Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task GetCraftingCost(int amount, [Remainder] string item)
            //Search for the item through personal sheets to find corresponding id
            var itemSearchApi = new ItemSearchApi(_ssService);
            var id            = await itemSearchApi.GetItemId(item);

            if (id == 0)
                await ReplyAsync($"Could not find item with search key '{item}'");


            //Use item id to retrieve item details (in particular, image for the item)
            var itemApi     = new ItemApi();
            var itemDetails = await itemApi.GetItemDetails(id);

            if (itemDetails == null)
                await ReplyAsync($"Could not find item with search key '{item}'");


            //Use item id to retrieve current marketplace value of the item
            var crApi        = new CraftingApi();
            var craftRecipes = await crApi.GetCraftingCost(itemDetails.Name);

            var chosenRecipe = craftRecipes.Where(r => r.Quantity == amount).FirstOrDefault();

            if (chosenRecipe == null)
                if (craftRecipes.Length == 0)
                    await ReplyAsync($"No crafting recipes available for '{itemDetails.Name}'");
                    var amountList = craftRecipes.Aggregate("", (accum, cur) => accum + cur.Quantity + ", ", accum => accum.TrimEnd(',', ' '));
                    await ReplyAsync($"Must choose one of the following craft amounts for '{itemDetails.Name}': {amountList}");

            var altRecipes = craftRecipes.Where(r => r.Quantity != chosenRecipe.Quantity);

            var mpApi = new MarketplaceApi();
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            var mainItemListing = await mpApi.GetMarketplaceListing(itemDetails.Id);

            if ((mainItemListing?.Listings.Length ?? 0) == 0)
                await ReplyAsync($"No maketplace listings available for '{itemDetails.Name}'");


            var outputPrice = mainItemListing.Listings.First().PricePerItem *chosenRecipe.Quantity;

            if (chosenRecipe.Ingredients != null)
                //Currently the drive only supports searching for items in a serial manner
                //Can avoid this slow linear search if/when the unofficial api returns ids along with item names
                for (int i = 0; i < chosenRecipe.Ingredients.Length; i++)
                    var idx = i;
                    chosenRecipe.Ingredients[idx].Id = await itemSearchApi.GetItemId(chosenRecipe.Ingredients[idx].Name);

                    tasks.Add(Task.Run(async() =>
                        chosenRecipe.Ingredients[idx].Cost = new Gold(0);

                        //Some items may not be sellable items, or may not be listed on the marketplace; we ignore these
                        if (chosenRecipe.Ingredients[idx].Id != 0)
                            var listing = await mpApi.GetMarketplaceListing(chosenRecipe.Ingredients[idx].Id);

                            if ((listing?.Listings.Length ?? 0) != 0)
                                chosenRecipe.Ingredients[idx].Cost = listing.Listings.First().PricePerItem *chosenRecipe.Ingredients[idx].Quantity;

            if (chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients != null)
                //Currently the drive only supports searching for items in a serial manner
                //Can avoid this slow linear search if/when the unofficial api returns ids along with item names
                for (int i = 0; i < chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients.Length; i++)
                    var idx = i;
                    chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients[idx].Id = await itemSearchApi.GetItemId(chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients[idx].Name);

                    tasks.Add(Task.Run(async() =>
                        chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients[idx].Cost = new Gold(0);

                        //Some items may not be sellable items, or may not be listed on the marketplace; we ignore these
                        if (chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients[idx].Id != 0)
                            var listing = await mpApi.GetMarketplaceListing(chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients[idx].Id);

                            if ((listing?.Listings.Length ?? 0) != 0)
                                chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients[idx].Cost = listing.Listings.First().PricePerItem

