount = Fixed8.Zero;
                    Fixed8 rest_amount            = totalAmount;

                    #region Do Process the Main token part
                    for (int i = 0; i < mainTokenInfo.vjsin.Count; i++)
                        IntPtr witness = SnarkDllApi.CmWitness_Create();

                        SnarkDllApi.SetCMWitnessFromBinary(witness, mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i].witness, mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i].witness.Length);
                        SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Add(vectorWitness, witness);

                        IntPtr ptrWitness = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRootFromWitness(witness);
                        byte[] byWRoot    = new byte[32];
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrWitness, byWRoot, 0, 32);
                        UInt256 wAnchor = new UInt256(byWRoot);

                        if (jsAnchor != wAnchor)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

                        current_inputed_amount += mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i].note.value;


                        if (jsIndex == 2 && i != mainTokenInfo.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                            jsInfo.vjsin.Add(mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i - 1]);

                            jsInfo.notes.Add(mainTokenInfo.notes[i - 1]);

                            var vInputsSum = jsInfo.vjsin[0].note.value + jsInfo.vjsin[1].note.value;

                            for (int oti = 0; oti < mainTokenInfo.vjsout.Count; oti++)
                                if (mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value >= vInputsSum)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, vInputsSum, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);
                                    mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value -= vInputsSum;

                                    vInputsSum = Fixed8.Zero;

                                if (mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value < vInputsSum)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);

                                    vInputsSum = vInputsSum - mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value;
                                    mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value = Fixed8.Zero;

                            if (vInputsSum >= Fixed8.Zero)
                                jsInfo.vpub_new = vInputsSum;

                            tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)jsInfo.vjsin[0].AssetID, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);

                            jsIndex = 0;

                        if (i == mainTokenInfo.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();

                            Fixed8 jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;

                            for (int ji = jsIndex - 1; ji > -1; ji--)
                                jsInfo.vjsin.Add(mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i - ji]);
                                jsInfo.notes.Add(mainTokenInfo.notes[i - ji]);

                                jsInputedAmount += mainTokenInfo.notes[i - ji].value;
                                rest_amount     -= mainTokenInfo.notes[i - ji].value;

                            for (int oti = 0; oti < mainTokenInfo.vjsout.Count; oti++)
                                if (mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value >= jsInputedAmount)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, jsInputedAmount, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);
                                    mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value -= jsInputedAmount;

                                    jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;

                                if (mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value < jsInputedAmount)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);

                                    jsInputedAmount = jsInputedAmount - mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value;
                                    mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value = Fixed8.Zero;

                            if (jsInputedAmount != Fixed8.Zero)
                                jsInfo.vpub_new = jsInputedAmount;

                                tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)jsInfo.vjsin[0].AssetID, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                string strException = ex.Message;
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("JoinSplit Errors");

                            if (tx.Inputs == null)
                                tx.Inputs = new CoinReference[0];

                            jsIndex = 0;
                    #region Do Process the Fee token part, And when sending the QRG token, then there is no Main token part.
                    for (int i = 0; i < subTokenInfo.vjsin.Count; i++)
                        IntPtr witness = SnarkDllApi.CmWitness_Create();

                        SnarkDllApi.SetCMWitnessFromBinary(witness, subTokenInfo.vjsin[i].witness, subTokenInfo.vjsin[i].witness.Length);
                        SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Add(vectorWitness, witness);

                        IntPtr ptrWitness = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRootFromWitness(witness);
                        byte[] byWRoot    = new byte[32];
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrWitness, byWRoot, 0, 32);
                        UInt256 wAnchor = new UInt256(byWRoot);

                        if (jsAnchor != wAnchor)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

                        current_inputed_amount += subTokenInfo.vjsin[i].note.value;


                        if (jsIndex == 2 && i != subTokenInfo.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                            jsInfo.vjsin.Add(subTokenInfo.vjsin[i - 1]);

                            jsInfo.notes.Add(subTokenInfo.notes[i - 1]);

                            var vInputsSum = jsInfo.vjsin[0].note.value + jsInfo.vjsin[1].note.value;

                            for (int oti = 0; oti < subTokenInfo.vjsout.Count; oti++)
                                if (subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value >= vInputsSum)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, vInputsSum, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);
                                    subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value -= vInputsSum;

                                    vInputsSum = Fixed8.Zero;

                                if (subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value < vInputsSum)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);

                                    vInputsSum = vInputsSum - subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value;
                                    subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value = Fixed8.Zero;

