Ejemplo n.º 1
        //You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
        //Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
        //public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
        //Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
        //public static void MyClassCleanup()
        //Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
        //public void MyTestInitialize()
        //Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
        //public void MyTestCleanup()

        #endregion Additional test attributes

        internal virtual IpObject CreateIpObject()
            // TODO: Instantiate an appropriate concrete class.
            IpObject target = new IpAoaSensor("test");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void IpAoaSensorConstructorTest()
            var _sim = IpSimCore.Instance;

            _sim.SimulationLength = 21;

            string      _name  = "test"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            IpAoaSensor target = new IpAoaSensor(_name);

            target.UpdateRate = 10;

            Assert.IsTrue(_sim.DevtSimulation.Now >= _sim.SimulationLength);