Ejemplo n.º 1
        //protected virtual string MakePath(string parent, string child);
        //protected string MakePath(string parent, string child, bool childIsLeaf);
        protected override void MoveItem(string path, string destination)
            if (PathIsDrive(path))
                WriteItemObject(this.PSDriveInfo, path, true);
            Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
            JFSObject job = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] : null;

            if (job is JFSFolder)
                JFSFolder fol = job as JFSFolder;
                if (ShouldProcess(path, "MoveItem"))
                    WriteItemObject(fol, path, false);
            else if (job is JFSFile)
                JFSFile fil = job as JFSFile;
                if (ShouldProcess(path, "MoveItem"))
                    WriteItemObject(fil, path, false);
                ArgumentException e = new ArgumentException("Move not supported for this item");
                //WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "MoveNotSupported", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, path));
                throw e;
            WriteItemObject(job, path, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void RenameItem(string path, string newName)
            if (PathIsDrive(path))
                WriteItemObject(this.PSDriveInfo, path, true);
            Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
            JFSObject job = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] : null;

            if (job is JFSFolder)
                JFSFolder fol = job as JFSFolder;
                if (ShouldProcess(path, "RenameItem"))
                    WriteItemObject(fol, path, false);
            else if (job is JFSFile)
                JFSFile fil = job as JFSFile;
                if (ShouldProcess(path, "RenameItem"))
                    WriteItemObject(fil, path, false);
                throw new ArgumentException("Rename not supported for this item");
            WriteItemObject(job, path, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //protected virtual object ItemExistsDynamicParameters(string path);

        // SetItem method of the item provider interface is not implemented, using SetContent
        // from content provider interface instead, same as the built-in FileSystem provider.
        //protected virtual void SetItem(string path, object value);
        //protected virtual object SetItemDynamicParameters(string path, object value);

        #region ContainerCmdletProvider

        //protected virtual bool ConvertPath(string path, string filter, ref string updatedPath, ref string updatedFilter);
        //protected virtual void CopyItem(string path, string copyPath, bool recurse);
        //protected virtual object CopyItemDynamicParameters(string path, string destination, bool recurse);
        protected override void GetChildItems(string path, bool recurse)
            if (PathIsDrive(path))
                foreach (var deviceName in JAFS.GetDeviceNames())
                    WriteItemObject(deviceName, path, true);
                Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
                JFSObject job = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] : null;
                if (job is JFSDevice)
                    JFSDevice dev = job as JFSDevice;
                    foreach (var mntName in dev.GetMountPointNames())
                        WriteItemObject(mntName, path, true);
                else if (job is JFSMountPoint)
                    JFSMountPoint mnt = job as JFSMountPoint;
                    foreach (var folName in mnt.GetFoldersNames())
                        WriteItemObject(folName, path, true);
                    foreach (var filName in mnt.GetFileNames())
                        WriteItemObject(filName, path, false);
                else if (job is JFSFolder)
                    JFSFolder fol = job as JFSFolder;
                    foreach (var subName in fol.GetFoldersNames())
                        WriteItemObject(subName, path, true);
                    foreach (var filName in fol.GetFileNames())
                        WriteItemObject(filName, path, false);
                else if (job is JFSBasicFile)
                    JFSBasicFile fil = job as JFSBasicFile;
                    WriteItemObject(fil.Name, path, false);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid path");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //protected virtual object RenameItemDynamicParameters(string path, string newName);


