Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override IsoPoint[] GetInternalForceDiscretationPoints()
            var buf = new List <IsoPoint>();

            var isoPoint = new IsoPoint();

            if (_forceIsoLocation.Length > 0)
                isoPoint.Xi = _forceIsoLocation[0];

            if (_forceIsoLocation.Length > 1)
                isoPoint.Eta = _forceIsoLocation[1];

            if (_forceIsoLocation.Length > 2)
                isoPoint.Lambda = _forceIsoLocation[2];


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public double GetMagnitudeAt(Element targetelement, IsoPoint location)

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected PartialNonUniformLoad(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
     _coordinationSystem = (CoordinationSystem)(int)info.GetValue("_coordinationSystem", typeof(int));
     _startLocation      = (IsoPoint)info.GetValue("_startLocation", typeof(IsoPoint));
     _endLocation        = (IsoPoint)info.GetValue("_endLocation", typeof(IsoPoint));
     _direction          = (Vector)info.GetValue("_direction", typeof(Vector));
     _severityFunction   = (Mathh.Polynomial)info.GetValue("_direction", typeof(Mathh.Polynomial));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected PartialNonUniformLoad(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
     _magnitudesAtNodes = (double[])info.GetValue("_magnitudesAtNodes", typeof(double[]));
     _startLocation     = (IsoPoint)info.GetValue("_startLocation", typeof(IsoPoint));
     _endLocation       = (IsoPoint)info.GetValue("_endLocation", typeof(IsoPoint));
     _startMagnitude    = (double)info.GetValue("_startMagnitude", typeof(double));
     _endMagnitude      = (double)info.GetValue("_endMagnitude", typeof(double));
     _direction         = (Vector)info.GetValue("_direction", typeof(Vector));
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the isoparametric location of concentrated force.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isoCoords">The isoparametric coordiation components (xi, eta, gamma).</param>
        private void SetIsoLocation(params double[] isoCoords)
            _forceIsoLocation = new IsoPoint(isoCoords[0], isoCoords[1], isoCoords[2]);

             * for (var i = 0; i < isoCoords.Length; i++)
             * {
             *  if (i >= _forceIsoLocation.Length)
             *      break;
             *  _forceIsoLocation[i] = isoCoords[i];
             * }*/
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void LoadEquivalentNodalLoads_ConcentratedLod_eulerbernoullybeam_dirY_My_End()
            var l = 4.0;
            var w = 2.0;
            var a = l;

            var nodes = new Node[2];

            nodes[0] = (new Node(0, 0, 0)
                Label = "n0"
            nodes[1] = (new Node(l, 0, 0)
                Label = "n1"

            var elm = new BarElement(nodes[0], nodes[1])
                Label = "e0"

            var f = new Force(0, 0, 0, 0, w, 0);

            var loc = new IsoPoint(elm.LocalCoordsToIsoCoords(a)[0]);

            var u1 = new Loads.ConcentratedLoad(f, loc, CoordinationSystem.Global);

            var hlpr = new ElementHelpers.EulerBernoulliBeamHelper(ElementHelpers.BeamDirection.Y, elm);

            var loads = hlpr.GetLocalEquivalentNodalLoads(elm, u1);

            var d0 = Force.Zero;
            var d1 = loads[1] - f;

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(d0.Forces.Length) < 1e-5, "invalid value");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(d0.Moments.Length) < 1e-5, "invalid value");

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(d1.Forces.Length) < 1e-5, "invalid value");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(d1.Moments.Length) < 1e-5, "invalid value");
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the iso location of points that internal force in those points are discrete only due to element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>list of iso locations</returns>
        public IsoPoint[] GetInternalForceDiscretationPoints()
            var buf = new List <IsoPoint>();

            foreach (var node in nodes)
                var x = (node.Location - nodes[0].Location).Length;

                var xi = LocalCoordsToIsoCoords(x)[0];

                buf.Add(new IsoPoint(xi));

            //Note: internal loads are not accounted

             * foreach (var load in this.loads)
             * {
             *  if (load.Case != loadCase)
             *      continue;
             *  var pts = load.GetInternalForceDiscretationPoints();
             *  buf.AddRange(pts);
             * }
            var b2 = new List <IsoPoint>();

            foreach (var point in buf.OrderBy(i => i.Xi))
                var pt = new IsoPoint(point.Xi);

                if (!b2.Contains(pt))

