public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { int num; if (paramList.Count() == 1) { // display random quote Connection.GetData(Data.UrlQuote, "get", jObject => { if ((bool)jObject["success"]) { Utils.SendChannel((string)jObject["result"].SelectToken("id") + ": " + (string)jObject["result"].SelectToken("quote")); } else { Utils.SendChannel("No quotes found."); } }, Utils.HandleException); } else if (paramList[1] == "add") { if (isIngameCommand == false) { var quote = ""; for (var l = 2; l < paramList.Count(); l++) { quote = quote + paramList[l] + " "; } Connection.GetData(string.Format(Data.UrlQuoteAdd, user.Nick, user.Hostmask, quote.Trim()), "get", jObject => Utils.SendChannel(string.Format("Quote #{0} has been added.", jObject["result"].SelectToken("id"))), Utils.HandleException); } else { Utils.SendChannel("This command is restricted to the IRC channel only."); } } else if (int.TryParse(paramList[1], out num)) { Connection.GetData(string.Format(Data.UrlQuoteSpecific, num), "get", jObject => { if ((bool)jObject["success"]) { Utils.SendChannel((string)jObject["result"].SelectToken("quote")); } else { Utils.SendChannel("Specific quote not found."); } }, Utils.HandleException); } else { Utils.SendChannel("Usage: !quote add <message>"); } }
public DccReceiveClient(Dcc dcc, IrcUser user, Socket sock, IPEndPoint addr, FileInfo file, long totalSize, TimeSpan timeout) : base(dcc, user, sock, file, 0, totalSize) { m_remoteAddr = addr; // m_sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, 10000) m_timeoutTimer = new Timer((int)timeout.TotalMilliseconds); m_timeoutTimer.Elapsed += OnTimeout; m_timeoutTimer.AutoReset = false; m_timeoutTimer.Start(); }
private void StartIrc() { var user = new IrcUser(""); if (Properties.Settings.Default.nickserv == string.Empty) user = new IrcUser("twitchplaysagame", "twitchplaysagame"); else user = new IrcUser(Properties.Settings.Default.user, Properties.Settings.Default.user); client = new IrcClient(Properties.Settings.Default.server, user); client.NetworkError += (s, e) => WriteConsole("Error: " + e.SocketError); client.ChannelMessageRecieved += (s, e) => { ParseInput(e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick + ":" + e.PrivateMessage.Message); }; client.ConnectionComplete += (s, e) => { client.SendRawMessage("PRIVMSG {0} :{1}", "nickserv", "identify " + Properties.Settings.Default.nickserv); client.Channels.Join(; WriteConsole("Connected"); }; client.ConnectAsync(); this.WriteConsole("Starting irc service"); started = true; buttonStart.Text = "Stop"; }
public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { if (Utils.IsOp(user.Nick)|Utils.IsAdmin(user.Nick)) { int i; // check if params number more than 4, if the pack length is less than 5 and the server is a number if (paramList.Count == 3 && paramList[1].Length < 5 && Int32.TryParse(paramList[2], out i)) { Connection.GetData(String.Format(Data.UrlCrashLog, paramList[1], paramList[2]), "get", jObject => { if ((bool) jObject["success"]) { Utils.SendChannel((string) jObject["result"]["response"]); } else { Utils.SendChannel("Failed to push crash log to pastebin. Please try again later."); } }, Utils.HandleException); } else { Utils.SendChannel("Usage: !log <pack> <server_id>"); } } else { Utils.SendChannel(Data.MessageRestricted); } }
private static void Main(){ var ircUser = new IrcUser(Conf.Nick, Conf.User); var client = new IrcClient(Conf.Server, ircUser); var ChatBot = new BotAgent(); ChatBot.Initialise(); client.ConnectionComplete += (s, e) => { foreach (string chan in Conf.Channels) client.JoinChannel(chan); }; client.ChannelMessageRecieved += (s, e) => { var source = e.PrivateMessage.Source; var channel = client.Channels[source]; var message = e.PrivateMessage.Message; var urls = URLTitle.GetURLs(message); if (urls.Count != 0){ var responseTitle = URLTitle.GetTitle(urls[0]); channel.SendMessage(responseTitle); } else{ var query = ChatBot.Query(message); var response = ChatBot.Reply(query); Log(message, response.Output, Conf.Nick, source); channel.SendMessage(response.Output); } }; client.NetworkError += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.SocketError); client.ConnectAsync(); while (true); }
public KickEventArgs(IrcChannel channel, IrcUser kicker, IrcUser kicked, string reason) { Channel = channel; Kicker = kicker; Kicked = kicked; Reason = reason; }