        #region NavigationCmdletProvider

        //protected virtual string GetChildName(string path);
        //protected virtual string GetParentPath(string path, string root);
        protected override bool IsItemContainer(string path)
            if (PathIsDrive(path))
            Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
            JFSObject job = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] : null;

            return(job != null && !(job is JFSBasicFile));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 //protected virtual void ClearItem(string path);
 //protected virtual object ClearItemDynamicParameters(string path);
 //protected virtual string[] ExpandPath(string path);
 protected override void GetItem(string path)
     if (PathIsDrive(path))
         WriteItemObject(this.PSDriveInfo, path, true);
         Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
         JFSObject job         = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] : null;
         bool      isContainer = !(job is JFSBasicFile);
         WriteItemObject(job, path, isContainer);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //protected virtual object GetChildItemsDynamicParameters(string path, bool recurse);
        //protected virtual void GetChildNames(string path, ReturnContainers returnContainers);
        //protected virtual object GetChildNamesDynamicParameters(string path);
        protected override bool HasChildItems(string path)
            // This is part of Container provider and tells if the container contains any children.
            // Must be implemented for RemoveItem to work, to decide how to handle possible recursion.
            // See also IsItemContainer implemented for Navigation provider.
            if (PathIsDrive(path))
            Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
            JFSObject job = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] : null;

            if (job != null)
                if (job is JFSDevice)
                    JFSDevice dev = job as JFSDevice;
                    return(dev.NumberOfApiMountPoints > 0); // NB: Includes deleted and special mount points!
                else if (job is JFSMountPoint)
                    JFSMountPoint mnt = job as JFSMountPoint;
                    return(mnt.NumberOfFilesAndFolders > 0);
                else if (job is JFSFolder)
                    JFSFolder fol = job as JFSFolder;
                    return(fol.NumberOfFilesAndFolders > 0);
                else if (job is JFSBasicFile)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected item type");
                return(false); //?
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected override bool ItemExists(string path)
     if (PathIsDrive(path))
         JFSObject job = null;
             Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
             if (pathObjects.Count > 0)
                 job = pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1];
         catch (ArgumentException)
             // Expecting JAFS.GetPathObjects to throw for path that does not exist, which is normal.
         return(job != null);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void RemoveItem(string path, bool recurse)
            RemoveItemDynamicParameters parameters = DynamicParameters as RemoveItemDynamicParameters;

            if (PathIsDrive(path))
                throw new ArgumentException("Remove not supported for this item");
            Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
            JFSObject job = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] : null;

