Ejemplo n.º 1
        DataTable dtFinal = new DataTable("final");                                                              // data table if needed to modify any in the final after

        public _1172_Avanti_NewBusiness_DB1(bool inTestMode)
            TestMode = inTestMode;

            JAR_NewBusiness oNB = new JAR_NewBusiness(TestMode, ClientName, Author, ClientGroup, FilePath, FileName, FileExt, LayoutFile, DataBase);

            // read the data in, since they're in different layouts partially, and need to be modified

            if (dtData.Rows.Count >= 1)
                // pass the data back in so we can keep this rolling in our library

                // update data as needed via the library
                oNB.EvaluateData_TransferToFinal(DataBase, false, true, true, 60);

                // get the final sheet out, and make any necessary adjustments to the data before passing back in for the rest of the functions
                dtFinal = oNB.returnTableToModify_Final();



                // each of these should be included, just need to toggle the flag whether they're used or not
                // start doing the special things, if they are set to true
                oNB.Best2Phones();                                                                                                                // find the best 2 phones, and make sure they're all valid
                oNB.AD1_LengthScrub();                                                                                                            // if AD1 is too long, load the rest to AD2
                oNB.ScrubSSN();                                                                                                                   // scrub socials that aren't valid
                oNB.Find501R(DataBase, true);                                                                                                     // 501R date
                oNB.Note_Deduper();                                                                                                               // remove duplicate notes as needed across CLA#
                oNB.NBPH();                                                                                                                       // NBPH magic - same on EBO/DB1 (as soon as EBO's is live)
                oNB.MakeACMT(DataBase, false);                                                                                                    // create the ACMT line, based off of which fields are loaded
                oNB.DateUpdater(DataBase, true);                                                                                                  // set to false due to dodChecker after
                oNB.GuarIsMinor(true);                                                                                                            // determine if the guarantor is a minor
                oNB.DupeCheck();                                                                                                                  // duplicate check, by default is a hard dupe
                oNB.SmallBal("CLA#", 0.00, true);                                                                                                 // small balance removal (used same logic from old woodlawn)

                oNB.SplitTableResults();                                                                                                          // move the tables into their appropriate tables (small bal and dupes, and final to pass through)

                if (!inTestMode)
                    JAR_NewBusinessFunctions.SendClientReports(dtFinal, oNB.dt_Saver, ClientName, ClientGroup, DataBase, TestMode, FilePath, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, true);

                oNB.CallNBForm(null, TestMode);
                Console.WriteLine("\nNo data was found to process.\nPlease check the data folder and try again.\n\nPress any key or close the process to continue.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Take any of the weird format ones and make sure the name itself is all good.
        /// </summary>
        private void FinalizeNB()
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtFinal.Rows)
                // format the dates so they don't have time stamps at the end
                if (dr["DOB"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                    dr["DOB"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DOB"].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

                if (dr["ADATA:AT2"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                    dr["ADATA:AT2"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ADATA:AT2"].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

                if (dr["LAD"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                    dr["LAD"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["LAD"].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

                if (dr["ADATA:AU5"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                    dr["ADATA:AU5"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ADATA:AU5"].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

                if (dr["ADATA:AU6"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                    dr["ADATA:AU6"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ADATA:AU6"].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

                dr["PATIENT"]   = JAR_NewBusinessFunctions.RemoveExtraSpaces(dr["PATIENT"].ToString().Trim());
                dr["ADATA:AH1"] = JAR_NewBusinessFunctions.RemoveExtraSpaces(dr["ADATA:AH1"].ToString().Trim());

                // check if fn/ln is not blank, if so then take the data, split by space, and assign that, otherwise take whatever is in the patient data
                if (dr["xxFN"].ToString() != string.Empty || dr["xxLN"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                    var nameSplit = JAR_NewBusinessFunctions.returnNameParser(dr["xxFN"].ToString());

                    dr["FN"] = JAR_NewBusinessFunctions.RemoveExtraSpaces((nameSplit.First + " " + nameSplit.Middle).Trim());
                    dr["LN"] = JAR_NewBusinessFunctions.RemoveExtraSpaces((nameSplit.Last + " " + nameSplit.Suffix).Trim());
                    // they are blank, so take the patient fn and ln
                    dr["FN"] = JAR_NewBusinessFunctions.RemoveExtraSpaces((dr["XXPTFN"].ToString() + " " + dr["XXPTMI"].ToString()).Trim());
                    dr["LN"] = JAR_NewBusinessFunctions.RemoveExtraSpaces((dr["XXPTLN"].ToString()).Trim());