public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { if (!Utils.IsDev(user.Nick)) return; //var temp = new int[100]; //for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) //{ // temp[i] = GenerateRandom(0, 5); //} //var occur = new Dictionary<int, int>(); //foreach (var item in temp) //{ // if (occur.ContainsKey(item)) // { // occur[item] ++; // } // else // { // occur.Add(item, 1); // } //} //foreach (var item in occur) //{ // Console.WriteLine(item.Key + ": " + item.Value); //} }
public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { if (Utils.IsOp(user.Nick) || user.Nick == "DrSmugleaf" || user.Nick == "DrSmugleaf_") { var random = new Random().Next(0, 2); if (paramList.Count > 1) { switch (paramList[1]) { case "1": Utils.SendChannel(Data.SmugResponses[0]); break; case "2": Utils.SendChannel(Data.SmugResponses[1]); break; default: Utils.SendChannel(Data.SmugResponses[random]); break; } } else { Utils.SendChannel(Data.SmugResponses[random]); } } else { Utils.SendChannel("This command is useless."); } }
public DccClient(Dcc dcc, IrcUser user) { m_dcc = dcc; m_user = user; m_startTime = DateTime.Now; m_closed = false; }
public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { if (Utils.IsOp(user.Nick)) { Connection.GetData(Data.UrlTps, "get", jObject => { string filter; try { filter = paramList[1]; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { filter = ""; } var outputString = ""; const string delimiter = ", "; outputString = String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) ? jObject["result"].Select(row => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonTps>(row.ToString())).Aggregate(outputString, (current, tps) => current + (Utils.FormatText(tps.Server.ToUpper(), Colors.Bold) + ":" + Utils.FormatTps(tps.Tps) + delimiter)) : jObject["result"].Select(row => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonTps>(row.ToString())).Where(tps => tps.Server.Contains(paramList[1])).Aggregate(outputString, (current, tps) => current + (Utils.FormatText(tps.Server.ToUpper(), Colors.Bold) + ":" + Utils.FormatTps(tps.Tps) + delimiter)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputString)) { Utils.SendChannel(outputString.Substring(0, outputString.Length - delimiter.Length)); } }, Utils.HandleException); } else { Utils.SendChannel(Data.MessageRestricted); } }
public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { if (Utils.IsOp(user.Nick)) { if (paramList.Count < 3) { Utils.SendNotice("Usage: !announce <time in seconds> <repeats> <message>", user.Nick); } else { var msg = ""; var timeTick = Convert.ToInt32(paramList[1])*1000; var timeCount = Convert.ToInt32(paramList[2]); if (timeTick == 0) return; Program.AnnounceTimer.Interval = timeTick; GC.KeepAlive(Program.AnnounceTimer); for (var i = 3; i < paramList.Count; i++) { msg = msg + paramList[i] + " "; } Instances.Announcement.AnnounceMsg = msg; Instances.Announcement.AnnounceTimes = timeCount; Program.AnnounceTimer.Enabled = true; } } else { Utils.SendChannel(Data.MessageRestricted); } }
internal void OnNewUser(IrcUser user) { if (user.IrcClient.AutoResolveAuth && Authenticator != null) { ResolveAuth(user); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CtcpErrorMessageReceivedEventArgs"/> class, /// specifying that no error occurred. /// </summary> /// <param name="noErrorMessage">The message indicating that no error occurred.</param> public CtcpErrorMessageReceivedEventArgs(IrcUser user, string noErrorMessage) : base(user) { this.ErrorOccurred = false; this.FailedQuery = null; this.ErrorMessage = noErrorMessage; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CtcpErrorMessageReceivedEventArgs"/> class, /// specifying the query that failed with an error message. /// </summary> /// <param name="failedQuery">A string containing the query that failed.</param> /// <param name="errorMessage">The message describing the error that occurred for the remote user.</param> public CtcpErrorMessageReceivedEventArgs(IrcUser user, string failedQuery, string errorMessage) : base(user) { this.ErrorOccurred = true; this.FailedQuery = failedQuery; this.ErrorMessage = errorMessage; }
public DarkChat() { loadConfig(); DarkLog.Debug(String.Format("[DarkChat] initialized version {0}", PLUGIN_VER)); ircUser = new IrcUser(settings.Nick, settings.Ident, settings.NickServ, settings.RealName); ircClient = new IrcClient(settings.Server, ircUser); }
