Ejemplo n.º 1
        public int?GetPreviousInvoiceId(int invoiceId, InvoiceTypeEnum type)
            var currentInvc = Get(invoiceId);

            if (currentInvc == null)

            return(GetInvoices(type).Where(w => w.Id < invoiceId)?.OrderBy(o => o.Id).LastOrDefault()?.Id);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public IEnumerable <Invoice> GetInvoices(InvoiceTypeEnum type, string searchTerm = "")
            IQueryable <Invoice> items = _db.Invoice;

            switch (type)
            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Open:
                items = items.Where(
                    w => w.IsDonated == false &&
                    !w.IsQuote && !w.Voided &&
                    w.IsPaid == false);

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Paid:
                items = items.Where(w => w.IsPaid == true && !w.Voided);

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Quote:
                items = items.Where(w => w.IsQuote && !w.Voided);

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Voided:
                items = items.Where(w => w.Voided);

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Donated:
                items = items.Where(w => w.IsDonated == true && !w.Voided);

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.PastDue:
                items = items.Where(
                    w => w.IsDonated == false &&
                    !w.IsQuote &&
                    !w.Voided &&
                    w.IsPaid == false &&
                    DateTime.Now >= w.OrderDate.AddMonths(1));

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.All:

            items = SearchItems(items, searchTerm);

                   .Include(i => i.Customer)
                   .Include(i => i.Employee)
                   .Include(i => i.LineItem)
                   .ThenInclude(t => t.Item)
                   .OrderBy(o => o.IsPaidToEmployees).ThenByDescending(t => t.OrderDate));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IActionResult SetInvoiceStatus(int invoiceId = 0, InvoiceTypeEnum status = InvoiceTypeEnum.Open)
                _invoiceService.SetInvoiceStatus(invoiceId, status);
            catch (Exception)

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public IActionResult EditInvoice(int invoiceId = 0, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType = InvoiceTypeEnum.Open)
            var invoice = _invoiceService.Get(invoiceId);

            if (invoice == null)

            var vm = new EditInvoiceViewModel
                Invoice   = invoice,
                Customers = _customerService.GetAllCustomers().ToList(),
                Employees = _employeeService.GetEmployees().ToList()

            if (invoiceId == 0)
                vm.InvoiceType = invoiceType;
                if (invoice.Voided)
                    vm.InvoiceType = InvoiceTypeEnum.Voided;
                else if (invoice.IsQuote)
                    vm.InvoiceType = InvoiceTypeEnum.Quote;
                else if (invoice.IsDonated == true)
                    vm.InvoiceType = InvoiceTypeEnum.Donated;
                else if (invoice.IsPaid == true)
                    vm.InvoiceType = InvoiceTypeEnum.Paid;
                    vm.InvoiceType = InvoiceTypeEnum.Open;

            vm.PreviousInvoiceId = _invoiceService.GetPreviousInvoiceId(invoiceId, vm.InvoiceType);
            vm.NextInvoiceId     = _invoiceService.GetNextInvoiceId(invoiceId, vm.InvoiceType);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void SetInvoiceStatus(int invoiceId, InvoiceTypeEnum status, string stripeChargeId = null)
            var invoice = Get(invoiceId);

            if (invoice?.Id == 0)
                throw new InvalidDataException();

            invoice.StripeChargeId = stripeChargeId;
            invoice.IsPaid         = false;
            invoice.Voided         = false;
            invoice.IsQuote        = false;
            invoice.IsDonated      = false;
            invoice.PaidDate       = null;
            switch (status)
            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Paid:
                invoice.IsPaid   = true;
                invoice.PaidDate = DateTime.Now;

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Quote:
                invoice.IsQuote = true;

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Voided:
                invoice.Voided = true;

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Donated:
                invoice.IsDonated = true;

Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// POST api/CashVouchers/Pair/{invoiceType}/{invoiceId}
 /// Add new cash voucher.
 /// </summary>
 public async Task <CashVoucher> CreateAsync(CashVoucherCreate model, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType, int invoiceId)
     return(await PostAsync <CashVoucher, CashVoucherCreate>(ResourceUrl + "/Pair" + "/" + (int)invoiceType + "/" + invoiceId, model));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// GET api/IssuedInvoices/Default/{movementType}/{invoiceType}/{invoiceId}
 /// Method returns empty cash voucher with default values. Returned resource is suitable for creation of a new cash voucher.
 /// </summary>
 public async Task <CashVoucherCreate> DefaultAsync(MovementTypeEnum movementType, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType, int invoiceId)
     return(await GetAsync <CashVoucherCreate>(ResourceUrl + "/Default/" + (int)movementType + "/" + (int)invoiceType + "/" + invoiceId));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Load(InvoiceItemDto invoiceItem, DivisionMethodEnum divisionMethod, decimal currencyToMainCurrencyRate, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType)
            Entity = invoiceItem;
            EnableDivisionPrice = divisionMethod == DivisionMethodEnum.Direct;
            EnableQuantity =invoiceType!= InvoiceTypeEnum.Attach;

            Entity.CurrencyToMainCurrencyRate = currencyToMainCurrencyRate;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Load(CompanyDto selectedCompany, InvoiceDto invoice)
            CurrentCompany = selectedCompany;
            var uid = Guid.NewGuid();

            UpperDate = invoice.InvoiceDate;
            UpdatePartnerCompany(invoice.SupplierId, invoice.TransporterId);
            ToDateFilter = invoice.InvoiceDate;
            FromDateFilter = invoice.InvoiceDate.AddMonths(-3);

            invoiceType = invoice.InvoiceType;
            if (invoice.OrderRefrences == null)
                invoice.OrderRefrences = new ObservableCollection<OrderDto>();
                foreach (var order in invoice.OrderRefrences)
            changed = false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void EditItem(InvoiceItemDto invoiceItem, DivisionMethodEnum divistionMethod, decimal currencyToMainCurrencyRate, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType)
     var view = ViewManager.ShowInDialog<IInvoiceItemView>();
     (view.ViewModel as InvoiceItemVM).Load(invoiceItem, divistionMethod, currencyToMainCurrencyRate,invoiceType);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public IActionResult Index(InvoiceTypeEnum type = InvoiceTypeEnum.Open, int page = 1, int take = 20, string searchTerm = "")
            ViewBag.ActiveAction = ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"];

            var skip = take * (page - 1);
            var vm   = new InvoiceViewModel
                InvoiceType = type,
                SearchTerm  = searchTerm

            var pagination = new PaginationViewModel
                InvoiceType = type,
                Take        = take,
                CurrentPage = skip / take + 1

            var    items = _invoiceService.GetInvoices(type, searchTerm).ToList();
            string viewTitle;

            switch (type)
            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Open:
                viewTitle = "Open Invoices";

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Paid:
                viewTitle = "Paid Invoices";

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Donated:
                viewTitle = "Donated Items";

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Voided:
                viewTitle = "Voided Items";

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.Quote:
                viewTitle = "Open Quotes";

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.PastDue:
                viewTitle = "Past Due Invoices";

            case InvoiceTypeEnum.All:
                viewTitle = "All Invoices";

