Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension class
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Smoking Skull";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it.
            string resourceName = "BleakMod/Resources/skull";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a ActiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <SmokingSkull>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Hold Of The Iron Ring";
            string longDesc  = "On use, chooses one of 3 of the Cannonbalrog's attacks to execute.\n\nAn artifact discovered in the binding tomb of a legendary beast. Its sole eye stares straight into your soul.";

            item.consumable = false;
            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //"kts" here is the item pool. In the console you'd type kts:sweating_bullets
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "bb");
            //Set the cooldown type and duration of the cooldown
            ItemBuilder.SetCooldownType(item, ItemBuilder.CooldownType.Damage, 400);
            //Adds a passive modifier, like curse, coolness, damage, etc. to the item. Works for passives and actives.
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Curse, 1, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddToSubShop(item, ItemBuilder.ShopType.Cursula, 1f);
            //Set some other fields
            item.quality = ItemQuality.A;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Init()
            string itemName = "Trickster's Gun";

            string resourceName = "Items/Resources/tricksters_gun.png";

            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            var item = obj.AddComponent <TrickstersGun>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            string shortDesc = "A Memento";
            string longDesc  = "Use on a boss with less than 1/3 health remaining for a devastating finale!\n\nA gun once wielded by a powerful Trickster who sought defiance against those who abused power. A potent energy thrums from within it." +
                               "\n\nIt's time for an all out attack!";

            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "cel");
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Curse, 2, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.SetCooldownType(item, ItemBuilder.CooldownType.Damage, 1000);
            ItemBuilder.AddToSubShop(item, ItemBuilder.ShopType.Cursula);

            item.quality = ItemQuality.EXCLUDED;
            item.sprite.IsPerpendicular = true;