public IrcMessage(IrcUser sender, string channel, string message, bool action = false) { Sender = sender; Channel = channel; Message = message; Action = action; }
public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { int i; // check if the params number 4, that the number/sides are integers, and that number and sides are both greater than 0 if (paramList.Count() == 3 && Int32.TryParse(paramList[1], out i) && Int32.TryParse(paramList[2], out i) && (Int32.Parse(paramList[1]) > 0) && (Int32.Parse(paramList[2]) > 0) && (Int32.Parse(paramList[1]) <= 4) && (Int32.Parse(paramList[2]) <= 100)) { var dice = Int32.Parse(paramList[1]); var sides = Int32.Parse(paramList[2]); var random = new Random(); var diceList = new List<int>(); for (var j = 0; j < dice; j++) { diceList.Add(random.Next(1, sides)); } var outputString = String.Format("Rolling a {0} sided die, {1} time{2}: {3}", sides, dice, (dice > 1) ? "s" : "", diceList.Aggregate("", (current, roll) => current + roll + " ").Trim()); Utils.SendChannel(outputString); } else { Utils.SendChannel("Usage: !dice <number 1-4 > <sides 1 - 100>"); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a IrcUser based on a prefix. /// </summary> /// <param name="prefix">The prefix.</param> /// <returns>The resulting IrcUser</returns> public static IrcUser FromPrefix(string prefix) { string nick = prefix.Substring(0, prefix.IndexOf('!')); IrcUser user = new IrcUser(); = nick; return user; }
public DccTransferClient(Dcc dcc, IrcUser user, FileInfo file, long startPos, long totalLength) : base(dcc, user) { m_file = file; m_startPos = startPos; m_totalLength = totalLength; Dcc.AddTransferClient(this); }
protected override void Load() { IrcUser user = new IrcUser(this.nick, "testing", this.password); this.Client = new IrcClient(this.servaddy, user); this.Client.ChannelMessageRecieved += ChannelMessageRecieved; this.Client.ConnectionComplete += ConnectionComplete; this.Client.UserJoinedChannel += UserJoinedChannel; }
public void GetUserModes_NotNull_FiveModes() { var user = new IrcUser("~&@%+aji", "user"); var client = new IrcClient("irc.address", user); var userModes = client.ServerInfo.GetModesForNick(user.Nick); Assert.True(userModes.Count == 5); }
public void GetUserModes_IsNull() { var user = new IrcUser("aji", "user"); var client = new IrcClient("irc.address", user); var userModes = client.ServerInfo.GetModesForNick(user.Nick); Assert.True(userModes.Count == 0); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CtcpMessage"/> structure. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source of the message.</param> /// <param name="targets">A list of the targets of the message.</param> /// <param name="tag">The tag of the message.</param> /// <param name="data">The data contained by the message, or <see langword="null"/> for no data.</param> /// <param name="isResponse"><see langword="true"/> if the message is a response to another message; /// <see langword="false"/>, otherwise.</param> public CtcpMessage(IrcUser source, IList <IIrcMessageTarget> targets, string tag, string data, bool isResponse) { this.Source = source; this.Targets = targets; this.Tag = tag; this.Data = data; this.IsResponse = isResponse; }
public void GetUserModes_NotNull_OneMode() { IrcUser user = new IrcUser("+aji", "user"); IrcClient client = new IrcClient("irc.address", user); var userModes = client.ServerInfo.GetModesForNick(user.Nick); Assert.IsTrue(userModes.Count == 1); }
public static void HandleQuit(IrcClient client, IrcMessage message) { var user = new IrcUser(message.Prefix); if (client.User.Nick != user.Nick) { client.Users.Remove(user); client.OnUserQuit(new UserEventArgs(user)); } }
private static PartAction CreatePart(UserManager users, MsgEventArgs msg) { var message = msg.Data.Length > 1 ? msg.Data[1] : null; return(new PartAction(msg.Data[0]) { Message = message, User = IrcUser.GetOrCreate(users, msg.Meta) }); }
public DccChatClient GetChatClient(IrcUser user) { if (user != null) { DccChatClient client; chatCons.TryGetValue(user, out client); return(client); } return(null); }
private IrcUserChannelModePair GetPair(IrcUser user) { var pair = this._items.FirstOrDefault(p => p.User == user); if (pair == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("The specified IrcUser is not in the collection."); } return(pair); }
