Ejemplo n.º 1
 // function to backtrack the swipe chain
 static void backTrackSelection(JSFBoard board)
     // ==== BACK TRACK SWIPE CODE ====
     if (swipeChain.Contains(board))
         int index = swipeChain.IndexOf(board);
         for (int x = 0; x <= swipeChain.Count - 1 - index; x++)
             JSFRelay.onSwipeRemoved(swipeChain[swipeChain.Count - 1 - x].piece, false);
         swipeChain.RemoveRange(index, swipeChain.Count - index);
         JSFRelay.onSwipeBackTracked(board.piece, false);            // relay call
         if (swipeChain.Count == 0)
             isSwiping = false;
             swipeStart(board);                 // add back this board with its call criterias
             rainbowSwipe = true;              // in case we have changed color before this... revert to this color
             swipeCall(board);                 // add back this board with its call criterias
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // function to add to the swipe chain
    static void swipeAdd(JSFBoard board)
        isSwiping = true;         // swiping is active
        // ==== SWIPE CHAIN CODE ====
        addVisualChain(board.arrayRef[0], board.arrayRef[1]);

        JSFRelay.onSwipeAdded(board.piece, false);        // relay call
Ejemplo n.º 3
    }                                    // easy reference for arrayRef[1]

    void OnMouseUpAsButton()
        JSFRelay.onPieceClick(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 void OnMouseUpAsButton()
     JSFRelay.onPanelClick(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // function to validate the swipe chain
    public static void validateSwipe()
        bool validateStatus = false;
        int  swipeNum       = currentSwipeCount;
        int  comboTracker   = 0;

        if (gm.gameState == JSFGameState.GameActive &&               // game has not ended...
            (swipeChain.Count >= gm.minSwipeMatch || hasPowerMerge)) // meet the minimum required length

            if (gm.audioScript.matchSoundFx.Length > 0)
                //for(int x = 0; x < swipeChain.Count; x++)
                //gm.audioScript.matchSoundFx[Random.Range(0, gm.audioScript.matchSoundFx.Length - 1)].play();


            if (hasPowerMerge)                                       // perform powerMerges if there is...
                List <JSFBoard> mergeCheck  = new List <JSFBoard>(); // a power merge check list
                bool            powerMerged = false;
                for (int w = swipeChain.Count - 1; w >= 0; w--)
                    mergeCheck.Clear();                        // clear the list for each check
                    mergeCheck.AddRange(swipeChain);           // copy the current list
                    mergeCheck.Remove(swipeChain[w]);          // as to not check itself
                    mergeCheck.Reverse();                      // reverse the list to start from last swiped
                    foreach (JSFBoard innerLoop in mergeCheck) // check against all swiped pieceDefinitions
                        if (innerLoop.pd.powerMerge(swipeChain, swipeChain[w].piece, innerLoop.piece, swipeChain[w].arrayRef, false) ||
                            swipeChain[w].pd.powerMerge(swipeChain, innerLoop.piece, swipeChain[w].piece, swipeChain[w].arrayRef, false))
                            powerMerged = true;                // powerMerge called...
                            break;                             // done power merging... ( break inner loop )
                    if (powerMerged)
                        break;                         // done power merging... ( break outer loop too )

            foreach (JSFBoard board in swipeChain)
                if (comboTracker > gm.minSwipeMatch)
                    gm.increaseCombo();                      // increases combo by 1 for each after the min swipe num
                if (board.isFilled)                          // if not already destroyed by power merge
                    JSFRelay.onSwipeValidating(board.piece); // relay call
            validateStatus = true;             // swipe chain has been validated...
            swipeChain.Reverse();             // change order from back to front...
            foreach (JSFBoard board in swipeChain)
                JSFRelay.onSwipeFailed(board.piece);                 // calls the individual swipeFailed function
            if (swipeNum > 1)
                if (gm.audioScript.badMoveSoundFx.Length > 0)
                    gm.audioScript.badMoveSoundFx[Random.Range(0, gm.audioScript.badMoveSoundFx.Length - 1)].play();
        limitedSwipe  = false;                               // reset swipe limit
        hasPowerMerge = false;                               // reset powerMerge status
        rainbowSwipe  = false;                               // resets the any swipe status
        isSwiping     = false;                               // disable swiping after validated
        JSFRelay.onSwipeValidated(validateStatus, swipeNum); // relay call