Ejemplo n.º 1
        private bool NameCRCEquals(Int32 NameCRC)
            var mstr = new MemoryStream(_FileNameBytes, false);
            var crc  = new Ionic.Crc.CRC32();

            return(NameCRC == crc.GetCrc32(mstr));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static Int32 GetCrc(string fname)
     using (var fs1 = File.OpenRead(fname))
         var checker = new Ionic.Crc.CRC32(true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static Int32 GetCrc(string fname)
     using (var fs1 = File.OpenRead(fname))
         var checker = new Ionic.Crc.CRC32(true);
         return checker.GetCrc32(fs1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private Int32 FigureCrc32()
            if (_crcCalculated == false)
                Stream input = null;
                // get the original stream:
                if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.WriteDelegate)
                    var output = new Ionic.Crc.CrcCalculatorStream(Stream.Null);
                    // allow the application to write the data
                    this._WriteDelegate(this.FileName, output);
                    _Crc32 = output.Crc;
                else if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.ZipFile)
                    // nothing to do - the CRC is already set
                    if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.Stream)
                        input = this._sourceStream;
                    else if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.JitStream)
                        // allow the application to open the stream
                        if (this._sourceStream == null)
                            _sourceStream = this._OpenDelegate(this.FileName);
                        input = this._sourceStream;
                    else if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.ZipOutputStream)
                        //input = File.OpenRead(LocalFileName);
                        input = File.Open(LocalFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

                    var crc32 = new Ionic.Crc.CRC32();
                    _Crc32 = crc32.GetCrc32(input);

                    if (_sourceStream == null)
                _crcCalculated = true;
            return _Crc32;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Zlib_ParallelDeflateStream()
            var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            TestContext.WriteLine("{0}: Zlib_ParallelDeflateStream Start", sw.Elapsed);

            int sz = 256*1024 + this.rnd.Next(120000);
            string FileToCompress = System.IO.Path.Combine(TopLevelDir, String.Format("Zlib_ParallelDeflateStream.{0}.txt", sz));

            CreateAndFillFileText( FileToCompress, sz);

            TestContext.WriteLine("{0}: Created file: {1}", sw.Elapsed, FileToCompress );

            byte[] original = File.ReadAllBytes(FileToCompress);

            int crc1 = DoCrc(FileToCompress);

            TestContext.WriteLine("{0}: Original CRC: {1:X8}", sw.Elapsed, crc1 );

            byte[] working = new byte[WORKING_BUFFER_SIZE];
            int n = -1;
            long originalLength;
            MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream();
                using (FileStream fs1 = File.OpenRead(FileToCompress))
                    originalLength = fs1.Length;
                    using (var compressor = new Ionic.Zlib.ParallelDeflateOutputStream(ms1, true))
                        while ((n = fs1.Read(working, 0, working.Length)) != 0)
                            compressor.Write(working, 0, n);
                ms1.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            TestContext.WriteLine("{0}: Compressed {1} bytes into {2} bytes", sw.Elapsed,
                                  originalLength, ms1.Length);

            var crc = new Ionic.Crc.CRC32();
            int crc2= 0;
            byte[] decompressedBytes= null;
            using (MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream())
                using (var decompressor = new DeflateStream(ms1, CompressionMode.Decompress, false))
                    while ((n = decompressor.Read(working, 0, working.Length)) != 0)
                        ms2.Write(working, 0, n);
                TestContext.WriteLine("{0}: Decompressed", sw.Elapsed);
                TestContext.WriteLine("{0}: Decompressed length: {1}", sw.Elapsed, ms2.Length);
                ms2.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                crc2 = crc.GetCrc32(ms2);
                decompressedBytes = ms2.ToArray();
                TestContext.WriteLine("{0}: Decompressed CRC: {1:X8}", sw.Elapsed, crc2 );