public void TestIrcUser() { const string path = "[email protected]"; var talker = new Talker(null, null, null); var ircUser = IrcUser.GetOrCreate(talker.Users, path); Assert.AreEqual("hello", ircUser.Nick); Assert.AreEqual("~world", ircUser.Name); Assert.AreEqual("herpa.derp", ircUser.Host); }
public void CompleteAuth(string redditUser, IrcUser ircUser) { redditUser = redditUser.ToLower(); if (AuthPending(redditUser)) { _auth.Remove(redditUser); } _user.SendMessage("ChanServ", String.Format(ModAddFormat, _modChannel.Name, ircUser.NickName)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns an array of DccTransferClients that are established with the corresponding user. /// </summary> public List <DccTransferClient> GetTransferClients(IrcUser user) { if (user != null) { List <DccTransferClient> clients; transferCons.TryGetValue(user, out clients); return(clients); } return(null); }
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store) { // Facilities container.AddFacility <LoggingFacility>(f => f.LogUsing <Log4netFactory>().WithConfig("log4net.xml")); container.AddFacility <StartableFacility>(f => f.DeferredStart()); container.Install(new WebInstaller()); var ircClientMock = new Mock <IIrcClient>(); ircClientMock.Setup(x => x.ExtBanTypes).Returns("a"); ircClientMock.Setup(x => x.ExtBanDelimiter).Returns("$"); ircClientMock.Setup(x => x.Nickname).Returns("EyeInTheSkyBot"); ircClientMock.Setup(x => x.ClientName).Returns("Freenode"); var ircChannels = new Dictionary <string, IrcChannel>(); var chan = new IrcChannel("##stwalkerster-development"); ircChannels.Add(chan.Name, chan); ircClientMock.Setup(x => x.Channels).Returns(ircChannels); IrcUser user; IrcChannelUser ircChannelUser; user = IrcUser.FromPrefix("stwalkerster!test@user/.", ircClientMock.Object); user.Account = "stwalkerster"; user.SkeletonStatus = IrcUserSkeletonStatus.Full; ircChannelUser = new IrcChannelUser(user, chan.Name); chan.Users.Add(user.Nickname, ircChannelUser); user = IrcUser.FromPrefix("chanmember!test@user/.", ircClientMock.Object); user.Account = "chanmember"; user.SkeletonStatus = IrcUserSkeletonStatus.Full; ircChannelUser = new IrcChannelUser(user, chan.Name); chan.Users.Add(user.Nickname, ircChannelUser); user = IrcUser.FromPrefix("chanop!test@user/.", ircClientMock.Object); user.Account = "chanop"; user.SkeletonStatus = IrcUserSkeletonStatus.Full; ircChannelUser = new IrcChannelUser(user, chan.Name); ircChannelUser.Operator = true; chan.Users.Add(user.Nickname, ircChannelUser); container.Register( // Main application Component.For <IApplication>().ImplementedBy <Launch>(), Classes.FromAssemblyNamed("EyeInTheSky").InNamespace("EyeInTheSky.Services").WithServiceAllInterfaces(), Classes.FromAssemblyNamed("EyeInTheSky").InNamespace("EyeInTheSky.Services.ExternalProviders").WithServiceAllInterfaces(), Classes.FromAssemblyNamed("EyeInTheSky").InNamespace("EyeInTheSky.Services.Email").WithServiceAllInterfaces(), Component.For <IIrcClient>().Instance(ircClientMock.Object) ); container.Install(Configuration.FromXmlFile("alert-templates.xml")); }
private TwitterBotUser GetTwitterBotUser(IrcUser ircUser) { var twitterUser = this.twitterUsers.SingleOrDefault(tu => tu.IrcUser == ircUser); if (twitterUser == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format( "User '{0}' is not logged in to Twitter.", ircUser.NickName)); } return(twitterUser); }
string IPlugin.InvokeWithMessage(string source, string message, ref IrcClient client) { if (message.StartsWith(".whois ")) { string user = message.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2)[1]; client.RfcWhois(user); IrcUser u = client.GetIrcUser(user); return(String.Format("{0}!{1}@{2}, Away: {3}, Oper: {4}, Realname: {5}", u.Nick, u.Ident, u.Host, u.IsAway, u.IsIrcOp, u.Realname)); } return(null); }
public void GetUserModes_NotNull_FourModes() { IrcClient client; IrcUser user = new IrcUser(client, "&@%+aji", "user"); client = new IrcClient("irc.address", user); var userModes = client.ServerInfo.GetModesForNick(user.Nick); Assert.IsTrue(userModes.Count == 4); }
internal DccReceiveArgs(IrcUser user, string filename, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, long size) { User = user; FileName = filename; DestinationFile = filename; DestinationDir = ""; RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint; Size = size; Accept = Dcc.AcceptTransfer; Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the <see cref="IrcChannelUserModes"/> of the specified <see cref="IrcUser"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The <see cref="IrcUser"/>.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="IrcChannelUserModes"/> of the specified <see cref="IrcUser"/>.</returns> public IrcChannelUserModes this[IrcUser index] { get { return(this.GetPair(index).Mode); } internal set { this.GetPair(index).Mode = value; } }