                            if (vInputsSum >= Fixed8.Zero)
                                jsInfo.vpub_new = vInputsSum;

                            tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)jsInfo.vjsin[0].AssetID, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);

                            jsIndex = 0;

                        if (i == subTokenInfo.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();

                            Fixed8 jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;

                            for (int ji = jsIndex - 1; ji > -1; ji--)
                                jsInfo.vjsin.Add(subTokenInfo.vjsin[i - ji]);
                                jsInfo.notes.Add(subTokenInfo.notes[i - ji]);

                                jsInputedAmount += subTokenInfo.notes[i - ji].value;
                                rest_amount     -= subTokenInfo.notes[i - ji].value;

                            for (int oti = 0; oti < subTokenInfo.vjsout.Count; oti++)
                                if (subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value >= jsInputedAmount)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, jsInputedAmount, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);
                                    subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value -= jsInputedAmount;

                                    jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;

                                if (subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value < jsInputedAmount)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);

                                    jsInputedAmount = jsInputedAmount - subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value;
                                    subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value = Fixed8.Zero;

                            if (jsInputedAmount != Fixed8.Zero)
                                jsInfo.vpub_new = jsInputedAmount;

                                tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)jsInfo.vjsin[0].AssetID, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                string strException = ex.Message;
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("JoinSplit Errors");

                            if (tx.Inputs == null)
                                tx.Inputs = new CoinReference[0];

                            jsIndex = 0;

                    ctx.joinSplitSig = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPrivKey_);

                    if (!Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(ctx.joinSplitSig, ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPubKey_.ToArray()))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");
            #region A -> A
            else if (fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AnonymouseAddressVersion && toAddrVersion == Wallet.AnonymouseAddressVersion)    // A -> A
                UInt256 joinSplitPubKey_;
                byte[]  joinSplitPrivKey_;

                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new AnonymousContractTransaction();

                Fixed8 totalAmount = amount;

                tx.Scripts = new Witness[0];

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                Sodium.KeyPair keyPair;
                keyPair = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

                joinSplitPubKey_  = new UInt256(keyPair.PublicKey);
                joinSplitPrivKey_ = keyPair.PrivateKey;

                ((AnonymousContractTransaction)tx).joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey_;

                AsyncJoinSplitInfo info = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                info.vpub_old = Fixed8.Zero;
                info.vpub_new = Fixed8.Zero;

                JSOutput jsOut = new JSOutput(Wallet.ToPaymentAddress(toAddress), amount, (UInt256)asset.AssetId);


                Fixed8 jsInputValue = Fixed8.Zero;

                IntPtr ptrRoot = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRoot(Blockchain.Default.GetCmMerkleTree());

                byte[] byRoot = new byte[32];
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrRoot, byRoot, 0, 32);
                UInt256 jsAnchor = new UInt256(byRoot);

                if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeAandATransaction(ctx, fromAddress, info);
                    #region Split token type
                    /* ******************************   Split the info into main token and fee token  ********************************** */
                    AsyncJoinSplitInfo mainTokenInfo            = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                    AsyncJoinSplitInfo subTokenInfo             = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                    Fixed8             main_total_output_amount = Fixed8.Zero;
                    Fixed8             sub_total_output_amount  = Fixed8.Zero;

                    for (int i = 0; i < info.vjsin.Count; i++)
                        if (info.vjsin[i].AssetID == Blockchain.UtilityToken.Hash)

                    for (int i = 0; i < info.vjsout.Count; i++)
                        if (info.vjsout[i].AssetID == Blockchain.UtilityToken.Hash)
                            sub_total_output_amount += info.vjsout[i].value;
                            main_total_output_amount += info.vjsout[i].value;
                    /* ******************************                      End                        ********************************** */
                    IntPtr vectorWitness = SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Create();

                    int    jsIndex = 0;
                    Fixed8 current_inputed_amount = Fixed8.Zero;
                    Fixed8 rest_amount            = totalAmount;

                    #region Do Process the Main token part
                    for (int i = 0; i < mainTokenInfo.vjsin.Count; i++)
                        IntPtr witness = SnarkDllApi.CmWitness_Create();

                        SnarkDllApi.SetCMWitnessFromBinary(witness, mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i].witness, mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i].witness.Length);
                        SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Add(vectorWitness, witness);

                        IntPtr ptrWitness = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRootFromWitness(witness);
                        byte[] byWRoot    = new byte[32];
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrWitness, byWRoot, 0, 32);
                        UInt256 wAnchor = new UInt256(byWRoot);

