Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The ability has started.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void AbilityStarted()

            // If the item pickup isn't null then the ability is currently working on equipping another item.
            if (m_ItemPickup != null && m_ItemPickup != m_AvailableItemPickups[0])
                m_ItemPickup.DoItemIdentifierPickup(m_GameObject, m_Inventory, m_SlotID, true, false);

            m_ItemPickup = m_AvailableItemPickups[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_AvailablePickupCount; ++i)
                m_AvailableItemPickups[i] = m_AvailableItemPickups[i + 1];

            var itemDefinitionAmounts = m_ItemPickup.GetItemDefinitionAmounts();

            // If the PickupItemIdentifier array contains any ItemIdentifiers then the PickupItem ability should only start if the PickupItem object contains one of the ItemIdentifiers
            // within the array. If it doesn't contain the ItemIdentifier then that ItemIdentifier should be equipped as if the PickupItem ability doesn't exist.
            var immediatePickup = false;

            if (m_PickupItemDefinitions != null && m_PickupItemDefinitions.Length > 0)
                immediatePickup = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_PickupItemDefinitions.Length; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < itemDefinitionAmounts.Length; ++j)
                        if (m_PickupItemDefinitions[i] == itemDefinitionAmounts[j].ItemIdentifier.GetItemDefinition())
                            immediatePickup = false;
                    if (immediatePickup)

            m_ItemPickup.DoItemPickup(m_GameObject, m_Inventory, m_SlotID, !immediatePickup, immediatePickup);

            // The ability shouldn't start if the ItemIdentifier has already been picked up.
            if (immediatePickup)

            // Before the item can be picked up the currently equipped items need to be unequipped.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_EquipUnequipAbilities.Length; ++i)
            var allowedEquippedSlotsMask = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < itemDefinitionAmounts.Length; ++i)
                var itemDefinition = itemDefinitionAmounts[i].ItemDefinition;
                var itemIdentifier = itemDefinitionAmounts[i].ItemIdentifier;

                for (int j = 0; j < m_Inventory.SlotCount; ++j)
                    // Determine if the item should be equipped. The current item needs to be unequipped if it doesn't match the item being picked up.
                    var categoryIndex = 0;
                    var shouldEquip   = false;
                    for (int k = 0; k < m_EquipUnequipAbilities.Length; ++k)
                        if (m_ItemSetManager.IsCategoryMember(itemDefinition, m_EquipUnequipAbilities[k].ItemSetCategoryIndex) &&
                            m_EquipUnequipAbilities[k].ShouldEquip(itemIdentifier, j, itemDefinitionAmounts[i].Amount))
                            shouldEquip   = true;
                            categoryIndex = m_EquipUnequipAbilities[k].ItemSetCategoryIndex;

                    if (!shouldEquip)

                    // The item should be equipped.
                    var equippedItem = m_Inventory.GetActiveItem(j);
                    if (equippedItem == null || itemIdentifier != equippedItem.ItemIdentifier)
                        allowedEquippedSlotsMask |= (1 << j);


            // If the item doesn't need to be equipped then it should still be picked up.
            if (allowedEquippedSlotsMask == 0)
                m_ItemPickup.DoItemPickup(m_GameObject, m_Inventory, m_SlotID, false, true);

            // If the ability index is -1 then an animation will not play and the item should be picked up immediately.
            if (m_AbilityIndexParameter == -1)
            else if (!m_PickupEvent.WaitForAnimationEvent)
                Scheduler.ScheduleFixed(m_PickupEvent.Duration, DoItemPickup);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the specified item set.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawSelectedItemSet(ItemSet itemSet, int index)
            GUILayout.Label("Item Set " + index, Shared.Editor.Inspectors.Utility.InspectorStyles.CenterBoldLabel);

            itemSet.State = EditorGUILayout.TextField(new GUIContent("State", "Optionally specify a state that the character should switch to when the Item Set is active."), itemSet.State);

            // Draws all of the slots ItemDefinitions.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_InventoryBase.SlotCount; ++i)
                var itemDefinition = (ItemDefinitionBase)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Slot " + i, itemSet.Slots[i], typeof(ItemDefinitionBase), false);
                // The ItemIdentifier must belong to the parent category.
                if (itemDefinition != null && m_ItemSetManager.IsCategoryMember(itemDefinition, m_ItemSetListIndex))
                    itemSet.Slots[i] = itemDefinition;
                    if (Application.isPlaying)
                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Item Identifier", itemSet.ItemIdentifiers[i] == null ? "(none)" : itemSet.ItemIdentifiers[i].ToString());
                    itemSet.Slots[i] = null;
                    if (itemDefinition != null)
                        Debug.LogError($"Error: Unable to add ItemDefinition {itemDefinition.name}. The ItemDefinition category doesn't match the parent category.");

            var isDefaultIndex       = m_ItemSetManager.CategoryItemSets[m_ItemSetListIndex].DefaultItemSetIndex == index;
            var isDefaultIndexToggle = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Default", "True if the Item Set is the default Item Set."), isDefaultIndex);

            if (isDefaultIndex != isDefaultIndexToggle)
                m_ItemSetManager.CategoryItemSets[m_ItemSetListIndex].DefaultItemSetIndex = isDefaultIndexToggle ? index : -1;

            itemSet.Enabled       = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Enabled", "True if the Item Set can be equipped."), itemSet.Enabled);
            itemSet.CanSwitchTo   = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Can Switch To", "True if the ItemSet can be switched to by the EquipNext/EquipPrevious abilities."), itemSet.CanSwitchTo);
            itemSet.DisabledIndex = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Disabled Index", "The ItemSet that should be activated if the current ItemSet is disabled."), itemSet.DisabledIndex);

            if (Shared.Editor.Inspectors.Utility.InspectorUtility.Foldout(itemSet, new GUIContent("States"), false))
                // The MovementType class derives from system.object at the base level and reorderable lists can only operate on Unity objects. To get around this restriction
                // create a dummy array within a Unity object that corresponds to the number of elements within the ability's state list. When the reorderable list is drawn
                // the ability object will be used so it's like the dummy object never existed.
                var gameObject       = new GameObject();
                var stateIndexHelper = gameObject.AddComponent <StateInspectorHelper>();
                stateIndexHelper.StateIndexData = new int[itemSet.States.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < stateIndexHelper.StateIndexData.Length; ++i)
                    stateIndexHelper.StateIndexData[i] = i;
                var stateIndexSerializedObject = new SerializedObject(stateIndexHelper);
                m_ReorderableItemSetStateList[m_ItemSetListIndex] = StateInspector.DrawStates(m_ReorderableItemSetStateList[m_ItemSetListIndex], serializedObject,
                                                                                              GetSelectedItemSetStateIndexKey(index), OnItemSetStateListDraw, OnItemSetStateListAdd,
                                                                                              OnItemSetStateListReorder, OnItemSetStateListRemove);
                if (!m_ReorderableListCategoryMap.ContainsKey(m_ReorderableItemSetStateList[m_ItemSetListIndex]))
                    m_ReorderableListCategoryMap.Add(m_ReorderableItemSetStateList[m_ItemSetListIndex], m_ItemSetListIndex);