            TestContext.WriteLine("{0}: Checking...", sw.Elapsed );

            bool check = true;
            if (originalLength != decompressedBytes.Length)
                TestContext.WriteLine("Different lengths.");
                check = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < decompressedBytes.Length; i++)
                    if (original[i] != decompressedBytes[i])
                        TestContext.WriteLine("byte {0} differs", i);
                        check = false;

            Assert.IsTrue(check,"Data check failed");
            TestContext.WriteLine("{0}: Done...", sw.Elapsed );
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //args = new string[4];
            //args[0] = "Mob-WorldData.wad";
            //args[1] = "-x";
            //args[2] = "*";
            //args[3] = "mobout";
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MainTimer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            string wad  = "";     //wad filename
            string mode = "";     //Operating mode
            string arg1 = "";     //Argument 1 for mode
            string arg2 = "";     //Argument 2 for mode

            bool HadArgs = false; //Whether the user supplied arguments, or just a filename

            //Try grabbing wad name and mode

                wad = args[0];
            catch                                         //If the wad/mode couldn't be grabbed
                Console.WriteLine("Please specify wad!"); //Print error message
                PrintHelp();                              //Print usage info

                mode    = args[1];
                HadArgs = true;
            catch                                                                  //If the wad/mode couldn't be grabbed
                Console.WriteLine("No mode selected. Defaulting to extract all."); //Print error message
                mode = "-x";
                //PrintHelp();    //Print usage info

            //If the user specified a mode, try grabbing arguments for specified mode
            if (HadArgs)
                    if (mode == "-x")   //If extract mode, grab two arguments
                        arg1 = args[2];
                        arg2 = args[3];
                    else if (mode == "-r" || mode == "-c" || mode == "-d" || mode == "-a")  //Remove/Create/Diff/Add mode, one arg
                        arg1 = args[2];
                    else if (mode != "-i" && mode != "-w2z") //If the mode is not -i (takes no arguments), then we don't know what mode they specified
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid mode!");  //Print error
                        PrintHelp();                         //Print usage info
                catch                                                           //If the arguments were missing, or something else went wrong
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid arguments for specified mode!"); //Print an error
                    PrintHelp();                                                //Print usage info
                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(wad))
                    Console.WriteLine("Wad file not found!");

                arg1 = "*"; //Set extraction file-selection to all
                System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog fd = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
                fd.Description = "Choose where to save the extracted files";
                if (fd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    arg2         = fd.SelectedPath;
                    ExclusionDir = arg2;

            FileList[] entries = new FileList[0]; //Pre-init the 'entries' array

            if (mode == "-a")                     //If using file-add mode
                    arg2 = args[3];
                    Console.WriteLine("No output wad specified. Overwriting original");
                    arg2 = wad;

                string[] InFiles = arg1.Split(':');
                for (int i = 0; i < InFiles.Length; i++)
                    if (!File.Exists(InFiles[i]))
                        if (!Directory.Exists(InFiles[i]))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} could not be found!\nCancelling operation...", InFiles[i]);
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} is a directory! Processing sub-entries...", InFiles[i]);
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} added", InFiles[i]);

            if (mode == "-c")    //Create (wad) mode
                //Make sure the input directory exists
                if (!Directory.Exists(arg1))
                    Console.WriteLine("Input directory not found!");

                string[] InFiles = Directory.GetFiles(arg1, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); //Grab a list of all files within the directory
                entries = new FileList[InFiles.Count()];                                         //Make a new FileList for storing these files in the wad
                Console.WriteLine("Filecount: {0}", InFiles.Count());                            //Debug

                //For each file
                Parallel.For(0, InFiles.Count(), i =>
                    entries[i].Filename = InFiles[i].Substring(arg1.Length, InFiles[i].Length - arg1.Length);   //Remove directory info that shouldn't be included in the wad (path up to the wad contents)
                    if (entries[i].Filename.IndexOf("\\") == 0)                                                 //If the entry starts with a \
                        entries[i].Filename = entries[i].Filename.Substring(1, entries[i].Filename.Length - 1); //Get rid of the slash
                    entries[i].Filename = entries[i].Filename.Replace('\\', '/');