                        if (jsAnchor != wAnchor)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

                        current_inputed_amount += mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i].note.value;


                        if (jsIndex == 2 && i != mainTokenInfo.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                            jsInfo.vjsin.Add(mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i - 1]);

                            jsInfo.notes.Add(mainTokenInfo.notes[i - 1]);

                            var vInputsSum = jsInfo.vjsin[0].note.value + jsInfo.vjsin[1].note.value;

                            for (int oti = 0; oti < mainTokenInfo.vjsout.Count; oti++)
                                if (mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value >= vInputsSum)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, vInputsSum, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);
                                    mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value -= vInputsSum;

                                    vInputsSum = Fixed8.Zero;

                                if (mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value < vInputsSum)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);

                                    vInputsSum = vInputsSum - mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value;
                                    mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value = Fixed8.Zero;

                            tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)jsInfo.vjsin[0].AssetID, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);

                            jsIndex = 0;

                        if (i == mainTokenInfo.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();

                            Fixed8 jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;

                            for (int ji = jsIndex - 1; ji > -1; ji--)
                                jsInfo.vjsin.Add(mainTokenInfo.vjsin[i - ji]);
                                jsInfo.notes.Add(mainTokenInfo.notes[i - ji]);

                                jsInputedAmount += mainTokenInfo.notes[i - ji].value;
                                rest_amount     -= mainTokenInfo.notes[i - ji].value;

                            for (int oti = 0; oti < mainTokenInfo.vjsout.Count; oti++)
                                if (mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value >= jsInputedAmount)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, jsInputedAmount, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);
                                    mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value -= jsInputedAmount;

                                    jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;

                                if (mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value < jsInputedAmount)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value, mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);

                                    jsInputedAmount = jsInputedAmount - mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value;
                                    mainTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value = Fixed8.Zero;

                            if (jsInputedAmount != Fixed8.Zero)
                                jsInfo.vpub_new = jsInputedAmount;

                                tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)jsInfo.vjsin[0].AssetID, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                string strException = ex.Message;
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("JoinSplit Errors");

                            if (tx.Inputs == null)
                                tx.Inputs = new CoinReference[0];

                            jsIndex = 0;
                    #region Do Process the Fee token part, And when sending the QRG token, then there is no Main token part.
                    for (int i = 0; i < subTokenInfo.vjsin.Count; i++)
                        IntPtr witness = SnarkDllApi.CmWitness_Create();

                        SnarkDllApi.SetCMWitnessFromBinary(witness, subTokenInfo.vjsin[i].witness, subTokenInfo.vjsin[i].witness.Length);
                        SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Add(vectorWitness, witness);

                        IntPtr ptrWitness = SnarkDllApi.GetCMRootFromWitness(witness);
                        byte[] byWRoot    = new byte[32];
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrWitness, byWRoot, 0, 32);
                        UInt256 wAnchor = new UInt256(byWRoot);

                        if (jsAnchor != wAnchor)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

                        current_inputed_amount += subTokenInfo.vjsin[i].note.value;


                        if (jsIndex == 2 && i != subTokenInfo.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                            jsInfo.vjsin.Add(subTokenInfo.vjsin[i - 1]);

                            jsInfo.notes.Add(subTokenInfo.notes[i - 1]);

                            var vInputsSum = jsInfo.vjsin[0].note.value + jsInfo.vjsin[1].note.value;

                            for (int oti = 0; oti < subTokenInfo.vjsout.Count; oti++)
                                if (subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value >= vInputsSum)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, vInputsSum, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);
                                    subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value -= vInputsSum;

                                    vInputsSum = Fixed8.Zero;

                                if (subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value < vInputsSum)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);

                                    vInputsSum = vInputsSum - subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value;
                                    subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value = Fixed8.Zero;

                            tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)jsInfo.vjsin[0].AssetID, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);

                            jsIndex = 0;

                        if (i == subTokenInfo.vjsin.Count - 1)
                            AsyncJoinSplitInfo jsInfo = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();

                            Fixed8 jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;

                            for (int ji = jsIndex - 1; ji > -1; ji--)
                                jsInfo.vjsin.Add(subTokenInfo.vjsin[i - ji]);
                                jsInfo.notes.Add(subTokenInfo.notes[i - ji]);

                                jsInputedAmount += subTokenInfo.notes[i - ji].value;
                                rest_amount     -= subTokenInfo.notes[i - ji].value;

