Ejemplo n.º 1
    public string CheckForWarning(PropertyData propertyData, InvokerTypes invokerType)
        var propertyDefinition = propertyData.PropertyDefinition;
        var setMethod          = propertyDefinition.SetMethod;

        if (setMethod.Name == "set_Item" && setMethod.Parameters.Count == 2 && setMethod.Parameters[1].Name == "value")
            return("Property is an indexer.");
        if (setMethod.Parameters.Count > 1)
            return("Property takes more than one parameter.");
        if (setMethod.IsAbstract)
            return("Property is abstract.");
        if (propertyData.BackingFieldReference == null && propertyDefinition.GetMethod == null)
            return("Property has no field set logic or it contains multiple sets and the names cannot be mapped to a property.");
        if (invokerType == InvokerTypes.BeforeAfter && propertyDefinition.GetMethod == null)
            return("When using a before/after invoker the property have a 'get'.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public string CheckForWarning(PropertyData propertyData, InvokerTypes invokerType)
        var propertyDefinition = propertyData.PropertyDefinition;
        var setMethod = propertyDefinition.SetMethod;

        if (setMethod.Name == "set_Item" && setMethod.Parameters.Count == 2 && setMethod.Parameters[1].Name == "value")
            return "Property is an indexer.";
        if (setMethod.Parameters.Count > 1)
            return "Property takes more than one parameter.";
        if (setMethod.IsAbstract)
            return "Property is abstract.";
        if ((propertyData.BackingFieldReference == null) && (propertyDefinition.GetMethod == null))
            return "Property has no field set logic or it contains multiple sets and the names cannot be mapped to a property.";
        if (invokerType == InvokerTypes.BeforeAfter && (propertyDefinition.GetMethod == null))
            return "When using a before/after invoker the property have a 'get'.";
        return null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static IActionInvokerWrapper CreateInvoker(object target, MethodInfo method)
            if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
                return(CreateReturnVoidInvoker(target, method));
            var parameterTypes = new List <Type>();

            parameterTypes.AddRange(method.GetParameters().Select(x => x.ParameterType));

            var invokerType = InvokerTypes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.GetGenericArguments().Length == parameterTypes.Count);

            if (invokerType == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not create an invoker for the method '{0}'. This type of method is not supported. Try reducing the number of arguments in action.", method));

            invokerType = invokerType.MakeGenericType(parameterTypes.ToArray());

            var invokerWrapperType = InvokerWrapperTypes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.GetGenericArguments().Length == parameterTypes.Count);

            if (invokerWrapperType == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not create an invoker for the method '{0}'. This type of method is not supported. Try reducing the number of arguments in action.", method));

            invokerWrapperType = invokerWrapperType.MakeGenericType(parameterTypes.ToArray());

            var invoker = Delegate.CreateDelegate(invokerType, target, method);
            var wrapper = Activator.CreateInstance(invokerWrapperType, invoker);

Ejemplo n.º 4
    void SearchForMethod(TypeDefinition typeDefinition)
        var methodDefinition = typeDefinition.Methods.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Intercept");

        if (methodDefinition == null)
            throw new WeavingException(string.Format("Found Type '{0}' but could not find a method named 'Intercept'.", typeDefinition.FullName));
        if (!methodDefinition.IsStatic)
            throw new WeavingException(string.Format("Found Type '{0}.Intercept' but it is not static.", typeDefinition.FullName));
        if (!methodDefinition.IsPublic)
            throw new WeavingException(string.Format("Found Type '{0}.Intercept' but it is not public.", typeDefinition.FullName));

        if (IsSingleStringInterceptionMethod(methodDefinition))
            FoundInterceptor = true;
            InterceptMethod  = methodDefinition;
            InterceptorType  = InvokerTypes.String;
        if (IsBeforeAfterInterceptionMethod(methodDefinition))
            FoundInterceptor = true;
            InterceptMethod  = methodDefinition;
            InterceptorType  = InvokerTypes.BeforeAfter;
        var message = string.Format(
            @"Found '{0}.Intercept' But the signature is not correct. It needs to be either.
Intercept(object target, Action firePropertyChanged, string propertyName)
Intercept(object target, Action firePropertyChanged, string propertyName, object before, object after)", typeDefinition.FullName);

        throw new WeavingException(message);
    void SearchForMethod(TypeDefinition typeDefinition)
        var methodDefinition = typeDefinition.Methods.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Intercept");
        if (methodDefinition == null)
            throw new WeavingException(string.Format("Found Type '{0}' but could not find a method named 'Intercept'.", typeDefinition.FullName));
        if (!methodDefinition.IsStatic)
            throw new WeavingException(string.Format("Found Type '{0}.Intercept' but it is not static.", typeDefinition.FullName));
        if (!methodDefinition.IsPublic)
            throw new WeavingException(string.Format("Found Type '{0}.Intercept' but it is not public.", typeDefinition.FullName));

        if (IsSingleStringInterceptionMethod(methodDefinition))
            FoundInterceptor = true;
            InterceptMethod = methodDefinition;
            InterceptorType = InvokerTypes.String;
        if (IsBeforeInterceptionMethod(methodDefinition))
            FoundInterceptor = true;
            InterceptMethod = methodDefinition;
            InterceptorType = InvokerTypes.Before;
        var message = string.Format(
            @"Found '{0}.Intercept' But the signature is not correct. It needs to be either.
        Intercept(object target, Action firePropertyChanging, string propertyName)
        Intercept(object target, Action firePropertyChanging, string propertyName, object before)", typeDefinition.FullName);
        throw new WeavingException(message);