                    //MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(InFiles[i]));  //Read
                    entries[i].Data = File.ReadAllBytes(InFiles[i]);    //Read the file into memory
                    entries[i].Size = (uint)entries[i].Data.Length;
                    //Console.WriteLine("{0}, with a size of {1}, was read to memory", entries[i].Filename, entries[i].Size);

                Console.WriteLine("Files read to memory");

                List <byte> WadHeader = new List <byte>();
                List <byte> WadBody   = new List <byte>();

                var crcparam = new CrcSharp.CrcParameters(32, 0x04c11db7, 0, 0, true, true);
                var crc      = new CrcSharp.Crc(crcparam);

                for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                    entries[i].Offset = (uint)WadBody.Count();  //Save the offset for this entry

                    MemoryStream          Compressed = new MemoryStream();
                    Ionic.Zlib.ZlibStream zls        = new Ionic.Zlib.ZlibStream(Compressed, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionMode.Compress, Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.BestCompression, false);
                    zls.Write(entries[i].Data, 0, entries[i].Data.Length);
                    byte[] compdata = Compressed.ToArray();
                    WadBody.AddRange(compdata);                                                //Add the compressed data to the body of the wad
                    entries[i].CRC            = (uint)crc.CalculateAsNumeric(entries[i].Data); //Add the CRC of the compressed data (idk why they do this)
                    entries[i].CompressedSize = (uint)compdata.Length;                         //Save the size of the compressed data
                    //Console.WriteLine("CRC: {0} : {1}", entries[i].CRC.ToString("X8"), entries[i].Filename);    //Debug
                Console.WriteLine("Wad body added");
                //Add wad header info
                WadHeader.AddRange(new byte[] { 0x4B, 0x49, 0x57, 0x41, 0x44, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }); //Add magic and wad version (2)
                WadHeader.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(entries.Length));                               //Add the file count
                WadHeader.Add(0x01);                                                                     //Add wad2 byte (idk what it is, but it's required)

                int[] offoff = new int[entries.Length];                                                  //Keeps track of the offset for the 'Offset' field in the header (we can't know the offset until the header is finished, so we add it later)

                //Add each file to the wad header
                for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                    offoff[i] = WadHeader.Count();                                             //Save current offset, so that we can update the 'offset' field when the header is finished
                    WadHeader.AddRange(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 });                 //Add filler offset
                    WadHeader.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(entries[i].Size));                //Add uncompresses file size
                    WadHeader.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(entries[i].CompressedSize));      //Add compressed file size
                    WadHeader.Add(0x01);                                                       //Set 'IsCompressed' to 1 (we compress all files, so this is always true)
                    WadHeader.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(entries[i].CRC));                 //Add the compressed-data crc (idk why they have this, because the extracted file has a crc anyway)
                    WadHeader.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(entries[i].Filename.Length + 1)); //Add filename length
                    WadHeader.AddRange(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(entries[i].Filename));     //Add the filename
                    WadHeader.Add(0x00);                                                       //Add padding
                Console.WriteLine("Wad Header added");
                //Fix the offsets
                for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                    byte[] offsetbytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(WadHeader.Count() + entries[i].Offset);
                    WadHeader[offoff[i]]     = offsetbytes[0];
                    WadHeader[offoff[i] + 1] = offsetbytes[1];
                    WadHeader[offoff[i] + 2] = offsetbytes[2];
                    WadHeader[offoff[i] + 3] = offsetbytes[3];
                Console.WriteLine("Offsets fixed");
                byte[] Output = WadHeader.Concat(WadBody).ToArray();
                File.WriteAllBytes(wad, Output);  //Save
                Console.WriteLine("Wad Saved");

            if (mode != "-c")    //If the tool is not in create mode, check if the wad exists
                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(wad))
                    Console.WriteLine("Wad file not found!");
                else    //If the file exists
                    Console.WriteLine("Reading wad to memory...");
                    entries = ReadWad(wad);    //Read the wad into the 'entries' array

            if (mode == "-d" && !File.Exists(arg1))  //If using diff mode, and the second file doesn't exist
                Console.WriteLine("Second wad does not exist!");

            if (mode == "-w2z")  //If using Wad2Zip mode
                //Stopwatch for diagnostics
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                Console.WriteLine("Calculating CRC's...");

