Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This code was copied from CompletionEngine.cs in the CSS code. If this class gets
        /// copied into the CSS code, reuse that other function (CompletionEngine.GetCompletionContextLeafItem)
        /// </summary>
        private static JSONParseItem GetContextItem(JSONDocument styleSheet, int position)
            // Look on both sides of the cursor for a context item.

            JSONParseItem prevItem = styleSheet.ItemBeforePosition(position) ?? styleSheet;
            JSONParseItem nextItem = styleSheet.ItemAfterPosition(position);

            if (position > prevItem.AfterEnd)
                // Not touching the previous item, check its parents

                for (; prevItem != null; prevItem = prevItem.Parent)
                    if (prevItem.IsUnclosed || prevItem.AfterEnd >= position)

            // Only use the next item if the cursor is touching it, and it's not a comment
            if (nextItem != null && (position < nextItem.Start))// || nextItem.FindType<Comment>() != null))
                nextItem = null;

            // When two things touch the cursor inside of a selector, always prefer the previous item.
            // If this logic gets larger, consider a better design to choose between two items.
            if (nextItem != null &&
                prevItem != null &&
                prevItem.AfterEnd == position)
                nextItem = null;

            return(nextItem ?? prevItem);