public PrivateMessage(IrcMessage message) { Source = message.Payload.Remove(message.Payload.IndexOf(' ')); Message = message.Payload.Substring(message.Payload.IndexOf(':') + 1); User = new IrcUser(message.Prefix); if (Source.StartsWith("#")) IsChannelMessage = true; else Source = User.Nick; }
public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { if (Utils.IsOp(user.Nick)) { if (paramList.Count() == 1) { Utils.SendNotice("Usage: !mcb <name> <optional:number>", user.Nick); } else { Connection.GetPlayerLookup(paramList[1], bans => { if (bans.Local != null && bans.Local.Any()) { var limit = 1; int i; if (paramList.Count() == 3 && Int32.TryParse(paramList[2], out i)) { // a count is given limit = int.Parse(paramList[2]); } for (var j = 0; j < limit; j++) { var localBan = bans.Local[j].Replace("\r\n", "") .Replace("\r", "") .Replace("\n", "") .Replace("\0", "") .Split(' '); var banReason = ""; for (var k = 4; k < localBan.Count(); k++) { banReason += localBan[k] + " "; } Utils.SendNotice( string.Concat("Server: ", localBan[2], ", Reason: ", Utils.Truncate(banReason.Trim(), 25), " URL: ", "" + localBan[1]), user.Nick); } } else { Utils.SendNotice("This player does not have any local bans.", user.Nick); } }, Utils.HandleException); } } else { Utils.SendChannel(Data.MessageRestricted); } }
protected override void OnPart(IrcUser user, IrcChannel chan, string reason) { if (user == Me) { Console.WriteLine("({0}) <IRC Interface> * Bot parts channel {1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm"), chan.Name); } else { Console.WriteLine("({0}) <IRC Interface> * {1} parts channel {2}", DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm"), user.Nick, chan.Name); } }
protected override void OnMessage(Channel channel, IrcUser from, string message) { //Due to Twitch architecture, a user can send a message before a JOIN. if (!_userDatabase.ContainsUser(from.Nick)) { OnJoin(channel, from.Nick); } SendLastVisited(from.Nick); _statistics.UpdateOnMessage(from.Nick, message); }
public PrivateMessage(IrcMessage message) { Source = message.Parameters[0]; Message = message.Parameters[1]; User = new IrcUser(message.Prefix); if (Source.StartsWith("#")) IsChannelMessage = true; else Source = User.Nick; }
public IrcClient(string serverAddress, IrcUser user) { if (serverAddress == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serverAddress"); if (user == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); User = user; ServerAddress = serverAddress; Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; Channels = new ChannelCollection(this); Settings = new ClientSettings(); }
public IrcQueryViewModel(IrcUser user, IrcClient client, Settings settings) { this.Settings = settings; this.User = user; this.client = client; this.DisplayName = user.NickName; this.Messages = new BindableCollection <Message>(); this.Closable = true; // TODO this.client.LocalUser.MessageReceived += this.messageReceived; }
public PrivateMessage(IrcMessage message, ServerInfo serverInfo) { Source = message.Parameters[0]; Message = message.Parameters[1]; User = new IrcUser(message.Prefix); if (serverInfo.ChannelTypes.Any(c => Source.StartsWith(c.ToString()))) IsChannelMessage = true; else Source = User.Nick; }
// List of all currently logged-in Twitter users. // private List<CellAOUsers> cellAoUserses; private CellAoBotUser GetCellAOBotUser(IrcUser ircUSer) { CellAoBotUser CellAOUser = this.cellAoBotUsers.SingleOrDefault(tu => tu.IrcUser == ircUSer); if (CellAOUser == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format("User '{0}' is not logged in to Cellao.", ircUSer.NickName)); } return(CellAOUser); }
protected override string OnAuthPacketReceived(IrcUser user, IrcPacket packet) { packet.Content.SkipWord(); var nick = packet.Content.NextWord(); if (nick == user.Nick) { var userName = packet.Content.NextWord(); return userName; } return null; }
private void AddUserMessage(Message message, IrcUser user) { if (user == this.Network.CurrentUser) { this._networkInfoViewModel.AddMessage(message); } foreach (var vm in this.Conversations.Where(c => c.Users.Contains(user))) { vm.AddMessage(message); } }
