Ejemplo n.º 1
        public InventoryLocations Get(Int64 ixInventoryLocation)
            InventoryLocations inventorylocations = _context.InventoryLocations.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.ixInventoryLocation == ixInventoryLocation).First();

            if (inventorylocations.ixCompany != null)
                inventorylocations.Companies = _context.Companies.Find(inventorylocations.ixCompany);
            inventorylocations.Facilities         = _context.Facilities.Find(inventorylocations.ixFacility);
            inventorylocations.FacilityAisleFaces = _context.FacilityAisleFaces.Find(inventorylocations.ixFacilityAisleFace);
            inventorylocations.FacilityFloors     = _context.FacilityFloors.Find(inventorylocations.ixFacilityFloor);
            inventorylocations.FacilityWorkAreas  = _context.FacilityWorkAreas.Find(inventorylocations.ixFacilityWorkArea);
            inventorylocations.FacilityZones      = _context.FacilityZones.Find(inventorylocations.ixFacilityZone);
            if (inventorylocations.ixInventoryLocationSize != null)
                inventorylocations.InventoryLocationSizes = _context.InventoryLocationSizes.Find(inventorylocations.ixInventoryLocationSize);
            inventorylocations.LocationFunctions = _context.LocationFunctions.Find(inventorylocations.ixLocationFunction);
            if (inventorylocations.ixXOffsetUnit != null)
                inventorylocations.UnitsOfMeasurementFKDiffXOffsetUnit = _context.UnitsOfMeasurement.Find(inventorylocations.ixXOffsetUnit);
            if (inventorylocations.ixYOffsetUnit != null)
                inventorylocations.UnitsOfMeasurementFKDiffYOffsetUnit = _context.UnitsOfMeasurement.Find(inventorylocations.ixYOffsetUnit);
            if (inventorylocations.ixZOffsetUnit != null)
                inventorylocations.UnitsOfMeasurementFKDiffZOffsetUnit = _context.UnitsOfMeasurement.Find(inventorylocations.ixZOffsetUnit);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Gets the first occurance of an item with the specified lore group in the specified location(s).</summary>
        internal InventoryItem GetItemByLoreGroupByLocation(int loreGroupId, InventoryLocations invLoc)
            // TODO: Add checks for augments

            if ((invLoc & InventoryLocations.Equipped) == InventoryLocations.Equipped) {
                foreach (InventoryItem invItem in this.EquippedItems()) {   // Check more restrictive first
                    if (invItem.Item.LoreGroup == loreGroupId)
                        return invItem;

            if ((invLoc & InventoryLocations.Personal) == InventoryLocations.Personal) {
                foreach (InventoryItem invItem in this.AllPersonalItems()) {
                    if (invItem.Item.LoreGroup == loreGroupId)
                        return invItem;

            if ((invLoc & InventoryLocations.Bank) == InventoryLocations.Bank) {
                foreach (InventoryItem invItem in this.AllBankItems()) {
                    if (invItem.Item.LoreGroup == loreGroupId)
                        return invItem;

            if ((invLoc & InventoryLocations.SharedBank) == InventoryLocations.SharedBank) {
                foreach (InventoryItem invItem in this.AllSharedBankItems()) {
                    if (invItem.Item.LoreGroup == loreGroupId)
                        return invItem;

            if ((invLoc & InventoryLocations.Trading) == InventoryLocations.Trading) {  // Look in trading window slots
                foreach (InventoryItem invItem in this.TradingItems()) {
                    if (invItem.Item.LoreGroup == loreGroupId)
                        return invItem;

            if ((invLoc & InventoryLocations.Cursor) == InventoryLocations.Cursor) {    // Look in the cursor queue
                foreach (InventoryItem ii in _cursorQueue) {
                    if (ii.Item.LoreGroup == loreGroupId)
                        return ii;

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Determines if any containers have sub-items and adds them to the relevant InventoryItem.</summary>
        internal void CalculateSubItems(InventoryLocations invLoc)
            InventoryItem parentItem = null, subItem = null;
            int slotsIdx = 0, bagIdx = 0, bagRangeLow = 0, bagRangeHigh = 0;

