void Start()
        itemSelectionHandler = ItemSelectionHandler.itemSelectionHandler;

        itemBackgroundImage       = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>();
        itemBackgroundImage.color = normalColor;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void Awake()
     if (itemSelectionHandler == null)
         itemSelectionHandler = this;
     else if (itemSelectionHandler != this)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public MenuItem(String name, String text, ItemSelectionHandler itemSelected)
     this.name           = name;
     this.text           = text;
     this.OnItemSelected = itemSelected;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a touch event has been passed to the list view for processing.
        /// Process according to the event type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="touchedView">The view given the event - not used assumed to be owner ShoppingListView</param>
        /// <param name="touchEvent">THe touch event</param>
        /// <returns>True if the event has been consumed and should not be further processed</returns>
        public bool OnTouch(View touchedView, MotionEvent touchEvent)
            // Assume the event is not consumed
            bool touchConsumed = false;

            switch (touchEvent.Action)
            case MotionEventActions.Down:
                // Adjust touch position to be relative to the parent view
                int[] viewCoords = new int[2];
                int relX = ( int )touchEvent.RawX - viewCoords[0];
                int relY = ( int )touchEvent.RawY - viewCoords[1];

                // Work out if a child of the parent view has been selected
                // This is a bit of a brute force way of doing this but can cope with different height items.
                int  childIndex = 0;
                bool childFound = false;
                Rect hitRect    = new Rect();

                while ((childIndex < monitoredView.ChildCount) && (childFound == false))
                    View child = monitoredView.GetChildAt(childIndex);

                    // Check if this child has been selected - all coordinates relative to the parent
                    if (hitRect.Contains(relX, relY) == true)
                        childFound = true;

                        // Save the view
                        selectedView     = child;
                        selectedPosition = monitoredView.GetPositionForView(child);

                        // Check if this child can be selected
                        if (ItemSelectionHandler != null)
                            SelectionEventArgs args = new SelectionEventArgs {
                                Position = selectedPosition, ViewSelected = child
                            ItemSelectionHandler.Invoke(this, args);
                            if (args.Cancel == true)
                                selectedView = null;

                // If a child hasn't been selected check whether or not group swipes are allowed
                if (childFound == false)
                    selectedPosition = -1;

                    // If group swiping is allowed (in either direction) then specify the parent view as the selected view
                    if ((RightGroupSwipe == true) || (LeftGroupSwipe == true))
                        selectedView = monitoredView;

                // If a view has been selected then set up a velocity tracker and record the initial x coordinate
                if (selectedView != null)
                    velocity = VelocityTracker.Obtain();

                    // Record the raw starting X position to determine how far to translate the view in response to user
                    // moves
                    initialDownX = touchEvent.RawX;

                    touchConsumed = true;


            case MotionEventActions.Move:
                // If a view has been selected then determine how far it has been moved
                if (selectedView != null)
                    // Add the current movement to those held by the tracker

                    float deltaX = touchEvent.RawX - initialDownX;

                    if (swiping == false)
                        // Not already swiping. Check if the movement is deliberate and is more horizontal than vertical
                        // Get the velocity in pixels / sec

                        // Check if swiping is actually allowed
                        if (SwipingAllowed(deltaX) == true)

                            if ((Math.Abs(deltaX) > wander) &&
                                (Math.Abs(velocity.XVelocity) > Math.Abs(velocity.YVelocity)))
                                swiping = true;

                    if (swiping == true)
                        // Move the view unless swiping is not allowed
                        if (SwipingAllowed(deltaX) == true)
                            // Move the selected view
                            // If this is a group swipe then move the parent view instead
                            if (((deltaX > 0) && (RightGroupSwipe == true)) ||
                                ((deltaX < 0) && (LeftGroupSwipe == true)))
                                monitoredView.TranslationX = deltaX;

                                // If moving left and there is a right reveal view then move it as well
                                if ((deltaX < 0) && (RightRevealView != null))
                                    RightRevealView.TranslationX = monitoredView.Width + deltaX;
                                    RightRevealView.Visibility   = ViewStates.Visible;

                                // If moving right and there is a left reveal view then move it as well
                                if ((deltaX > 0) && (LeftRevealView != null))
                                    LeftRevealView.TranslationX = deltaX - monitoredView.Width;
                                    LeftRevealView.Visibility   = ViewStates.Visible;

                                // If we've been moving an individual child then make sure it is put back where
                                // we found it. Don't so this if the selected child is the parent
                                if ((selectedView != monitoredView) && (selectedView.TranslationX != 0))
                                    selectedView.TranslationX = 0;
                                // Only move this view if it is not the parent view
                                if (selectedView != monitoredView)
                                    selectedView.TranslationX = deltaX;