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            var craftCost = chosenRecipe.Cost;

            var individualCostStr = $"{chosenRecipe.Cost.GoldPart} {GoldIcon} {chosenRecipe.Cost.SilverPart} {SilverIcon} - Crafting Price\r\n";

            if (chosenRecipe.Ingredients != null)
                foreach (var ing in chosenRecipe.Ingredients)
                    craftCost += ing.Cost;

                    if (ing.Cost == 0)
                        individualCostStr += $"No marketplace value available - {ing.Name} x {ing.Quantity}\r\n";
                        individualCostStr += $"{ing.Cost.GoldPart} {GoldIcon} {ing.Cost.SilverPart} {SilverIcon} - {ing.Name} x {ing.Quantity}\r\n";

            if (chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients != null)
                foreach (var atmpt in chosenRecipe.AttemptIngredients)
                    craftCost += atmpt.Cost;

                    if (atmpt.Cost == 0)
                        individualCostStr += $"No marketplace value available - {atmpt.Name} x {atmpt.Quantity}\r\n";
                        individualCostStr += $"{atmpt.Cost.GoldPart} {GoldIcon} {atmpt.Cost.SilverPart} {SilverIcon} - {atmpt.Name} x {atmpt.Quantity}\r\n";

            var netCost = outputPrice - craftCost;

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder();

            embed.ThumbnailUrl = itemDetails.ImgUrl;
            embed.Title        = itemDetails.Name;

            if (chosenRecipe.SuccessRate > 0.0 && chosenRecipe.SuccessRate < 1.0)
                embed.Title += " (chance to fail)";

            embed.Description = $"Net Earnings: {netCost.GoldPart} {GoldIcon} {netCost.SilverPart} {SilverIcon}";

            var altCraftAmtStr = altRecipes.Aggregate("", (accum, cur) => accum + cur.Quantity + ", ", accum => accum.TrimEnd(',', ' '));

            var craftSpecsStr = $"Source: {chosenRecipe.CraftingSource}";

            craftSpecsStr += chosenRecipe.CraftDuration > 0 ? $"\r\nDuration: {chosenRecipe.CraftDuration} hrs" : "";
            craftSpecsStr += string.IsNullOrEmpty(altCraftAmtStr) ? ""
                                : $"\r\nAmount: {chosenRecipe.Quantity} (alternate craft amounts: {altCraftAmtStr})";

            embed.AddField("Crafting Information", craftSpecsStr, false);

            embed.AddField("Market Price", $"{outputPrice.GoldPart} {GoldIcon} {outputPrice.SilverPart} {SilverIcon}", true);
            embed.AddField("Crafting Cost", $"{craftCost.GoldPart} {GoldIcon} {craftCost.SilverPart} {SilverIcon}", true);

            embed.AddField("Individual Item Costs", individualCostStr, false);

            embed.Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                Text = "Data retrieved from the Unofficial BnS API. Documentation: https://slate.silveress.ie/docs_bns"

            await ReplyAsync("", embed : embed.Build());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task GetMarketplaceValue([Remainder] string item)
            //Search for the item through personal sheets to find corresponding id
            var itemSearchApi = new ItemSearchApi(_ssService);
            var id            = await itemSearchApi.GetItemId(item);

            if (id == 0)
                await ReplyAsync($"Could not find item with search key '{item}'");


            //Use item id to retrieve item details (in particular, image for the item)
            var itemApi     = new ItemApi();
            var itemDetails = await itemApi.GetItemDetails(id);

            if (itemDetails == null)
                await ReplyAsync($"Could not find item with search key '{item}'");


            //Use item id to retrieve current marketplace value of the item
            var mpApi    = new MarketplaceApi();
            var listings = await mpApi.GetMarketplaceListing(id);

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder();

            embed.ThumbnailUrl = itemDetails.ImgUrl;
            embed.Title        = itemDetails.Name;

            var maxListing = Math.Min(10, listings?.Listings.Length ?? 0);

            var formattedListings = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < maxListing; i++)
                var listing = listings.Listings[i];

                formattedListings += $"{listing.PricePerItem.GoldPart} {GoldIcon} {listing.PricePerItem.SilverPart} {SilverIcon} x {listing.Count}";
                formattedListings += $"   |   {listing.Price.Total/10000.0} g Total\r\n";

            formattedListings = string.IsNullOrEmpty(formattedListings) ? "<No listings available>" : formattedListings;

            embed.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
                Name  = $"Lowest marketplace listings for {itemDetails.Name}.",
                Value = formattedListings

            embed.Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                Text = "Data retrieved from the Unofficial BnS API. Documentation: https://slate.silveress.ie/docs_bns"

            if (listings != null)
                embed.Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(listings.DateRetrieved);

            await ReplyAsync("", embed : embed.Build());