Ejemplo n.º 1
            private void DeactivateActiveRequest(
                SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle, EasyRequest easy, 
                IntPtr gcHandlePtr, CancellationTokenRegistration cancellationRegistration)
                // Remove the operation from the multi handle so we can shut down the multi handle cleanly
                CURLMcode removeResult = Interop.Http.MultiRemoveHandle(multiHandle, easy._easyHandle);
                Debug.Assert(removeResult == CURLMcode.CURLM_OK, "Failed to remove easy handle"); // ignore cleanup errors in release

                // Release the associated GCHandle so that it's not kept alive forever
                if (gcHandlePtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        Debug.Fail("Couldn't get/free the GCHandle for an active operation while shutting down due to failure");

                // Undo cancellation registration
Ejemplo n.º 2
            private void ActivateNewRequest(SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle, EasyRequest easy)
                Debug.Assert(easy != null, "We should never get a null request");
                Debug.Assert(easy._associatedMultiAgent == null, "New requests should not be associated with an agent yet");

                // If cancellation has been requested, complete the request proactively
                if (easy._cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    easy.FailRequest(new OperationCanceledException(easy._cancellationToken));
                    easy.Cleanup(); // no active processing remains, so cleanup

                // Otherwise, configure it.  Most of the configuration was already done when the EasyRequest
                // was created, but there's additional configuration we need to do specific to this
                // multi agent, specifically telling the easy request about its own GCHandle and setting
                // up callbacks for data processing.  Once it's configured, add it to the multi handle.
                GCHandle gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(easy);
                IntPtr gcHandlePtr = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gcHandle);
                    easy._associatedMultiAgent = this;
                    easy.SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PRIVATE, gcHandlePtr);
                    easy.SetCurlCallbacks(gcHandlePtr, s_receiveHeadersCallback, s_sendCallback, s_seekCallback, s_receiveBodyCallback);
                    ThrowIfCURLMError(Interop.Http.MultiAddHandle(multiHandle, easy._easyHandle));
                catch (Exception exc)
                    easy.Cleanup();  // no active processing remains, so cleanup

                // And if cancellation can be requested, hook up a cancellation callback.
                // This callback will put the easy request back into the queue, which will
                // ensure that a wake-up request has been issued.  When we pull
                // the easy request out of the request queue, we'll see that it's already
                // associated with this agent, meaning that it's a cancellation request,
                // and we'll deal with it appropriately.
                var cancellationReg = default(CancellationTokenRegistration);
                if (easy._cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled)
                    cancellationReg = easy._cancellationToken.Register(s =>
                        var state = (Tuple<MultiAgent, EasyRequest>)s;
                        state.Item1.Queue(new IncomingRequest { Easy = state.Item2, Type = IncomingRequestType.Cancel });
                    }, Tuple.Create<MultiAgent, EasyRequest>(this, easy));

                // Finally, add it to our map.
                    new ActiveRequest { Easy = easy, CancellationRegistration = cancellationReg });
Ejemplo n.º 3
            private void FindAndFailActiveRequest(SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle, EasyRequest easy, Exception error)
                VerboseTrace("Error: " + error.Message, easy: easy);

                IntPtr gcHandlePtr;
                ActiveRequest activeRequest;
                if (FindActiveRequest(easy, out gcHandlePtr, out activeRequest))
                    DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, easy, gcHandlePtr, activeRequest.CancellationRegistration);
                    easy.Cleanup(); // no active processing remains, so we can cleanup
                    Debug.Assert(easy.Task.IsCompleted, "We should only not be able to find the request if it failed or we started to send back the response.");
            private void HandleIncomingRequest(SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle, IncomingRequest request)
                Debug.Assert(!Monitor.IsEntered(_incomingRequests), "Incoming requests lock should only be held while accessing the queue");
                VerboseTrace("Type: " + request.Type, easy: request.Easy);

