public static IActionResult Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log,
                                        [ServiceBus("all_files", Connection = "JPOServiceBus", EntityType = EntityType.Queue)] out string queueMessage,
                                        [CosmosDB(databaseName: "jpo", collectionName: "logdb", ConnectionStringSetting = "cosmosdb_log")] out dynamic document)
            string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            string requestBody = String.Empty;

            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(req.Body)) {
                requestBody = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            JPOFileInfo fileInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JPOFileInfo>(requestBody);

            document = new LogItem()
                destination   = fileInfo.destination,
                source        = fileInfo.source,
                fileName      = fileInfo.fileName,
                operation     = "MakeItSo",
                timestamp     = DateTime.Now,
                customerID    = fileInfo.customerID,
                correlationID = guid,
                version       = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("version")
            fileInfo.correlationID = guid;

            queueMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileInfo);

            return(new OkObjectResult($"CorrelationID: {guid}"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void LogIt(this ILogger log, string msg, JPOFileInfo entry, LogEventLevel level)
            using (LogContext.PushProperty("producer", entry.source))
                using (LogContext.PushProperty("consumer", entry.destination))
                    using (LogContext.PushProperty("file", entry.fileName))
                        using (LogContext.PushProperty("origin", entry.origin))
                            using (LogContext.PushProperty("tags", entry.tags))
                                using (LogContext.PushProperty("correlationId", entry.correlationId))
                                    switch (level)
                                    case LogEventLevel.Debug:

                                    case LogEventLevel.Warning:

        public static string Run([BlobTrigger("outbox/{name}", Connection = "AccountMonitored")] Stream myBlob, string name, ILogger log)
            var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var msg     = $"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{name} \n Size: {myBlob.Length} Bytes";
            var payload = new JPOFileInfo {
                source        = "outbox",
                destination   = "inbox",
                tags          = "tag1, tag2, tag3",
                origin        = "Elvis",
                description   = "Return to sender",
                date          = DateTime.Now,
                fileName      = name,
                correlationId = correlationId

            log.LoggerInfo(msg, payload);
        public static void Run([ServiceBusTrigger("all_files", "mysub", Connection = "JPOServiceBus")] string sbmsg, ILogger log)
            JPOFileInfo fileInfo          = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JPOFileInfo>(sbmsg);
            var         sourceBlobAccount = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("source_blob_account"); //Dest Blob Account
            var         destBlobAccount   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("dest_blob_account");   //Dest Blob Account
            var         sourceClient      = new BlobServiceClient(sourceBlobAccount);
            var         destClient        = new BlobServiceClient(destBlobAccount);

            //Get rererence to Source Blob
            var sourceContainer = sourceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(fileInfo.source);
            var sourceBlob      = sourceContainer.GetBlobClient(fileInfo.fileName);

            //Get or Create a reference to destination Blob Container and Blob
            var destContainer = destClient.GetBlobContainerClient(fileInfo.destination);
            var destBlob      = destContainer.GetBlobClient(fileInfo.fileName);

            CopyBlobAsync(sourceContainer, destContainer, fileInfo, log).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            log.LoggerInfo($"---- Received message: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileInfo)}", fileInfo);
            log.LoggerInfo("Got message", fileInfo);
        public static async Task <LogItem> Run(
            [ServiceBusTrigger("all_files", "mysub", Connection = "JPOServiceBus")] string sbmsg, ILogger log)
            JPOFileInfo fileInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JPOFileInfo>(sbmsg);

            string out_container = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("outgoing_container");  //Source Container name
            string in_container  = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("incoming_container");  //Dest Container name

            var sourceBlobAccount = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(fileInfo.source);      //Source Blob Account
            var destBlobAccount   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(fileInfo.destination); //Dest Blob Account
            var sourceClient      = new BlobServiceClient(sourceBlobAccount);
            var destClient        = new BlobServiceClient(destBlobAccount);

            //Get rererence to Source Blob
            var sourceContainer = sourceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(out_container + fileInfo.source);
            var sourceBlob      = sourceContainer.GetBlobClient(fileInfo.fileName);

            //Get or Create a reference to destination Blob Container and Blob
            var destContainer = destClient.GetBlobContainerClient(in_container + fileInfo.destination);
            var destBlob      = destContainer.GetBlobClient(out_container + fileInfo.fileName);

            await CopyBlobAsync(sourceContainer, destContainer, fileInfo);

            var document = new LogItem()
                destination   = fileInfo.destination,
                source        = fileInfo.source,
                fileName      = fileInfo.fileName,
                operation     = "MessageReceiver",
                timestamp     = DateTime.Now,
                customerID    = fileInfo.customerID,
                correlationID = fileInfo.correlationID,
                tags          = fileInfo.tags,
                version       = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("version")

            log.LogInformation($"---- Received message: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileInfo)}");
        private static async Task CopyBlobAsync(BlobContainerClient container, BlobContainerClient destContainer, JPOFileInfo fileInfo)
            try {
                // Get the name of the first blob in the container to use as the source.
                string blobName = fileInfo.fileName;