                //For each file in the wad; extract it in-memory, calculate the CRC of the extracted data, and update the entry's CRC field (because this is done in-memory, it should be less than a couple of seconds)
                Parallel.For(0, entries.Length, i =>
                    byte[] filemem = new byte[0];

                    if (entries[i].IsCompressed)   //If the file is marked as compressed
                        filemem = Ionic.Zlib.ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer(entries[i].Data);
                        Array.Copy(entries[i].Data, 2, entries[i].Data, 0, entries[i].Data.Length - 6);
                    else    //If the file isn't compressed
                        filemem = entries[i].Data;

                    Ionic.Crc.CRC32 crc = new Ionic.Crc.CRC32();
                    entries[i].CRC      = (uint)crc.GetCrc32(new MemoryStream(filemem)); //Replace the entries' crc with the CRC of the compressed data (KI are shit and use their own incompatible polynomials for their checksum, so we need to recalculate it with a standard polynomial)

                //Stopwatch for timing the zip-process
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch ziptimer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                byte[] outputfile = Zipper(entries);    //Add all file entries to a zip in-memory, and return the zip

                File.WriteAllBytes(wad + ".zip", outputfile);   //Save the created zip to disk (input filename with .zip appended)


                Console.WriteLine("Updated CRC's in {0} Seconds", stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                Console.WriteLine("Zipped in {0} Seconds", ziptimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                Console.WriteLine("Total program runtime: {0} Seconds", MainTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                Quit(); //Exit

            if (mode == "-i" || mode == "-x" || mode == "-d")
                if (mode == "-i")                                                                                                                             //If using info mode
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();                                                                                                   //Make a new stringbuilder (stringbuilder is much faster than just appending strings normally)
                    for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)                                                                                                  //For each file entry
                        sb.AppendLine(entries[i].Offset.ToString("X") + ":" + entries[i].CompressedSize + ":" + entries[i].Size + ":" + entries[i].Filename); //Add a newline to the output string, with the offset and filename (offset:filename)
                    Console.WriteLine(sb);                                                                                                                    //Print the output string
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} files found in {1} Seconds", entries.Length, MainTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                    Quit();            //Quit
                else if (mode == "-d") //If using diff mode
                    Console.WriteLine("Diff-checking {0} and {1}", wad, arg1);
                    bool extract = false;

                    try                 //Try grabbing the output-folder argument
                        arg2 = args[3]; //Grab fourth argument (starting from 0)
                            arg2 = ResolveDir(arg2);

                            extract = true;                                                                                                                            //Enable file-extraction
                        catch                                                                                                                                          //If something went wrong whlie creating the directory
                            Console.WriteLine("Error creating directory: {0}\nMaybe you're trying to write to a folder you don't have permission to write in?", arg2); //Let the user know something went wrong
                            Quit();                                                                                                                                    //Exit
                    catch                                                                                  //If there isn't an output-folder argument
                        Console.WriteLine("No output folder specified. No extraction will be performed."); //Print a message stating operating mode

                    Console.WriteLine("Checking differences...");

                    FileList[] entries2  = ReadWad(arg1);
                    bool[]     ExtractIt = new bool[entries2.Length]; //Create a bool array, which keeps track of which files to extract from the second wad

                    StringBuilder MissingIn1 = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder MissingIn2 = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder DiffIn2    = new StringBuilder();
                    object        threadsync = new object(); //Threadsync is used to prevent threads from overwriting eachothers data