public void DisconnectUser(string nick) { // Example //:002G7Y912 QUIT :Quit: Leaving IrcUser user = GetIrcUser(nick); if (null != user) { Write($":{user.UID} QUIT :Quit: Discord User Left"); IrcUsers.Remove(user); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CtcpMessageEventArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source of the message.</param> /// <param name="targets">A list of the targets of the message.</param> /// <param name="text">The text of the message.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="targets"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="text"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception> public CtcpMessageEventArgs(IrcUser source, IList<IIrcMessageTarget> targets, string text) : base() { if (targets == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); if (text == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("text"); this.Source = source; this.Targets = new ReadOnlyCollection<IIrcMessageTarget>(targets); this.Text = text; }
public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { if (paramList.Count > 1) { var queryString = ""; for (var i = 1; i < paramList.Count; i++) { queryString = queryString + (paramList[i] + "+"); } Utils.SendChannel(queryString.Substring(0, queryString.Length - 1)); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Message"></param> protected override void HandleAdminMessage(AdminMessage Message) { base.HandleAdminMessage(Message); // no proper message text? if (Message.Message == null || String.Equals(Message.Message, String.Empty)) { return; } // check if irc is available if (IrcChannel != null) { // IRC does not allow \r \n \0 // so we remove \0 and remove \r\n by splitting up into lines string[] lines = Util.SplitLinebreaks(Message.Message.Replace("\0", String.Empty)); // Only want to send to any admins who've sent a command since last GC. // Other admins don't need to know about GC. List <string> recipients; bool clearRecent = false; if (Util.IsGarbageCollectMessage(lines[0])) { recipients = RecentAdmins; clearRecent = true; } else { recipients = Config.Admins; } // forward line by line foreach (string line in lines) { // forward this line to each admin foreach (string admin in recipients) { // try get channeluser by name IrcUser usr = GetChannelUser(admin); // online? send! if (usr != null) { SendIRCMessage(admin, line); } } } if (clearRecent) { RecentAdmins.Clear(); } } }
public Request(IrcClient connection, string channel, IrcUser sender, DateTime?time, TimeSpan?zone, TimeSpan?targetZone, string zoneName) { this.Connection = connection; this.Channel = channel; this.Sender = sender; this.Time = time; this.Zone = zone; this.TargetZone = targetZone; this.ZoneName = zoneName; this.RequestTime = DateTime.Now; }
private IrcConversationViewModel GetConversation(IrcUser user) { var vm = this.Conversations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TargetName == user.Nickname); if (vm == null) { vm = new IrcUserViewModel(user, this); this.AddConversation(vm); } return(vm); }
protected override void OnQuit(IrcUser user, string reason) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; if (user == Me) { Console.WriteLine("({0}) <IRC Interface> * Bot quits ({1})", DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm"), reason); } else { Console.WriteLine("({0}) <IRC Interface> * {1} quits ({2})", DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm"), user.Nick, reason); } }
public override void HandleCommand(IList<string> paramList, IrcUser user, bool isIngameCommand) { if (isIngameCommand == false) { var random = new Random(); Utils.SendChannel(string.Format("{0} their hand into a giant top hat and produces {1}", Data.HatActions[random.Next(0, Data.HatActions.Count())], Data.HatItems[random.Next(0, Data.HatItems.Count())])); } else { Utils.SendChannel(Data.MessageRestrictedIrc); } }
public void Update_Always_PropertiesChanged() { var client = TestHelper.GetTestIrcClient(); var user = new IrcUser(client, "test_nick", "test_ident", "test_host"); var hostMask = IrcHostMask.Parse("updated_test_nick!update_test_ident@updated_test_host"); user.Update(hostMask); Assert.True(user.NickName == hostMask.NickName); Assert.True(user.Ident == hostMask.Ident); Assert.True(user.Host == hostMask.Host); }