                            for (int oti = 0; oti < subTokenInfo.vjsout.Count; oti++)
                                if (subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value >= jsInputedAmount)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, jsInputedAmount, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);
                                    subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value -= jsInputedAmount;

                                    jsInputedAmount = Fixed8.Zero;

                                if (subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value < jsInputedAmount)
                                    JSOutput jsOut1 = new JSOutput(subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].addr, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value, subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].AssetID);

                                    jsInputedAmount = jsInputedAmount - subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value;
                                    subTokenInfo.vjsout[oti].value = Fixed8.Zero;

                            if (jsInputedAmount != Fixed8.Zero)
                                jsInfo.vpub_new = jsInputedAmount;

                                tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx, jsInfo, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)jsInfo.vjsin[0].AssetID, vectorWitness, jsAnchor);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                string strException = ex.Message;
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("JoinSplit Errors");

                            if (tx.Inputs == null)
                                tx.Inputs = new CoinReference[0];

                            jsIndex = 0;

                    ctx.joinSplitSig = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPrivKey_);

                    if (!Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(ctx.joinSplitSig, ctx.JsHash.ToArray(), joinSplitPubKey_.ToArray()))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");
            #region S -> S
            else if (fromAddrVersion == Wallet.StealthAddressVersion && toAddrVersion == Wallet.StealthAddressVersion)
                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new RingConfidentialTransaction();

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                if (tx is RingConfidentialTransaction ctx)
                    List <RCTransactionOutput>             rctOutput   = new List <RCTransactionOutput>();
                    Pure.Wallets.StealthKey.StealthKeyPair fromKeyPair = null;
                    foreach (KeyPairBase key in Constant.CurrentWallet.GetKeys())
                        if (key is Pure.Wallets.StealthKey.StealthKeyPair rctKey)
                            if (Wallet.ToStealthAddress(rctKey) == fromAddress)
                                fromKeyPair = rctKey;

                    if (fromKeyPair == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("From key is not exist.");

                    byte[] r = SchnorrNonLinkable.GenerateRandomScalar();
                    Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECPoint R = Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECCurve.Secp256r1.G * r;

                    Pure.Wallets.StealthKey.StealthPubKeys outPubKey = Wallet.ToStealthKeyPair(toAddress).ToStelathPubKeys();

                    RCTransactionOutput output = new RCTransactionOutput
                        AssetId    = (UInt256)asset.AssetId,
                        PubKey     = Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECPoint.DecodePoint(outPubKey.GenPaymentPubKeyHash(r), Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECCurve.Secp256r1),
                        Value      = amount,
                        ScriptHash = Pure.SmartContract.Contract.CreateRingSignatureRedeemScript(outPubKey.PayloadPubKey, outPubKey.ViewPubKey).ToScriptHash()

                    ctx.Scripts = new Witness[0];

                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeRCTransaction(ctx, fromAddress, rctOutput, fromKeyPair, r);

                    if (tx == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

            #region T -> S
            else if (fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion && toAddrVersion == Wallet.StealthAddressVersion)
                tx = new RingConfidentialTransaction();

                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();
                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                if (tx is RingConfidentialTransaction rtx)
                    List <RCTransactionOutput> rctOutput = new List <RCTransactionOutput>();

                    byte[] r = SchnorrNonLinkable.GenerateRandomScalar();
                    Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECPoint R = Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECCurve.Secp256r1.G * r;

                    Pure.Wallets.StealthKey.StealthPubKeys outPubKey = Wallet.ToStealthKeyPair(toAddress).ToStelathPubKeys();

                    RCTransactionOutput output = new RCTransactionOutput
                        AssetId    = (UInt256)asset.AssetId,
                        PubKey     = Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECPoint.DecodePoint(outPubKey.GenPaymentPubKeyHash(r), Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECCurve.Secp256r1),
                        Value      = amount,
                        ScriptHash = Pure.SmartContract.Contract.CreateRingSignatureRedeemScript(outPubKey.PayloadPubKey, outPubKey.ViewPubKey).ToScriptHash()


                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeRCTransaction(rtx, fromAddress, rctOutput, null, r);

                    if (tx == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

            #region S -> T
            else if (fromAddrVersion == Wallet.StealthAddressVersion && toAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion)
                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new RingConfidentialTransaction();