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public double[] GetMagnitudesAt(Element targetelement, IsoPoint location)
            //var buf = 0.0;//new double[EndMagnitude.Length];

            //var dims = StartMagnitude.Length;

            //var n = Math.Min(dims, isoCoords.Length);

            throw new NotImplementedException();

             * //for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
             * {
             *  //var startOffset = this.StartLocation[0];
             *  //var endOffset = this.EndLocation[0];
             *  var startMag = this.StartMagnitude;
             *  var endMag = this.EndMagnitude;
             *  var p0 = new Point(StartLocation.Xi, StartLocation.Eta, StartLocation.Lambda);
             *  var p1 = new Point(EndLocation.Xi, EndLocation.Eta, EndLocation.Lambda);
             *  var v = (p1 - p0);
             *  //var
             *  var xi0 = -1 + startOffset;
             *  var xi1 = 1 - endOffset;
             *  var q0 = startMag;
             *  var q1 = endMag;
             *  var m = (q0 - q1) / (xi0 - xi1);
             *  var magnitude = q0 + m * (isoCoords[i] - xi0);
             *  buf[i] = magnitude;
             * }
             * return buf;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public GeneralStressTensor GetLocalStressAt(Element targetElement, Displacement[] localDisplacements, params double[] isoCoords)
            //step 1 : get transformation matrix
            //step 2 : convert globals points to locals
            //step 3 : convert global displacements to locals
            //step 4 : calculate B matrix and D matrix
            //step 5 : M=D*B*U
            //Note : Steps changed...

            var pt = new IsoPoint(isoCoords);

            var tr = targetElement.GetTransformationManager();

            var locals = localDisplacements;// tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(globalDisplacements);

            var b = GetBMatrixAt(targetElement, isoCoords);

            var d = GetDMatrixAt(targetElement, isoCoords);

            var u1l = locals[0];
            var u2l = locals[1];
            var u3l = locals[2];

            var uDkt =
                                                  { u1l.DZ, u1l.RX, u1l.RY, /**/ u2l.DZ, u2l.RX, u2l.RY, /**/ u3l.DZ, u3l.RX, u3l.RY });

            var mDkt = d * b * uDkt; //eq. 32, batoz article

            var bTensor = new BendingStressTensor();

            bTensor.M11 = mDkt[0, 0];
            bTensor.M22 = mDkt[1, 0];
            bTensor.M21 = bTensor.M12 = mDkt[2, 0];

            var buf = new GeneralStressTensor(bTensor);

        public double GetMagnitudeAt(Element targetelement, IsoPoint location)
            var afterStart =
                location.Xi >= _startLocation.Xi &&
                location.Eta >= _startLocation.Eta &&
                location.Lambda >= _startLocation.Lambda;

            var beforeEnd =
                location.Xi <= _endLocation.Xi &&
                location.Eta <= _endLocation.Eta &&
                location.Lambda <= _endLocation.Lambda;

            if (afterStart && beforeEnd)
                return(_severityFunction.Evaluate(location.Xi, location.Eta, location.Lambda));


            throw new NotImplementedException();
 public ConcentratedLoad(Force force, IsoPoint forceIsoLocation, CoordinationSystem coordinationSystem)
     Force              = force;
     ForceIsoLocation   = forceIsoLocation;
     CoordinationSystem = coordinationSystem;
         * private void SetIsoLocation(double xi)
         * {
         *  SetIsoLocation(new double[] { xi, 0, 0 });
         * }
         * private void SetIsoLocation(double xi, double eta)
         * {
         *  SetIsoLocation(new double[] { xi, eta, 0 });
         * }
         * private void SetIsoLocation(double xi, double eta, double gamma)
         * {
         *  SetIsoLocation(new double[] { xi, eta, gamma });
         * }

        #region Deserialization Constructor

        protected ConcentratedLoad(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
            _forceIsoLocation   = (IsoPoint)info.GetValue("_forceIsoLocation", typeof(IsoPoint));
            _force              = (Force)info.GetValue("_force", typeof(Force));
            _coordinationSystem = (CoordinationSystem)(int)info.GetValue("_coordinationSystem", typeof(int));