                    //Check what files are missing
                    Parallel.For(0, entries.Length, i =>                         //For each file entry in the first wad
                        bool Exists = false;                                     //Mark the file as not existing in both wads (default, until proven otherwise)

                        for (int j = 0; j < entries2.Length; j++)                //For each file in second wad
                            if (entries2[j].Filename == entries[i].Filename)     //If the currently-processes filename in wad 1 is also the same filename in wad2
                                Exists = true;                                   //Mark the file as existing in both

                                if (entries2[j].CRC != entries[i].CRC)           //If the files have a different CRC
                                    lock (threadsync)                            //Use a lock to prevent SB from getting corrupt by multiple-accesses
                                        DiffIn2.AppendLine(entries[i].Filename); //Add the filename to the 'DiffIn2' sb, so we can print the results later
                                    ExtractIt[j] = true;                         //Mark the file in wad2 for extraction, because it's different

                                break;  //Stop searching for this file, because we've already checked it
                        if (!Exists)                                        //If the file wasn't marked as existing
                            lock (threadsync)                               //Use a lock to prevent SB from getting corrupt by multiple-accesses
                                MissingIn2.AppendLine(entries[i].Filename); //Add the file to the 'MissingIn2' sb for printing later

                    //Check what files exist in both wads (and whether any files were added)
                    Parallel.For(0, entries2.Length, i =>
                        bool Exists = false;
                        for (int j = 0; j < entries.Length; j++)
                            if (entries2[i].Filename == entries[j].Filename)
                                Exists = true; //Mark the file as existing in both
                                break;         //Stop searching for this file
                        if (!Exists)                                        //If the file wasn't marked as existing
                            lock (threadsync)                               //Use a lock to prevent SB from getting corrupt by multiple-accesses
                                MissingIn1.AppendLine(entries[i].Filename); //Add the file to the 'MissingIn1' sb for printing later
                            ExtractIt[i] = true;                            //Mark the file in wad2 for extraction, because it doesn't exist in wad1

                    Console.WriteLine("Diff-checking complete!");
                    if (extract)                                                //If the user specified an output directory (extract diff files)
                        Console.WriteLine("Extracting new/different files..."); //Inform the user that the files will now be extracted

                        Console.WriteLine("Pre-creating directories...");
                        for (int i = 0; i < entries2.Length; i++) //For each file in the second wad
                            if (ExtractIt[i])                     //If the file is marked for extraction, check it for any subdirectories, and create them if necessary
                                PreCreate(entries2[i], arg2);     //Call 'PreCreate' for that file, and any required subdirs for that file will be created

                        Console.WriteLine("Directories created!\nExtracting...");

                        //For each file in the second wad, check if it's marked for extraction; and if so, extract it.
                        Parallel.For(0, entries2.Length, i =>
                            if (ExtractIt[i])                                                                                   //If the file was marked for extraction (new/different file)
                                if (entries2[i].IsCompressed)                                                                   //If the file is marked as compressed
                                    entries2[i].Data = Ionic.Zlib.ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer(entries2[i].Data);                //Decompress the file
                                using (FileStream output = new FileStream(arg2 + "\\" + entries2[i].Filename, FileMode.Create)) //Create the file that is being extracted (replaces old files if they exist)
                                    output.Write(entries2[i].Data, 0, entries2[i].Data.Length);                                 //Write the file from memory to disk

                    if (MissingIn1.Length > 0 || MissingIn2.Length > 0 || DiffIn2.Length > 0)   //If there were any file differences
                        Console.WriteLine("Differences found!");

                        if (entries.Length != entries2.Length)
                            Console.WriteLine("------------------------------File count is different!------------------------------\nOld:{0}\tNew:{1}", entries.Length, entries2.Length);

                        if (MissingIn1.Length > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("------------------------------Files missing in first wad------------------------------\n{0}", MissingIn1);

                        if (MissingIn2.Length > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("------------------------------Files missing in second wad------------------------------\n{0}", MissingIn2);