            // Personal inventory bags
            if ((invLoc & InventoryLocations.Personal) == InventoryLocations.Personal) {
                for (int i = (int)InventorySlot.PersonalSlotsBegin; i <= (int)InventorySlot.PersonalSlotsEnd; i++) {
                    if (_invItems.TryGetValue(i, out parentItem)) {
                        if (parentItem != null && parentItem.Item.ItemClass == Item.ITEM_CLASS_CONTAINER) {
                            // Looks like we are a container in a personal inventory slot
                            //_log.DebugFormat("{0} is a container in personal inventory slot {1}", parentItem.Item.Name, i);
                            slotsIdx = (i - (int)InventorySlot.PersonalBagsBegin) % MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;
                            bagRangeLow = (int)InventorySlot.PersonalBagsBegin + slotsIdx * MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;
                            bagRangeHigh = (int)InventorySlot.PersonalBagsEnd - slotsIdx * MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;

                            for (int bagSlotsIdx = bagRangeLow; bagSlotsIdx <= bagRangeHigh; bagSlotsIdx++) {
                                if (_invItems.TryGetValue(bagSlotsIdx, out subItem) && subItem != null) {
                                    // And we contain something
                                    //_log.DebugFormat("Containing {0}", subItem.Item.Name);
                                    bagIdx = (bagSlotsIdx - (int)InventorySlot.PersonalBagsBegin) % MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;
                                    //_log.DebugFormat("Calculated subitem {0} at bag index {1}, inventory index {2}", subItem.Item.Name, bagIdx, bagSlotsIdx);
                                    parentItem.AddSubItem(bagIdx, subItem);

            // Bank bags
            if ((invLoc & InventoryLocations.Bank) == InventoryLocations.Bank) {
                for (int i = (int)InventorySlot.BankBegin; i <= (int)InventorySlot.BankEnd; i++) {
                    if (_invItems.TryGetValue(i, out parentItem)) {
                        if (parentItem != null && parentItem.Item.ItemClass == Item.ITEM_CLASS_CONTAINER) {
                            // Looks like we are a container in a bank slot
                            _log.DebugFormat("{0} is a container in bank slot {1}", parentItem.Item.Name, i);
                            slotsIdx = (i - (int)InventorySlot.BankBagsBegin) % MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;
                            bagRangeLow = (int)InventorySlot.BankBagsBegin + slotsIdx * MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;
                            bagRangeHigh = (int)InventorySlot.BankBagsEnd - slotsIdx * MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;

                            for (int bagSlotsIdx = bagRangeLow; bagSlotsIdx <= bagRangeHigh; bagSlotsIdx++) {
                                if (_invItems.TryGetValue(bagSlotsIdx, out subItem) && subItem != null) {
                                    // And we contain something
                                    bagIdx = (bagSlotsIdx - (int)InventorySlot.BankBagsBegin) % MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;
                                    parentItem.AddSubItem(bagIdx, subItem);

            // Shared bank bags
            if ((invLoc & InventoryLocations.SharedBank) == InventoryLocations.SharedBank) {
                for (int i = (int)InventorySlot.SharedBankBegin; i <= (int)InventorySlot.SharedBankEnd; i++) {
                    if (_invItems.TryGetValue(i, out parentItem)) {
                        if (parentItem != null && parentItem.Item.ItemClass == Item.ITEM_CLASS_CONTAINER) {
                            // Looks like we are a container in a shared bank slot
                            _log.DebugFormat("{0} is a container in shared bank slot {1}", parentItem.Item.Name, i);
                            slotsIdx = (i - (int)InventorySlot.SharedBankBagsBegin) % MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;
                            bagRangeLow = (int)InventorySlot.SharedBankBagsBegin + slotsIdx * MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;
                            bagRangeHigh = (int)InventorySlot.SharedBankBagsEnd - slotsIdx * MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;

                            for (int bagSlotsIdx = bagRangeLow; bagSlotsIdx <= bagRangeHigh; bagSlotsIdx++) {
                                if (_invItems.TryGetValue(bagSlotsIdx, out subItem) && subItem != null) {
                                    // And we contain something
                                    bagIdx = (bagSlotsIdx - (int)InventorySlot.SharedBankBagsBegin) % MAX_ITEMS_PER_BAG;
                                    parentItem.AddSubItem(bagIdx, subItem);

            // TODO: augmentations (LoY era)