                        touchConsumed = true;


            case MotionEventActions.Up:
                if (swiping == true)
                    // Assume no fling detected
                    bool flingRightDetected = false;
                    bool flingLeftDetected  = false;

                    // Assume a slow drag rather than a fast fling
                    bool wasFlung = false;

                    // Add the current movement to those held by the tracker and detemine the curent velocities

                    float absXVelocity = Math.Abs(velocity.XVelocity);
                    float absYVelocity = Math.Abs(velocity.YVelocity);

                    float deltaX = touchEvent.RawX - initialDownX;

                    // First of all detect a fling.
                    // If the absolute velocity is greater than the fling minimum and the movement is still
                    // in a mainly horizontal direction then its a fling.
                    // Also ensure that the current delta is in the same direction as the fling, i.e. make sure that
                    // the view has been repositioned back to where it started before processing a fling in the opposite
                    // direction
                    if ((absXVelocity > minimumFlingVelocity) && (absXVelocity > (absYVelocity * 2)))
                        // Check if the fling is in an allowed direction - may have changed direction since last move
                        if (SwipingAllowed(velocity.XVelocity) == true)
                            // Make sure that the fling direction agrees with the current position of the view
                            if (Math.Sign(velocity.XVelocity) == Math.Sign(deltaX))
                                flingRightDetected = (velocity.XVelocity > 0);
                                flingLeftDetected  = (velocity.XVelocity < 0);
                                wasFlung           = true;
                    // More than half the width moved?
                    else if ((SwipingAllowed(deltaX) == true) && (Math.Abs(deltaX) > (monitoredView.Width / 2)))
                        flingRightDetected = (deltaX > 0);
                        flingLeftDetected  = (deltaX < 0);

                    // Animate the selected view either to the right, left or back to the start
                    // Work out whether the selected child or the parent view needs to be animated
                    // Assume the child
                    View animatedView = selectedView;
                    if (((deltaX > 0) && (RightGroupSwipe == true)) ||
                        ((deltaX < 0) && (LeftGroupSwipe == true)))
                        animatedView = monitoredView;

                    // If the animated view has not changed position then skip the animation processing
                    // Thius assumes that a velocity based fling will only occur after the view has
                    // moved a little first TBD
                    if (animatedView.TranslationX != 0)
                        if (flingRightDetected == true)
                            // Animate the view fully off to the right and report the event back to the view at the
                            // end of the animation
                            SimpleAnimate(animatedView, monitoredView.Width,
                                          new ObjectAnimatorListenerAdapter((animation) =>
                                    FlingRightHandler?.Invoke(this, new SwipeEventArgs {
                                        Position = selectedPosition, WasFlung = wasFlung
                                    if (animatedView != monitoredView)
                                        animatedView.TranslationX = 0;

                            // If this is a parent view swipe and there's a left reveal then animate it across as well
                            if ((animatedView == monitoredView) && (LeftRevealView != null))
                                SimpleAnimate(LeftRevealView, 0, null);
                        else if (flingLeftDetected == true)
                            // Animate the view fully off to the left and report the event back to the view at the
                            // end of the animation
                            SimpleAnimate(animatedView, -monitoredView.Width,
                                          new ObjectAnimatorListenerAdapter((animation) =>
                                    FlingLeftHandler?.Invoke(this, new SwipeEventArgs {
                                        Position = selectedPosition, WasFlung = wasFlung
                                    if (animatedView != monitoredView)
                                        animatedView.TranslationX = 0;

                            // If this is a parent view swipe and there's a right reveal then animate it across as well
                            if ((animatedView == monitoredView) && (RightRevealView != null))
                                SimpleAnimate(RightRevealView, 0, null);
                            // No fling so animate the views back to their starting positions
                            SimpleAnimate(animatedView, 0, null);

                            // If the parent view was being moved and there's a left or right review then animate them back
                            // to their starting positions as well
                            if (animatedView == monitoredView)
                                if ((deltaX > 0) && (LeftRevealView != null))
                                    // Animate the view back to the left
                                    SimpleAnimate(LeftRevealView, -monitoredView.Width, null);

                                if ((deltaX < 0) && (RightRevealView != null))
                                    // Animate the view back to the right
                                    SimpleAnimate(RightRevealView, monitoredView.Width, null);

                // Reset state variables
                selectedView = null;
                swiping      = false;

                // Free up the VelocityTracker
                if (velocity != null)
                    velocity = null;


 void Start()
     itemSelectionHandler = ItemSelectionHandler.itemSelectionHandler;