                EasyRequest easy = request.Easy;

                switch (request.Type)
                case IncomingRequestType.New:
                    ActivateNewRequest(multiHandle, easy);

                case IncomingRequestType.Cancel:
                    Debug.Assert(easy._associatedMultiAgent == this, "Should only cancel associated easy requests");
                    Debug.Assert(easy._cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested, "Cancellation should have been requested");
                    FindAndFailActiveRequest(multiHandle, easy, new OperationCanceledException(easy._cancellationToken));

                case IncomingRequestType.Unpause:
                    Debug.Assert(easy._associatedMultiAgent == this, "Should only unpause associated easy requests");
                    if (!easy._easyHandle.IsClosed)
                        IntPtr        gcHandlePtr;
                        ActiveRequest ar;
                        Debug.Assert(FindActiveRequest(easy, out gcHandlePtr, out ar), "Couldn't find active request for unpause");

                        CURLcode unpauseResult = Interop.Http.EasyUnpause(easy._easyHandle);
                        catch (Exception exc)
                            FindAndFailActiveRequest(multiHandle, easy, exc);

                    Debug.Fail("Invalid request type: " + request.Type);
Ejemplo n.º 5
            /// <summary>Creates and configures a new multi handle.</summary>
            private SafeCurlMultiHandle CreateAndConfigureMultiHandle()
                // Create the new handle
                SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle = Interop.Http.MultiCreate();
                if (multiHandle.IsInvalid)
                    throw CreateHttpRequestException();

                // In support of HTTP/2, enable HTTP/2 connections to be multiplexed if possible.
                // We must only do this if the version of libcurl being used supports HTTP/2 multiplexing.
                // Due to a change in a libcurl signature, if we try to make this call on an older libcurl, 
                // we'll end up accidentally and unconditionally enabling HTTP 1.1 pipelining.
                if (s_supportsHttp2Multiplexing)
                return multiHandle;
Ejemplo n.º 6
            private void HandleIncomingRequest(SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle, IncomingRequest request)
                Debug.Assert(!Monitor.IsEntered(_incomingRequests), "Incoming requests lock should only be held while accessing the queue");
                VerboseTrace("Type: " + request.Type, easy: request.Easy);

                EasyRequest easy = request.Easy;
                switch (request.Type)
                    case IncomingRequestType.New:
                        ActivateNewRequest(multiHandle, easy);

                    case IncomingRequestType.Cancel:
                        Debug.Assert(easy._associatedMultiAgent == this, "Should only cancel associated easy requests");
                        Debug.Assert(easy._cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested, "Cancellation should have been requested");
                        FindAndFailActiveRequest(multiHandle, easy, new OperationCanceledException(easy._cancellationToken));

                    case IncomingRequestType.Unpause:
                        Debug.Assert(easy._associatedMultiAgent == this, "Should only unpause associated easy requests");
                        if (!easy._easyHandle.IsClosed)
                            IntPtr gcHandlePtr;
                            ActiveRequest ar;
                            Debug.Assert(FindActiveRequest(easy, out gcHandlePtr, out ar), "Couldn't find active request for unpause");

                            CURLcode unpauseResult = Interop.Http.EasyUnpause(easy._easyHandle);
                            catch (Exception exc)
                                FindAndFailActiveRequest(multiHandle, easy, exc);

                        Debug.Fail("Invalid request type: " + request.Type);
Ejemplo n.º 7
            private void WorkerLoop()
                Debug.Assert(!Monitor.IsEntered(_incomingRequests), "No locks should be held while invoking Process");
                Debug.Assert(_runningWorker != null && _runningWorker.Id == Task.CurrentId, "This is the worker, so it must be running");
                Debug.Assert(_wakeupRequestedPipeFd != null && !_wakeupRequestedPipeFd.IsInvalid, "Should have a valid pipe for wake ups");

                // Create the multi handle to use for this round of processing.  This one handle will be used
                // to service all easy requests currently available and all those that come in while
                // we're processing other requests.  Once the work quiesces and there are no more requests
                // to process, this multi handle will be released as the worker goes away.  The next
                // time a request arrives and a new worker is spun up, a new multi handle will be created.
                SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle = CreateAndConfigureMultiHandle();

                // Clear our active operations table.  This should already be clear, either because
                // all previous operations completed without unexpected exception, or in the case of an
                // unexpected exception we should have cleaned up gracefully anyway.  But just in case...
                Debug.Assert(_activeOperations.Count == 0, "We shouldn't have any active operations when starting processing.");

                bool endingSuccessfully = false;
                    // Continue processing as long as there are any active operations
                    while (true)
                        // First handle any requests in the incoming requests queue.
                        while (true)
                            IncomingRequest request;
                            lock (_incomingRequests)
                                if (_incomingRequests.Count == 0) break;
                                request = _incomingRequests.Dequeue();
                            HandleIncomingRequest(multiHandle, request);

                        // If we have no active operations, we're done.
                        if (_activeOperations.Count == 0)
                            endingSuccessfully = true;

                        // We have one or more active operations. Run any work that needs to be run.