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                if (tx is RingConfidentialTransaction ctx)
                    List <RCTransactionOutput>             rctOutput   = new List <RCTransactionOutput>();
                    Pure.Wallets.StealthKey.StealthKeyPair fromKeyPair = null;
                    foreach (KeyPairBase key in Constant.CurrentWallet.GetKeys())
                        if (key is Pure.Wallets.StealthKey.StealthKeyPair rctKey)
                            if (Wallet.ToStealthAddress(rctKey) == fromAddress)
                                fromKeyPair = rctKey;

                    if (fromKeyPair == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("From key is not exist.");

                    byte[] r = SchnorrNonLinkable.GenerateRandomScalar();
                    Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECPoint R = Pure.Cryptography.ECC.ECCurve.Secp256r1.G * r;

                    ctx.Scripts = new Witness[0];

                    TransactionOutput outPut = new TransactionOutput();
                    outPut.ScriptHash = Wallet.ToScriptHash(toAddress);
                    outPut.Value      = amount;
                    outPut.AssetId    = (UInt256)asset.AssetId;
                    tx.Outputs        = new TransactionOutput[1];
                    tx.Outputs[0]     = outPut;

                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeRCTransaction(ctx, fromAddress, rctOutput, fromKeyPair, r);

                    if (tx == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Anchor is not correct");

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void Event_SendCoinSuccess(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Global.AssetDescriptor asset = sendcoinsPan1.GetAsset() as Global.AssetDescriptor;
            string fromAddress           = sendcoinsPan1.GetFromAddress();
            string toAddress             = sendcoinsPan1.GetRecieveAddress();
            string strAmount             = sendcoinsPan1.GetAmount();
            byte   toAddrVersion;
            byte   fromAddrVersion;

            if (asset == null)

            if (!Fixed8.TryParse(strAmount, out Fixed8 amount))
            if (amount == Fixed8.Zero)
            if (amount.GetData() % (long)Math.Pow(10, 8 - (sendcoinsPan1.GetAsset() as Global.AssetDescriptor).Precision) != 0)

                fromAddrVersion = Wallet.GetAddressVersion(fromAddress);
                toAddrVersion   = Wallet.GetAddressVersion(toAddress);

            Transaction tx;

            if (toAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion && fromAddrVersion == Wallet.AddressVersion)
                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new ContractTransaction();

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remark))
                //    attributes.Add(new TransactionAttribute
                //    {
                //        Usage = TransactionAttributeUsage.Remark,
                //        Data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(remark)
                //    });

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();
                TransactionOutput outPut = new TransactionOutput();
                outPut.ScriptHash = Wallet.ToScriptHash(toAddress);
                outPut.Value      = amount;
                outPut.AssetId    = (UInt256)asset.AssetId;
                tx.Outputs        = new TransactionOutput[1];
                tx.Outputs[0]     = outPut;
                if (tx is ContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeTransactionFrom(ctx, fromAddress);

                 * if (tx is InvocationTransaction itx)
                 * {
                 *  using (InvokeContractDialog dialog = new InvokeContractDialog(itx))
                 *  {
                 *      if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
                 *      tx = dialog.GetTransaction();
                 *  }
                 * }
            else if (toAddrVersion == Wallet.AnonymouseAddressVersion)
                UInt256 joinSplitPubKey_;
                byte[]  joinSplitPrivKey_;

                List <TransactionAttribute> attributes = new List <TransactionAttribute>();

                tx = new AnonymousContractTransaction();

                tx.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();

                Sodium.KeyPair keyPair;
                keyPair = Sodium.PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

                joinSplitPubKey_  = new UInt256(keyPair.PublicKey);
                joinSplitPrivKey_ = keyPair.PrivateKey;

                ((AnonymousContractTransaction)tx).joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey_;

                AsyncJoinSplitInfo info = new AsyncJoinSplitInfo();
                info.vpub_old = new Fixed8(0);
                info.vpub_new = new Fixed8(0);

                JSOutput jsOut = new JSOutput(Wallet.ToPaymentAddress(toAddress), amount, (UInt256)asset.AssetId);

                info.vpub_old += amount;

                if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx)
                    tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.MakeTandATransaction(ctx, fromAddress, info);
                    if (tx is AnonymousContractTransaction ctx_)
                        IntPtr  w      = SnarkDllApi.Witnesses_Create();
                        UInt256 anchor = new UInt256();
                        tx = Constant.CurrentWallet.Perform_JoinSplit(ctx_, info, joinSplitPubKey_, joinSplitPrivKey_, (UInt256)asset.AssetId, w, anchor);
