} /* TransmitData() */

        protected void TransmitRawData(byte[] data)

            // get factory & instanciate en emplty shell message
            Ixxat.Vci4.IMessageFactory factory
                = Ixxat.Vci4.VciServer.Instance().MsgFactory;
            Ixxat.Vci4.Bal.Can.ICanMessage canMsg
                = (Ixxat.Vci4.Bal.Can.ICanMessage)factory.CreateMsg(typeof(Ixxat.Vci4.Bal.Can.ICanMessage));

            // configure the empty shell
            canMsg.Identifier = 1; // Message ID
            canMsg.TimeStamp = 0; // No delay
            canMsg.ExtendedFrameFormat = false; // 11 bits
            canMsg.RemoteTransmissionRequest = false;
            canMsg.SelfReceptionRequest = false;  // do not show this message in the console window
            canMsg.FrameType = Ixxat.Vci4.Bal.Can.CanMsgFrameType.Data; // Will allways be a data frame
            canMsg.DataLength = (byte)data.Length;

            // fill up the data  
            for (int idx = 0; idx < data.Length; ++idx)
                canMsg[idx] = data[idx];

            // Write the CAN message into the transmit FIFO

        } /* TransmitRawData() */
        } /* InitSocket() */


        #region CAN send/receive definition

        protected void TransmitData<T>(T obj)
            where T : struct

            // get factory & instanciate en emplty shell message
            Ixxat.Vci4.IMessageFactory factory
                = Ixxat.Vci4.VciServer.Instance().MsgFactory;
            Ixxat.Vci4.Bal.Can.ICanMessage canMsg
                = (Ixxat.Vci4.Bal.Can.ICanMessage)factory.CreateMsg(typeof(Ixxat.Vci4.Bal.Can.ICanMessage));

            // build up the data from object serializing
            byte[] data = AbstractCANHandle.Serialize<T>(obj);

            // configure the empty shell
            canMsg.TimeStamp = 0;
            canMsg.Identifier = 0x100;
            canMsg.FrameType = Ixxat.Vci4.Bal.Can.CanMsgFrameType.Data;
            canMsg.DataLength = (byte)data.Length;
            canMsg.SelfReceptionRequest = true;  // show this message in the console window

            // fill up the data  
            for (int idx = 0; idx < data.Length; ++idx)
                canMsg[idx] = data[idx];

            // Write the CAN message into the transmit FIFO

        } /* TransmitData() */