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            pagination.NumberOfPages = items.Count <= take ? 1 : (int)Math.Ceiling(items.Count / (decimal)take);
            vm.Invoices             = items.Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList();
            vm.ViewTitle            = viewTitle;
            vm.PaginationParameters = pagination;
            vm.InvoiceEmailCounts   = _invoiceService.GetEmailCountsForInvoices(vm.Invoices.Select(s => s.Id).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// GET api/IssuedInvoices/Default/{movementType}/{invoiceType}/{invoiceId}
 /// Method returns empty cash voucher with default values. Returned resource is suitable for creation of a new cash voucher.
 /// </summary>
 public CashVoucherCreate Default(MovementTypeEnum movementType, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType, int invoiceId)
     return(Get <CashVoucherCreate>(ResourceUrl + "/Default/" + (int)movementType + "/" + (int)invoiceType + "/" + invoiceId));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// POST api/CashVouchers/Pair/{cashVoucherId}/{invoiceType}/{invoiceId}
 /// Add new cash voucher.
 /// </summary>
 public CashVoucher Create(CashVoucherCreate model, int cashVoucherId, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType, int invoiceId)
     return(Post <CashVoucher, CashVoucherCreate>(ResourceUrl + "/Pair" + "/" + cashVoucherId + "/" + (int)invoiceType + "/" + invoiceId, model));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public SelectModel GetBusinessInvoiceContractStockListSelect(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string orderStr, int subId, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType, int businessInvoiceId = 0, bool isDetail = false, bool isInvoice = false)
            SelectModel select = new SelectModel();

            select.PageIndex = pageIndex;
            select.PageSize = pageSize;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderStr))
                select.OrderStr = "sl.StockLogId desc";
                select.OrderStr = orderStr;

            int readyStatus = (int)StatusEnum.已生效;
            int entryStatus = (int)StatusEnum.已录入;
            int stockStatusType = (int)StatusTypeEnum.库存状态;
            int invType = (int)invoiceType;

            int proInvoiceType = (int)InvoiceTypeEnum.ProvisionalInvoice;
            int dirInvoiceType = (int)InvoiceTypeEnum.DirectFinalInvoice;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append(",ss.StatusName as StockStatusName");
            sb.Append(",sl.NetAmount - isnull(abi.SumNet,0) as LastAmount");
            sb.Append(",sl.GrossAmount - isnull(abi.SumGross,0) as LastGross");
            sb.Append(",sl.NetAmount - isnull(abi.SumNet,0) as NetAmount");
            sb.Append(",sl.GrossAmount - isnull(abi.SumGross,0) as IntegerAmount");
            sb.Append(",isnull(cbi.SumBala,0) as Bala");
            sb.Append(",sto.CardNo,dp.DPName ");
            select.ColumnName = sb.ToString();


            sb.Append(" dbo.St_StockLog sl ");
            sb.AppendFormat(" inner join dbo.St_Stock sto on sl.StockId = sto.StockId ");

            sb.Append(" inner join dbo.St_StockName sn on sto.StockNameId = sn.StockNameId ");
            sb.Append(" left join NFMT_Basic.dbo.MeasureUnit mu on mu.MUId = sto.UintId ");
            sb.Append(" left join NFMT_User.dbo.Corporation cor on cor.CorpId = sto.CorpId ");
            sb.Append(" left join NFMT_Basic.dbo.Asset ass on ass.AssetId = sto.AssetId ");
            sb.Append(" left join NFMT_Basic.dbo.Brand bra on bra.BrandId = sto.BrandId ");
            sb.Append(" left join NFMT_Basic.dbo.DeliverPlace dp on dp.DPId = sto.DeliverPlaceId ");
            sb.AppendFormat(" left join NFMT_Basic.dbo.BDStatusDetail ss on ss.DetailId = sto.StockStatus and ss.StatusId ={0} ", stockStatusType);

            sb.Append(" left join (select SUM(isnull(bid.NetAmount,0)) as SumNet,SUM(isnull(bid.Bala,0)) as SumBala ,bid.StockLogId ");
            sb.Append(" from dbo.Inv_BusinessInvoiceDetail bid ");
            sb.AppendFormat(" inner join dbo.Inv_BusinessInvoice bi on bid.BusinessInvoiceId = bi.BusinessInvoiceId and bi.SubContractId={0} ", subId);
            sb.AppendFormat(" inner join dbo.Invoice inv on inv.InvoiceId = bi.InvoiceId and inv.InvoiceStatus>={0} ", entryStatus);
            sb.AppendFormat(" where bid.BusinessInvoiceId = {0} and bid.DetailStatus>={1} and inv.InvoiceType in ({2},{3}) ", businessInvoiceId, readyStatus, proInvoiceType, dirInvoiceType);
            sb.Append(" group by bid.StockLogId) as cbi on cbi.StockLogId = sl.StockLogId ");