                // Create a BlobClient representing the source blob to copy.
                BlobClient sourceBlob = container.GetBlobClient(blobName);

                // Ensure that the source blob exists.
                if (await sourceBlob.ExistsAsync())
                    // Lease the source blob for the copy operation to prevent another client from modifying it.
                    BlobLeaseClient lease = sourceBlob.GetBlobLeaseClient();

                    // Specifying -1 for the lease interval creates an infinite lease.
                    //await lease.AcquireAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100));

                    // Get the source blob's properties and display the lease state.
                    BlobProperties sourceProperties = await sourceBlob.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    Console.WriteLine($"Lease state: {sourceProperties.LeaseState}");

                    Uri blob_sas_uri = BlobUtilities.GetServiceSASUriForBlob(sourceBlob, container.Name, null);

                    // Get a BlobClient representing the destination blob
                    BlobClient destBlob = destContainer.GetBlobClient(fileInfo.fileName);//destContainer.GetBlobClient(blob_sas_uri.ToString());

                    var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (var(tag, index) in fileInfo.tags.Split(",").WithIndex())
                        dict.Add($"tag{index}", tag.Trim());
                    dict.Add("correlationID", fileInfo.correlationID);
                    dict.Add("source", fileInfo.source);
                    dict.Add("description", fileInfo.description);
                    var options = new BlobCopyFromUriOptions {
                        Metadata = dict

                    // Start the copy operation.
                    await destBlob.StartCopyFromUriAsync(blob_sas_uri, options);

                    // Get the destination blob's properties and display the copy status.
                    BlobProperties destProperties = await destBlob.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    // Update the source blob's properties.
                    sourceProperties = await sourceBlob.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    if (sourceProperties.LeaseState == LeaseState.Leased)
                        // Break the lease on the source blob.
                        await lease.BreakAsync();

                        // Update the source blob's properties to check the lease state.
                        sourceProperties = await sourceBlob.GetPropertiesAsync();
            catch (RequestFailedException ex) {
        private static async Task CopyBlobAsync(BlobContainerClient container, BlobContainerClient destContainer, JPOFileInfo info, ILogger log)
            try {
                // Get the name of the first blob in the container to use as the source.
                string blobName = info.fileName;

                // Create a BlobClient representing the source blob to copy.
                BlobClient sourceBlob = container.GetBlobClient(blobName);

                // Ensure that the source blob exists.
                if (await sourceBlob.ExistsAsync())
                    // Lease the source blob for the copy operation to prevent another client from modifying it.
                    BlobLeaseClient lease = sourceBlob.GetBlobLeaseClient();

                    // Specifying -1 for the lease interval creates an infinite lease.
                    //await lease.AcquireAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100));

                    // Get the source blob's properties and display the lease state.
                    BlobProperties sourceProperties = await sourceBlob.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    log.LoggerInfo($"Lease state: {sourceProperties.LeaseState}", info);

                    Uri blob_sas_uri = BlobUtilities.GetServiceSASUriForBlob(sourceBlob, container.Name, null);

                    // Get a BlobClient representing the destination blob
                    BlobClient destBlob = destContainer.GetBlobClient(blobName);//destContainer.GetBlobClient(blob_sas_uri.ToString());

                    // Start the copy operation.
                    await destBlob.StartCopyFromUriAsync(blob_sas_uri);

                    // Get the destination blob's properties and display the copy status.
                    BlobProperties destProperties = await destBlob.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    // Update the source blob's properties.
                    sourceProperties = await sourceBlob.GetPropertiesAsync();

                    if (sourceProperties.LeaseState == LeaseState.Leased)
                        // Break the lease on the source blob.
                        await lease.BreakAsync();

                        // Update the source blob's properties to check the lease state.
                        sourceProperties = await sourceBlob.GetPropertiesAsync();
            catch (RequestFailedException ex) {
                log.LoggerError($"RequestFailedException: {ex.Message}", ex?.StackTrace, info);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static void LoggerError(this ILogger log, string msg, string stacktrace, JPOFileInfo entry)
     using (LogContext.PushProperty("producer", entry.source))
         using (LogContext.PushProperty("consumer", entry.destination))
             using (LogContext.PushProperty("file", entry.fileName))
                 using (LogContext.PushProperty("origin", entry.origin))
                     using (LogContext.PushProperty("tags", entry.tags))
                         using (LogContext.PushProperty("correlationId", entry.correlationId))
                             using (LogContext.PushProperty("stacktrace", stacktrace))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static void LoggerDebug(this ILogger log, string msg, JPOFileInfo entry)
     log.LogIt(msg, entry, LogEventLevel.Debug);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static void LoggerInfo(this ILogger log, string msg, JPOFileInfo entry)
     log.LogIt(msg, entry, LogEventLevel.Information);