            if (job is JFSDevice)
                JFSDevice dev = job as JFSDevice;
                if (parameters.Permanent)
                    if (ShouldProcess(path, "RemoveItem"))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Devices can only be removed permanently");
            else if (job is JFSMountPoint)
                JFSMountPoint mnt = job as JFSMountPoint;
                if (parameters.Permanent)
                    JFSDevice dev = pathObjects.Count > 1 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 2] as JFSDevice : null; // Parent is the device
                    if (dev == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Failed to find parent item needed for permanent remove");
                    if (ShouldProcess(path, "RemoveItem"))
                    if (ShouldProcess(path, "RemoveItem"))
            else if (job is JFSFolder)
                JFSFolder fol = job as JFSFolder;
                if (parameters.Permanent)
                    JFSObject parent = pathObjects.Count > 1 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 2] : null;
                    if (parent is JFSMountPoint)
                        JFSMountPoint mnt = parent as JFSMountPoint;
                        if (mnt == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Failed to find parent item needed for permanent remove");
                        if (ShouldProcess(path, "RemoveItem"))
                    else if (parent is JFSFolder)
                        JFSFolder pf = parent as JFSFolder;
                        if (pf == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Failed to find parent item needed for permanent remove");
                        if (ShouldProcess(path, "RemoveItem"))
                    if (ShouldProcess(path, "RemoveItem"))
            else if (job is JFSFile)
                JFSFile fil = job as JFSFile;
                if (parameters.Permanent)
                    JFSObject parent = pathObjects.Count > 1 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 2] : null;
                    if (parent is JFSMountPoint)
                        JFSMountPoint mnt = parent as JFSMountPoint;
                        if (mnt == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Failed to find parent item needed for permanent remove");
                        if (ShouldProcess(path, "RemoveItem"))
                    else if (parent is JFSFolder)
                        JFSFolder pf = parent as JFSFolder;
                        if (pf == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Failed to find parent item needed for permanent remove");
                        if (ShouldProcess(path, "RemoveItem"))
                    if (ShouldProcess(path, "RemoveItem"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Remove not supported for this item");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override void NewItem(string path, string itemTypeName, object newItemValue)
            NewItemDynamicParameters parameters = DynamicParameters as NewItemDynamicParameters;
            // The itemTypeName is the type of path of the container:
            //  - If a drive is specified, then a device can be created under it.
            //  - If a device is specified a mount point can be created under it.
            //  - If mount point or folder a folder can be created under it (or file, but we currently does not support creating for instance empty file using the NewItem operation).
            string itemName = newItemValue as string;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Value argument must be name of the item to be created");
            if (String.Equals(itemTypeName, "device", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (PathIsDrive(path))
                    if (ShouldProcess(itemName, "New device"))
                        WriteItemObject(JAFS.NewDevice(itemName, parameters.DeviceType), path + PSPathSeparator + itemName, true);
                    throw new ArgumentException("A device can only be created at root level");
            else if (String.Equals(itemTypeName, "mountpoint", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (!PathIsDrive(path))
                    Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
                    JFSDevice dev = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] as JFSDevice : null;
                    if (dev != null)
                        if (ShouldProcess(itemName, "New mount point"))
                            WriteItemObject(dev.NewMountpoint(itemName), path + PSPathSeparator + itemName, true);
                        throw new ArgumentException("A mountpoint can only be created from a device and the specified path does not represent one");
                    throw new ArgumentException("A mountpoint can only be created from a device and the specified path does not represent one");
            else if (String.Equals(itemTypeName, "folder", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (!PathIsDrive(path))
                    Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
                    JFSObject job = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] : null;
                    if (job is JFSMountPoint)
                        JFSMountPoint mnt = job as JFSMountPoint;
                        if (mnt != null)
                            if (ShouldProcess(itemName, "New folder"))
                                WriteItemObject(mnt.NewFolder(itemName), path + PSPathSeparator + itemName, true);
                    else if (job is JFSFolder)
                        JFSFolder pf = job as JFSFolder;
                        if (pf != null)
                            if (ShouldProcess(itemName, "New folder"))
                                WriteItemObject(pf.NewFolder(itemName), path + PSPathSeparator + itemName, true);
                        throw new ArgumentException("A folder can only be created from a mount point or folder and the specified path does not represent one");
                    throw new ArgumentException("A folder can only be created from a mount point or folder and the specified path does not represent one");
            else if (String.Equals(itemTypeName, "file", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (!PathIsDrive(path))
                    Collection <JFSObject> pathObjects = JAFS.GetPathObjects(JAFSPath(path));
                    JFSObject job = pathObjects.Count > 0 ? pathObjects[pathObjects.Count - 1] : null;
                    if (job is JFSMountPoint)
                        JFSMountPoint mnt = job as JFSMountPoint;
                        if (mnt != null)
                            if (ShouldProcess(itemName, "New file"))
                                WriteItemObject(mnt.NewFile(itemName, new byte[0]), path + PSPathSeparator + itemName, false);
                    else if (job is JFSFolder)
                        JFSFolder pf = job as JFSFolder;
                        if (pf != null)
                            if (ShouldProcess(itemName, "New file"))
                                WriteItemObject(pf.NewFile(itemName, new byte[0]), path + PSPathSeparator + itemName, false);
                        throw new ArgumentException("A file can only be created from a mount point or folder and the specified path does not represent one");
                    throw new ArgumentException("A file can only be created from a mount point or folder and the specified path does not represent one");
                WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new ArgumentException("Type must be one of the following: device, mountpoint or folder"),
                                           "CannotCreateSpecifiedObject", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, path));
                throw new ArgumentException("This provider can only create items of types \"device\", \"mountpoint\" and \"folder\"");