            sb.Append(" left join (select SUM(isnull(bid.NetAmount,0)) as SumNet,SUM(isnull(bid.IntegerAmount,0)) as SumGross,bid.StockLogId ");
            sb.Append(" from dbo.Inv_BusinessInvoiceDetail bid ");
            sb.AppendFormat(" inner join dbo.Inv_BusinessInvoice bi on bid.BusinessInvoiceId = bi.BusinessInvoiceId and bi.SubContractId={0} ", subId);
            sb.AppendFormat(" inner join dbo.Invoice inv on inv.InvoiceId = bi.InvoiceId and inv.InvoiceStatus>={0} ", entryStatus);
            sb.AppendFormat(" where bid.BusinessInvoiceId != {0} and bid.DetailStatus>={1} and inv.InvoiceType in ({2},{3}) ", businessInvoiceId, readyStatus, proInvoiceType, dirInvoiceType);
            sb.Append(" group by bid.StockLogId) as abi on abi.StockLogId = sl.StockLogId ");
            select.TableName = sb.ToString();


            sb.AppendFormat(" sl.LogStatus >= {0} and sl.SubContractId = {1} ", readyStatus, subId);
            sb.Append(" and sl.NetAmount - isnull(abi.SumNet,0)>0 ");
            if (isDetail)
                sb.Append(" and isnull(cbi.SumBala,0)>0 ");
            if (isInvoice)
                sb.Append(" and cbi.StockLogId is not null ");
                sb.Append(" and cbi.StockLogId is null ");
            select.WhereStr = sb.ToString();

            return select;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public ResultModel CreateBusinessInvoice(UserModel user, Operate.Model.Invoice invoice, BusinessInvoice invoiceBusiness, List<BusinessInvoiceDetail> details, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType)
            ResultModel result = new ResultModel();

                BusinessInvoiceDAL businessInvoiceDAL = new BusinessInvoiceDAL();
                InvoiceDAL invoiceDAL = new InvoiceDAL();
                BusinessInvoiceDetailDAL detailDAL = new BusinessInvoiceDetailDAL();
                ContractSubDAL subDAL = new ContractSubDAL();
                StockReceiptDetailDAL stockReceiptDetailDAL = new StockReceiptDetailDAL();
                SubDetailDAL subDetailDAL = new SubDetailDAL();

                using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
                    result = subDAL.Get(user, invoiceBusiness.SubContractId);
                    if (result.ResultStatus != 0)
                        return result;

                    ContractSub sub = result.ReturnValue as ContractSub;
                    if (sub == null || sub.SubId <= 0)
                        result.ResultStatus = -1;
                        result.Message = "子合约不存在";
                        return result;

                    if (sub.SubStatus != StatusEnum.已生效)
                        result.ResultStatus = -1;
                        result.Message = "子合约非已生效状态,不能新增临票";
                        return result;

                    result = subDetailDAL.GetDetailBySubId(user, sub.SubId);
                    if (result.ResultStatus != 0)
                        return result;

                    SubDetail subDetail = result.ReturnValue as SubDetail;
                    if (subDetail == null || subDetail.SubDetailId <= 0)
                        result.ResultStatus = -1;
                        result.Message = "子合约明细获取失败";
                        return result;

                    result = this.businessinvoiceDAL.LoadBySubId(user, invoiceBusiness.SubContractId, invoiceType);
                    if (result.ResultStatus != 0)
                        return result;