                        // Complete and remove any requests that have finished being processed.
                        CURLMSG message;
                        IntPtr easyHandle;
                        CURLcode result;
                        while (Interop.Http.MultiInfoRead(multiHandle, out message, out easyHandle, out result))
                            Debug.Assert(message == CURLMSG.CURLMSG_DONE, "CURLMSG_DONE is supposed to be the only message type");

                            if (message == CURLMSG.CURLMSG_DONE)
                                IntPtr gcHandlePtr;
                                CURLcode getInfoResult = Interop.Http.EasyGetInfoPointer(easyHandle, CURLINFO.CURLINFO_PRIVATE, out gcHandlePtr);
                                Debug.Assert(getInfoResult == CURLcode.CURLE_OK, "Failed to get info on a completing easy handle");
                                if (getInfoResult == CURLcode.CURLE_OK)
                                    ActiveRequest completedOperation;
                                    bool gotActiveOp = _activeOperations.TryGetValue(gcHandlePtr, out completedOperation);
                                    Debug.Assert(gotActiveOp, "Expected to find GCHandle ptr in active operations table");
                                    if (gotActiveOp)
                                        DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, completedOperation.Easy, gcHandlePtr, completedOperation.CancellationRegistration);
                                        FinishRequest(completedOperation.Easy, result);

                        // Wait for more things to do.
                        bool isWakeupRequestedPipeActive;
                        bool isTimeout;
                        ThrowIfCURLMError(Interop.Http.MultiWait(multiHandle, _wakeupRequestedPipeFd, out isWakeupRequestedPipeActive, out isTimeout));
                        if (isWakeupRequestedPipeActive)
                            // We woke up (at least in part) because a wake-up was requested.  
                            // Read the data out of the pipe to clear it.
                            Debug.Assert(!isTimeout, "should not have timed out if isExtraFileDescriptorActive");
                            VerboseTrace("curl_multi_wait wake-up notification");
                        VerboseTraceIf(isTimeout, "curl_multi_wait timeout");

                        // PERF NOTE: curl_multi_wait uses poll (assuming it's available), which is O(N) in terms of the number of fds 
                        // being waited on. If this ends up being a scalability bottleneck, we can look into using the curl_multi_socket_* 
                        // APIs, which would let us switch to using epoll by being notified when sockets file descriptors are added or 
                        // removed and configuring the epoll context with EPOLL_CTL_ADD/DEL, which at the expense of a lot of additional
                        // complexity would let us turn the O(N) operation into an O(1) operation.  The additional complexity would come
                        // not only in the form of additional callbacks and managing the socket collection, but also in the form of timer
                        // management, which is necessary when using the curl_multi_socket_* APIs and which we avoid by using just
                        // curl_multi_wait/perform.
                    // If we got an unexpected exception, something very bad happened. We may have some 
                    // operations that we initiated but that weren't completed. Make sure to clean up any 
                    // such operations, failing them and releasing their resources.
                    if (_activeOperations.Count > 0)
                        Debug.Assert(!endingSuccessfully, "We should only have remaining operations if we got an unexpected exception");
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<IntPtr, ActiveRequest> pair in _activeOperations)
                            ActiveRequest failingOperation = pair.Value;
                            IntPtr failingOperationGcHandle = pair.Key;

                            DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, failingOperation.Easy, failingOperationGcHandle, failingOperation.CancellationRegistration);

                            // Complete the operation's task and clean up any of its resources
                            failingOperation.Easy.Cleanup(); // no active processing remains, so cleanup

                        // Clear the table.

                    // Finally, dispose of the multi handle.