private void SelectSlot() { DeselectAllInvSlots(); _selectedInvSlot = _allInvSlots[_invSlotIndex]; ToggleInvHint(true); ActivateSelectedInvSlotBoarder(); }
void AddItem(GameObject itemObj, int itemID, string itemType, string itemDescription, Sprite icon) { for (int i = 0; i < enabledSlots; i++) { if (slot[i].GetComponent <InvSlot>().empty) { InvSlot invSlot = slot[i].GetComponent <InvSlot>(); itemObj.GetComponent <Item>().pickedUp = true; invSlot.item = itemObj; invSlot.icon = icon; invSlot.type = itemType; invSlot.ID = itemID; invSlot.description = itemDescription; itemObj.transform.SetParent(slot[i].transform); itemObj.SetActive(false); invSlot.empty = false; invSlot.UpdateSlot(); return; } } }
private void choose(InvSlot slot) { int startIndex = CurrentPage * SpacesPerPage + CurrentChoice; MenuManager.Instance.AddMenu(new SellChosenMenu(new List <InvSlot>() { slot }, startIndex, action), true); }
public void AddItemToSlot(Item itemToAdd) { InvSlot emptySlot = GetEmptySlot(); if (emptySlot) { emptySlot.AddItem(itemToAdd); } }
public void UnlinkToSlot() { if (_slot != null) { _slot.UnregisterAction(UpdateRepresentedItem); } _slot = null; UpdateRepresentedItem(); }
public void LinkToSlot(InvSlot slot) { _slot = slot; if (slot != null) { slot.RegisterAction(UpdateRepresentedItem); } UpdateRepresentedItem(); }
private void choose(InvSlot slot) { int startIndex = CurrentChoiceTotal; MenuManager.Instance.AddMenu(new DepositChosenMenu(new List <InvSlot>() { slot }, startIndex), true); }
private void choose(InvSlot slot) { int startIndex = CurrentChoiceTotal; MenuManager.Instance.RemoveMenu(); action(new List <InvSlot>() { slot }); }
public static void InvSlot_LateUpdate(InvSlot __instance, Text ___itemText) { CustomItem custom = __instance.item?.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (custom != null) { ___itemText.enabled = true; CustomTooltip tooltip = custom.GetCountString(); ___itemText.text = tooltip.Text ?? string.Empty; ___itemText.color = tooltip.Color ?? Color.white; } }
protected void StackOnSlot(InvSlot slot) { int missing = slot.invItem.item.maxStackCount - slot.invItem.count; while (missing > 0 && invItem.count > 0) { slot.invItem.count++; invItem.count--; missing--; } UpdateCount(); slot.UpdateCount(); }
//private int _itemIdCount; // ID that indicated each item's place in the Items List //private InvSlotContent _selectedInvSlotContent; //private int _wearablesIndex; //public List<InvSlotContent> InventoryList = new List<InvSlotContent>(); //private List<GameObject> _allItems = new List<GameObject>(); //private List<GameObject> _wearables = new List<GameObject>(); private void Awake() { for (int i = 0; i < ItemsContainer.transform.childCount; i++) { ItemsContainer.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.AddComponent <InvSlot>(); _allInvSlots.Add(ItemsContainer.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.GetComponent <InvSlot>()); } HandEquipment = _allInvSlots[_allInvSlots.Count - 2]; BodyEquipment = _allInvSlots[_allInvSlots.Count - 1]; _selectedInvSlot = _allInvSlots[_invSlotIndex]; AddItem(new InvSlotContent(Axe)); AddItem(new InvSlotContent(PickAxe)); }
public override void _Ready() { invGrid = (GridContainer)GetNode("inv_grid"); Tooltip = (Tooltip)GetNode("tooltip_layer/tooltip_panel"); invSlots = new InvSlot[20]; for (int i = 0; i < invSlots.Length; i++) { invSlots[i] = new InvSlot(); invSlots[i].Theme = invGrid.Theme; invGrid.AddChild(invSlots[i]); } Instance = this; }
public void Swap(InvSlot slot) { if ((slot.invItem.item == null || CheckRestrictions(slot.invItem.item)) && (invItem.item == null || slot.CheckRestrictions(invItem.item))) { if (slot.invItem.item == invItem.item && slot.invItem.count < slot.invItem.item.maxStackCount) { StackOnSlot(slot); } else { slot.ReplaceItem(this.ReplaceItem(slot.invItem)); } } }
private void SwapItems(InvSlot invSlot, string bodyPart) { InvSlotContent tempInvSlotContent = invSlot.InvSlotContent; invSlot.ResetInvSlot(); if (bodyPart == "Body") { AssignBodyEquipment(); } else if (bodyPart == "Hand") { AssigHandEquipment(); } AddItem(tempInvSlotContent); }
private void UpdateUI() { Debug.Log("UPDATING UI"); ClearUI(); foreach (Item item in inventory) { GameObject inst = Instantiate(slot_prefab, inv_cont.transform); InvSlot inv = inst.GetComponent <InvSlot>(); inv.item = item; inv.icon = item.icon; inv.text.text =; inv.inventory = this; } }
public void Subscribe(InvSlot slot) { provider = slot; slot.Connect(nameof(InvSlot.OccupantSet), this, nameof(OnOccupantSet)); if (!(provider.Occupant is null)) { OnOccupantSet((Node)provider.Occupant); } slot.Connect(nameof(InvSlot.TranslationSet), this, nameof(SetLTranslation)); //Default position is where it is in this scene. //Otherwise, configure ourselves based on the Slot. if (provider.Translation.HasValue) { SetLTranslation(provider.Translation.Value); } else { provider.Translation = Translation; } }
