public void Start()
            //current user
            var currentUser = _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User).Result;

            //check if DayRecord exist with Date.Today
            var dayToday = _context.DayRecords
                           .Where(c => c.Data.Date == DateTime.Now.Date).FirstOrDefault(c => c.UserId == currentUser.Id);

                //if not exist DayRecord for today - create new
                if (dayToday == null)
                    DayRecord todayRecord = new DayRecord()
                        Data   = DateTime.Now,
                        User   = currentUser,
                        UserId = currentUser.Id

                    //create TimeRecord

                    TimeRecord timeRecordNew = new TimeRecord()
                        StartTime   = todayRecord.Data,
                        DayRecord   = todayRecord,
                        DayRecordId = todayRecord.Id

                    //if DayRecord already exist in db

                    // check if already exist open TimeRecord (i.e. 24/12/2020 9:01 NULL)
                    // for defend db from second registration of already registed TimeRecord
                    // Double registration happens on telefone on double click, because system react very slow
                    // if open TimeRecord exists - do nothing, redirect to sucess Response Page
                    // If do not exists - create new TimeRecord and redirect to sucess Response Page
                    var timeRecordsTodayLast = _context.TimeRecords.Where(c => c.DayRecordId == dayToday.Id)
                                               .OrderBy(c => c.StartTime).ToList().Last();

                    if (timeRecordsTodayLast.EndTime != null)
                        TimeRecord timeRecordNew = new TimeRecord()
                            StartTime   = DateTime.Now,
                            DayRecord   = dayToday,
                            DayRecordId = dayToday.Id


                        //DayRecord and at least one TimeRecord already exist in db,
                        //then on Start button click function create another TimeRecord, it means that we have an Interval
                        //create Interval

                        var timeRecordsTodayList = _context.TimeRecords.Where(c => c.DayRecordId == dayToday.Id)
                                                   .OrderBy(c => c.StartTime).ToList();
                        //Take penultimate element
                        var lastTimeRecordsToday = timeRecordsTodayList[timeRecordsTodayList.Count - 2];

                        var intervalNew = new IntervalRecord()
                            StartTime   = (DateTime)lastTimeRecordsToday.EndTime,
                            EndTime     = (DateTime)timeRecordNew.StartTime,
                            DayRecord   = dayToday,
                            DayRecordId = dayToday.Id

            catch (Exception)
                TempData["Failure"] = "Algo correu errado, por favor, tente novamente ou contacte Administrador do Sistema.";
            TempData["Success"] = "Obrigada. As Horas estão registados com sucesso.";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //This DayRecord has one of TimeRecords (last) that is not closed
        //public bool RemoveAllUncloseTimeEntries(DayRecord record)
        //    var IsRemovedTotaly = false;
        //    //get all TimeRecords with this DayRecord Id
        //    var timeRecordsList = _context.TimeRecords.Where(c => c.DayRecordId == record.Id).ToList();
        //    //if length = 1, then remove TimeRecord and DayRecord
        //    if(timeRecordsList.Count()==1)
        //    {
        //        var timeRecordToRemove = timeRecordsList.First();
        //        _context.TimeRecords.Remove(timeRecordToRemove);
        //        _context.DayRecords.Remove(record);
        //        _context.SaveChanges();

        //        IsRemovedTotaly = true;
        //    }
        //    //if length > 1, then remove just last unclose TimeRecord
        //    if(timeRecordsList.Count()>1)
        //    {
        //        //remove last unclosed TimeRecord
        //        var timeRecordToRemove = timeRecordsList.Last();
        //        _context.TimeRecords.Remove(timeRecordToRemove);
        //        //remove last Interval
        //        var intervalsList = _context.IntervalRecords.Where(c => c.DayRecordId == record.Id).ToList();
        //        var lastIntervalToRemove = intervalsList.Last();
        //        _context.IntervalRecords.Remove(lastIntervalToRemove);

        //        _context.SaveChanges();
        //    }
        //    return IsRemovedTotaly;

        public void SetNormalizeTimetableInTimerLost(DayRecord record)
            var user           = _userManager.FindByIdAsync(record.UserId).Result;
            var startWorkTime  = (DateTime)user.StartWorkTime;
            var endWorkTime    = (DateTime)user.EndWorkTime;
            var startLunchTime = user.StartLunchTime;
            var endLunchTime   = user.EndLunchTime;

            //change db.DayRecord.Data value - i.e DateTime.Add(TimeSpan time)
            record.Data = record.Data.Date.Add(startWorkTime.TimeOfDay);
            record.StartDayDelayExplanation = null;
            record.EndDayDelayExplanation   = null;
            //find all TimeRecords (with this record.Id) and remove it
            foreach (var timerecord in _context.TimeRecords)
                if (timerecord.DayRecordId == record.Id)

            //remove Intervals with this Record.Id
            foreach (var intervalrecord in _context.IntervalRecords)
                if (intervalrecord.DayRecordId == record.Id)
            //Add two normalized entries to db.TimeRecords 9:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 18:00
            //var timeSpan1 = new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0);
            //var startlunch = startLunchTime == null ? timeSpan1 : ((DateTime)startLunchTime).TimeOfDay;
            //var timeSpan2 = new TimeSpan(14, 0, 0);
            //var endLunch = endLunchTime == null ? timeSpan2 : ((DateTime)endLunchTime).TimeOfDay;

            //if startLunchTime and endLunchTime are not empty -> add two TimeRecords + Interval
            if (startLunchTime.HasValue && endLunchTime.HasValue)
                var newTimeRecordBeforeLunch = new TimeRecord()
                    StartTime   = record.Data.Date.Add(startWorkTime.TimeOfDay),
                    EndTime     = record.Data.Date.Add(((DateTime)startLunchTime).TimeOfDay),
                    DayRecordId = record.Id
                var newTimeRecordAfterLunch = new TimeRecord()
                    StartTime   = record.Data.Date.Add(((DateTime)endLunchTime).TimeOfDay),
                    EndTime     = record.Data.Date.Add(endWorkTime.TimeOfDay),
                    DayRecordId = record.Id

                //add new normalize Inerval Record - 13:00 -14:00 Lunch

                var normalizeInterval = new IntervalRecord()
                    StartTime    = record.Data.Date.Add(((DateTime)startLunchTime).TimeOfDay),
                    EndTime      = record.Data.Date.Add(((DateTime)endLunchTime).TimeOfDay),
                    DayRecordId  = record.Id,
                    IntervalType = "Almoço"
            //if startLunchTime and endLunchTime are empty->add TimeRecord without interval
                var newTimeRecordWithoutLunch = new TimeRecord()
                    StartTime   = record.Data.Date.Add(startWorkTime.TimeOfDay),
                    EndTime     = record.Data.Date.Add(endWorkTime.TimeOfDay),
                    DayRecordId = record.Id