                    List<BusinessInvoice> bis = result.ReturnValue as List<BusinessInvoice>;
                    decimal sumNetAmount = bis.Sum(temp => temp.NetAmount);
                    decimal maxNetAmount = sub.SignAmount * (1 + subDetail.MoreOrLess);
                    //if (maxNetAmount < sumNetAmount + invoiceBusiness.NetAmount)
                    //    result.ResultStatus = -1;
                    //    result.Message = "开票重量超额";
                    //    return result;

                    int invoiceId = 0;
                    invoice.InvoiceType = (int)invoiceType;
                    invoice.InvoiceStatus = StatusEnum.已录入;
                    Corporation outCorp = UserProvider.Corporations.FirstOrDefault(temp => temp.CorpId == invoice.OutCorpId);
                    if (outCorp == null || outCorp.CorpId <= 0)
                        result.ResultStatus = -1;
                        result.Message = "开票公司信息错误";
                        return result;
                    invoice.OutCorpName = outCorp.CorpName;

                    Corporation inCorp = UserProvider.Corporations.FirstOrDefault(temp => temp.CorpId == invoice.InCorpId);
                    if (inCorp == null || inCorp.CorpId <= 0)
                        result.ResultStatus = -1;
                        result.Message = "收票公司信息错误";
                        return result;
                    invoice.InCorpName = inCorp.CorpName;

                    result = invoiceDAL.Insert(user, invoice);
                    if (result.ResultStatus != 0)
                        return result;

                    if (result.ReturnValue == null || !int.TryParse(result.ReturnValue.ToString(), out invoiceId))
                        result.ResultStatus = -1;
                        result.Message = "发票添加失败";
                        return result;

                    int businessInvoiceId = 0;
                    invoiceBusiness.InvoiceId = invoiceId;
                    result = businessInvoiceDAL.Insert(user, invoiceBusiness);
                    if (result.ResultStatus != 0)
                        return result;

                    if (result.ReturnValue == null || !int.TryParse(result.ReturnValue.ToString(), out businessInvoiceId))
                        result.ResultStatus = -1;
                        result.Message = "新增发票失败";
                        return result;

                    StockLogDAL stockLogDAL = new StockLogDAL();
                    StockDAL stockDAL = new StockDAL();
                    foreach (BusinessInvoiceDetail detail in details)
                        if (detail.NetAmount != 0 && detail.StockId > 0)
                            result = stockDAL.Get(user, detail.StockId);
                            if (result.ResultStatus != 0)
                                return result;
                            Stock stock = result.ReturnValue as Stock;
                            if (stock == null || stock.StockId <= 0)
                                result.ResultStatus = -1;
                                result.Message = "发票库存获取失败";
                                return result;

                            result = stockLogDAL.Get(user, detail.StockLogId);
                            if (result.ResultStatus != 0)
                                return result;

                            StockLog stockLog = result.ReturnValue as StockLog;
                            if (stockLog == null || stockLog.StockLogId <= 0)
                                result.ResultStatus = -1;
                                result.Message = "新增发票流水获取失败";
                                return result;

                            if (stockLog.StockId != stock.StockId)
                                result.ResultStatus = -1;
                                result.Message = "库存与库存流水不匹配";
                                return result;

                            if (stockLog.SubContractId != invoiceBusiness.SubContractId)
                                result.ResultStatus = -1;
                                result.Message = "合约与库存流水不匹配";
                                return result;

                            detail.DetailStatus = StatusEnum.已生效;
                            detail.InvoiceId = invoiceId;
                            detail.BusinessInvoiceId = businessInvoiceId;
                            detail.StockId = stockLog.StockId;
                            detail.StockLogId = stockLog.StockLogId;