public InvItem(Item item, int count, InvSlot slot) { this.Slot = slot; this.Item = item; this.Count = count; this.Texture = item.GetIcon(); this.HintTooltip = item.Name; this.MarginLeft = 12; this.MarginTop = 12; this.Connect("mouse_entered", this, nameof(OnMouseEntered)); this.Connect("mouse_exited", this, nameof(OnMouseExited)); countLabel = new Label(); countLabel.SetAlign(Label.AlignEnum.Right); countLabel.SetValign(Label.VAlign.Bottom); countLabel.AnchorRight = 1; countLabel.MarginRight = 2; countLabel.AnchorBottom = 1; countLabel.MarginBottom = 2; countLabel.AddColorOverride("font_color", new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); countLabel.AddFontOverride("font", ResourceLoader.Load("res://assets/ui/small_font.tres") as Font); AddChild(countLabel); }
public static void InvSlot_SetColor(InvSlot __instance) { // set default color __instance.toolbarNumText.color = new Color32(255, 237, 0, 255); InvItem combiner = __instance.mainGUI.targetItem ?? __instance.database.invInterface.draggedInvItem; if (combiner is null) { return; } InvItem combinee = __instance.curItemList[__instance.slotNumber]; CustomItem custom = combiner.GetHook <CustomItem>(); if (!(custom is IItemCombinable combinable)) { return; } if (__instance.slotType == "Player" || __instance.slotType == "Toolbar" || __instance.slotType == "Chest" || __instance.slotType == "NPCChest") { if (combinee.invItemName != null && combiner.itemType == ItemTypes.Combine) { if (combiner.CombineItems(combinee, __instance.slotNumber, string.Empty, __instance.agent) && __instance.slotType != "NPCChest") { __instance.myImage.color = new Color32(0,,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxCanUse; } else if ((__instance.slotType != "Toolbar" || __instance.mainGUI.openedInventory) && __instance.slotType != "NPCChest") { __instance.myImage.color = new Color32(, 0,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, __instance.fadedItemAlpha); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxNormal; __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); } if (__instance.slotType != "NPCChest" && __instance.slotType != "Chest") { CustomTooltip tooltip = combinable.CombineTooltip(combinee); __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(true); __instance.toolbarNumText.text = tooltip.Text ?? string.Empty; __instance.toolbarNumText.color = tooltip.Color ?? new Color32(255, 237, 0, 255); } } else if (__instance.slotType != "NPCChest" && (combinee.invItemName != null || combiner.itemType != ItemTypes.Combine)) { __instance.myImage.color = __instance.overSlot ? (Color) new Color32(0,,, __instance.standardAlpha) : (Color) new Color32(,,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxNormal; if (__instance.slotType == "Toolbar") { __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); } } if (__instance.mainGUI.curSelected == __instance.mySelectable && __instance.agent.controllerType != "Keyboard") { __instance.invInterface.OnSelectionBox(__instance.slotType,; } } }
public override void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) { overSlot = null; base.OnPointerExit(eventData); }
public override void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { overSlot = this; base.OnPointerEnter(eventData); }
protected static void InvSlot_SetColor(InvSlot __instance, Text ___itemText) { __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); InvItem targetItem = __instance.mainGUI.targetItem ?? __instance.database.invInterface.draggedInvItem; if (targetItem == null) { return; } InvItem thisItem = __instance.curItemList[__instance.slotNumber]; CustomItem cItem = RogueLibs.Instance.Items.Find(i => i.Id == targetItem.invItemName); if (cItem?.CombineTooltip == null) { return; } if (targetItem != null && (__instance.slotType == "Player" || __instance.slotType == "Toolbar" || __instance.slotType == "Chest" || __instance.slotType == "NPCChest")) { if (thisItem.invItemName != null && targetItem.itemType == "Combine") { if (targetItem.CombineItems(thisItem, __instance.slotNumber, string.Empty, __instance.agent) && __instance.slotType != "NPCChest") { __instance.myImage.color = new Color32(0,,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxCanUse; if (__instance.slotType != "NPCChest" && __instance.slotType != "Chest") { string result = cItem.CombineTooltip(targetItem, targetItem.agent, thisItem) ?? string.Empty; __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(result != string.Empty); __instance.toolbarNumText.text = result; } } else if ((!(__instance.slotType == "Toolbar") || __instance.mainGUI.openedInventory) && __instance.slotType != "NPCChest") { __instance.myImage.color = new Color32(, 0,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, __instance.fadedItemAlpha); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxNormal; ___itemText.color = __instance.whiteTransparent; __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); } } else if (__instance.slotType != "NPCChest" && (thisItem.invItemName != null || targetItem.itemType != "Combine")) { __instance.myImage.color = __instance.overSlot ? (Color) new Color32(0,,, __instance.standardAlpha) : (Color) new Color32(,,, __instance.standardAlpha); __instance.itemImage.color = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue); __instance.myImage.sprite = __instance.invBoxNormal; if (__instance.slotType == "Toolbar") { __instance.toolbarNumTextGo.SetActive(false); } } if (__instance.mainGUI.curSelected == __instance.mySelectable && __instance.agent.controllerType != "Keyboard") { __instance.invInterface.OnSelectionBox(__instance.slotType,; } } }