                        if (DiffIn2.Length > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("------------------------------Files changed------------------------------\n{0}", DiffIn2);
                        Console.WriteLine("No differences found!");

                    Console.WriteLine("Total program runtime: {0} Seconds", MainTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                else if (mode == "-x")   //If using extract mode
                    arg2 = ResolveDir(arg2);
                    if (arg1 != "*")                                                                                                                                                                             //If the user specified a file to extract (not all files)
                        for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)                                                                                                                                                 //For each file in the filelist
                            if (string.Equals(entries[i].Filename, arg1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(entries[i].Filename.Replace('/', '\\'), arg1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) //If the file entry matches the user-specified file (ignoring case and slash-direction)
                                Console.WriteLine("File found!");

                                PreCreate(entries[i], arg2);                                                                   //Check if file is located in a subdirectory. If so, create the appropriate directory structure

                                if (entries[i].IsCompressed)                                                                   //If the file is marked as compressed
                                    entries[i].Data = Ionic.Zlib.ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer(entries[i].Data);                 //Decompress the data
                                using (FileStream output = new FileStream(arg2 + "\\" + entries[i].Filename, FileMode.Create)) //Create the file that is being extracted (replaces old files if they exist)
                                    output.Write(entries[i].Data, 0, entries[i].Data.Length);                                  //Write the file from memory to disk
                                    Console.WriteLine("File extracted to: {0}", arg2 + "\\" + entries[i].Filename.Replace('/', '\\'));

                            //If the filename doesn't match, read the next entry
                        //If all files have been scanned, and the user-specified file wasn't found; let the user know, and give them some advice
                        Console.WriteLine("'{0}' was not found in the specified wad!", arg1);
                        Console.WriteLine("Make sure you include the file's parent directories");
                        Console.WriteLine("eg: capabilities\\cpu.xml");
                    else    //If the file is '*": Don't 'really' need to say else here, because it would have exited previously anyway, but it just makes things more readable
                        //Create directories in advance, using a single thread (prevents race crash when parallel threads attempt to create the same directory at the same time)
                        Console.WriteLine("Pre-creating directories...");
                        for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                            PreCreate(entries[i], arg2);    //Pre-create any subdirectories listed in the filename (arg2 is the base directory for extraction)
                        Console.WriteLine("Directories created!\nExtracting...");

                        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                        Parallel.For(0, entries.Length, i =>
                            if (entries[i].IsCompressed)   //If the file is marked as compressed
                                entries[i].Data = Ionic.Zlib.ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer(entries[i].Data);

                        Console.WriteLine("Extraction complete!\nWriting to disk... (this may take some time)");
                        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch writetimer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                        Parallel.For(0, entries.Length, i =>
                            File.WriteAllBytes(arg2 + "\\" + entries[i].Filename, entries[i].Data);

                        Console.WriteLine("Extracted {0} files in {1} Seconds", entries.Length, stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                        Console.WriteLine("Wrote files in {0} Ms", writetimer.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                        Console.WriteLine("Total program runtime: {0} seconds", MainTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                        Quit(); //Exit
Ejemplo n.º 7
        Int32 FigureCrc32()
            if (_crcCalculated == false)
                Stream input = null;
                // get the original stream:
                if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.WriteDelegate)
                    var output = new Ionic.Crc.CrcCalculatorStream(Stream.Null);
                    // allow the application to write the data
                    this._WriteDelegate(this.FileName, output);
                    _Crc32 = output.Crc;
                else if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.ZipFile)
                    // nothing to do - the CRC is already set
                    if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.Stream)
                        input = this._sourceStream;
                    else if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.JitStream)
                        // allow the application to open the stream
                        if (this._sourceStream == null)
                            _sourceStream = this._OpenDelegate(this.FileName);
                        input = this._sourceStream;
                    else if (this._Source == ZipEntrySource.ZipOutputStream)

                    var crc32 = new Ionic.Crc.CRC32();
                    _Crc32 = crc32.GetCrc32(input);

                _crcCalculated = true;
            return _Crc32;