Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async void DoFixedDeposit()
            var accSplitted = Utilities.SplitBeneficiaryDetailsByTab(InvestAccount.Trim());

            // string investAccount = accSplitted[0];
            if (GlobalStaticFields.Customer.IsTPin)
                var ValidateFixDepositWithTPIN = new PopUps.VerifyPinPage("Confirmation", FixedDepositDataModel.InvestAmount, "NGN", null);
                ValidateFixDepositWithTPIN.Validated += ValidateFixDepositWithTPIN_Validated;
                await Navigation.PushAsync(ValidateFixDepositWithTPIN);
                await NewMethod();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task NewMethod()
            var pd = await ProgressDialog.Show("Sending Request. Please Wait...");

                var accSplitted = Utilities.SplitBeneficiaryDetailsByTab(InvestAccount.Trim());

                string investAccount = accSplitted[0];

                string currencyCode = "NGN";
                string capitalAcct  = investAccount;
                string InvestAcct   = investAccount.Trim();
                string InterestAcct = investAccount;

                string t  = FixedDepositDataModel.Tenure;
                var    t2 = t.Split(' ');

                var    day    = t2[1];
                var    day2   = t2[2];
                var    dd     = day2.Substring(0, 1);
                string tenure = $"{day}{dd}";

                var deposit = new FixedDepositModel()
                    ReferenceID   = Utilities.GenerateReferenceId(),
                    amount        = Convert.ToDecimal(FixedDepositDataModel.InvestAmount),
                    RequestType   = 926.ToString(),
                    changeperiod  = tenure,
                    payinacct     = capitalAcct ?? "",
                    payoutacct3   = InvestAcct ?? capitalAcct,
                    payoutacct2   = InterestAcct ?? capitalAcct,
                    payoutacct1   = InvestAcct ?? capitalAcct,
                    customerid    = GlobalStaticFields.Customer.CustomerId,
                    currency      = currencyCode,
                    rate          = FixedDepositDataModel.Rate,
                    effectivedate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                var request = await apirequest.PostIBS <FixedDepositModel>(deposit, "", URLConstants.SwitchApiLiveBaseUrl, "IBSIntegrator/IBSBridge", "FixedDepositPage"); // modify this line

                var    response      = "";
                string arrangementId = "";
                if (request.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    response = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response) && !response.Contains("Unable to connect to the remote server") && !response.Contains("Connection refused"))
                        arrangementId = GetXMlString(response);
                        var invest = new SaveInvestment()
                            amount     = FixedDepositDataModel.InvestAmount,
                            customerid = GlobalStaticFields.Customer.CustomerId,
                            Ref        = arrangementId
                        if (arrangementId == "x011")
                            await pd.Dismiss();

                            MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry, we are unable to process your request at the moment. Kindly try again later", DialogType.Error, "DISMISS", null);
                        var resp = await apirequest.Post <SaveInvestment>(invest, "", URLConstants.SwitchApiLiveBaseUrl, "Switch/SaveInvest", "FixedDepositPage");

                        if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            await pd.Dismiss();

                            var res = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res))
                                MessageDialog.Show("SUCCESS", $"Your Fixed Deposit placement worth of {FixedDepositDataModel.InvestAmount} was successful.", PopUps.DialogType.Success, "OK", null); // may need further check
                                await Navigation.PushAsync(new AllInvestments.AllInvestments());
                        await pd.Dismiss();

                        MessageDialog.Show("Internal Error", "Sorry, we are unable to process your request at the moment. Please try again later...", PopUps.DialogType.Error, "OK", null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await pd.Dismiss();

                await BusinessLogic.Log(ex.ToString(), "exception response buying fixed deposit for user " + GlobalStaticFields.Customer.Email, "/api/IBSIntegrator/IBSBridge", "", ex.ToString(), "Fixed DepositPage");

                MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry, We are unable to process your request at the moment. Please try again later", DialogType.Error, "DISMISS", null);
            await pd.Dismiss();