                            if (invoice.InvoiceType == (int)InvoiceTypeEnum.SuppleFinalInvoice)
                                result = stockReceiptDetailDAL.LoadByStockLogId(user, stockLog.StockLogId);
                                List<StockReceiptDetail> stockReceiptDetails = result.ReturnValue as List<StockReceiptDetail>;
                                if (stockReceiptDetails == null)
                                    result.ResultStatus = -1;
                                    result.Message = "当前流水未回执,不能补零";
                                    return result;

                                decimal sumQtyMiss = stockReceiptDetails.Sum(temp => temp.QtyMiss);
                                detail.IntegerAmount = sumQtyMiss;
                                detail.NetAmount = sumQtyMiss;
                            //    detail.IntegerAmount = stockLog.GrossAmount;
                            //    detail.NetAmount = stockLog.NetAmount;
                            result = detailDAL.Insert(user, detail);
                            if (result.ResultStatus != 0)
                                return result;

                    invoice.InvoiceId = invoiceId;
                    if (result.ResultStatus == 0) result.ReturnValue = invoice;

            catch (Exception ex)
                result.ResultStatus = -1;
                result.Message = ex.Message;

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public SelectModel GetSelectModel(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string orderStr, DateTime invoiceDateBegin, DateTime invoiceDateEnd, int status, int inCorpId, int outCorpId, InvoiceTypeEnum invoiceType)
            SelectModel select = new SelectModel();

            select.PageIndex = pageIndex;
            select.PageSize = pageSize;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderStr))
                select.OrderStr = "bi.BusinessInvoiceId desc";
                select.OrderStr = orderStr;

            int commonStatusType = (int)StatusTypeEnum.通用状态;
            int InvoiceDirection = (int)StyleEnum.InvoiceDirection;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("bi.BusinessInvoiceId,inv.InvoiceId,inv.InvoiceDate,inv.InvoiceNo,inv.InvoiceName,inv.InvoiceBala,inv.CurrencyId,cur.CurrencyName,inv.OutBlocId,outBloc.BlocName as OutBlocName,inv.OutCorpId,OutCorpName,inv.InBlocId,inBloc.BlocName as InBlocName,inv.InCorpId,InCorpName,inv.InvoiceStatus,sd.StatusName,bi.VATRatio,bi.VATBala,inv.InvoiceDirection,invDir.DetailName as DirectionName");
            select.ColumnName = sb.ToString();

            sb.Append(" dbo.Inv_BusinessInvoice bi ");
            sb.Append(" inner join dbo.Invoice inv on bi.InvoiceId = inv.InvoiceId ");
            sb.Append(" left join NFMT_Basic.dbo.Currency cur on cur.CurrencyId = inv.CurrencyId ");
            sb.Append(" left join NFMT_User.dbo.Bloc outBloc on outBloc.BlocId = inv.OutBlocId ");
            sb.Append(" left join NFMT_User.dbo.Bloc inBloc on inBloc.BlocId = inv.InBlocId ");
            sb.AppendFormat(" left join NFMT_Basic.dbo.BDStatusDetail sd on sd.DetailId = inv.InvoiceStatus and sd.StatusId ={0} ", commonStatusType);
            sb.AppendFormat(" left join NFMT_Basic.dbo.BDStyleDetail invDir on inv.InvoiceDirection = invDir.StyleDetailId and invDir.BDStyleId ={0} ", InvoiceDirection);
            select.TableName = sb.ToString();


            sb.AppendFormat(" inv.InvoiceType = {0} ", (int)invoiceType);

            if (status > 0)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and inv.InvoiceStatus = {0} ", status);
            if (inCorpId > 0)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and inv.InCorpId = {0} ", inCorpId);
            if (outCorpId > 0)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and inv.OutCorpId = {0} ", outCorpId);
            if (invoiceDateBegin > DefaultValue.DefaultTime && invoiceDateEnd > invoiceDateBegin)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and inv.InvoiceDate between '{0}' and '{1}' ", invoiceDateBegin.ToString(), invoiceDateEnd.AddDays

            select.WhereStr = sb.ToString();

            return select;